Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2050

The two attacked oneself without saying a word, something Zhou Shang didn’t expect at all. If there is that free time, he really has a question whether you want to rebel against them.

But he didn’t have this time, because at this time, Lingdie had already killed him behind his back with the strength of Transmission, and launched a surprise attack on him from behind.

Zhou Shang is well aware of the sharpness of the Mind Blade, because he has personally seen the patience shown by the Spirit Butterfly in daily training. As an extended ability of the Mind System, Lingdie’s ability is not as comprehensive and broad as Professor Charles, and she can’t even simply control the human heart. However, as a standard assassin, she derives her own ability to the extreme in the profession of assassin.

The mind has given her the ability to launch a fatal blow under any circumstances, even if it is said that she misses a hit, she can also take advantage of it to escape thousands of miles. As her most important assassination method, the blade of the mind is also an outstanding existence.

Some people may wonder how the method of using the mind as a blade can have such outstanding lethality, or even say that it can surpass many real weapons. This is actually not hard to understand, because from a simple point of view, the so-called mind blade is just a means that’s all that the spirit interferes with reality.

It’s like Jean Grey can activate Telekinesis by relying on his psychic powers to create all kinds of incredible methods in reality. Lingdie can’t achieve the level of Jean Grey, but it is still possible to image the own mind and express it in the form of a blade.

This kind of imagery weapon itself has no substance, and in this case of no substance, the Lingdie can naturally extend it into any substance that exists. After that, as long as she activates the ability to interfere with reality, no matter how hard the blade of this mental imagery is, even if it is the same as the Toilet Paper, it can still cut off everything in substance. After all, this is a means of inserting a specific individual into a complete whole, thereby destroying the integrity of the material. It is really nothing strange.

Of course, by saying that, it doesn’t mean you can ignore her sharpness. At least for Zhou Shang, he didn’t want to try whether oneself could take the soul blade of Lingdie.

So as soon as Lingdie appeared behind him, he was already evading ultra-high speed, and suddenly appeared behind Lingdie when he could barely catch with naked eye.

It’s like peek-a-boo, and for Zhou Shang, this is indeed like a game. He already wondered a bit, why Lingdie and Yuriko attacked oneself without a word. Presumably they did not recognize oneself, after all, the current image of oneself and the teenager in their impression still have a huge gap.

He had some excuses for this. But after another thought, he dismissed the idea again. The reason is simple, that is, he has consciously learned a lot of ability, but to be honest, despite these magical skills, he has never had a decent battle.

New York is full of regular scum. Playing with guns is their greatest ability, and this thing about guns is not a threat to him. Although secretly the ninja organization like Shouhehui is playing tricks, but it is Shouhehui, not the wooden Leaf Village. The little ninjas in Zhou Shang’s view are not as good as those who can produce large machine guns. It will be black.

It’s like playing a game made by a second-line game studio. The plot is full and sincere, but the combat is always a little bit less interesting. Although it was said that he could continue to play, Zhou Shang had a feeling that he could not use his dragon slaying skills without any hesitation. He missed a few qualified opponents.

At the moment, the appearance of Lingdie and Yuriko and the misunderstanding they have produced undoubtedly gave him such an opportunity, so he immediately ignored Medusa’s reminder to make him identify as soon as possible, and turned to the whole body. Heart was thrown into this sudden encounter.

The assassination of Lingdie is a thorny issue. As a player with rich gaming experience, Zhou Shang is very clear that if oneself wants to win the most relaxed posture, it must first target this The guys appear and disappear unpredictably. Therefore, using the opponent’s impossible estimate of oneself’s speed weakness, he played a trick similar to Form Displacement Shadow in an instant, ran behind Lingdie and launched a counterattack against her.

He didn’t use much strength either, because he knew that if oneself used full strength, Lingdie was afraid that he would be smashed into meat sauce. This is just for playing games, not for killing. Therefore, he was very strong and only took out one point at most, and even if it was only one point, he was fully confident that he could make Lingdie lose the ability to resist.

Zhou Shang thinks that oneself can be like some classic game masterpieces, relying on some special counterattack mechanisms to instantly disintegrate the opponent’s main force. But obviously, he underestimated the role of Lingdie.

Although Lingdie is not the strongest and most outstanding lineup in Mutant, as an experienced assassin and skilled martial arts master, she still has the ability to follow. Among them, a very important one is the intuition of fighting, and it is this intuition of fighting that made Lingdie escaped.

Although she couldn’t perceive Zhou Shang’s movements, she instinctively made evasive actions. It is not the dodge side of human beings when dodge, but the teleportation transfer based on her ability. Zhou Shang thought that one of the ten best blows was still in the air. And Lingdie, who had avoided his Iron Fist strike, also stood by Yuriko’s side again, showing a solemn expression to her.

“The speed is very fast, I have no time to react. This guy, it is not so easy to deal with him, you may have to suffer a bit!”

“It’s okay to suffer . As long as he suffers the same pain as me, it’s fine!”

Yuriko obviously also realized that the other party is difficult to deal with, so she is not at all against Lingdie in the battle plan. opinion. In terms of cooperation with each other, her role positioning has always been very clear, the main physical loss take action and the anti-damage physical shield, this is the role she needs to play.

It’s not entirely voluntary, but more of the team’s consideration. In any case, she is very accustomed to the role played by oneself, so she already knows what oneself should do next.

“I’m ready, come on.”

“Be careful, we’re going to go!” After a brief exchange, Lingdie grabbed Yuriko’s hand and started directly The ability to teleport.

He brought Yuriko to the sky above Zhou Shang, and with the speed of free fall, Yuriko galloped at him like a piercing sword. At the same time, she also carried out a second teleportation, and in front of Zhou Shang, she waved the blade of the soul and slashed at him.

