Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2043

“Go!” In the urging sound, Clarice already took Jean Grey into the crystal wall. As the crystal wall dissipated, Stark confirmed that Smith Zhou had not followed up any movements, and he immediately took a deep breath in his heart.

He has done everything he can, and now it is time to meet his own destiny. Although it is a bit short-lived, I have to say that it is really a refreshing thing to be able to play Smith Zhou as the black hand behind the scenes in this situation. If it wasn’t for fear of involving innocence, he really wants to record all this and then share it on Twitter. I believe that if that time comes, Smith Zhou will surely become a big laughing stock worldwide.

Unfortunately, I can’t do it. Feeling a little regretful in my heart, Stark shrugged gave Smith Zhou a big smile. Before he could say anything, Smith Zhou suddenly stretched out his hand and snatched him in the air.

“Why, are you very proud, are you? This kind of thing messes up my good things and messes up my plan. Is this the result you want?”

“Of course, isn’t that enough?” Although it is like a duck with its neck stuck, it is a bit difficult to speak. But at this time, Stark, who was completely indifferent, already kept his somewhat impudent smile. “Imagine the momentum that should have been kicked away by you, and suddenly jumped up like a mad dog and bit you. Even if it only scratches the skin, this unexpected thing must be able to give you A pleasant surprise.”

“Surprise, is this the result you want?” Smith Zhou expressionlessly listened to Stark’s words, and after he finished speaking, he just sneered With a sound, I asked back.

For the rhetorical question, Stark’s answer is as it should be by rights.

“Isn’t this a matter of course? Compared to not doing any resistance, nothing goes away, this kind of old dog that tears a piece of flesh from the enemy even if it’s dead, just It’s the option that best suits my settings. I’m Tony Stark, not a waste who can bully. If you want to take something from me, you must be prepared to pay the price.”

Stark about old The dog statement made Smith Zhou sneer in his heart. He put down Stark and let him gasp and laugh at oneself. And when he was tired of laughing, and laughed so that oneself felt there was nothing funny, he opened his mouth and said to Stark like this.

“Very good. You want a surprise, then I will give you a surprise. I will tell you how ignorant and meaningless this is. You think you broke my mouth , And I will use reality to tell you that you did nothing.”

“What do you want to do?” A bad premonition grew in Stark’s heart, and he put it away The smile on his face began to question Smith Zhou. As for questioning, Smith Zhou put his palms together, like pulling a dense ball of thread, pulling a ball of radiance from his own palms.

This is undoubtedly a kind of spell, but while casting this spell, he also told Stark like this.

“Didn’t Ancient One tell you? Most of her spells are taught by me. You have already seen her Divine Ability. In that case, you should be able to understand that there is no such a sorcerer. What can’t be done. The same is true for me. As I said, I will turn your previous plans into a joke. And this is my basis!”

As he said this, his five fingers were already suddenly stretched. And with the opening and closing of this on both of his hands, the engulfed radiance immediately resembled an enlarged network sphere, spreading and bursting.

The effect of light and shadow is good, but nothing seems to happen. Compared with the magical effect that Ancient One eventually created to move mountains and mountains, and cover the sky, what Smith Zhou is currently performing is almost like a magician’s trick, except that it feels good visually, There is no practical significance at all.

Does this mean the game collapsed? Stark waited for a long while and didn’t notice any movement, which made him have the most malicious thoughts, speculating about the possibility of Smith Zhou’s failure. Of course, this possibility is minimal. Smith Zhou is, anyway, the original Paragon sorcerer of the past, impossible to say that even a spell can’t be played well. So now that this situation occurs, it can only be said that there is another mystery.

Stark can’t feel the mystery, because in his eyes, the spell Smith Zhou casts should be the kind of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering similar to Ancient One. , A means that people dare not fight against. This is actually a somewhat biased idea, because spells were not created purely for destruction.

Destruction is just a method, a means of protecting oneself and defending the law. The foundation of spells should be the improvement of oneself and the harmony and unity of the external world.

Smith. Zhou, if he wants to, of course he can do that kind of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, so that the sun and the moon have changed to a new level. But he didn’t have to do that, because what he wanted to deal with was not an enemy who was so powerful that he had to do everything he could, but a special group of people who could neither fight nor scold, but could only control by euphemistic means. For such a person, he can only use some special methods.

Listen to thunder in the silent place, and see the true chapter in the invisible place. This is where the Profound Truth of the spell he casts. The so-called good offices itself does not need to make any exaggerated moves to the extreme. Going deep into the details, changing from the macro to the micro level, this is the divine righteousness that the Great 36 Constellations should possess.

Stark has not received a complete Eastern philosophy education, nor has he experienced the basic worldview shaping that sorcerers can have, so it is really difficult for him to understand what Smith Zhou did at this moment. . And when he can understand through own naked eye and through own cognition, he will suddenly realize how bad things are.

The situation that first appeared before him was a scene completely contrary to common sense. The dome that collapsed because of his strikes is slowly repairing at this moment. Countless crushed stones, fragmented decorations, and even plaster powder that disintegrated into dust, all seemed to be drawn by some force, and gathered in the direction where the dome was originally located.

Stark’s attack was rigorously calculated by the supercomputer. After that shelling, in what way did the dome collapse and in what direction the various plates would collapse. Size, scale, everything is being calculated. And the current scene is like repeating everything, it’s just that’s all going backwards.

