Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2138

America once had a Hegemon-level company called Microsoft.

The large-scale enterprise that unifies the entire world computer operation system, coupled with the business of also browser and application software, makes it a monopoly in the IT field, a real giant trust. But it is precisely because I am used to being a boss, I am used to eating alone. Makes Microsoft’s food look more and more ugly, and this naturally has been jointly attacked by vested interests.

The antitrust lawsuit in 1998 can be regarded as the prelude to these people’s actions against Microsoft. And even if it was the Hegemon level at that time, Microsoft, which had nearly trillions of assets, could not withstand the bites of so many wolves. It was forced to be dismembered into two pieces, while completely losing its dominance over the field of personal computer users.

From the perspective of other IT companies, doing so is undoubtedly very pleasant. Because this not only made way for them to share the blue ocean of IT, but also opened up a stumbling block for the development of the entire Internet field.

Microsoft, as a solo eater, is more than just oneself. It also blocked the path of progress and development. Therefore, he deserves it, and it can be considered that the American government has done a job.

What is happening now is that the newly restored America government intends to replicate the methods used by Microsoft on the Stark Group.

It is also the antitrust law, which is aimed at Stark’s nuclear fusion energy business. And this time, not for any high-sounding reasons, but for the huge benefits of the Stark Group business.

Know the importance of oil in the past three carriages of United States. American has given up so much effort to control the Middle East and sanction Maozi. A large part of the reason is to control the pricing power of oil.

For hundreds of years, this has been a compulsory course for American government politicians. It can be said that, to a certain extent, they have already spent this move.

I never knew how many years the United States’ fiscal deficit had exceeded trillions. But it can still rustle everywhere in the world because he has pinched the fundamental little tail of this World resource.

But now, this move won’t work. Because no matter how many people are unwilling, mankind has taken that crucial step on the issue of resources.

Nuclear energy, which is almost Infinity, completely wiped out the status of petroleum in the development process of human history, making it the most common chemical raw material.

I don’t know how many countries that rely on oil resources for their lives have fallen into decline, nor do they know how many rich landlords have lost their families because of this. But anyway, this is not something they can stop. Even if it is the current American government, today when nuclear fusion energy is truly popular, it is impossible to say that it is a force to reverse history and bring the oil thing back to the world stage.

He thought, the problem is that no one wants to buy this account. Compared with the crude oil price of more than 50 USD per barrel, is the same amount of energy output as long as one USD of nuclear fusion energy is not fragrant, or is everyone’s IQ tax recharged?

Don’t say that the current America government has no deterrent power. It is basically impossible to let other regimes in the world listen to him and reverse the progressive carriage. Even if he went back to the past and became the overlord of the world, under the wheels of human progress, he is still just a mantis blocking the car, and if he doesn’t let go, he will only end in a dead end.

Elite politicians certainly don’t do such stupid things, so plotting the nuclear fusion industry of the Stark family is their only choice.

There are currently three nuclear fusion industries in the world. One is Stark’s Ark Energy, which is the best cold nuclear fusion technology. The second is Eastern nuclear fusion technology. That is Stark in exchange for support and funds, in exchange for technology. In essence, it is the same company as Stark’s Ark Energy, but it has changed its name, and it is not under the control of Stark Group.

Finally is the artificial solar thermonuclear technology of Latvinia. Although it is technically poor, it is enough to supply energy for the whole of Europe. The most important thing is that this thing is still free of money.

Victor’s death not only ruined oneself, but also ruined the entire Latvian industry. These European governments also not to be trifled with, just inserting a few crimes, they can put the industry of Latvinia under the name of the entire European Union.

Just a few days later, the Latvian people were robbed of their foundation by the European Union saying that it is not as good as the others. Seriously, anyone who has a long-term vision will not be happy, but Latvians are different. They are quite happy.

Because since that day, the country of Latvinia has disappeared. The citizens have each one, and they are all placed in the high welfare states of the European Union.

Compared with the high welfare of the Nordic countries, even the benefits provided by Victor to Latvians are much inferior. So naturally, these Latvians immediately forgot their own roots when they were hit by the sugar-coated shells, and happily began to be human again.

Of course, this is another story, so I won’t elaborate. In short, the two largest markets in the world have nothing to do with Stark. Stark’s Ark energy radiates the entire Americas, plus Australia and some island countries in the southern hemisphere. The scale is naturally no better than the previous call the wind and summon the rain, but for the current America, it is also a considerable and coveted economic source.

I used to control oil, but that was to split the accounts. After all, they are not regarded as oil-producing countries, they can only be regarded as second-class traffickers who drive up prices. The benefits that can be obtained are not much, but they have an extra layer of facial value. This is not the case now. As long as the Stark Group can be dismantled into the hands of the owner, they will be the owner of how much they can earn.

This is a real benefit, so they can’t help but care. So, in Frank’s stunned mouth, he was put on the news by the current American government.

“Notice that the Stark Group monopoly case accepted by the Los Angeles High Court is about to open. The government hopes that the chairman of the Stark Group board member and the current Stark family member Frank Stark can voluntarily appear before the public to accept the case. This is related to the reputation of Stark Industries and the future of the entire country. I hope that the Stark family can take the initiative to reach a consensus with Zhengda and make breakthrough progress on the issue of human new energy construction. NBC reported.”

