Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2084

As Zhou Yi’s most solid supporter, Yang Jian as it should be by rights has the ideological consciousness of being insulting and humiliating the officials. And it is precisely because of this awareness that he is extremely disgusted with what the Ancient One sorcerer has done.

You must know that the problem that his lord has been worrying about in recent years is his family in the world. And this kind of worries would not have been so deep. If Ancient One obediently and honestly provided them with guidance back to the world, this problem could have been solved a few years ago. However, it was precisely because Ancient One acted as a demon from it, and put Zhou Yi together, which made everything have been delayed until today and was reluctantly resolved.

This is undoubtedly an act of blocking his lord, and by the way, delaying the entire Heaven Realm great cause, and this kind of behavior in Yang Jian’s eyes is undoubtedly sinful. To say that she is a prosecutor and thief does not mean cracking a joke at all. So, even though the person standing in front of him is not Ancient One himself, but just a dísciple of hers, it is enough to make him explode into Thunder’s Fury.

This was an unexpected shock. For Frank, he thought that under the banner of Ancient One, he should be able to get some preferential treatment in front of these Divine Immortal. In fact, he did get it. If it weren’t for the name of Ancient One, Buddhists might not be so polite to him. What he didn’t expect was that this preferential treatment was not because Ancient One had a particularly good relationship with these Divine Immortals, but because his Teacher had offended many people.

From Yang Jian’s reaction, it can be seen that he is one of the targets of oneself Teacher’s offense. And now that oneself brings it to the door like this, it is simply a lamb in a tiger’s den generally bring about one’s own destruction.

Frank who didn’t expect this stubble at all, only felt that the cold sweat on oneself’s body was already dripping. And before he could speak, Guan Shiyin had already inserted the words.

“According to what he said, Ancient One sorcerer is dead, in a confrontation with Foreign Heavenly Demon. For her, this can be considered for benevolence.”

“Dead? How is it possible?” shook the head, Yang Jian obviously did not believe this fact. After all, the strength of Ancient One is obvious to all, and it is not possible for anyone who can put the even Celestial Emperor together. And if she is going to die in the confrontation with Foreign Heavenly Demon, then it is only said that she is not fighting against the ordinary heavenly demon, but the same character as Celestial Demon King. But Celestial Demon King, is it so easy to come across?

Yang Jian’s suspicion is not without reason. After so many years of drifting in the void, Heaven Realm has never encountered a terrifying opponent like Celestial Demon King. And the world, in such a remote corner, how can it attract the attention of those void monsters?

There should be fraud, Yang Jian concluded. And seeing his expression decisively as if it were endowed with extraordinary intelligence, Frank, who was afraid that oneself might be involved in some way, quickly defended oneself.

“It’s true, I dare to take my life as a guarantee. My Teacher Ancient One has indeed passed away. In the fight against the Void Lord named Dormammu, she had to use her own life to make the last All the witnesses in the world can testify, even saying that one of my same sects has inherited the name of Paragon sorcerer is an ironclad proof. If it weren’t for my Teacher’s death, he would be impossible. Inherit the title of Paragon sorcerer.”

Frank’s solemnly vowed inevitably made Yang Jian hesitate. He can’t say with certainty now that what oneself thinks must be correct.

On the one hand, Frank’s words are vivid and colorful, and they don’t seem like fabricated words. On the other hand, if there are so many people who can prove it, there is no need for him to make such a weak spot.

So, maybe things are really as he said, the Ancient One sorcerer is really dead? He drew a big question mark in his heart, and Yang Jian temporarily suppressed the anger in oneself’s heart. Of course, this does not mean that he will be polite to Frank. After all, Frank’s identity has been determined, and it is unlikely that he will get the identity of a guest here.

“If Ancient One is really dead, why did you bring him here? Ask me for credit?”

“No, the death of Ancient One is with us It doesn’t matter, so how about taking credit? I brought him here mainly for other things. Before that, you can take a look at the child’s aptitude and tell me what you think.”

