Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2102

“The head of the report, we have already contacted Zhu Lao…”

“So, what does Zhu Lao say?”

“Lao Zhu looked at the information we brought over, and he definitely told us that the huge tree that appeared outside the Eastern Sea is the built wood mentioned in the is legend. And the huge dragon circling above it , Is also the Azure Dragon in is legend.”

“I knew that when Westerners’ Satan and Demon King started to jump out, how could our Eastern God live in peace? “The person called the chief muttered to himself first, and then continued to ask with a straight face. “Did Mr. Zhu say, what is the reason why the Azure Dragon also that Jianmu appeared outside Eastern Sea? Also, do the abnormalities that appear in the North and North Pole and West Africa have something to do with them?”

” Mr. Zhu said that the four gods usually advance and retreat together. As the case of Azure Dragon of the East with fanfare, other three gods are usually indispensable. So he thinks, if nothing else, The other three places should be the White Tiger, Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise. As for the reason for their appearance, Zhu Lao said a word…”

” , I have a fart quickly. When is it, did you hide it for Lao Tzu?”

“Yes! Zhu Lao said, the reason for their appearance may be because of the Tianwei pillar?”


“Tianwei Pillar?” The person called the leader was a little confused. Maybe he guessed some possibility, but he was still not sure. And at this time, it is natural for the subordinates to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind for him.

“Yes, Tianwei pillar. According to the explanation of Old Zhu, it is a divine object used to connect the mythical Heaven Realm with our human world, just like the Buzhou in is legend Mountain is the same. From the current observations, that Jianmu does have a bit of the meaning of Buzhou Mountain in the myth. According to the existing measurement methods, its main branch has exceeded 50,000 metres, which is enough for Mount. Everest is more than six times the height. This is not counting its canopy and the parts that are hidden in unknown clouds. Although I have never seen what Buzhou Mountain is like, I think if Buzhou Mountain really exists, then Probably it is almost the same as the current Jianmu.”

Although I am reporting on work, this does not prevent the speaker from sighing with emotion. And his emotion is not that absolutely does not have reason.

As a human being, when faced with a mythical thing like Jianmu, as it should be by rights will have a sense of insignificance. This is because of the smallness of human individuals and their worldview has become not worth mentioning at this time. In fact, if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined what it is like to have a tall tree with several dozen li wide branches and a crown covering ten thousand acres. That is to say, only a glimpse of clues can be seen in the myth.

And now, such a creation that only exists in mythology appeared in front of them so suddenly. Even if you are a determined materialist, after seeing such a existence, I am afraid it will be difficult to continue to stick to their simple worldview.

Of course, existence is reasonable. A true materialist will not deny what is in front of him. On the one hand, you are denying and impossible to change the fact that it exists. On the other hand, if you have this idle time, it is better to think about how to solve the problem under oneself’s nose.

The old chief is such a pragmatic materialist. After understanding what oneself wanted to know, he didn’t bother to talk with the intelligence agent under his hand, but started thinking about the current situation as soon as he closed his eyes.

With experience, he can feel that things are not as simple as he imagined, but like a ball of yarn, he followed the inextricable clues and quickly explored In a context.

“You said that our fleet was only expelled without any harm? Is this any harm literally, or is it felt by the people below?”

” We have transported the destroyer back to the factory and conducted a careful survey. Apart from the paint peeling caused by a little scratching, we have not found any other problems. At that time, all the navies involved in the operation have also been sent to the navy. The general hospital conducted a physical and psychological double examination, and found nothing abnormal.”

“So this is literally? What does the other party mean, don’t you plan to be an enemy of us?”

The old chief is still hesitant, after all, from his level, it is necessary to be as thorough as possible. But just as he was thinking about all kinds of probabilities, the adjutant in front of him showed a hesitant expression.

“If you have any bullshit, let it go quickly. Don’t hold it in your heart. It makes oneself as if you are constipated. I’m looking at you.”

“Report chief. I think, Even though the other party has shown this tendency toward innocence, can we preliminarily determine that the other party may be a friend or not an enemy? I think no matter what, it is also our own Divine Immortal. This is not a foreigner. Those gods and demons are a bunch of guys who only know how to do things all day long. Our own Divine Immortal has always been doing business in the story. So from this perspective, whether we can operate or not, discuss with them , How about an own person who doesn’t fight the own person?”

“The own person doesn’t fight the own person?” This is a simple saying. After thinking about it, you will find that there are actually many curves in it. . The old chief also pondered for a while before he figured out a general idea. After understanding this, he immediately patted the adjutant on the shoulder and said to him. “Yes, kid. Is your brain suddenly awkward or something? How can you suddenly come up with such a good idea?”

“These are the chiefs who have taught me well. Nian has been studying with the chief, how come you have to learn something, right?”

“Flattery!” He snorted with a smile, and the old chief had a stern expression and started talking with him. . “I have an order for you. You do it now, and then go find Elder Zhu. Tell him that we hope he can act as a messenger to negotiate with the Azure Dragon stationed on Jianmu and the forces behind him. There is only one purpose for all negotiations, that is, the owner person does not fight the owner person. No matter what their purpose is, we don’t get involved. Of course, we also hope that they will not interfere with our free development. You brought this sentence here. .. No, you have to follow Mr. Zhu all the way, make sure I can’t miss a word of these words, and can’t be wrong. Do you understand?”

“I…follow me all the way? Chief, what do you mean? I also want to contact those Divine Immortal?”

“Why, do you have a problem?”

