Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2093

“Wait, sir, what are you talking about?”

Coulson’s magical vision made the hearts of the few people present, and also made others The individual felt a sense of difficulty in self-confidence in an instant. Aunt May was the first to ask a question, and after him, Stacy followed up.

“Mr. Peter? Spider-Man? I think we need an exact explanation!”

This is both for Coulson and Peter himself. And before Peter was ready to answer, Coulson had already spoken before him.

“Sorry, depending on your situation, I don’t seem to know Peter’s true identity yet.”

“I haven’t had time to tell them, but according to the original agreement, This identity should be something you tried to keep secret for me.”

Peter’s expression is a bit uncomfortable, which is normal. Until now both he and Stark maintained such a tacit understanding that no one would bring their conflicts into each other’s family. The current situation is that this tacit understanding has been broken. And the person who broke him was Coulson, who oneself believed to be trustworthy, which of course gave him some thoughts in his heart.

“We have no choice but to do everything urgently.”

Coulson also knows that what oneself is doing is a bit unacceptable, but it is like he himself now That said, they have no other way.

“The situation is urgent, I will make a long story short. President Stark is already not in. The backbone of this country has fallen! At this time, we need influential people to stand up and help us stabilize this country !”

Coulson was a little helpless when he said this, because he himself felt that this meant trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis. The country does not have a stable successor. When Stark was in its prime and at the peak of his career, no one would really think of arranging a successor among them. And now the problem is here.

The sudden fall of Stark caused the United States Government to fall into a state of no leader in an instant. And if this kind of thing happens in normal times, although it will experience some turbulence, under the self-regulation of the government and the compromise of all influence, they can arrange the follow-up succession work.

But the problem is that it is not usual at this time, but internal trouble and outside aggression, which does not give them a chance to breathe at all.

Internal worries, having just experienced such a catastrophe, it can be said that the entire United States has already fallen into a situation of waiting for prosperity. The government’s work functions have just been restored, and the urgent need to rebuild social order will undoubtedly consume most of the country’s resources. But at this time, also people jumped out to make trouble.

The omnic system all over the United States has come to a clear conclusion, the whole United States is now surging everywhere, it is a wave of public opinion. Regardless of whether these people are ill-intentioned and want to blog for oneself, or they simply want the government to give them an account of the disaster and their losses, their behavior itself is undoubtedly shaking the country. Foundation.

Without the support of interest groups headed by Stark Industries, it is not easy for the United States Government to spend the money that can restore social order. Or simply put it this way, without Stark, they simply can’t get the money now.

American has money. This is a fact recognized by the world for more than half a century. However, this kind of wealth is actually built on many aspects. Coulson oneself knows the truth very well. Except for the blood sucking of certain semi-monopoly industries on the whole world, a large part of it comes from the financial deterrence of large and small global forces under the influence of United States. compromise.

In the past, the United States was powerful, so no one can do anything to them even if they are heavily indebted. They can completely ignore the trillions of U.S. debts and print U.S. bills with great fanfare. This is equivalent to disguising the sharing of own financial problems to the whole world, and out of the consideration of the world financial order, you know there is no way to stop them.

But it is different now. The USD’s ruling system has already collapsed. And when the United States Government is still carrying a certain amount of debt, as long as the United States Government dares to play the trick of printing money, then in an instant, the entire United States currency will plunge downward. Especially now, when the credit of this country is worrying, if they can’t control one of them, USD will become the general existence of Toilet Paper.

So, they must have super companies like Stark Industries to stabilize their own financial markets. The key to this lies in Stark himself.

He is alive. As the only and largest ruler of Stark Industries, he is naturally able to easily make up his mind to help the government stabilize the economy. But if he is passed away, his successors, the shareholders of Stark Industries itself and their allies, they may not want to play this kind of loss-making business.

The Coulson group originally wanted to find other members of the Stark family, Maria and Frank, and use them to make a sound and stabilize the situation in the country. But now, these two people seem to have disappeared out of thin air, even if they want to find them, they have no clue at all.

