Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2128

Infinity Gem is undoubtedly the power of the cream of the crop level in the universe, and the person who holds this power must also be the powerhouse of the cream of the crop in the universe.

Perhaps like Thanos at the beginning, the degree to which several planets can be turned into cosmic dust can’t be compared, but as long as Tony has this idea, it will kill everything on a planet in an instant Life is not a problem.

Although it is an imitation, this nano Infinite Gauntlet also basically has the function of loading Infinity Gem and releasing its power like Infinite Gauntlet. In other words, on the premise that it is sufficient to carry this strength, Tony’s use of Mind Stone is 100% efficient.

Compared with his power, the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy are not worth mentioning at all.

Up to the absolute military force of Drax, down to the weak chicken of Quill. The strength of the entire Guardians of the Galaxy members may be uneven, but in the end, they did not emerge from the category of individual creatures. In the race of their individual, they can only be regarded as outstanding members of the race, but they cannot be said to be special individuals who are beyond the category of race.

At this point, Star Lord may be a surprise, after all, his race is very special. But seeing his IQ seriously lowered the lower limit, tentatively treat him as an ordinary person level.

In short, the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy is a bounty hunter team composed of multiple Interstellar races. The name sounds pretty cool, but it can’t change the ordinary nature. It is simply impractical to expect them to suppress a powerhouse that holds the Infinity Gem.

Let’s not say whether they have this strength, just the courage to fight against this kind of powerhouse is what they lack.

They are not the famous Guardians in the universe, they have the noble consciousness of maintaining the order of the universe even at the expense of their lives. Under the premise of knowing that they cannot do anything, of course they know how to write the word confession.

Bringing Tony on a trip is not so much as they say, it’s a helpless move in the face of the fellow. Rather, it is obedience to powerhouse requirements. There is no shortage of space for these two people on the Milano. Mental illness will only offend someone who has the Infinity Gem because of this trivial matter.

It can be said that according to the original idea of ​​the Star Lord group, it was to take Tony for a ride, and to drop him off at the destination he requested, and the rest would take care of his plans. And their purpose has nothing to do with them. The universe is so big, they are always impossible. It really cannot afford to offend, it can always be avoided.

But what they didn’t expect was that Tony seemed to rely on them. Since joining their spaceship, he has no intention of leaving.

And, to a certain extent, he also mastered the initiative of the Milano. Although in name Guardians of the Galaxy are the owners of this spaceship, after Tony specified where to go, they did not have the ability and courage to reject him.

Then a thrilling journey for the Guardians of the Galaxy began.

Using oneself’s superb R&D level, coupled with long-term research on Infinity Gem, Tony used simple tools in his hand to directly create a reconnaissance that can scan the power fluctuations of Infinity Gem within the galaxy. Measuring instrument. With this instrument, Tony quickly found the second Infinity Gem.

Power Stone. Even among the seven Infinity gems, the violent attribute of Power Stone is one of the very best. The Guardians of the Galaxy have witnessed someone instantly turned to ashes for trying to master the power of this gem. I have also seen with my own eyes how the famous Sandal star in the Milky Way was destroyed under the power of this gem.

It can be said that if there is no tool in your hand that can store this gem, you just borrowed their courage, and they would never touch this gem. But Tony surprised them again, because he directly embedded the Power Stone into his own gloves.

Human mortals must be unable to withstand the erosion of the Power Stone. In fact, so far, apart from Thanos, Zhou Yi, and the Heavenly God group recorded earlier, it seems that no one can truly Grasp the power of Power Stone.

It can be said that there is a bit of worry, but there is a bit of anticipation. Quill and the group hope to see a recurrence of some kind of incident in Tony’s body, but some are out of the ordinary What they expected was that Tony forcibly had withstood the attack of the Power Stone, and this seemed to be far from reaching his limit.

This is absolutely incredible. Because it is different from Thanos, the last Titan, and Zhou Yi, who was born God. Even if Tony is now a transcendent existence, in essence, he was once a human being.

Even said that it is different from Paragon sorcerer, which is so powerful that it is beyond the ordinary human sorcerer. The strength of Paragon sorcerer is also based on her thousand years of accumulation. What about Tony Stark? A few years ago, he was just an ordinary person. Without the armor on his body, he might not even be as strong as an adult male who exercises regularly.

This kind of existence should not last a round in front of Power Stone. There is no reason to say that he can control the Power Stone in such a short few years.

But this is the case. He not only mastered the Mind Stone, but also mastered the violent Power Stone. He even said that he didn’t plan to stop his own footsteps, relying on more and more powerful strength, began to covet the power of other Infinity gems.

How he did this, the Guardians of the Galaxy guys don’t care much anymore. In fact, after seeing the scene of the Power Stone being tamed, they had no idea in this regard.

Mastering the power of two Infinity gems, Tony’s strength is not as simple as one plus one. If he could only be regarded as the Peak powerhouse in the universe before, then he now has the power of the original universe overlord Thanos.

The lack of three points is not strength, but power. It can be said that as long as Tony is willing to manage power in the universe, then he will be the next universe overlord.

And against a future universe overlord, please forgive them for their incompetence, Quill and the group have not been so courageous.

At the beginning, the Guardians of the Galaxy dared to oppose Thanos because almost half of the people in the team had a deep hatred with Thanos.

