Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2058

Frank is different from ordinary people. Strange has already heard of this, but he has never had any in-depth contact with him. This is the first time he has learned This child is so different.

The next year will not be very big, but she speaks in an orderly manner, like a small adult. This is rare. Of course, premature wisdom is nothing but a rare thing. At any rate, I am engaged in a profession like a doctor. Even if I have never seen a pig run, I can understand this special group from various cases.

As a child, he showed extraordinary intelligence and maturity, which is an iconic symbol of genius. This is different from what we hear most often about being dull from an early age and becoming a successful person through hard work when he grows up. At this point, Strange can tell you clearly with oneself’s medical cases that he has seen. Ordinary even said that a dull child, unless the luck is beyond ordinary or someone is willing to spend money to train him, otherwise, he basically has no chance of success.

True winners are basically the type with outstanding talents. With outstanding talent, coupled with unremitting efforts, this is a successful standard. As for an ordinary person, hard work can only make him barely able to keep up with the footsteps of such geniuses, and to catch up or surpass them, it is simply a matter of cracking a joke.

The human cluster itself is set up in this way. The individual provides direction and the whole provides the foundation. This is something that no one can change. And it is precisely because of this clearly that Strandgenius was unavoidably surprised at Frank.

He is another genius, and counting his father Tony Stark and his grandfather Howard Stark, this is the person who has appeared in his family for three consecutive generations. Genes are so good that they are rare in the entire human race. After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, the combination of excellent people will only raise the lowest threshold, and it is difficult to break through the highest threshold.

Unfortunately, true geniuses look at the highest threshold. You can be an idiot in other areas, but as long as you are extraordinary and refined in one area, then you are a genius in the true sense. In the same way, even if all aspects of you are a little higher than the ordinary person, as long as no aspect of you is completely above the level of the ordinary person, then you are only an ordinary person in the end.

This is why those Leaders and capitalists clearly have more resources and can choose the most priority partners to breed the best offspring, but the offspring are still prone to wastrel and smasher. . They really can’t determine whether the descendants of own can break through the threshold, and in which direction they will make the breakthrough.

At this point, they are actually equal to those ordinary families. What is unequal is that the base of Chang Family courts can far exceed their ruling class. And completely by luck, the party with the larger base will be more dominant. This is also the best way for those who find the Chang Family to stand up, because no matter what, this is more likely than hoping to stock or win the lottery. .

After all that, Strange actually has only one idea now, and that is to take an equal attitude, rather than treat Frank in front of him like a child. After all, he didn’t act like a child, and from his attitude, he didn’t seem to be willing to treat him oneself with a child’s attitude.

This is quite simple, after all, Strange really has no experience in taking care of children. Now there is no need to make things so complicated, it is also a good thing for him. So after a little simmering tone, he asked Frank a question.

“So, your next plan is to hide in this mouse hole with me?”

“Why, as the only remaining same sect, you plan to reject me Is it outside the door?”

There was some worry in my heart that Strange would abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal, and Frank directly blocked some of these probabilities with words. Unless it is said that Strange really doesn’t plan to have a face, of course, he has no such idea.

“How is it possible? After all, you are the Direct Disciple of Ancient One sorcerer. Although Ancient One sorcerer finally handed over the inheritance to me, it is also because of your age that is not suitable. This burden is still too heavy for you now, and you can’t bear it. When you grow up to be able to carry it all, I will return it to you sooner or later, right?”

In this way, Strange shows that oneself has no monopoly on the legacy of Paragon sorcerer. At the same time, he also arbitrarily figured out the idea of ​​Ancient One sorcerer. However, this idea is inevitably a bit too tender. Frank, who had been in close contact for a while, knew very well that Ancient One sorcerer would never be such a person. She is an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years. The so-called warmth may have been wiped out in a long time. Ordinary little things may not show up, but in this big matter about Paragon sorcerer inheritance, what she considers will definitely be very realistic, and sensible to make people feel terrifying.

Of course, he does not dislike this reality. After all, they are essentially the same, but they are slightly different in details that’s all.

This is Frank’s aspiration, not the kind of outsider. At the very least, with his current relationship with Strange, he is not enough to tell him such private matters. Therefore, after Strange finished this inaccurate conjecture, he had already dealt with it casually.

“This kind of thing doesn’t matter at all, doctor. Paragon sorcerer and so on, if you want to be, just stay on it. I learn from Ancient One sorcerer to understand the true meaning of magic, as for Paragon sorcerer It doesn’t matter whether this name belongs to me or not.”

“Well, explore the profound mystery of magic, I hope you can speak such naive things when you grow up.”


Although he didn’t believe Frank’s statement very much, because of his age, Strange could only force oneself to believe it.

“I don’t have any complaints about you hiding in this mouse hole with me, but your mother? I mean what should she do? You should know her condition too. According to my point of view, she What is needed now is long-term professional treatment and maintenance. And these are not available here. If you bring her with you, I am afraid it is difficult for us to guarantee that her condition will not deteriorate.”

