Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2077

As an old friend of Erik, he didn’t need to explain in detail. Charles knew what Erik was referring to. This made him frown, but after that , He was immediately determined.

“I don’t think this should be our worry, Erik. I understand that gentleman’s personality, she is not the kind of person who abandons us just because of a momentary indignation.”

“Perhaps not now. But as time goes by, who knows if we lose the function for a long time, he will have other thoughts?”

Unlike Charles’ optimism, Erik is right The development of the whole incident has a different pessimistic attitude. This made him a little impatient.

“I think we should reflect our value. In this case, the sense of presence is very important. For this, we should even spare no effort.”

“How to do it? Do you have any ideas?” Charles asked rhetorically, and soon he got what Erik had planned for a long time.

“I plan to send additional manpower to various places in the city. Whether it is the SWAT team or any other part, as long as it’s where we plug our feet, we need to drain our hands. We’d better The staff, those excellent graduates. Now is not the time to cherish ourselves. We must use all our strength.”

“If you think this is correct, then Go ahead. In this matter, I am not at all reasons against you, am I?”

“Of course, you really have no reason to oppose me. It’s as if I can’t oppose you to do these things. “Erik nodded, then asked him. “How are you progressing? For this matter, you have expended unprecedented effort!”

“If there is still a part, you can temporarily come to an end. You are right, it is indeed costly It’s a huge effort. But, it’s worth it.”

“It’s still your old way of helping those human regimes. Do you really think this will help our race?”

“I’m pretty sure, Erik. It’s better than doing nothing. It’s not just to bring tangible benefits to our race, old fellow, it’s also to make more Innocent people have a chance to survive. Even if only 1/10000th of them are grateful for what we have done, this will be a precious thing.”

” You are still so naive, and you pin your hopes on ordinary persons who have no right to speak. I thought that after so long, you should have seen it clearly. In this world, only those powerhouses speak. And those ordinary persons , Their opinions are always insignificant, and at best they are just a fig leaf.”

Erik’s insistence left Charles speechless, because even he has to admit that in today’s world , The weak are indeed not qualified to speak. But this does not prevent him from doing so, because he believes that the world will never continue like this. There is an old saying in the East that it is well said that the world will be united for a long time and must be divided. Turbulence will always come to an end, and at that time, it will naturally be the time for the seeds they planted today to reap the fruits.

“Okay, my old friend, let us stop embarrassing each other. Let’s talk about other things, is there nothing else worthy of our attention?”

“I don’t think so. If you are willing to take time to accompany two games of chess, maybe we can create a little topic.”

Shrugged bladder, Erik poured two glasses of wine and went straight Walked in front of Charles. A chess board is often placed next to Charles’s wheelchair. This has been the rule for many years, and they always sit together like this.

And this time, the game has just begun, and someone hastily knocked on their door.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. However, there are two things I am afraid you have to ask you two.”

I can run over and knock at this time They are not someone else, but their common old friend Beast Hank. Although he might be more willing to stand on Charles’s side when he is biased, it doesn’t matter who is on the side at this juncture.

“There are two special things, I mean there are two people who need you to meet.”

“Two people? Are they special?”

expressionlessly put down a chess piece, Erik, who was already embarrassed by the unfavorable situation, looked even more ugly. For him, he has seen too many people beyond his knowledge today. And he, who knew he had been shocked enough, really didn’t want to be exposed to any more exciting news. So what he said was undoubtedly rejecting, or giving power to others.

However, Hank is also very determined in this regard.

“If I can decide on your behalf, trust me, I will. But unfortunately, I don’t think I have such power. They…really special.”

“Well, let’s listen. What are the special characteristics of these two people you mentioned.”

Abandoned son surrendered. While doing this, Erik also focused on On Beast Hank’s body. Seeing his eyes, Beast Hank said immediately.

“There is a child, we found him while patrolling the city border. If I am not mistaken, he should be the son of Mr. President, that is, the famous Master Stark.”

“Frank? I remember the name was right. Why did he appear here? Didn’t he mean that he was picked up by his father?”

Charles had a history of Frank The things that have been to Huiyao City are clear, because he has handled it in the middle. And he clearly remembered that Frank finally left the city. He went and returned, and he was still alone, which is undoubtedly strange. It was precisely because of this strangeness that Charles immediately raised his head and ordered Beast Hank.

“Hank, bring this Mr. Stark over. I think we need to learn something from him.”

For Charles’s order, Hank is naturally No objection. So soon, Frank was brought to them. And seeing Frank who hadn’t seen him in just one day, it was as if he had changed like Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Charles couldn’t help questioning him as his gaze condensed.

“Little Mr. Stark, didn’t you leave this city with your mother? Why did you come back, and you are alone.”