The young and old of Drax’s family and his entire race were destroyed in Thanos’s hands. Even if Gamora pulls this nominally adopted daughter of Thanos, there is a deep hatred.

Not to mention that Thanos’s purpose is only to gather Infinity Gem and lick his Goddess Death lady with half of the lives in the universe. I believe that anyone with basic pursuits is unwilling to bet on whether oneself will become a bargaining chip in the hands of a dog with a one-half chance.

So what they didn’t say at the beginning, it must stand on the opposite side of Thanos and make him a hit.

But Tony’s situation is obviously different. He didn’t have the cruel and terrifying means like Thanos, and he didn’t have any grievances with any of them. It is even said that they have fought side by side, so they can barely be regarded as half comrades in arms.

With this kind of relationship, if you say that you are afraid of his strength, don’t dare to be overly intimate. Only those who are full will go and ask oneself for trouble from him.

It can be said that if it weren’t because Tony’s purpose is still a mystery right now, Quill and the guys simply don’t know what he is looking for for Infinity Gem. They really don’t mind using this kind of friendship. The enemy’s identity, hug this freshly baked thigh, and get some benefits from him.

The problem is that they don’t know what Tony wants to do?

Theoretically speaking, with two gems, he can already be regarded as rampant in this universe. Even those ancient Heavenly Gods, facing Tony at this moment, I’m afraid they will lower the oneself noble head.

He already has the ability to act wilfully, but he is not satisfied yet. This will inevitably make them a little worried about whether Tony wants to do something terrible.

Destruction Universe? With Thanos’s lessons learned, they really couldn’t help worrying about Tony’s thinking. After all, Tony is also a genius, and as far as Quill said, the so-called genius is probably the profession closest to mental illness. For example, the original Thanos was also a great and famous scientist in Titan.

This kind of person has gone to extremes and is most likely to be fatal, and they are ordinary people, but they have no meaning to lose oneself to this kind of mental illness-style crazy idea.

So they have been working hard and trying to figure out his fundamental intentions from Tony. In the face of some crappy temptations from this group, Tony until now was cautious to keep his own silence.

He can’t forget what Smith Zhou did before his eyes, let alone the amazing ability he showed. If when facing Thanos, he was simply shocked by his power, then facing a terrifying opponent like Smith Zhou, he is not only afraid of the powerful power, but also his Plot against almost everything.

He didn’t want to bet, and he didn’t dare to bet. Will his own plan be discovered by this terrifying opponent. For him who used Infinity Gem as oneself’s only means of overturning, the best way to keep this secret is to rot it in his heart.

So not to mention the Guardians of the Galaxy, who is only a general acquaintance, even if his wife and son appear in front of him, he will get all the Infinity Gem and grasp the Prior to Smith Zhou’s confrontation with the power, he would never confide in half of his intention at the moment.

Everything, only if he gets the remaining Infinity Gem, can it be considered as an end. Before that, he wouldn’t care what other people thought and did.

Yes, he can see the jealousy of Quill and the guys who are also strong smiles. But so what, their fear and panic can only be regarded as mediocre self-disturbance. They have never regarded them as targets, and Tony in his eyes has no plans to do anything to them.

In comparison, Frank’s safety is what Tony is most worried about as a father.

Smith Zhou’s curse on him still haunts him. Even if he has the power of two Infinity gems at this moment, he has the ability to expel this curse, but he still has no idea to do so.

Because this curse is his only way to explore Frank’s current situation, and also the only way he knows how long oneself is also.

Although the fact that watching his own son doing something wrong and watching oneself’s protection trying to plan oneself’s family makes him feel pain and torment, he still has to endure Move, wait and see, and step by step has to plot against.

Infinity Gem, this has become his only thought at the moment. But whoever stands in front of oneself can only become his enemy.

Guardians of the Galaxy are still floating on the edge of this line, and in order not to stupidly cross this bottom line. Tony also unceremoniously threatened them in a subtle way.

Silly characters like Drax are naturally incomprehensible, but Quill grew up in a robber’s den, so it’s impossible to understand what he meant.

“You are right, we really shouldn’t have such doubts. If there is no response, then there should be nothing we are looking for. Then, the next step is to this Star Domain Go…If the time is fast, we will be able to search for this Star Domain within 24 hours!”

It is just to understand the scene and ease the atmosphere of the scene. But I didn’t expect that at this time, the Infinity Gem detection device made by Tony suddenly sounded a harsh alarm.

This shows that Infinity Gem has already appeared under their noses, just waiting for them to get it. Before Quill had time to react to this coincidence, Drax, who was innocent and dead-headed, screamed first.

“Ha, I found the goal. What should we do next, fly over directly?”

“Fly over directly, no, of course not!”

I still repel this kind of search for Infinity Gem. Quill can only arrange various reasons when he can’t say it directly.

“Are you an idiot? Please, this is not a safe place to travel! Where is the thing we are looking for, what kind of environment is there, we haven’t figured it out? Even you In a hurry to go to the bathroom, you should at least take a look at whether oneself is in the wrong place.”

He gave oneself a reasonable excuse, and then stared at Tony closely. Below, some reluctantly adjusted the star map.

It can be seen that in the complex star chart, a Blink mark is clearly pointing to them. After enlarging the mark, Quill’s expression immediately became weird.

“Buddy, it seems this is not a good place. I mean, if you can, Stark. Maybe you should change your goal!”

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