Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2081

“It depends on what you can teach me?”

Although Frank knows Guanshiyin’s rank and status, he is not at all like ordinary people. , For this lofty bodhisattva, come and worship. This was the blessing of his original Teacher Paragon sorcerer and helped him completely open his eyes. And looking at the world on the shoulders of Paragon sorcerer, he will naturally not feel how powerful a trifling Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is.

This allowed him not to talk about those imaginary things, and only consider practical interests. Of course, this performance of seeking instant benefit made Guan Shiyin inevitably frowned.

Although the term of temperament is not as mysterious as people think, a discipline that abides by etiquette and is indifferent to fame and fortune is always more stable than a wild ambition and profit-enriched discipline. At the very least, don’t worry about moths like a fire in your backyard.

Although Avalokitesvara is admired by Frank’s aptitude, she, who holds the rudder of the Buddhism, doesn’t want to just take a thankless wretch. For Buddhism as a whole, it’s a calamity, not a blessing. Therefore, she felt that it was necessary for oneself to figure out why the little person in front of her would ask such a realistic question.

“My Buddhism Tripitaka, Great Ascension secret technique. I can live forever, cross people, cast down demons and righteous, and enjoy bliss forever. I can teach you almost anything you want to learn. But the problem is, you always have to give me a reason to teach you? If your motivation is not pure, I just taught you casually. These things are not helping you, but harming others. I would not do this. The matter.”

“Isn’t this reason enough to avenge my father?”

After all, I just met Guanshiyin, and Frank wouldn’t tell her that many parents’ parents Nonsense. Therefore, it is naturally the best choice to use a concise sentence to summarize the hatred of the father.

This statement has the right roots, and the reason is sufficient, even if it is a bodhisattva like Guanshiyin, there is no way to refute it. After all, when is the so-called grievance reported is just nonsense, it is the reason for those weak and incompetent to find oneself. Anyone who cares a little about the feelings of the dead is impossible to say such horrible words.

Avalokitesvara is also impossible to say that idle pain in the balls is going to stand on the moral high ground and accuse him, she is not dead, naturally she is not qualified to do so. So after the nodded of identification, she can only say so.

“If you just avenge your father, it’s not justified. What kind of spell do you want to learn?”

“The spell that allows me to become stronger, the enemy’s sword! “

Frank’s answer is very targeted, but this kind of overly broad statement also makes Guan Shiyin less targeted. She can only guess and give her own opinion.

“Hand blade enemies? Then I will teach you the Vajra technique of demonization? Practice into Vajra Dharma Body, there is a dragon elephant divine force between movement and static, wait for Demon to raise his hand and drop it.”

“The murderer who killed my father is not demons and ghosts. He is more terrifying than any Demon! Vajra? I am afraid that it will only be me who will be defeated in the end!”

Frank’s answer was very straightforward. It was almost impossible to say that he couldn’t appreciate Guanyin’s tricks. This made Guan Shiyin annoyed, but when I thought about it, it was again as it should be by rights.

Anyway, this child is the dísciple of Paragon sorcerer. Even if he only learned a piece of fur from Paragon sorcerer, it was enough to separate him from the idlers. In other words, the person who can kill his father is definitely not idle, otherwise he doesn’t need to invest so much in another door to find the power of revenge.

If you want to understand this, Guan Shiyin knows that if oneself wants this dísciple to return, it still has to come up with some real materials. And what kind of real materials should be brought out, this is a problem that she is more headache now. Although the true Heavenspan spells in Buddhism are not everywhere, they are not counted by one hand. Not to mention that Ancient One sorcerer has performed a thousand-handed golden body, which is the Divine Palm of the Tathagata. Her jade bottle and even the Exquisite Pagoda with Buddha Relic as the core are all first-class means of reducing demons. However, this method has a prerequisite, either it is the cultivation base of the least bodhisattva status, or the extremely powerful magic weapon in hand.