Seeing that the chief has a straightened face, he has a business-like attitude. The adjutant stood up straight and respected Lilai.

“Report to the chief, make sure to complete the mission!”

“Very good.” The chief said, on the shoulder of the encouragement-patted adjutant. “The country has entrusted you with the important task, and I hope you will not let the country down. If your mission is completed this time, then wait till you get back, and I personally tell you the merits. And if you mess up this time Now, you brat’s good days are coming to an end, do you understand?”


“If you understand, get out of here, and start now.”

The adjutant who sent one sentence disappeared in front of the owner like a 100-meter race walk. The old chief groaned for a long time before he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

“Hey, it’s me. I’m looking for you. Yes, Lao Wang, it’s me. I want to tell you something. From now on, no matter what other countries say, as long as it is When it comes to the big tree outside Eastern Sea, we all should not know, don’t understand the truth, and don’t want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. In short, procrastinate, procrastinate to my side until we reply to you. What? You I’m asking if I’m doing a little action? What is a little action? I’m just and honorable. I’ll tell you, Pharaoh, I don’t care about everything else. If I can pull the Divine Immortal from those trees this time, Come to our side, I did your diplomatic work for you. When the time comes, you have to invite me to drink!”

“What, what Divine Immortal? My side I just got the news that the big tree on the Eastern Sea is the built wood in our Old Ancestor mythology, and the most likely one on it is our own Divine Immortal. Motherfucker, the world has tossed for those foreigners’ Mao gods. For a long time, now it’s finally our turn. This time, there are United States guys in front of the experience, anyway, I don’t plan to fight them directly.”

“Yes, live together peacefully. . As long as the other party has no intention of aggression, I think we can have a good chat. Is it the same root? It’s okay if the own person does not fight the own person. Of course, we are talking about the own person here, if someone doesn’t If we hit them with long eyes, we can’t control it. We can mediate from it, or we can provide some help if they don’t support it. Although I think it’s unlikely, but generally speaking, that’s what it means.”

“I’m just telling you, you just have to know it in your heart. In short, we have a good pace and can’t let those outsiders take advantage of the loopholes. Yes, you can start running to United States now. Just say condolences to Stark and drag them for 10-15 days. I guess if they really want to do anything, I guess they won’t be able to wait that long…”

In-depth exchanges, The bosses of the several departments have already greeted each other and started to perform their duties. In general, their strategy is to respond to changes with the unchanging, and to use static braking. Of course, they have the confidence to do so. In addition to their historical origin, it is even greater because their background is rich enough.

Military, economics, politics, even if it is slightly damaged because of Dormammu’s relationship, but in terms of size and completeness, he is still in this world first.

This kind of volume gives them enough confidence that even if the final result will deteriorate, but with the accumulation of these backgrounds and the depth of the country, they can drag the situation to a sufficient level. Within the scope of acceptance. In comparison, those other countries have no such confidence.

It’s better to say that Antarctica, although it feels a bit bizarre that there is an active volcano on the frozen continent, but it is a continent without human inhabitation, let alone an additional active volcano. Having a Godzilla wandering on it won’t have much impact on humans. In comparison, the other three pillars of the sky are different.

Jianmu is located outside the Eastern Sea, sandwiched between Asia and Australia. Its appearance affects not only Dongfang World, in fact, the entire Southeast Asia and Australia have been affected by it.

Imagine the feeling that you can see a big tree rising above the sky when you look across the sea. If you say that this is something that has been seen from a young age, then forget it, no matter how bizarre it is, how can you get used to it after so many years. But the problem is that this big tree didn’t stand here since ancient times. It took root in the sky and the sea overnight, suddenly.

As soon as the front foot broke free from the influence of Dormammu, I saw such a big guy blocking the door of the owner’s house on the back foot. I believe that any country with a little sense of prevention is unlikely to accept such a situation. What can they do when faced with this situation? Australia gave a wonderful demonstration to all the surrounding countries.

As a dominant player in the South Pacific Ocean, Australia has always been a bit strange about owning. In essence, he wants to become the overlord of the stand by one’s word in the entire South Pacific Ocean region. But unfortunately, their strength does not allow them to have this degree of ambition.

Although 48 warships and 16,000 active navy are the most powerful naval forces in the entire South Pacific Ocean, don’t forget that this World also United States and other rising stars exist. In the past, the several large fleets of United States almost regarded the high seas of the whole world as the back garden of oneself’s home, so they had to put a flag there to tell you that this was their territorial waters.

In that case, Australia is impossible to say in front of the United States fleet that oneself wants to be the overlord of the South Pacific Ocean. They can only obediently and honestly follow American behind, with bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections to satisfy oneself’s exaggerated ambitions.

And this is false, they know it oneself. So when American’s overseas fleet was almost annihilated, the Australian ambitious were overjoyed.

They feel that the time for oneself to rule the South Pacific Ocean has finally come. This is the favor of fate. However, the reality is that they have not waited for them to arrange this dream. The fleet from the East has accepted American hegemony silently and began to dignify the oneself fleet from your home over and over again. The door has been opened.

What? do you have any opinion? Oh, the high seas are your territorial waters. What? You don’t allow me to pass here. You are the only amphibious assault ships that barely pass even being light aircraft carriers. Do you know what these aircraft carriers are behind me?

Reality has always been so cruel that Australians have to learn to submit to reality. However, this does not mean that their ambitions are obliterated. In fact, they have been waiting for opportunities. At the moment, the appearance of Jianmu makes them feel once again that the own opportunity has come.

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