The economic problem is the biggest hidden danger within them, and compared with this hidden danger, the threat from the outside world is also not to be underestimated.

The collapse of the space defense system means that the combined forces of the world are facing a huge challenge. At this moment when the entire world has just awakened from a nightmare, it can be said that the space defense system has been lost, and all countries have lost the power to resist and counterattack. Once something happens at this time, it is certain that something will happen. It is really difficult to make a difference only with military power that has not fully recovered.

At this time, Coulson and the others don’t have many cards to play. Gathering the power that oneself can gather together is the only thing they can do. In this case, Peter who appeared in their field of vision is undoubtedly a good choice. After all, he once commanded Ghost Rider, his background is still very strong.

On the one hand, Peter is used to deter potential enemies, and on the other hand, Spider-Man’s good reputation among the people is used to stabilize the almost uproarious public opinion. The rest only needs to survive this period of time, and they will survive a catastrophe. For Coulson and the others, what they paid was just a written pardon, which of course would be a good deal.

Of course, the premise of all this is based on Peter’s willingness to accept the deal. As for the current deal, Peter obviously doesn’t think it will be more important than another thing.

“Stark is dead? How is this possible? He was still with me before, how could he suddenly die when he was dead?”

“The source of the news is from Mr. Zhou Yi’s younger sister, Clarice Young Lady.”

Sighed, Kelsen didn’t dare to lie or be vague about this matter, so he brewed it for a while, and made a long story short.

“Smith Zhou was found to be the main messenger behind Hydra, and he attacked the space defense system, causing our greatest countermeasures to completely collapse. After that, he came to this city to try to hijack Zhou Yi’s family used it as a threat. In the process, President Stark tried to stop, but failed. He was killed…”

“Smith Zhou, how could it be He? I remember that the two of them were clearly…”

“Father and son relationship.” Coulson made it clear, but he also clarified the true relationship between the two. “But it is said that the relationship has broken down, and in most cases, especially now that the family is being held hostage, the two of them are probably at odds.”

“So, Mr. Zhou Yi’s family is now in that guy’s hands?”

Peter frowned, obviously he wants to do something. For the kind of begin to stir he showed, Coulson spoke quickly, dispelling his enthusiasm.

“It’s nothing to do with you, Peter. You can’t do much. You can’t do anything against a monster like Smith Zhou. Besides, even if it’s to deal with him, it’s not your turn. Come on. Don’t you see the things on top of your head? That kind of power from unknown mysterious test will appear here with the permission of someone. I think it should be obvious and easy to see.”

“You mean, he has come back?”

When Peter was surprised at first, he couldn’t help making an own guess at the same time he heard this statement. In the face of his guess, Coulson neither affirmed nor denied it.

“I can’t give a definite answer, but I think this is the most likely.”

“Then why don’t you ask him, in his capacity, Isn’t it more useful than if you came over to find me?”

“Of course I thought about this possibility, but there are still too many concerns.” sighed, Coulson is not like this either. What to conceal on the issue, he said directly. “First of all, the most direct problem is that we don’t have a bargaining chip in our hand to negotiate terms with him?”

“If it is really him, then you can imagine what is right for him now Things are the most important thing. If you want him to spare time to support us in this situation, then you must have a bargaining chip that can impress him. Favors? Unfortunately, all the past is almost a waste. Exhausted this little friendship between us. If Mr. Stark is still there, maybe there is a chance, but after his death, this is already impossible.”

“And , We also have other worries…” At this point, Coulson suddenly seemed a little worried. “If he really brought these things in the sky, then we absolutely need to think about his position. It is still a question of whether he is an enemy or a friend. It is still unclear. If he is a bad person At the very least, we can’t bring wolves into the room…”

Coulson didn’t say anything, because it didn’t have to be too thorough. If Zhou Yi were really their enemy, the consequences would be unimaginable. If that time comes, instead of desperately making useless resistance, it might be easier to think of a decent way to die for oneself.

