Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2135

Tony is a character who likes the sword moves with side stroke.

If there are two options for a shortcut and a safer but more time-consuming path, then he will definitely choose the shortcut.

It’s just like now, knowing that the more the power of Infinity Gem is superimposed, the more serious the burden on him. He still chose to embed the Reality Stone that he had just stolen into his own gloves. And this instantly brought him an unimaginable huge burden.

Although the burden is heavy, it is just approaching the limit he can bear. This is also related to the particularity of Reality Stone.

Reality Stone is one of the special second only to self gems in Infinity Gem. Its special feature is that if you want to fully exert its power without causing damage to the user, you must have other gem output power as an aid.

In other words, if there are other gems coexisting, as long as the power of the Reality Stone is not used too much, the burden it brings is actually not too great.

This is also the reason why Tony not at all felt the problem at the beginning. Just gathering the gems together, his body supported by the Mind Stone is still barely affordable. However, once he started to use Infinite Gauntlet to stimulate the powerful power of the four gems, then the backlash that drove the Reality Stone would inevitably appear on him.

Only handsome for a few seconds, he already felt the pain of breaking the limit.

Take his current situation as an example, that is, along with his whispered roar, the cracked lines immediately appeared on his body like cracks in porcelain. And with the appearance of these densely packed cracks, one after another bright red and purple radiance seemed to be alive, and in accordance with his breathing rhythm, the bright and dark Blinks arose.

Although these people in Guardians of the Galaxy are not particularly powerful, they are not at all unaware of power fluctuations. And what they perceive now is that they seem to be facing an entire roaring sea, braving the waves, and standing in front of this infinite power, there is only one dike that’s all that has leaked around and is dilapidated.

Floods and tsunamis may break through this dam named Stark at any time, and in the face of this situation, Quill and the others are powerless and can only avoid it while watching. The eyes and ears of the Kerry Empire to cover up their accomplices. This terrible situation makes Quill never heard of the fuck in his mouth from the very beginning.

And when he repeated these words for more than three digits, the Rockets could no longer bear to pull out their own gun.

“Shut up, Quill. If you dare to repeat one more damn word starting with F, I will blow your mouth.”

“I beg you , Smash it now. Otherwise, when the Cree catches up, it will go to hell with the brother with the hole under it. I don’t want to go to that kind of ghost place and have to lick my own ass.”

There was a panic in my heart, and Quill naturally spoke without careful diction. According to the description he said, except for Drax, who had a relatively long reflection arc, everyone else showed a disgusting appearance.

“Damn it, Quill. Your success disgusts me! Can I beg you, please don’t be so excited?”

“If you are offending a universe Great Empire, especially after the bombing of its hometown, I can still behave if nothing has happened, so to be honest, I guess even my dead bastard father will admire me.”

Dad refers to the pirates of a certain centaur galaxy, not a certain ball. Think about it, even a character like Yondu don’t dare provoke Krishna, especially to provoke a character like Harastar, and now that oneself actually has a kick in it, Quill really doesn’t admire oneself.

Of course, if there is a choice, he would rather oneself be watching a play while eating melons, rather than oneself being one of the roles on this stage.

This kind of thinking is normal. In fact, everyone in Guardians of the Galaxy basically has this idea. However, compared with his current blame the gods and accuse others, not everyone is so uncomfortable. For example, Gamora and Nebula, even if they are rare, they can think rationally.

This is due to their former identity. After all, as the adopted daughters of Thanos, they have experienced some big scenes. Although the Cree were tyrannical, they weren’t of a higher grade than the former Thanos. Therefore, although the current situation is a bit critical, in their view, it is not completely unexplainable.

“Calm down, Quill, things are not as bad as you think.”

“What do you mean by not being as bad as I think? Could it be worse than now? Is it something?”

“Yes. For example, the man behind, if something happens to him, you can lick your ass right away.”

Rocket Pointing to Stark, whose situation is becoming increasingly unclear behind him, he sang the opposite. And after him, Nebula also hated to talk about own reasons.

“First of all, you have to understand that our identity may not be known by the Kerry Empire. Although the strength of the Kerry Empire is indeed not to be underestimated, but in such a short period of time, they are impossible from We find such a small target among such a large crowd. Even Legion under Thanos couldn’t do this kind of thing, so they definitely can’t.”

Thanos’s adopted daughter The identity said such a thing, to a certain extent, Nebula really calmed everyone’s restless minds. But with Gamora’s words, their hearts were picked up again.

“But don’t have too much luck. Our safety is only temporary. Impossible says that we will never be discovered. There is never a clue that can’t be found in the world, especially when we have one Under the premise of a time bomb.”

When she said this, she looked back at Tony who was still on the edge of danger. And this look made everyone immediately understand what she meant.

It’s like saying that Tony can make an instrument to detect the fluctuation of the Infinity Gem. There is no reason to say that he can make it. A huge Interstellar empire does not have such technology. Therefore, as long as Tony is still with them and on this spaceship, then they must be exposed to the sight of the Kerry people. At best, it’s just a matter of time that’s all.

Aware of this, some people immediately have ideas in their hearts.