Neither of these two can be taught to dísciple at will. Therefore, even with the power of Guanshiyin, it is inevitable to hesitate a bit, wondering what kind of thing should be taken out to deal with the child in front of him. She thought and thought, just said.

“I have three curses of gold, tightness, and forbidden, three poisons against greed, hatred, and delusion. You can make three golden hoops and put them on your enemy. These three hoops take root in the flesh, At that time, you only need to recite the spell to make his eyes bulge and his forehead cracked. Even if there is any Primordial Spirit, there is no way to escape this restriction. Do you think this is good?”

Avalokitesvara felt that sincerity was definitely enough to take out the magic spell that was once used to control monkeys. You know, Jin Chanzi was the Buddha’s Direct Disciple reincarnation to receive the same treatment. And enjoying the treatment that only the second generation of God has, there is always nothing to say about Little Brat in front of him.

She thinks so. But Frank still maintained a critical eye.

“Fighting Curse? I have heard of its name, but are you sure it is really useful?”

“Even a natural stone monkey like Sun Wukong, Great Saint of Demons It’s hard to escape the curse of my curse. Why, is your father and enemy killer more powerful than him?”

Avalokitesvara feels that Frank is a bit exaggerated, because just like she herself said, This is a spell that can stop a Monster King like a monkey. No matter how bad the monkey is, it is also the War God of Buddhism, and it is also a figure that can hold up a sky in other gods. Even if he can control it, can a trifling human world be able to pop out a more powerful character than him? Seriously, he didn’t believe it.

“It’s not a possibility, but a certainty.” Sighed, Frank told part of the truth. “My killer father and enemy is probably not inferior to my original Teacher in terms of power. And the tight curse you mentioned, will it work on my Teacher?”

“Paragon sorcerer?” Listen At this point, Guan Shiyin also answered with a condensed expression. “If it’s a person like Paragon sorcerer, of course it won’t work. She has also cultivated the Buddha’s Attainment status, the existence of the Indestructible Golden Body. Although the Curse is rooted in flesh, it still has power to deal with the Buddha Metal Body, which is not invaded by all laws. I caught it.”

“That’s right. If this method is not valid for the Buddha’s golden body, then I have every reason to believe that it is unlikely that your binding mantra will work on him. “

“Does it mean that he also has a golden body that cannot be violated?”

“It is very possible, or I can’t think of any reason to prove that he has no such ability . After all, he is the Teacher of Ancient One Teacher, the person I want to call Master.”

Frank’s answer made Guan Shiyin feel that the situation became more complicated. She did not expect that it was just a murder of her father’s enemy. Involved in the Paragon sorcerer Ancient One Teacher, such a troublesome existence. Although I have always heard about the ancestors of Paragon sorcerer, I don’t have to think about what a powerful character he will be.

Not to say that it is more powerful than Ancient One sorcerer, but at least it is of the same level. And just because of a potential dísciple to provoke such an existence, it does not seem like a good deal.

Avalokitesvara, as the Helmsman of Buddhism, inevitably began to figure out the benefits. It’s not that she is afraid of this little-known figure, but purely for the benefit of Buddhism, she cannot and does not want to make such a loss-making business. It can be said that if not, she was so full of words that she couldn’t dismiss Frank casually. Maybe she was just one of your six impure excuses, and kicked him out of this Spiritual Mountain holy realm. Kick it out.

Of course she can’t do this now, so after some silence, she can only say to Frank with a solemn expression.

“If your father kills the enemy really If you have something as powerful as what you said, then I’m afraid I can’t come up with any higher methods. Unless you can set down hard work, hundreds of years of arduous cultivation, and strive to achieve the right results as soon as possible. In this case, maybe You also have the possibility of revenge and hatred.”

Of course, it is more likely that you will be washed away from your hostility and forget this hatred in this long period of time. However, Guan Shiyin would definitely not say this clearly, because she was not sure that this hatred would be faded by time. After all, people are different from people. For some people, even the great hatred is just a matter of sleeping and shed some Sky’s Eye tears. And for some people, even if it is just the hatred of Doumi, he can remember it for a whole life.