Accompanied by the words of the TV news host, Flacq saw that the own photo was so grandiosely hung on the TV, his face suddenly twitched.

Of course he understood the methods of these politicians, saying that they are contributing to the development of new energy for mankind. Drink… Bah! Nuclear fusion energy is so complete, how do you plan to develop it. Flying to the sun to build a Dyson ball, you must have this ability.

This is clearly eager for the interests of Ark Energy, intending to usurp nuclear fusion technology from their Stark family by using so-called legal means.

Yes, the factory is in the hands of the Stark family, and no one can get in. However, the external wiring is not yours. It is very easy for the government politicians to cut off the wiring so that the energy you produce cannot go out. Of course, this is the method of either the fish dies or the net splits, and will not be used easily. After all, in this era, you can leave everything except energy.

But the government is bigger than Stark, and it also holds public opinion. If it’s the time of either the fish dies or the net splits, the government only needs to find someone to shout so many voices, then Stark must be the first to be torn to pieces by the angry people, not the government of America.

In a huge trust, it is not qualified to compete with a sovereign state. This is the confidence of the current American government to play this hand. And the Stark Group is indeed not qualified to compete head-on with the American government. At the very least, it is true in the United States.

“So, are you going to accept their request and face their trial?”

Zhou Shang with a half of lobster in his mouth asked curiously.

The American government gave Frank such a hand, and naturally it made him no longer just and honorable in publicity. Naturally, the purchase of their daily supplies fell on Zhou Shang.

Zhou Shang is a character who loves to eat good food, and Los Angeles is the busiest city in United States. So as long as you let him go out to buy food, there will be no free time in his mouth.

Frank, it doesn’t matter if you deal with it, he doesn’t have that many particularities in eating. But Zhou Shang didn’t work anymore. He saw the sheep flat soup introduced in the show, and he would be able to go to the other side of Earth on the 2nd day to buy it and try. Expecting him to deal with the three meals a day, it is better to let him singlehanded to the White House and pick the current United States Government.

But it’s not good for them to do this, and Frank won’t let him be so plainly cheap, Nick.Fury. Therefore, Frank let him play by himself.

“Why not, since they want to make me surrender within the rules, then I can also fight against them within the rules. Take legal channels and follow their national broadcast I don’t think I’m going to lose!”

“I’m not optimistic about you.” Zhou Shang said with some slurs while chewing on the food in his mouth. “It feels like in a football game, the opponent is still playing the role of a referee on the premise that he is off the court. If you want to beat them, it is impossible from the very beginning.”

“Maybe, but who can say for sure? I don’t think it’s so absolute.”

Frank is obviously confident, but he doesn’t want to say it. And since he didn’t want to say it clearly, Zhou Shang didn’t intend to force him.

The America government has not left much time for Frank. After tomorrow, the monopoly case will be officially opened. If Frank had any preparations, he would naturally take it out at that time. Therefore, there is no need for him to ask questions at this time.

“It looks like you seem to be confident, then I will wait to see your performance. Don’t overturn the car and show me the joke.”

“This Of course, I am not one of those idiots who know nothing about power.”

The two little guys are babbled and crooked, and they seem to have not taken this so-called antitrust case seriously. And just in the afternoon one day later, when the government arranged the venue for the show, Frank was already at the focal point of ten thousands and drove up to the Los Angeles High Court.

As the heir of the Stark family, the son of Iron Man, the true Lord Crown Prince of United States. Frank .Stark can be said to be the eyes of gossip hobbyists in the entire United States and the world as soon as he appeared.

I was born with a golden key. This one is different, this one was born in this world in a way that the whole body was covered with gold, and even the papa that he pulled was gold.

The money accumulated by the Stark family and the glory of his father’s hard work have all been added to him. Even if he looks like a crooked melon, it is enough to make most women in this world obsessed with it. even more how he looks quite good, even if he is only a child, he can already see the demeanor of sentient beings in the next ten years.

This kind of person is born to live under the spotlight, and naturally, when he shows up, the reporters who are already ready to go immediately long spear around. .

“Mr. Stark, this is a reporter from CBA TV station. What is your opinion on the antitrust lawsuit against Stark Group for nuclear fusion energy?”

“My opinion is, I don’t understand why the old energy method that is expensive and also has various environmental pollution problems is not accused of monopoly, but our company’s clean energy, which is so cheap that everyone can accept, is targeted by the government. Maybe I should Change the current industrial structure, for example, raise the electricity bill?”

Inheriting the way Tony treated the media in the past, Frank didn’t mind talking about the camera. Raising electricity prices is just a method for him, but for some people it is a big punch. We must know that today when the United States economy has fallen, it is Stark who uses the cheapest energy to stabilize the normal lives of American people. If even the necessary expenses for living have been raised, then no matter whose problem it is, the government will definitely have to take a hit.

This is very unfavorable for the newly restored government. So soon, the signal from the CBA TV station was choked off.

All reporters have received urgent notices from oneself, holding all the issues that may cause controversy in their stomachs.

This made the originally lively siege scene suddenly become a bit embarrassing and deserted. After all, the media don’t dare provoke a capitalist government because they depend on these people for food.

However, this does not mean that all media are like this, especially when people who follow this matter are far beyond the control of the United States Government.

“Mr. Frank, then what do you think the government is filing for on this issue? Do you already have a guess?”

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