Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2132

The protection of the Infinity Gem by the Crees is very limited. One is that they need to use it for experiments, which is naturally impossible to put it in a safe. The second is to protect this Infinity Gem. They have built a heavily guarded base on this remote planet, and they have placed heavy guards. If even this can’t protect the Infinity Gem, then doing other actions is just redundant.

So what stands in front of Tony at this moment is only such a complex mechanism. And even for him who has not gained any power, dismantling such a set of machinery will not be a problem, even more how is for him now.

He didn’t bother to spend the extra effort, he just reached out and pierced through the charging mechanism, and pulled out the core Infinity Gem from it.

Taking the Space Stone empty-handed is something he could never do in the past. But now with Infinite Gauntlet and two Infinity gems next to him, a trifling Space Stone, it’s really hard to get a moth in his hands.

As long as he doesn’t overdo things, he wants to use his power to overwhelm others and slowly conquer it is a gentle Space Stone, basically where water flows, a canal is formed thing. But the problem is that Tony doesn’t think that oneself has this skill, wasting precious time on this kind of waiting. So he directly made an unexpected action, that is, with a backhand buckle, he buckled the Space Stone on the own Infinite Gauntlet.

This is like forced slavery, and Space Stone naturally exploded out of own power to resist to a certain extent.

Everything just happened in a flash, but for the Cree people in it, the experimental equipment suddenly failed, and the huge energy gathered by the energy supply device was nowhere. Vent, and then in the next second, a huge explosion sounded, and the entire base was also in the aftermath of the explosion, shaking like crazy.

“What happened, where did the explosion come from?”

The Kerry scientist who was the base Chief-In-Charge was at a loss. Although the device in front of him showed clearly, the root of the explosion came from the equipment he invented. Because of the failure of the core joints, the whole machine had uncontrollable errors during the operation, which led to the big explosion. .

However, he still couldn’t believe that this was the truth. He remembered very clearly that oneself had just performed an overall inspection of the device before, and this problem was impossible. And to say that his design is flawed, then hundreds of previous experiments are also impossible so smoothly.

Where is the problem? He felt that oneself should find out the answer. But before this also one of the more important things, that is, he must save the core of the entire experiment-Infinity Gem.

If there is a problem in the experiment, it is something he himself can solve, but if there is a problem with Infinity Gem, let alone him, even if he fills in the entire base with his whole family Go in, I’m afraid it won’t solve the problem.

Even if he is not for the sake of other people in this base, he has to think about oneself and his own family. So Infinity Gem, there is nothing to lose in any case.

“Quickly, send someone to reclaim the Space Stone. This is the number one priority. No mistakes are allowed.”

Chief-In-Charge’s brains, arrangement and There was nothing wrong with the arrangement, but unfortunately, they were still a step late.

At this moment, Tony could no longer control Mind Stone’s control of the Cree on this planet, and his figure was already exposed to these Cree people. However, in the face of such an intruder who suddenly appeared, they couldn’t take any courage to attack him.

Because of Tony now, he has reached a critical ending moment in taking Space Stone. Not only is Space Stone restless, but also emits terrifying energy to counterattack. Power Stone and Mind Stone, which have been subdued, also began to radiate terror waves in the synchronization shared by Infinity Gem.

The agitated radiance wandered around Tony’s body, making him utter a low growl like a wild beast. And in his roar, the terrifying power was like radiation, sweeping everything around him.

No matter how strong the material is, under the double impact of Space Stone and Power Stone, it can only be vanished in an instant. Although Mind Stone does not have such intuitive destructive power, its inadvertent power can also make all people who look directly at Tony feel the deepest fear and despair in their hearts.

Don’t talk about breaking the radiation fluctuations around Tony and hurting him. You can’t even look at him directly, and these Kerry soldiers are of course unimaginable.

And just when they hesitated and were in a dilemma, Tony had already taken the last step in conquering Space Stone.

It is true that the huge energy of the three Infinity gems is beyond imagination, but this is not enough to destroy Tony’s body, destroy his will and spirit.

He can sustain him so far, and it’s not just luck. He is getting stronger, and his already detached lifeform is a reason, but the most important thing is his spirit and will. This is the key factor that he can sustain under the impact of Infinity Gem.

It is also his luck. On the way to search for Infinity Gem, the first gem he got was Mind Stone. And the role of Mind Stone is more than just being used by him on others.

Although his body is almost God, there is obviously a difference in it. If it is really relying on the backlash power of the flesh to resist the Infinity Gem, then a gem is already Tony’s limit. And the rest, even if any gem is added to him, it will be like the last straw that crushes the camel, allowing him to be completely turned into ashes in the power of the Infinity Gem.

But Mind Stone alone can provide him with more probability.

There are two ways to fully exert the power of Mind Stone. One is ability. For example, Thanos, his power is strong enough to forcibly control Mind Stone, so he can naturally control it. For example, Luo Ji, as a magician who is proficient in mental spells, of course she also has the ability to play part of the power of the Mind Stone.

If you can’t achieve the above degree, then one way is to cultivate the fit with Infinity Gem. It was at this point that Tony took another path.

The role of Mind Stone is not only to manipulate others, it can also strengthen oneself. It’s like facing a fundamentally impossible thing. A person continuously encourages oneself in his heart, telling oneself that it can be done, and then in almost impossible circumstances, he really does the same.

