Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2047

To Zhou Shang, today is definitely not a happy day.

It was originally just as easy as playing an RPG game and he did not do well to meet the major test. The preparation, and the test came to him so suddenly, it would be strange if he could be happy.

Child’s nature likes surprises. But the premise is that it is a surprise rather than a shock. To use an analogy, it would be a surprise if the rats he is dealing with now claiming to be hand-associated can obediently and honestly jump in front of oneself and let him do a big job. However, a sudden appearance like Dormammu, and causing an entire city to fall into completely disordered chaos, is called fright.

With the divine force inherited from the father, and the magical powers learned from Smith Zhou, Zhou is still able to avoid the influence of Dormammu’s chaotic mind. However, this can only save he himself, not others.

New York, without any legal and management support, is itself a chaotic and lawless place. And under the impact of such chaos, it immediately turned into a real hell-like scene in the blink of an eye.

Crazy humans, there is no reason to fight and fight. Endless destruction, fire and gunfire everywhere. All of this intertwined and caught Zhou Shang’s eyes, making him completely not knowing what to do.

If it were to deal with a group of gangsters, or a strange organization like a hand-to-hand club, Zhou Shang would not have the feeling of not knowing what to do at all. Because it’s very simple, he didn’t intend to talk about who to these people, just like encountering a hostile monster in a game, just push it all the way.

The irrelevant little characters break their legs and knock their hands, so that they can provide a little operating capital to the major hospitals in New York that are still running. And for those bosses who have done all the bad things, he doesn’t mind giving them a chance to accept reform again. As his grandfather Smith Zhou said, the human soul can be reincarnated, and there is no doubt that reincarnation is the best way to change your mind. Few people commit any imaginable misdeed in this life, and it will be the same in the next life. If that is the case, the torture in hell is the best treatment they can enjoy.

Zhou Shang has always carried out what oneself considers to be a heroic career in this simple and direct way. In his imperfect worldview, punishing evil is promoting good. So as long as oneself is fighting evil, then oneself is doing the right thing. As for other more complicated things, he didn’t care, and he didn’t have the spare time to care.

This idea cannot be said to be wrong, but it cannot be said to be fully applicable to all situations. It’s like the situation right now, facing a large group of Illegal immigrants who have come to this city so hard, a large group of civilians who take various risks to seek a life in this dark city, even though they are now crazy more than any other The gangsters all came even more fiercely, but because of this, he hurt them. Zhou Shang said that oneself really couldn’t do it.

Yes, he can’t do it. Even if the Old Lady he saw with his own eyes seemed to be beast-like tearing a man’s neck, tearing, and pulling the fleshy trachea from above, he still couldn’t persuade oneself to take care of her.

Because he knew this Old Lady, when he was touring the city at night, he occasionally went to the restaurant run by the Old Lady to have a meal that was not bad Texas food.

As a traditional Texan, Old Lady came to settle in New York with her own son. At that time, her life was still wealthy, after all, his son had a decent job. Opening a Texas barbecue restaurant in what was once Manhattan Midtown is not something that ordinary chefs can do.

Unfortunately, the invasion of aliens and the occurrence of nuclear explosions destroyed everything. Although their hard-working restaurant has been preserved, Old Lady’s son and daughter-in-law have not survived. They only left Old Lady with a 5~6 years old granddaughter, also this restaurant. It is not easy to use this restaurant to feed a child who is waiting to be fed.

Suppose if this is the old New York, then there is no need to operate, only relying on the rental of houses, Old Lady can easily pull the child to grow up. But now, in this devastated dark city, hard work can only barely obtain the capital that allows them to survive.

This city is full of assholes and poor bugs who can’t get enough food and clothing. It is impossible to expect them to spend as high as the New Yorkers before, and even to order a large table of dishes and finally come to an overlord meal and so on is completely normal.

Although Old Lady maintains the consistent sturdiness of Texas women, until now it can also use the ancestral Wincherston to fire a three-second eight-shot precision rapid fire, but this can only threaten the general miscellaneous Fish, and can’t threaten those organized gang members. She wants to ask for life, and asking for life is impossible to fight these bastards. Even if she doesn’t care about the life and death of her own, she also cares about the safety of oneself little granddaughter. Therefore, the embarrassment of life can be imagined.

The appearance of Zhou Shang is an opportunity for change. Because of his love of meat, Zhou Shang has a soft spot for this Texas restaurant. After every exercise, he would come to enjoy a sumptuous supper. Of course, just like an ordinary person who doesn’t like to be disturbed when eating, he doesn’t like a pile of choppy to disturb oneself while enjoying supper. Therefore, after several conscious cleanings, he has basically let the nearby gangs know the rules.

Of course, Old Lady does not know this. She only knew that this youngster was a good young man with good manners. Never pit her poor Old Lady. And every time he comes over, he can give the hooligans around him a lot of time.

As a weather-beaten old man, Old Lady made a guess about this situation. Generally speaking, except for the police who deal with them, there are probably only people who are more vicious than them. There are no police officers in this city, and Old Lady naturally couldn’t guess that Zhou Shang personally came to repair these hooligans that couldn’t be on the table. So she just subconsciously thought that this good young man was a youngster who went astray, a guy with a good status in the gang.

In theory, it has nothing to do with her. And if Zhou Shang had such an identity, it would not only bring her financial help, but also give her some kind of asylum. This is profitable and harmless, so she should be happy to see it happen. But this Old Lady is not at all. On the contrary, every time she communicates with Zhou Shang, she euphemistically warns him of the benefits of leaving the gang life earlier.