Avalokitesvara doesn’t know who Frank is, so she can only make estimates as conservative as possible. And if it is such an algorithm, then waiting for Frank oneself to make a choice is the best solution.

If he wants to stay low-key and forbearing for hundreds of years, then he will be arranged. Hundreds of years are enough time for her to make all kinds of tricks to extract oneself and the entire Buddhism from this private grievance. So no matter what the outcome is, she will not worry too much. And if he can’t even forbear, then believe that Buddhism, which cannot meet his needs, will not be his place for long. It may be a pity, but it is not completely unacceptable to remove a hidden danger.

The key lies in how Frank will choose. On this issue, Frank obviously made the more urgent choice. “Practice for hundreds of years, what’s a joke?” Frank did not mind. For revenge, he felt that oneself could suffer any hardship. But this time for hundreds of years, it completely defeated him. He couldn’t wait for hundreds of years to repay this deep hatred, because in this long time, the raging flames burning in his heart were enough to burn him to ashes. And even if he can endure that time, the sense of accomplishment it brings is probably not enough for his revenge.

The reason for saying this is very simple, that is, it is estimated that Smith Zhou had achieved everything oneself had planned several hundred years later. The crazy world conceived by him and Steve Rogers might have replaced the current world. And if that was the case, it is estimated that even if oneself killed him, he could face it with a smile and calmly with a deadly and regrettable attitude. This is not the ending he wanted.

The revenge he wants is a thorough and hearty revenge. Not only did he physically destroy him, but also ideally, in the career that he had been fighting against his oneself father, the most thorough blow was given to him. There is no such thing as an alternative. He has to do it thoroughly.

According to common sense, letting him start his own business and collapse in the middle is probably the simplest choice. After all, he is alone and lonely, and he doesn’t have the ability to resist Hydra’s current expansion. And only by cutting off the most important snakehead of Hydra at this moment when the overall situation has not been set, can they barely break their ambitions. But there is a time limit, three or five years? It is difficult for Frank to be precise, but he can be sure that there will be no long time left for oneself to operate.

He can’t wait, he can’t wait. Therefore, doing everything possible to make a difference now is his only goal. At the moment, Guanyin is the only life-saving straw he can grasp. He didn’t want to hear anything powerless from the other person’s mouth, so at the moment, he just asked.

“Could it be that there is no quicker way? I know that Eastern spells include nightmare curses and curses such as the nailhead seven arrows, which are spells that can curse gods. Why? You don’t teach me such a spell?”

“First, I think our relationship has not yet developed to the point where I can rest assured that I can give you such a dangerous spell. At this point, even You are Paragon sorcerer’s dísciple and no exception. In fact, just because you are her dísciple, you should understand the principle of not spreading lightly.”

“As for the second point, I admit that spells such as the nail head and seven arrows can do what you said, but I have never said that I will be such a stigmatizing spell. This is the ancient Qi Refining Warrior lineage’s non-passage, unless it is Those immortals with ancient inheritance, otherwise few people can master this spell. And my Buddhism has another origin, and Qi Refining Warrior is not connected, naturally it is even more impossible to circulate such a spell.”

Such an answer is naturally disappointing, but Guanshiyin has turned around at this juncture and brought up another possibility.

“However, I do know a person who may have this spell you need.”

this can be considered things have taken a new turn, although you can see Guanshiyin With a different idea, Frank, who had no other way, still resolutely jumped into the hole she dug out.

“Who is it?”

“You just follow me. As for the success or failure, it depends on whether you can convince him.”

Avalokitesvara Speaking of this, there was already a lotus platform under her feet, pushing her into the air. Seeing that he was still in midair, Frank clenched the teeth, Guan Shi Yin, who was obviously waiting for his answer, had to jump on it.

He has no choice anymore, does he?

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