“You don’t You know? Professor Charles?” Stark stared into Charles’ eyes, confirming that he was not after acting, and then responded hoarsely to him. “My father is dead, dead in this city. And I came back to find a way to avenge him in this city.”

“Stark…dead?” For Charles, who had heard of the news for the first time, it was a big bomb. This is not only for him personally, but also for the pattern of this World he perceives. He couldn’t imagine that he was still asking oneself before, hoping that the leader of oneself to help him save oneself’s country would die like this, and still die so close to oneself.

Should he say regret? Or does it mean it has nothing to do with oneself? Charles was a little hard to decide for a while. After all, Stark died close to oneself, but oneself didn’t know it at all, which seemed a bit unreasonable. And before he opened up, Frank was the first to speak to him.

“Yes, my father is dead. I died on Smith Zhou. If you know him, you should know what kind of role he is playing now.”


“Yes, I just heard about it. After all, having such a dangerous character haunting our world will undoubtedly make everyone feel uneasy.”

Charles heard the news from the leaders of the East. After all, Smith’s actions before Zhou are terrifying, and facing such a terrorist act, even the most imminent people will inevitably be worried.

Under such worries, they will always want to gather all the forces they can use to resist as much as possible, and Mutant is undoubtedly one of the choices.

At this time, concealing the truth will not lead to good results. So they must be honest and open, and if they want to be honest and open, then Smith Zhou’s identity will of course no longer be concealed.

Thanks to this, Charles knew about the existence of Smith Zhou, a prehistoric giant crocodile hidden in the underwater shadows. As for his attitude towards Smith Zhou’s existence, there is only one, that’s all.

Mutant does not want to participate in disputes with this terrorist character. Likewise, they didn’t want to stand on the opposite side of Zhou Yi’s direct blood relatives. There are many situations to pay attention to when looking up, and Charles has always kept these lessons in mind, and has no idea of ​​going beyond the thunder pool at all.

Frank said that he had a certain idea of ​​trying. He wanted to see if he could get the power of revenge from Mutant, but obviously, he was destined to be disappointed.

There is no need for Charles to say anything, just by looking at his face, Frank can understand what he means. This disappointed him a bit, but this in itself was what he expected. So there is nothing to be discouraged.

He knows how risky this is, and he himself does not expect to let others accept such a dangerous thing casually. So after seeing Charles’ refusal, he immediately turned the subject and said to Charles.

“You don’t need to feel sorry for my father’s death, Professor. It has nothing to do with you, and I don’t expect anything from you that I shouldn’t. I’m here for only one purpose. That’s I hope you can do me a small favor…”

“A small favor?”

“Yes. I hope you can help me find Zhou Yi, I know he is my father’s friend, I think he should be able to help me and give me the power to avenge my father!”

Frank directly explained his intentions, and he explained his intentions After that, whether it was Charles, Erik, or Beast Hank, they all showed strange expressions.

“Little Mr. Stark, maybe you don’t need our help.”

“Please! This is just a small favor, I just need you to help me find his place. As for the latter things, those myself can do it…”

Frank thought that oneself had been rejected again, which made him immediately arguing a little angrily. And before he could say more, Erik interrupted him.

“No, Mr. Stark. We don’t mean this. We mean, you don’t need our help, because Zhou Yi doesn’t need you to look for him specifically. He has returned It’s in this city. And the question you have to face now is not where to find him, but how to let you see him!”

“What do you mean by that? “

Finding people is no longer a problem, but wanting to see people has become a problem. This is obviously incomprehensible to Frank. And when he asked the doubts, Erik explained it to him unwillingly.

“He is not what he used to be, Mr. Stark. If he was a lonely god on earth before, then he is now the immortal Divine King supported by all gods. You I can’t imagine how many gods surround him, and how they worship him, almost can’t tolerate anyone who hinders their vision from appearing in front of him. Can you imagine, I hope to see him He, but he was blocked back as if he saw a leper. And if it were you, trust me, I wouldn’t think it would make any difference.”

“This is impossible …He won’t ignore me!” Zhou Yi is the only way Frank can find. He doesn’t want or allow this to happen to own. “No matter what you say, I must go and see him. Only after I see him can I know if he is willing to help me.”

“Of course, you have the right to choose. But Now that you are here, why don’t you take a break and wait for a more suitable time? As far as I know, it is not a good time to meet him, because he is probably troubled by some other things now! “

Charles kindly reminded, of course, as he said, Frank has the right to choose. He can follow the advice of own, or he can go his own way. In any case, this has nothing to do with Mutant. In order to show this, he had already set his sights on Beast Hank before Frank answered.

“You said also that someone needs us to meet, who is that, other people?”

“He is downstairs, waiting for me to give him news. I need to Did he call here?”

Hanke replied immediately following Charles’ words. In response, Charles smiled and nodded.

“Of course, please come over, my old friend. I think this special guest must be very different, I have felt it!”

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