The front and back cannot be firm. In terms of priority, of course, Lingdie’s face-to-face attack is more urgent. And if you want to guard against her attack, then Yuriko from dropping from the sky will definitely break in. This is equally deadly, so no matter how you choose, it will be a dilemma.

Zhou Shang naturally did not want to plunge oneself into such a difficult situation. So he does not intend to choose either of these two situations.

In the same way, he relied on the oneself super-high movement speed to go around behind Lingdie, planning to try again from behind her to see if her intuition worked so well. However, what he didn’t expect was that his actions were completely within Lingdie’s expectations, and all she wanted was for him to make a similar attempt again.

The teleportation has made many achievements, but the attempt at this time is to directly exchange her position with Yuriko. To some extent, this may be a little difficult, but with the tacit understanding cultivated in the past and the special marks she put on oneself teammates, this is not something completely impossible.

She easily changed the positions of the two of them, and this also made Zhou Shang’s attack finally fall on Yuriko.

Yuriko Steel Muscles Iron Bones, this is true. Wanting to beat her to lose the ability to resist is not as simple as dealing with Lingdie. At the same time, Yuriko is also a master who is proficient in judo and various articulation techniques, as if the flexibility of the body is not affected by those Steel Muscles Iron Bones at all, she can make all kinds of unimaginable physical movements during battle.

It’s as if it is now, Zhou Shang was originally punched heavily on her shoulder, so she should have been knocked out. However, thanks to Zhou Shang’s boxing power, she completed a physical deflection at the moment she was hit. First it was a big spinning top like a top, and then the five fingers hooked it, and thanks to the sharpness of Adamantium’s armored hole, the whole person clung to him.

Jiu-Jitsu has sleeping skills, which is to use the opportunity of entanglement on the ground to achieve the purpose of subduing the enemy by locking key parts such as joints. Although there is no such key restrictive item as the ground right now, with years of combat experience, Yuriko can still achieve a similar level.

She entangled Zhou Shang’s body, her body twisting like a python. When her two thighs were firmly locked at Zhou Shang’s waist, her five-fingered steel claws had also stretched to the most extended state, and the ruthless ground grabbed Zhou Shang’s neck.

This time will not be as gentle as it was at that time. The steel claws extending to the extreme as long as ten centimeters are enough to cut the entire head of a normal person. Armor is impossible to stop, Zhou Shang is naturally unwilling to use his own body to try Adamantium’s sharpness, and when he had to raise his arms to parry against Yuriko’s waving hands, the attack from Lingdie It was already arranged, and it came in again.

For the enemy of ultra-high speed, the Lingdie itself does not have any antagonistic ability. However, with the cooperation of Yuriko, they were able to use an unexpected routine against such enemies.

It’s like now, taking advantage of Yuriko’s entanglement with the enemy, Lingdie directly attacked the location of Yuriko through the induction of the mental mark on Yuriko’s body.

Yes, she can’t keep up with Zhou Shang’s speed, but with mental coordinates, her teleportation does not need to keep up with Zhou Shang’s speed. After all, Yuriko’s position and Zhou Shang are relatively static. Therefore, there is no difference between attacking Yuriko and attacking Zhou.

In an instant, the blade of the soul has penetrated Yuriko’s body, causing Yuriko to make a wild beast roar. This is no way, because Lingdie knows very well that if oneself directly attacks the enemy in front of him, then relying on the opponent’s speed, this attack is most likely to be dodged. Therefore, the best way is to use Yuriko as a medium to launch this raid from her perspective.

This is why they say that Yuriko will suffer a bit, because the blade must penetrate from her body to the enemy’s body.

But her body is enough to withstand such an attack. After all, the speeding regeneration like Logan gives her almost undying characteristics. But her enemy may not be so lucky.

Jiang is still hot in the end. Although Zhou Shang has a crushing advantage in strength, his joke-like game mentality and the completely unexpected way of cooperation with Yuriko Lingdie are still fighting. He was completely unprepared. He did not expect that the attack would come from this direction, and when he noticed it, it was too late.

The Mind Blade has cut open the armor of his chest and touched his skin directly. In the next step, even in Zhou Shangown’s heart, he thought it would be a situation where oneself had blood spattered on the spot.

But beyond everyone’s expectations, this kind of thing not at all happened. Because the blade of the soul, which was always unprofitable in the past, not at all at this time, does its proper function, as if a soft knife slashed on a solid plate armor, except for a shallow white seal, There is no other contribution.

This is not normal, both for Lingdie and Zhou Shang. But for someone like Smith Zhou who knows God’s secrets deeply, this is normal.

Regardless of Zhou Shang’s bloodline, he is still a Demi-God with divine force. The divine force cannot be simply equated with material existence. The blade of the mind is the embodiment of Telekinesis of will, and the divine force is also an existence between material and spirit. If you want to hurt Zhou Shang who is protected by divine force, Lingdie must at least make own willpower strong enough to match God’s divinity. It may be a bit absolute to say that it is impossible, but based on the current situation, it is still too difficult.

The situation started to get out of control, and Zhou Shang, who had been came back to his senses, grabbed the arm of Lingdie and completely lost the opportunity to escape. Yuriko wanted to help her out, but Zhou Shang destroyed her consciousness with a sturdy head hammer, dissolving the possibility of her rescue.

At this time, the situation has completely fallen into Zhou Shang’s control. Holding the unconscious Yuriko in one hand and the powerless Lingdie in the other, Zhou Shang showed her a big smile in her somewhat desperate eyes.

“It looks like I won, Betsy.”

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