“How about aptitude?” I opened Sky’s Eye and looked at Frank in front of me carefully. Even Yang Jian can’t say anything against his will at this time. “It is indeed a fine jade. If it is carefully cultivated, it may not be able to occupy a place in the Celestial Court. But even if he has such an aptitude, what does it have to do with you and me?”

” This is where the problem lies. Now that Ancient One sorcerer is already not in, naturally no one will guide him in cultivation. And he has no revenge, so he simply moved to his door.”

“So he is begging for you?” Yang Jian immediately said unceremoniously, looking at Guan Shiyin. “It’s not surprising. After all, Buddhism has always used the pretext of opening the door of convenience as an excuse to gather those talented people everywhere. Now that you encounter such a good talent and send it to the door, you naturally have no reason to refuse.”

“On the contrary, it is precisely because I consciously did not have the ability to teach him, which brought him to you. Maybe for him, you are the best person to teach him. And if From my personal point of view, it’s better to hand him over to you than to hand him over to the Dao Sect. In any case, the interests of Buddhism today are one with you. Even if you say Buddhism to me There are prejudices, so I don’t even care about owning interests.”

Avalokitesvara is open, and directly talked to Yang Jian about the interests of interests. From this perspective, even Yang Jian oneself cannot deny the correctness of her statement.

As a tycoon of Heavenly Palace, he is impossible to consider the overall interests, but only oneself’s emotional likes and dislikes. And if you say that, he is tied to the interests of Buddhism, there really is no good reason to refuse Frank’s participation.

He himself is also very aware of this fact, but it is inevitable that he still feels a little bit in his heart. So it was a bit picky in the egg, and he began to pick and choose Frank.

“Although it is a rare fine jade, but it shouldn’t be enough to make you, the dignified Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, feel powerless. Why, does he have any special requirements? Are you a Bodhisattva unable to satisfy? If you say yes, why do you think that I will satisfy his unreasonable demands?”

“Because I think if he really wants to do If your father takes revenge, then maybe it will make you more blue-eyed?”

When Guan Shiyin said this, Yang Jian was obviously quite meaningful when he said it. Because Yang Jian had the experience of smashing the mountain to save his mother, and Frank’s reason for revenge for his father is obviously the same. Also for filial piety, Yang Jian really has no reason to reject Frank. And if he insists on finding fault on this issue, then he can only say that he is denying those things that oneself has done in the past.

A proud person like Yang Jian is certainly impossible to deny oneself on this issue. Otherwise, he would not have lived a life of everyone minds their own business with his own Uncle Jade Emperor that many years. Because of this, when Guan Shiyin ran against him with these words, he really couldn’t say anything to refute him.

Of course, this does not mean that he compromised in this way. Arguing with Avalokitesvara, he is seeking sin for oneself. Because it is obvious that as a fighting faction, he is basically impossible to be an opponent of people like Guanyin who can speak lotus flowers. But not arguing with Guan Shiyin does not mean that he has no other way to provoke him. Persimmon is looking for a soft pinch, he will still do this move.

At the moment, he opened his three eyes at once and stared at Frank firmly. And such a move immediately put a lot of pressure on Frank. Because of the previous coercion, he now also feels frustrated with Yang Jian. So facing Yang Jian’s somewhat terrifying three eyes, it is inevitable that he is somewhat guilty.

“Can you not look at me like that? I feel a little scared.”

“I don’t do anything wrong in my life, and I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. If you are afraid, then just I can only say that you yourself have a ghost in your heart. What, is it just a clumsy lie that you said to avenge your father?”

Yang Jian said coldly, but it immediately stimulated Frank’s young heart. His determination to avenge his father could not be slandered by anyone. So even if it was Yang Jian, he responded in person.

“Shut up, my father’s hatred is not an excuse or reason for you to test! You can question my other things, but you can’t use my father to crack a joke!”

