Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2111

Giant Spirit God wielded a huge golden hammer, like a watermelon smashed with a hammer to smash the closed steel door. As the movement of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, Not only was the gate opened in one fell swoop, but the entire base embedded under the surface seemed to have been swayed and shattered after an earthquake.

This is the last stronghold of this base, and the fortifications below the surface are set up to put up a desperate struggle. Unfortunately, they did not even have the opportunity to put up a desperate struggle. When the Giant Spirit God broke through a gap with brute force, the heavenly soldiers immediately stepped forward, and the emperor raged through the underground fortifications like a Fire Dragon. And when the scorching heat under the feet can be felt through a thick layer of mud and rocks, the Hydra soldiers inside are already impossible to survive.

“Report! The thieves here have been wiped out, and no one will survive. In addition, there are enemy people around, and I have been imprisoned by us, waiting for the general to send down!”

Everything must be in accordance with the military law system, even if it is the Old Foxes under Giant Spirit God, they dare not do anything at this time. So they acted fairly. Looking at the situation reported by the people under his own hands, Giant Spirit God waved his hand while being deeply satisfied.

“A group of old and weak women and children, what do you keep them for? They are all released. Anyway, the imperial decree of Celestial Court is to let me wait to break through the defense line here and kill the thieves here, but I didn’t say that I was to wait and kill. He is a completely barren, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain. Shangfeng didn’t let him do it, and I didn’t want to do such silly things. In short, he gave me all the tempers that I used to kill well. The unimportant messengers, just let them get out of me!”

“But General, if this leaks out the wind, will it leak the information of my army?”

Giant Spirit God can wave his hand, but the soldiers under his hand can’t help but think more about him. Of course, this dim sum of Giant Spirit God was obviously also considered, so he shook the head and calmed it out.

“Don’t worry about it. This battle is a dignified conquest, not a dangerous plot against soldiers. It’s compared to letting the culprits know that we are waiting for the heavenly soldiers to hit the door. , Shangfeng is probably more worried because they still don’t know that Celestial Court is fighting them! So, you go and give orders, so that the young ones will disperse the messy people and wait for me, but also give me the name Report it out. Let them also tell me what kind of prestige the Celestial Court army is today.”

“Follow the order!”

The soldier who passed the order has to run away, and here Giant Spirit God also passed the victory back. Although nearly a thousand enemy troops have been wiped out, one Zhai Fort can only be regarded as a small victory, but at any rate it is also a good start and has value worth passing back.

Of course, Giant Spirit God’s ambition is more than just that. A trifling trifling is not enough for the top people to hear his name, and this is his goal. So to achieve his goal, at the very least, he has to turn this small victory into a big one.

In military operations, Giant Spirit God, as a vanguard general, has the power to act cheaply. And after some careful thinking, he made up his mind.

“Come here, call me all the military officers of the various ministries! Just say that the account is discussed!”

Celestial Court was re-established at the end of Han Dynasty, and many of its own systems were also spread at that time. Down. For example, the military system is based on the five divisions of the Great General Battalion in the Han Dynasty.

Giant Spirit God is a miscellaneous general. It’s okay to be a vanguard, but it’s not enough to be a commander in chief. Therefore, his official rank is lieutenant, two thousand elite under the commander. And if he wants to make military mobilization, he naturally only needs to call the Shiqu army waiting under his command.

The so-called military officers are basically the backbone of the military. Marching and fighting, formation of troops, basically cannot do without the opinions of these officers. The Giant Spirit God wants to make contributions, of course, we have to discuss with them. And just after he raised the big tent and summoned all the queuing soldiers, he straightened to the point directly.

“My princes, today I am victorious. I will first congratulate the princes. However, I hurriedly recruited the princes to come over, naturally not for such a trifling trifling matter. I am a straightforward person, so I won’t engage in those tricks. I just asked the princes directly, today’s victory, are princes satisfied?”

Seeing that no one answered, Giant Spirit God immediately patted the table, shouted loudly.

“Since you guys don’t say anything, then I’ll talk about it first. Let me say, this trifling is a trifling victory, so what is it, and how can I settle my husband’s ambition to make a contribution?”