Although this fluke-style success has many complex components, there is no doubt that the firm belief in the heart is definitely an indispensable part of it.

And this method is the same on Tony. He could not bear the burden of more gems, but when he wanted to save oneself’s son and save oneself’s country, his belief in saving oneself’s country was so firm that it had surpassed the limits of a human will and Spirit Realm, then The power of Mind Stone was naturally loaded on his body, allowing him to make impossible possible.

Of course, this is not something that will work all the time. If you accept the Mind Stone’s grant, you must always accept the Mind Stone’s test.

The belief in Tony’s heart can never be shaken. Because once shaken, then waiting for him will be the saddest end.

At the same time, the power of Mind Stone is not without limits. It’s like a person holding no matter how great the belief is, it is impossible to withstand the fire and hold the tank. When the load of the Infinity Gem reaches a certain level, Mind Stone’s help to Tony will reach its limit. At that time, he is bound to be backlashed by the power of Infinity Gem.

At this point, Tony, who had just temporarily conquered the three Infinity Gem, already felt it. He felt that oneself had touched the ceiling, and this also meant that if he didn’t want to fall in the middle of this plan, he had to think about it another way.

It’s just how to survive that difficulty, but now it is not within his consideration. In his mind, he still wanted to hold the remaining Infinity Gem in the hands of own.

With the accurate positioning of the three gems, he no longer needs to search like before, sitting in a spaceship, relying on a radar, a piece of Star Domain, a piece of Star Domain, even if he can only rely on vague perception Determine the location of the next gem, and its deviation distance will never exceed a star system.

In theory, with Space Stone, he can cross this long Interstellar distance in one step and appear directly in front of those Infinity gems. But considering that Guardians of the Galaxy was dragged down by oneself, and he still needs Guardians of the Galaxy to contribute to oneself, he still didn’t give up this group of teasers as cannon fodder.

The Space Stone in his hand began to release radiance, and the invisible force suddenly distorted the space, pulling the Guardians of the Galaxy gang members one by one to the owner.

Quail is still awake like a dead pig. The Rockets were awake a long time ago, but now they seem to have had an attack of rabies, and they are jumping manic. They were not aware of the changes in the surrounding environment, and when they discovered the problem, the environment had changed again, and all of them had appeared on the Milano.

“This is what you are looking for, the new Infinity Gem, have you got it?”

The most sensible thing in Guardians of the Galaxy is Nebula. Of course, this reason does not mean that her feelings, like her body, are completely mechanical operations. It’s that the kind of thinking and emotion that belongs to the life individual that she has has been forged into a standard rationalized model in the cold life of the year. That is, it is neither teasing like a fool like Quill, nor is it as easy to be emotional as other people.

She is the person who can see the current situation and the situation facing their gang most clearly.

Tony got the Infinity Gem, achieved his goal, and kept their promise to ensure their safety. But correspondingly, they were also directly involved in the conflict between him and the Kerry Empire by Tony’s hand.

The petty theft that I thought was turned into the door-to-door robbery like this is now, which is no less than drawing the face of the Kerry people in front of the universe, and expecting to this point, Kerry People can also leave a way out and let them go. This is really too high for the consistent virtues of the Kerry people.

The biggest possibility right now is that all of them have to wait on the Cree’s wanted list. And the only way to get rid of this kind of trouble is to rely on Tony now and see if he can handle the big trouble of the Cree.

This is simple to say, but it is not so easy to do. To know that the Kerry Empire dominated the universe that many years, the only thing that can make them submit to humiliation is the existence of the Overlord level of the universe like Thanos.

It’s not that Tony can’t do what Thanos could do now, but whether Tony is willing to do it for them.

Compare your heart to heart, and if they are in this position, they will not cause such a big trouble to oneself. So Nebula was actually very worried, and this also prompted her to ask Tony such a hungry sentence.

“What do you plan to do next? Just leave, or…”

Nebula’s worries are nothing to Tony, who is already an old fox. Something unclear. And to calm their minds, he also gave the answer immediately.

“Don’t worry, the matter with the Kerry people is just the beginning. Infinity Gem, they have more than just this one. And now, we also haven’t dealt with it. Drop it?”

What does Tony’s words mean? Nebula can barely understand it. For her right now, Tony who has mastered three Infinity Gem is enough to mention on equal terms with her former father, and trying to figure out the thoughts of this level of people is itself a stupid thing.

She didn’t want to make this mistake yet, so she just kept silent. And at this moment of her silence, Tony had pulled the entire Milano, escaped from the Cree base, and went directly into space.

“I’m really sorry, but for the sake of humanity, please die here…”

Sorry words are said on the mouth, but there is no mercy in the action . The radiances of the three Infinity gems are circulating in Tony’s hands. Among them, the newly acquired Space Stone and Power Stone have the most radiance.

This means that the two have been urged to a certain limit, and under the urging of this force, Tony has no planet that can leave a name from the beginning to the end, it looks like It was like a bright firework, falling into the silence of Eternity in silence.

No one can survive this situation, and no spaceship can get away with this Oblivion. Everything is just a moment, this is the power of Infinity Gem.

And when the Guardians of the Galaxy were still immersed in the horror of this Infinity power, Tony’s voice was heard again.

“Let’s go, get out of here. Also other things are waiting for us…”

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