Being able to withstand great pressure to say such a thing shows that Frank is determined in faith. To be honest, Yang Jian already believes a little bit in his heart. But he still couldn’t understand, why he wanted to avenge his father, he must find his head. Couldn’t Guan Shiyin meet his needs? don’t crack a joke.

“So, you really want to avenge your father? So why, instead of asking Guanyin and choosing to come to me? Do you think I will speak better than her?”

“Because you have something I want in your hand, but she can’t give it.”

It’s already this time, and Frank just broke the jar and didn’t care about anything. Roundabout policy. He straightforwardly stated his intentions and clearly stated his own requirements.

“Listen, Mr. Erlang Shen Yang Jian. I came here to find you because Guan Shiyin told me that I can only get the spell of the seven nail head arrows from you. I need this spell to deal with The enemy who killed my father. If it weren’t for this, believe me, I won’t appear in front of you.”

“Seven arrows with nails?” At first glance, I heard such a request. Yang Jian couldn’t help but frowned. “This is a left-handed sorcerer. It hurts the heavens and peace. You are also the dísciple of Paragon sorcerer anyway. You should know that this kind of spell is easy to use. So, what kind of enemy it is, it will make you think Do you want to use such a spell to deal with him?”

“He is naturally the most damn kind of person in the world!” He cursed with red eyes, and Frank immediately took Smith Zhou He The origins of Ancient One sorcerer were revealed. And when he heard that what he was going to deal with was such an opponent, Yang Jian also knew in his heart, why he chose the evil forbidden method of nail head and seven arrows.

The seven nail-headed arrows are a forbidden method for injuring people with dark arrows, which are designed to overcome various golden body protection techniques. No matter it is the Buddha’s golden body or some other indestructible body, it is impossible to stop the assassination of three immortal souls and seven mortal souls by the nail-headed seven arrows. If his enemy is really like what he said, possesses great magical power and can be compared with Paragon sorcerer, then this nail-headed seven arrows is indeed his few choices now.

Just saying that, it doesn’t mean that Yang Jian is really willing to help him. After all, he is the dísciple of Ancient One, which first gave him the label of a thief. Coupled with his origin in Fanbang, Yang Jian has a congenital prejudice against him in line with his non-my race’s mindset.

He is not a buddhism guy, as long as he is an individual, he can accept it, and he doesn’t care about the others at all. The law is not passed lightly, this is his philosophy of life, and wanting him to give such a powerful ability to such an outsider is too whimsical.

“Let’s go, go to another sect, or just endure it for hundreds of years. In short, I won’t give you this spell.”

As soon as Yang Jian opened this mouth, Frank’s eyes were flushed immediately. He wants to fight for reasons, but just by looking at Yang Jian’s decisive attitude, he knows that no matter how oneself intercedes, it is basically impossible to change his mind. Now that he wants to open up the situation, he can only take out a killing move. Thinking of this, he shouted out immediately.

“Wait a minute. My father is Frank. Stark, and I am Zhou Yi, which is your Celestial Emperor’s friend. You can’t ignore me, otherwise your Celestial Emperor will be blamed, and you won’t be able to Explain!”

When he yelled out like this, both Yang Jian and Guan Shiyin were both astonished. They didn’t expect Frank to have such a heavy identity behind him, and if everything he said was true, then they really couldn’t deal with him in a leisurely manner.

It’s about the Celestial Emperor. No matter how small things are, they can’t be regarded as small things. Yang Jian has this kind of consciousness, so he directly reached out and grabbed Frank’s arm, and without saying a word, he was already using the technique of shifting, leading him to move away. And Guan Shiyin obviously didn’t want to stay out of the matter, she was frowned, and she also flung the willow branches, closely followed along.

At this time, no one knows whether the development of the situation will be good or bad, so keeping a close eye on is her best choice.

Guan Shiyin thought so. And when she was nervous, she and Yang Jian entire group were already one after the other, stepping on the land of Huiyao City.

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