Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2087

“No, child, I have to do this.”

Waving a hand at the own son, Zhou Yi displayed the method of shifting him directly from I moved out of sight. Only then did he look helplessly towards Yang Jian who stood by, and said to him like this.

“Unfortunate family, I made you read a joke.”

“Crown Prince is pure and honest, and his heart is filial. This is a good thing. Your Majesty does not need to worry too much.”

Yang Jian can of course see that this is Zhou Yi’s family affairs, not a foreign minister who can participate in it. So he opened his eyes and said something nice. Of course, just listen to this kind of words, and Zhou Yi will not take it seriously. So after a grin, he straightened his face and asked Yang Jian.

“Forget it, let’s talk about the business. Is the Tianwei Pillar’s business going smoothly?”

“With the presence of the Quartet Gods, the Tianwei Pillar is still OK. The natural strangers under Your Majesty’s hands are still somewhat useful. At the very least, under the premise of Your Majesty you order and not to interfere in the world without permission, their power can indeed do something to our forces. A little more.”

“Is it easy to use? It’s easy to use. At the very least, they can still have a little value of existence.”

Ignore the Mutant question. To mention, Zhou Yi shifted his focus to the dynamics of all parties. In any case, the four pillars he erected are impossible to escape the eyes and ears of all influences in the world. After all, this kind of landscape connecting to heaven penetrating the earth cannot be created by humans, and now such a sudden appearance of thin air in front of them, if they can ignore it, it is amazing.

According to Zhou Yi’s perception of governments of various countries, they will never be indifferent. By looking at their reactions, you can also roughly guess what they are doing with this kind of interference from God. An attitude.

It’s not that Zhou Yi is worried about becoming hostile relations with governments. After all, the volume was placed here, he simply didn’t put humans in his eyes. And if he insists on saying that he is worried, then it is estimated that he will be a little worried. Human beings cannot tell good from bad and come in with one foot, and then involve oneself as a whole.

Just like the current war between Hydra and the human government, it is an unequal war in terms of the level of war and the technological power held by both parties. Zhou Yi is about to enter the battlefield, and the force used to wipe out Smith Zhou’s ambition is not equal.

Just to fight against Hydra, governments basically can only rely on the country’s comprehensive national strength to support it. And once they are involved in such a war because they do not have eyes, Zhou Yi is really not sure that the subsequent development of the matter is acceptable to these humans.

If it were to change from the past, he might have thought about their mentality. But now, his anxiety has already turned into a mess, where also the time to take care of their life and death?

Take advantage of this moment when the war has not yet started to remind them that they are all benevolent. It is really a daydream to expect him to take care of the feelings of these ignorant mortals all the time.

Zhou Yi’s inner anxiety, Yang Jian, felt it, and said that he also understood Zhou Yi’s feelings very well now. After all, the current situation is that his family is controlled by others. In this case, if he can think about the interests and harms rationally, then he can only be described with cold-blooded words.

Although for the superiors, cold blood should be a normal state. But Zhou Yi, the superior, is not the same as those Yang Jian had known in the past. Although there are some swift and decisive actions, and the start is very ruthless, but in general, Yang Jian feels that Zhou Yi can still bear the title of a king of benevolence and justice.

Many things he did in Celestial Court were for the consideration of the lower Divine Immortal. Although I don’t know how many people these things have benefited, Yang Jian is certain that this must hurt more people than he did. And on this alone, he has already praised him for his benevolence.

It is better to be loyal to a benevolent lord than to a cold-blooded bastard. It is Yang Jian’s duty to resolve his worries for such a lord. To this end, he first told the truth.

“Your Majesty, for now, apart from the large number of ships that appeared near Jianmu where the god Meng Zhang is located, the other Tianzhus have not seen any major movements. Maybe the human world These kingdoms have not discovered our actions yet…”

“This is impossible. Even if such a big movement has not been discovered, they are not qualified to rule this World anymore. I think it should happen. What’s delayed…” shook the head, Zhou Yi denied Yang Jian’s idea. After all, he was in an era of technological explosion. He didn’t believe that the many satellites on oneself’s head were blind. And even if it means that some countries dare not act blindly without thinking, those things like United States and France are absolutely impossible to be indifferent to such a big move.

And what is it that makes them too late to react to this kind of thing? Zhou Yi released the divine force and scanned the whole world directly. At a glance, he immediately discovered the problems facing governments today.

Almost all over the chaos of the entire world, human beings fight and fight each other like wild beasts deprived of their minds. The social order disappeared, and the human regime fell apart, almost like the end of the world. And such a situation really made Zhou Yi somewhat unexpected.

He had only settled down in Heaven Realm before, and he had not had time to pay attention to the human situation. And as he looked closely, he was unavoidably surprised at the same time, unavoidably muttering in his heart.

“What the hell are these people like Stark doing?”

Such a huge chaos, it is absolutely impossible to say that it happened suddenly. It must have some premonitions, and before this premonition manifests itself, rulers such as Stark, or hero groups such as the Avengers, they should all take action first.

No matter how big the price is, it cannot be said to make the world what it is now. This can be regarded as their dereliction of duty, and if you look at it from now on, it is not surprising that they will be indifferent to the appearance of these heavenly pillars.