Back in time? For everything in front of him, Stark could only have such an idea in his mind. Because he couldn’t think of any way to achieve the current level. Especially when he saw the restoration of the dome with his own eyes, and even the religious frescoes on it were restored exactly the same, he became more affirmed of this idea.

I feel incredible for such a method, that’s for sure. After all, not who can play with time. However, besides such an incredible feeling, what he felt more deeply was Smith Zhou’s unbridled and madness.

As a genius in physics, he knows the special significance of time in the movement of the world. It can be said that distortions and changes in any period of time may cause serious errors in the operation of the entire world. And this kind of error is not exaggerated at all to say that it is devastating.

And for a long time, in the face of various disasters in this world, why scientists in humans have not thought of reshaping everything through time reversal, but have always maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards time . It’s not because they can’t meet the rigid demand of time shuttle in terms of conditions, but because they are very aware of the huge uncertainty that this behavior of changing the past will destroy time itself.

No one can say with certainty how even a small fragment of time will be distorted and disintegrated will change the entire world. Whether heaven falls and earth rends or human extinction, no one can say clearly.

There are infinite variables in the middle, and how many of the infinite variables derived here are acceptable to humans, and how many are unbearable. Really only time itself knows.

Stark has heard more than one suggestion to him to change the past through such means, and to change the tragic experience of United States. And the reason why he refused all the time was here. The past is the past, and that cannot be changed. Just reach out and touch time, the only harm is their present and future.

He understands this truth, and he believes that as a magic that can also see the world, the sorcerers who master this incomparable skill should also be able to understand it. Only a madman can be so unscrupulous, and Smith Zhou in front of him has already become a madman in his eyes.

“Are you crazy? You are turning back time, you are creating trouble for us and this World! Do you want to cause disaster so much, even if this disaster is not for you at all? No good?”

“Go back in time? Do you really think so? Or is it that your smart brain can only think of such a poor explanation in the face of such a situation?”

Smith Zhou sneered at Stark’s stupidity relentlessly, and regarded him as a joke about his ignorance of being oneself infallible. Of course, being a joke doesn’t make people happy, but at this moment, when he hears Smith Zhou say this, Stark can only feel lucky.

No matter what the hell is happening, Smith Zhou is better than he is playing with time because of his anger. He didn’t want to let people all over the world follow a piece of bad luck because of this kind of thing. Because if that were the case, he would be an accomplice no matter what.

This is not the case, it is best. However, if it is not possible to go back in time, what would have caused such a magical scene to happen?

Stark knows that oneself will die soon, but even if it is dead, he hopes to be a ghost. Therefore, with a heart for knowledge, he was a little anxious and asked Smith Zhou.

“What the hell did you do? If it weren’t for the time going back, how could all this be back to this way?”

Here is what Stark doesn’t understand. Because just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, in this real thing, it is impossible to appear exactly the same product. Whether it is a wall or a decorative artwork. Even if the original author is asked to copy according to the picture, it is impossible to restore it to the original appearance. But now the results of his scanning analysis are exactly the same, naturally it is no wonder that he will regard this as a result of turning back time.

“Why impossible? Only a small change to the rules is required. This is simply with no difficulty.”

Smith Zhou understood Stark’s puzzle. And he, who wants to exacerbate the despair in Stark’s heart by showing his strength, naturally doesn’t mind telling him at this time. So he twitched the corner of his mouth and explained it to Stark in an easy-to-understand way.

“Let’s tell you this, Stark. From a conventional point of view, the disintegration of matter should be a process of splitting from complete to incomplete. The complete form is the origin, and after the disintegration, The form is the result. And I reversed this rule, which means that the incomplete state after the disintegration is the origin, and the complete state is the result. Then, it is as if a thrown stone will fall under gravity. Naturally. Everything is as simple as that…”

“Is this impossible?” Listening to Smith Zhou’s account, Stark not only didn’t realize it, but was even more shocked and unbelievable in his heart. This method is simply subverting his fundamental knowledge of the world, subverting the basic common sense of physics, let alone him, in this world any physicist may not be able to accept and understand.

For ordinary people, black is not black, white is not white, you are not you, I am not me. The fundamentals of the world we know have changed, which is naturally difficult to accept easily.

Stark is pretty good, he was simply shocked, and he didn’t fall into the in-depth exploration of the situation. Although he really wanted to understand how Smith Zhou did this step, and what his magic works. But he still knew in his heart that this was not the most important thing right now.

He changed the regular physics rules, impossible only to repair a damaged dome. If it is so, then it is not an overkill to describe it. I am afraid that it is the most appropriate metaphor to hit mosquitoes with nuclear bombs. And no matter from which angle you think about it, there should not be such a fool in the world. Therefore, he must also do something else.

What will it be? Stark is still thinking about this, and next moment, he knows the answer.

Like cracking a joke, several purple crystal walls surfaced out of thin air in the hall, and then again and again, again and again, the women who left here were already in succession The ground came out of the crystal wall.

Or surprised, or stunned, or scared. Faced with this unexpected situation, women have different expressions, but they cannot escape this general category. They could guess that this was Smith Zhou’s method, but like Stark, they also didn’t understand how he did it.

Also, it’s a bit strange. Since he can do such tricks in this respect, why are there fewer of them compared to at first?

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