“Maybe, we should, I mean…”

“Don’t wink, I know what you mean.” Although I can’t wait to put the wrench on oneself It hit Quill’s face, but the Rockets still held back this desire, and said solemnly.

“Throw him out, this is indeed a good way. But the premise is that we can do this step! I don’t want to offend a universe Great Empire, but also hit one The guy who yawns can kill me is offended. So, if you have a bit of brain in that chubby thing, I suggest you not to make such a stupid choice.”

“What are you thinking? How could I do this kind of thing. That’s my fellow, a fellow in the vast universe who can only meet with a chance of less than one in a hundred billion… ..”

There was a surprised expression on his face, while Quill was so skillful in practicing spaceship, he put on a sad expression.

“No matter how I don’t like him, it’s impossible to hurt him at this time. I mean, we can pick up an Infinity Gem from him and throw it halfway. Go somewhere and use it to confuse the sight of the Cree. As long as the Cree’s attention is attracted by the Infinity Gem, then we can easily get rid of them, right?”

” Hiss…Quail, you are such a clever ghost!”

This is a compliment from the Rockets, very rare. Not just him, but the others in the room also realized that this was indeed a good way for them to ask for their emergency.

There is no need for Quill to spend any more words, they are already focusing on Tony’s left hand. Most people seem to begin to stir, but no one dares to take this step.

How powerful the Infinity Gem is, they know it well. And if you want to pull out an Infinity Gem forcibly from this almost violent situation, to be honest, even if it is in Quill’s mind, it will not be too easy.

Leave aside, some of them have witnessed a scene where an alien was turned into fly ash by the Power Stone because he held the Power Stone with his bare hands. With such a lesson from the past, none of them wanted to be the second attempter easily. Therefore, they looked at each other in blank dismay on the question of who should deduct the gems, but once again fell into hesitation.

“Ha, Quill, you’re so fucking disgusting.”

At this moment, Drax suddenly grinned, looking unbearably right. Quill opened his mouth. And hearing his this remark, Quill’s face looked awkward, big brother, what do you mean by this sudden ridicule?

Quail was also targeted for a while without time to react. In contrast, his other teammates understood what Drax meant.

“Come on, Drax. Your reflex arc is too long, right. Until now, did you come back to his senses to the bullshit he just said?”

“Now came back to his senses, what we are discussing is, who would dare to pick up one Infinity Gem from that guy’s hand. I bet you don’t have the courage to bet 500 credits Points.”

Cunning’s Rockets don’t plan to go oneself, nor do they want Groot to go. So forget it, except for the silly beep and Gamora sisters of Gamora, who is not very good at mind, Drax is the most suitable for this role.

His brain is not very good, but his body is strong enough. If it’s just a short while, it’s not particularly difficult to bear the power of Infinity Gem.

Of course, he still needs a little bit of motivation, so the Rockets can be considered to endure the pain of cutting meat, and they have made a big bargaining chip of 500 credits.

He didn’t think that Drax, who was lacking in his brain, would not take the bait, but the reality is that Drax haha ​​smiled and said to him.

“A thousand points! Quill taught me that if someone opens a bargaining chip to me, I will double him up!”

“Quil, you have a brain in your mind Muggy pig. Can’t you teach something good?”

A thousand credits are quite a lot. On many planets that use the Galaxy banking financial system, one thousand is enough for a person to spend his time and drink. Play for a night. Of course, the Rockets are reluctant to pay the heavy money, but compared to the current situation, a thousand points is nothing.

“Okay, one thousand points. Quill and I will spend half of the money!”

Quil dragged him into the water, it was naturally impossible to make Quill laugh on the shore. Everyone is hard and hard, and a piece of rolling in the mud is the best result. Regarding this result, even if Quill intentionally objected, he could only hold the words obediently and honestly when he heard the sound of the rocket being loaded. He had better not provoke him if the Rockets were out of the wrong money.

At this moment, Drax, who had gained a lot of benefits, was also happy Hehe stepped forward. For him, this is probably a hands-on thing, and you can earn a thousand points with your hands, which is considered a big advantage.

From start to finish, he has never cared about Stark’s willingness or not, probably in his mind, they are barely on the same boat, there is really no reason to refuse each other.

Of course, he thinks so, it doesn’t mean Tony thinks so too. After so much effort, oneself has even become what it is now. All this is just for Infinity Gem. And now that some people dare to touch them, this is naturally something he cannot allow.

That is, Tony still remembers that Quill and the gang were barely standing in the same boat as Oneself, and they had no idea of ​​stabbing oneself in the back. Otherwise, just by this act of Drax, he meant to teach them a blood lesson.

Although it is not at this point now, it cannot be said that there is no warning. Taking advantage of the gap in the body’s relaxation, under his a single thought, Drax’s huge body was already flying out like a cannonball.

Until he hit the roof of the Milano and the whole ship was slightly trembled, Tony’s warning sound followed.

“Don’t think about the idea of ​​Infinity Gem, I warn you. This is the first time, I don’t want to see the second time!”

“Of course, of course. Absolutely not There will be a second time!”

Seeing Tony’s attitude, both Quill and the Rockets swallowed their saliva and signed up. And after that, they also fell into anxiety immediately.

“Now, what should we do?”

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