The governments of each country are basically powerless to defend himself, which is better in the east, barely conserving the country’s vitality, and reacting to the emergence of Tianzhu Jianmu. But judging from its current situation, sending such a few ships here is probably the limit. After all, the chaos within the country has not been eliminated. If it is not for fear that there will be a catastrophe that they cannot predict, they are unlikely to send out these warships. After all, mobilizing all forces to try to save himself, this is what he is doing now, the most important thing.

Although this is a good thing for Zhou Yi, because the kind of human beings that he is worried about will definitely not happen. But this does not mean that Zhou Yi wants to see such a situation.

Even if he is already very disappointed with humans now, as a father and a husband, he does not want to see so many families become fragmented and sad in the face of such disasters. Tragedy.

For this, he was silent for a while, and he stood up suddenly. And along with his actions, the bright light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth began to converge, and instantly impacted the sky above the sky like a pillar of light that lifted the sky.

Just like a mighty river vacated several ten thousand li and hit a vast lake, the clouds over the entire Earth began to agitate and converge under the impact of the beam of light, and ripples appeared. Then countless rains of light scattered in the ripples that overflowed here, and it became a downpour in the blink of an eye, covering the entire world in an instant.

Under the golden light and rain, everyone who was washed by the rain was purified by his divine force. The bewitching power from chaos was unable to resist the washing of the divine force, and was instantly purified. And without this kind of intrusion from chaotic evil forces, the human intellect has returned to them once again.

And until this time, the overwhelming majority in this world began to realize how terrifying things happened to them and around them.

The disaster has brought a piercing pain to the heart. Some people may wake up, but they would rather oneself never have such a sober day. Because this disaster not only brought them physical pain, but also took away the love in their hearts. The physical pain can be forcibly endured, but how can the pain caused by the loss of the most loved one be endured.

On this day, countless people are destined to cry for it. And looking at these crying children, hurting parents, desperate couples and lovers. After Zhou Yi sighed, he raised his hand again.

The beam of light became brighter and brighter. Almost half of Earth can be seen from afar. And with Zhou Yi’s repeated raising of divine force, the continuous light and rain throughout the entire world has become like a thread, and the shining sky has risen.

This time, what Guangxia benefits from is no longer limited to those who are alive, those who have just passed away, and those who have died unfortunately because of this disaster have all been saved by this light.

As if an invisible hand pulled them out of the abyss of Death, the divine force from Zhou Yi gave them a second life, allowing them to recover from the long sleep of Death. At the same time, just like the living beings before, the blessing of Guangyu also relieved their physical pain and visibly repaired the naked eye wound on their body.

This is not the first time he has shown such Gods Vestige. Of course, compared with the last time, he has done a lot more this time, and also too much. It is too much because he himself doesn’t know whether oneself should bring back so many people who were already dead. People can’t come back from death, he shouldn’t do it. But this is what he did, out of sympathy for that many innocent people, and out of his own selfishness.

He wants to bring his own old friend back to life. If he can, he wants Tony’s death to be reversed. But the ending was a little strange. He had already brought back that many dead, but there was no Tony’s silhouette in it.

His eyes are always on, there is no reason to misread. And if this did not bring Tony back, then it can only be said that there is something hidden in it.

Be aware that things like resurrection always start from the soul level. And under the circumstances that he has been paying attention, even if Tony’s body has been turned into ashes, as long as he also has a soul, he can be resurrected with divine force. But the situation now is that he didn’t at all find Tony’s soul. In this way, there are only two probability.

One is that Tony’s soul completely left this World and went to a far place beyond his sight. This is unlikely because Tony’s ability is not so great yet. He is an inventor on the side of technology, and he is not a super sorcerer like Ancient One.

To travel the universe with his soul, this is for him It’s still too unrealistic.

This kind of probability is not great, so Zhou Yi can only guess that his soul has fallen into the palm of others. And if that person is Smith Zhou, Zhou Yi has enough reasons to believe that he is capable and possible to do such a thing.

If this is true, then if you want to save his old friend together, you have to get Tony’s soul from him. And there is an obvious problem in the middle, that is, Zhou Yi is not sure that Tony’s soul is still safe and sound in Smith Zhou’s hands.

He has already used such evil methods, there is no reason to say that he will not do anything. And as long as he makes any action that may harm Tony’s soul, the difficulty of resurrecting Tony becomes soaring.

Zhou Yi has the power of resurrection, but it is impossible to create something from nothing to complement a broken soul. Up to now, Zhou Yi can only pray. Smith Zhou hasn’t done so well yet, and for this possibility, to be honest, he doesn’t have much expectation.

Zhou Yi here is a little bit emotional and silent for doing his best. On the other side, Yang Jian bowed deeply because of Zhou Yi’s actions.

“Your Majesty is really kind and generous. This act is of immense merit, and the ministers worship.”

With a Sky’s Eye, Yang Jian can naturally see all the disasters in this world. Now Zhou Yi uses his own divine force to wash away this disaster, helping countless mortals being reborn. If such behavior is not worthy of his praise, then he really doesn’t know what behavior is also worthy of praise.

Yang Jian said this very sincerely, apparently from the heart. However, Zhou Yi doesn’t eat this set very much, and even some expressions of excitement. He waved his hand, laughed at himself, and then asked Yang Jian.

“Yang Jian, you are believing or not. Even if I did this, in this world, people will still scold me?”

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