“Let’s listen to me first. I belong to Chengtai in the East Heaven Gate for many years and neglect warfare. On battle strength, there is one thing to say. It is indeed not as good as the South Heaven Gate who holds the authority to conquer the lower realms. Today. I will wait for the first to come first. To tell the truth, it’s just that my East Tianmen is closer to Tianwei Jianmu. Today I’m waiting here, and if I want to make further contributions, I have to compete with South Heaven Gate also the other two. The elites of Tianmen are fighting for success. And even if Shangfeng asked me to wait for a fair competition, you wait for your conscience and say, can I win the crowd of South Heaven Gate?”

Celestial Court garrison is dominated by four heaven gates, among which South Heaven Gate is the main gate of Celestial Court, which is naturally the top priority. And even if these soldiers from Dongtianmen were unwilling to say that they were unwilling, they had to admit that when it came to ability, they were indeed slightly weaker.

And if you admit this, then the meaning of Giant Spirit God is already somewhat clear.

“Does the general want to take advantage of South Heaven Gate before he has time to intervene and go to another city?”

The officers began to ask questions. If they said yes, they would not Reject this opportunity to make contributions. However, Giant Spirit God’s ambition is obviously much larger than they thought.

“One more city? That’s not enough. Come here, get the sand table!”

For the sand table, the Eastern Han Dynasty Ma Yuan had gathered rice into a valley, pointing to It’s a form of change. The rebuilding of Celestial Court itself is the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. There is no reason why this thing cannot be moved out. As for why the celestial troops and generals in India have the sand table, it is necessary to talk about the clairvoyance and the shunfeng ear in Celestial Court.

Many people think that clairvoyance and shunfeng ear are specifically for the Jade Emperor to inquire about news. Jade Imperial Capital needs to know what is happening in the world through them. This is actually a fallacy. Because even the most idiotic ruler, it is impossible to do this kind of stupid thing about using precious military resources as oneself for fun and listening to gossip.

The real role of clairvoyance and shunfeng ears has always been in the military. This can be seen from their responsibility to guard South Heaven Gate. And to say what this role is, then the specific classification can only say that they are responsible for the work of detecting the enemy.

With clairvoyance, he could not escape his eyes with clairvoyance. And Shunfeng Ear can monitor the plaything, even the movement hidden underground is impossible to be ignored by him. Together, the two are more powerful than any radar in the world. And if they combine what they have seen and heard, then pile up a few sandboxes. The Celestial Court army is dispatched, and naturally, there is a chance of winning the first three points.

Giant Spirit God is a vanguard general and has the power to act cheaply. Naturally, he is qualified to take such a sand table on the road. And when he put the sand table in the big tent, he immediately said with his hand somewhere in the corner of the sand table.

“This place is called Mumbai, and it is an important town in this Tianzhu. The opponents we are dealing with today are also here, and they have only subverted in just two years. The major event of this regime. This can be regarded as their land of the rising dragon. And let me say, instead of laying these useless bunkers step by step, accumulating this trivial effort. It would be better to simply accumulate this trivial effort. One point, directly attack the root of the problem, and take down the important town of Mumbai in one fell swoop! As long as you can take down this important town, you will be able to make great achievements at your fingertips. Some people and others will also be prosperous and prosperous. Exhausted. So, what do you think?”

Hearing what Giant Spirit God said, the military officers obviously understood what he meant. He didn’t want to fight steadily, but wanted to make a trick. This can be regarded as a wonderful move in the art of war, but in their opinion, it is really a bit too bold.

In any case, they only have two thousand people. According to the intelligence sent to them by Clairvoyance, the few people in that city called Mumbai have millions or even tens of millions. Even if it is one out of ten or one out of a hundred, there are tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of troops in that city. This is to allow them to act as one hundred. And after seeing all the weapons of today’s mortals, and these freaks of also Hydra, even if they are brave like heavenly soldiers, they dare not speak such big words easily.

For the sake of safety, in fact, the best choice for the war itself is to be safe. Of course, these officers still hope to be able to fight well. However, considering the current mood of Giant Spirit God, they can understand why he put forward this idea.

Giant Spirit God is very popular, no matter if it’s up or down, he can get in touch. Coupled with the courage to fight and fight as a person, he has been the vanguard in previous wars. It stands to reason that such a person should have been promoted a long time ago. However, the reality is that since joining Celestial Court, Giant Spirit God has always been a captain and a miscellaneous general.