” This is not something you need to worry about, Doctor Strange.”

When Strange talked about own mother, Frank suddenly couldn’t control his own emotions. But he knew very well what this had to do with Strange not at all, so he quickly tempered his emotions.

“Sorry, my tone may be a bit too much. But as I said, it has nothing to do with you. Moreover, even if I agree with you, what kind of profession should be assigned to my mother Medical treatment, do you think that with the current situation of this World, can I still find such a team?”

“The answer is of course impossible. In that case, why should I do this? Is my mother in a trap? Compared to this stupid practice, I would rather take her by my side. At the very least, I can personally take care of her to ensure her safety.”

“Okay, okay, maybe you need to think more thoroughly.” shook the head, Strange had to admit that the statement of own was out of consideration, and in order to make up for the mistake that oneself had just made, he immediately right Frank assured him.

“Although I don’t have much experience in psychiatry, I have learned some cases. Taking care of patients and so on, I think I can still do it, so what can I do? Just talk to me…”

“Thank you, I will.” Strange’s words made Frank add another label to him in his heart, which was pedantic. He seems to be too confined to the traditional concept of good and evil, which is obviously unnecessary for Paragon sorcerer. You know, Paragon sorcerer can be called a lofty identity, but what it represents is not absolute brightness and stalwart. Even from the standpoint of human beings as a whole, the actions of its former masters are inseparable. In the face of a victimized victim like United States, her behavior is to be even more criticized.

The reason for this is that what Paragon sorcerer needs to do is often from a very realistic perspective. It is not based on personal interests, but based on the overall interests of the human world. Under this premise, many unavoidable choices will inevitably appear inhumane. And this is what Paragon sorcerer must do.

Because you are destined to cause harm to some people, you are destined to make the choice of sacrificing a small number of people and saving most of them. In this case, pedantic benevolence is something completely unnecessary. It is even said that this thing will only make you do the wrong thing and cause irreparable harm to this World.

Strange’s performance was completely unqualified in Frank’s eyes, and he didn’t even think that Strange would have such a consciousness. But this has nothing to do with him. For one thing, he is not a Paragon sorcerer. Secondly, even if he becomes a Paragon sorcerer, he does not intend to follow such a dogma.

He is not Ancient One. He has been able to hold such a sincere feeling for the own race for a long thousand years. He is not even Ultron. He is thinking about the future of mankind. All he cares about is oneself and the family around oneself. So even if he becomes a Paragon sorcerer, he will only act in the interests of the owner person.

From this point of view, Ancient One sorcerer’s vision is undoubtedly accurate. And Strange, he couldn’t see Frank’s character. In his opinion, Frank is undoubtedly a good child. It is not only smart, but more importantly, his affection for his family is very precious.

As a doctor, it is inevitable to encounter the double test of financial benefits and family feelings. Although in terms of ethics, people prefer to see this situation where money is given up for the sake of their family members, but in fact, Strange is more likely to see the kind of people who would rather sever family relations because of huge bills. Case.

Don’t think that everyone in American can afford private hospital bills, impolitely said, in the face of those expensive medical bills, even the affluent middle class often faces the danger of bankruptcy. This is often the time to see the true love in adversity, and unfortunately, the so-called true love is not worth property. Every year because of this situation, there will not be one or two people who break up and divorce.

Strange has seen more, and it is precisely because of seeing more that he thinks Frank’s choice is precious. In such a world, protect oneself mentally abnormal mother as a minor. If such a person can’t be called and is a good person and cannot get your trust, then I am afraid there is no who can Trusted by you as a good person.

Strange judges Frank’s behavior with such an emotional color, so he is not hesitating to show his own kindness to Frank at all.

“Since you have decided to do this, it shouldn’t be too late, just take advantage of now and move in with your mother. There is not much time left for us, you should go in earlier , We may be less dangerous.”

“Ok, no problem. But what about you?”

It’s not uncommon for the host to invite guests to take refuge in oneself’s home It happened, but it rarely happens. Frank’s mind is complicated, and he will inevitably consider some small possibilities. And even if he had already determined what kind of person Strange was, he still couldn’t help but question him.

“I, don’t forget, I have a promised meeting with your steward. Anyway, I need to let him know your plans and where the future is. In this way, wait until you Father has solved the trouble in his hand, so it is convenient to contact you.”

Strange gave an answer that Frank could accept. After learning what he was thinking, Frank no longer continued hypocritical, but after slightly nodded thanks, he already acted in a hurry.

Taking care of a mother with mental problems is not a simple matter, especially he wants to do everything himself, which naturally complicates things.

Strange is an outsider after all. Sorry intervened before he got permission. So he can only sit and watch Frank busy. And just when he was bored, reciting the Buddhist Heart Sutra over and over again. Suddenly, the feeling of heart palpitations has already arisen spontaneously.

He felt a little, and quickly turned to the direction of Ancient One sorcerer. At this time, Ancient One sorcerer’s Avatar also raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

“After all, they are back…”

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