Coulson certainly doesn’t want this to be the case, but who can tell the situation today?

Both people have their own consideration of the current situation, which makes them all fall into silence for a while. Of course, this does not mean that no one will happen, such as the Parker couple and the Stacy family, they are obviously in a kind of shock that cannot be extricated from the conversation between these two people.

The melon is too big, and it is not very friendly to the people who eat melon. Mr. Stacy became more shocked as he listened, as if oneself’s previous cognition was being shattered by something terrifying. If not to say that Coulson’s identity and its prestige, and he does not believe that Peter dared to make such a joke with oneself at this time, he would think that these two people are crazy.

And if the two of them are not crazy, then what they are talking about now is too sensational.

Stark is dead, which he can understand. After all, from his personal point of view, everything Stark until now does is putting oneself in a very dangerous situation. The general will inevitably forget before the battle, he is always impossible, and once a mistake is made, it is logical to follow in Lincoln’s footsteps.

What he didn’t really expect was the identity of Zhou Yi that Peter was talking about.

Although it was a bit vague, he was sure that they were talking about Zhou Yi. In his previous impressions, Zhou Yi is at best the major shareholder of the Corona Group. This identity can be regarded as the gold master of the entire Huiyao City, grasping the economic lifeline of this city, but to say how powerful he is, that is not necessary in his eyes.

At any rate, he was the chief of police in New York. He was accustomed to seeing aliens and monsters. He really didn’t put ordinary rich people in his eyes. But now it seems that Zhou Yi is not as simple as a rich man.

From the lines of their conversation, you can easily see that their fear and awe of Zhou Yi far surpassed anyone he ever knew.

Coulson is a politician, and it is not surprising that he would be afraid of such big capitalists. But Peter is not an ordinary person. If he is really Spider-Man, the Superhero who dared to confront the whole country and the whole world by the strength of oneself, then how could a trifling rich man make him react like this? . He does not have a daughter named Gwen.

In the end, it is a policeman. Reasoning is almost instinctive. And under his reasoning, a fact that he could not believe at all filled his mind.

He felt that oneself was out of trouble. So at this time he hurriedly spoke to Peter and asked them.

“The person you have been talking about is…Zhou Yi? Why do you care about him so much, also, what is his identity?”

“Is this question. ..” Coulson hesitated a little, but finally gave the answer. “If you follow the habits of your Huiyao City, Zhou Yi can be regarded as your God.”

“GOD? King Ming? How is this possible…”

Don’t say it was him. Everyone who was unknowingly present was shocked by the news. According to the traditional concept, God is far away from man. So even if it has been exposed, Dawn Knight is King Ming, the True God in this world, most people will still feel subconsciously that God is very far away from them.

But now the situation is that you suddenly told him that the rich man who had drunk with you and attended your child’s engagement banquet is the incarnation of God in the world. Are you still very Calm? The answer is of course impossible.

The men are okay, they can suppress oneself’s inner emotions somewhat. But the women couldn’t do it anymore, and the screams were small. It seems that Mrs. Stacy, who has already entered the religion and firmly believes in King Ming, was already shocked and unable to speak, tears of excitement flowed.

Stacy’s shock may not be smaller than them, but on the surface, he still retains a certain level of calmness.

“Is this true? Sir. How can you be sure…”

“Because we always know. And don’t forget, this city can be protected by him What is the reason? If it is not for that he himself has funded the reconstruction of this city, how can he single out this one in that many cities in the world? And if he is not Ming Wang himself, who has that right and Courage, how about taking the hot potato from Mutant? seize every opportunity, this simple rhetoric can’t cover everything.”

With the advantage of information, Coulson said that Stacy was speechless. . And after speaking these words, Coulson also changed the front and put the problem in front of Peter again.

“I have said everything you want to know, now I need you to give me a positive answer, Peter?”

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