Zhou Shang can tell that this is a kind Old Lady. And in the face of such a kind Old Lady, even if she is indeed doing terrifying things now, he can’t treat her with brutal means like trash.

This is the confusion in his heart, not just him, but anyone who can stay awake at this time will probably have a confusion similar to him.

They don’t know how to do it, they don’t know how to stop all this terrifying. The ordinary person does not have such power, and Zhou Shang’s difference is that he has such power, but he does not know how to use it.

This is normal. When a child faces this horrible sudden occurance, if he can keep his senses and do a rational analysis that a normal adult can’t do, is it strange? Unless he was born again, or was born with a psychological abnormality, this is almost impossible.

And since it is impossible, then you can’t be harsh on him. It can be said that at this time, even if Zhou Shang turned around and left, no one would blame him. Because he is still a child in the end, it is a wrong thing to impose on him forcibly what a child should not bear.

It’s just that Zhou Shang Oneself chose to stay, because from his own heart, although he was a little at a loss, he was very sure that oneself should never leave like this.

He didn’t want to run back so desperately and face all this as a loser. Because he didn’t want oneself at this time to show such cowardice.

There are some childish reasons, but they have become the main factor for him to stay here. And while he was doing this kind of futile persistence, the bad things in front of him had already changed that made him completely unprepared.

The crazy Old Lady tore open the man’s throat. Although she had won the final victory by relying on oneself’s weight of over 200 Jin, she was not at all satisfied, bathed in dripping blood. She looked all around and found that the new target was either too far away or blocked by paralyzed vehicles and flames. Out of instinctive fear of flames, she wanted to take a long way. At this time, the sound of beating from the restaurant behind her suddenly attracted her attention.

At this time, the restaurant has already closed, so the voice inside will not be anyone else, it will only be the little granddaughter whom Old Lady regards as a treasure. Of course, treating treasures as normal, and now, when Old Lady and his little granddaughter are abnormal, will she be the one holding it in the water for fear of flying, holding it in her mouth? Treasures that are scared of melting are things that no one can tell.

It is difficult for Zhou Shang to have any good illusions about this kind of thing, because he has seen with his own eyes how terrifying these human beings have become. Driven by madness, they are simply more ferocious than the wildest wild beast, and they don’t even care about their own safety when fighting together. It is really difficult to expect them to care about oneself’s precious existence under this madness.

Seriously, he is really worried that Old Lady will kill his own granddaughter. Just the crazy energy she just showed, her granddaughter’s small forty-fifty size is probably not enough for her. Tore it with one hand! Instead of wanting this kind of human tragedy to happen in front of the owner, Zhou Shang rushed to the restaurant as soon as Old Lady rushed into it.

Looking at Old Lady, she didn’t care about oneself’s granddaughter’s position in her heart, just as if she saw a piece of fresh meat, she jumped up. Zhou Shang first picked up the little girl who was also crazy like a wild beast, avoided her pounce, and then slapped her to faint.

He thought it was over, but obviously, he underestimated the current situation. Crazy humans are no matter how big or small. Although little girl is a little girl whose actual age is two years younger than him, she can still perform wild beasts with brutal acts on the premise of inspiring wild beasts.

She would not miss Zhou Shang’s life-saving grace for her. On the contrary, when Zhou Shang hugged her, she opened her mouth almost immediately, facing her. Zhou Shang’s neck bite past. It was like her grandmother, but obviously, she was the wrong person.

Zhou Shang is not the poor ordinary person outside, he is a born Demi-God, a higher level above species evolution. The bloodline from father gave him superhuman physical qualities, which is reflected in the strength of his body, that is, his body strength will never be under any kind of metal.

The real Iron Body made the little girl have a few big teeth firmly broken as soon as she bit on his neck. And watching Rao is so and still insisting on the little girl gnawing on the owner’s neck. When Zhou Shang stunned her with one finger, he also showed a strange expression.

“Is this how a woman kisses a man? It’s weird, I don’t know how Ida would like to do this kind of thing with father.”

A child of his age is sure Still can’t understand the wonderful interaction between men and women. So he certainly would not understand the gap between these two behaviors. Of course, this is not important. What is important is that he did prevent a tragedy from happening. This kind of thing gave him an unspeakable taste. Let him have a kind of excitement in his heart.

He felt a kind of excitement, and at the same time he felt that oneself had found a way to solve the problem. Yes, he thought of a way, with oneself superhuman power, he could completely stop the tragedy as much as possible before they spread. Just like knocking out the grandfather and grandchildren, he could completely knock out every crazy person like this.

Of course, just stunned is not enough. Because no one can guarantee that they will regain their sanity after they wake up. Therefore, the best way is to tie them up after knocking them out. But if you count it this way, it’s obviously a huge project.

“How many people are there in New York, Medusa?”

“It is impossible to count, but conservatively estimated that it is not less than 300,000…”

Population in the past With several millions of New York, there are only 300,000 people left, which is already a very low level. But after hearing this number, Zhou Shang inevitably felt dizzy.

He hasn’t counted more than five hundred in his life. Now let him solve 300,000 people in one go. This is really a challenge.

“Maybe I should come another day? Maybe I should ask someone to do it for you?” Zhou Shang looked at the two grandparents who had passed out before looking at the whole There were lunatics everywhere in the city, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

“Well, 300,000 is 300,000, as long as I am fast enough, this number will soon disappear. Believe in oneself, Zhou Shang, you can do it. Don’t forget, you are a hero! “

He was so self-encouraging that he was already wearing white armor modified by oneself in front of a crowd of lunatics. With a white hurricane sweeping the city, Zhou Shang’s heroic journey has truly begun.

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