There are many reasons for this, but the two most clear points summed up by the soldiers are, birth, also deliberate suppression by the boss.

Giant Spirit God does not come from the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. He himself is a descendant of the ancient Kuafu clan and can be regarded as the legacy of the Ancient Celestial Court. Such people are placed on the Celestial Court later, and of course they are counted according to the elders of the previous dynasty. Naturally, in order to consolidate today’s rule, even if there is any opportunity for promotion, it is impossible to fall on him.

Of course, this is based on seniority. In the army, seniority is important, but it is not as outstanding as combat achievements. And Giant Spirit God takes the lead in every battle, although there are halberds like Flower Fruit Mountain, but in the end there are more wins than losses. Coupled with the saying that after hundreds of battles, there is no credit and hard work, it is his turn to climb up. But the problem is that he is under the command of King Tota.

At the beginning, King Tota was the commander of the Chinese army, and the four heavenly gates were controlled by him. This is also a manifestation of Celestial Court’s approach to Xitian. In such a situation, he as it should be by rights will hand over the soldiers and horses of his unit to the hands of his cronies. The four heavenly kings were his first choice. After all, they were all born in Xitian, and there is no reason for him to spare these cronies and surrender the power to outsiders like Giant Spirit God. And even if the Giant Spirit God has outstanding merits, he can only be obediently and honestly under the command of King Guangmu as his miscellaneous general.

If he wants to go further, he needs to command Dongtianmen. To command the East Heaven Gate, he must turn off the Guangmu Heavenly King on his head. This must be something that Xitian Buddhism people don’t want to see, and under the premise that Xitian’s momentum is so great that Lianyu Imperial Capital wants to have sex with them, it is naturally impossible for him to get promoted.

For so many years, Giant Spirit God has almost died. Maybe he will not think that Celestial Court will have a change of dynasty, the sun, the moon and the new sky. This is of course a big change for him, but the biggest impact is that the ambition in his heart that has long since been extinguished has also begun to burn.

Celestial Emperor is only used, this is almost all celestial troops and generals are in the eye. Those incompetent people were swept away, and those boasting and talking, daring not to put them in the eyes of Celestial Court incumbents because of their identities from the Buddhist and Taoist schools, they were no longer visible.

In front of the Celestial Emperor are almost all capable soldiers, and what they have seen and felt with their own eyes is also what they have personally felt. However, anyone who has a skill and can contribute to the Celestial Court, even the Celestial Emperor will be proud of it regardless of origin. Kindly reward.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian is a typical example. The nephew of the Jade Emperor, once again, was an enemy of the Celestial Emperor. As a result, the Celestial Emperor saw Erlang Shen’s loyalty and dedication, not for the sake of ignorance, and promoted him all the way to the True Martial Emperor. Location.

This is certainly an incentive for the ambitious. Even if they say that their ability is not as good as Erlang Shen, but they can have such ambitions, naturally they will not be regarded as wine skin and rice bags. Not asking for ascending to the skies with a single leap, but being able to get something from work, relying on one’s ability to make a wife and shame, but it is also a matter of doing my part.

Giant Spirit God now has such a mind. He wants to pass this big victory and make a stand for oneself, so that oneself has not made an inch for many years and has nowhere to make aspirations. As the close siblings around him, these military officers responded as it should be by rights after guessing what he meant.

“If the general wants to make this great achievement, I will go to Blade Mountain and go to the fire sea, and I must also help the general. What plan does the general have, despite the instructions. I will wait. The army officer and the brothers underneath will definitely bow their heads and listen to the orders!”

“Okay! The brothers did not disappoint a family!”

Giant Spirit God has a beard, haha ​​big At the same time he laughed, he glanced at the face suddenly and sweared.

“Today, a certain Giant Spirit God swears an oath here first. Today, if he decides to succeed in a single battle. No matter the great merits, he must also share his achievements with his brothers. If it violates this Oath, I told me to be on the Behead Immortal stage, struck by the thunderbolt, and died in the ashes. The sky is a clear lesson!”

“The generals must be the head of the horse, go through water and tread on fire. If you violate this oath, God hates it!”

Giant Spirit God just swore together here, and the military officers over there also swear to swear. This can be regarded as the joy of monarchs and subjects, and with such a premise, Giant Spirit God naturally has no reservations.

“My plan is like this…”

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