Sun God Marvel

Chapter 214

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“I can explain it!” Seeing walking towards oneself step by step, and with a fierce expression on his face, he almost swallows oneself. Ke, the little spider stretched out his hand and made a look that everything was well discussed. But Hulk was not prepared to give him any opportunity to explain.

Betty is his only weakness, and now the little spider has snatched Betty from him. To use an old saying, this is simply bring about one’s own destruction.

Little spider seems to have discovered this, because Hulk simply has no idea of ​​slowing down. He ran faster and faster, unexpectedly he ran out of the posture of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses alone. Everything along the way was being destroyed, the earth was trembling, the ground was torn, and everything that stood in front of him was being blown away. All this seems to tell little spider that you have provoked a guy who shouldn’t be provoked.

But it was too late, and Little Spider knew in his heart that there was no room for recovery. So he can only start running with Betty.

As soon as the long spider thread pulled, he took Betty to a tall building far away. But Hulk, who saw all this, was reluctant. He roared, the billowing air shook even the air all around. And then, his body squatted down suddenly. The muscles in the legs began to build up and explode. Next moment, the whole ground was like a terrifying explosion. The mud under Hulk’s feet suddenly began to roll out, and his body was like the most terrifying shell, taking off on the spot, blasting in the direction of the little spider Past.

Looking at Hulk’s silhouette flying over like this, the little spider was frightened with a splitting heart. He quickly pulled out another spider silk and adjusted the direction of own. Dangerously avoided the attack from Hulk above. Then he found that all kinds of exaggerated sounds began to appear in the building that was originally targeted by oneself.

Hank fell through a window, and the whole floor began to make all kinds of explosions. A huge amount of smoke and dust mixed with countless debris, smashed all the windows of this layer, and gushed out endlessly. Even if you think about it with own hips, the little spider can guess that this floor is completely finished, and there must be a mess inside. But he still had a little hope, maybe a certain wall could be so strong that it could make the rampant big green man suffer a bit.

But the silhouette that rushed out of the billowing smoke proved that he was obviously daydreaming, and when he watched Hulk take off again. He wished that oneself would punch oneself twice. Why didn’t you take the opportunity to retreat? Must stay here to watch the show. And now he had no chance to escape, because Hulk rushed towards him again.

“Who will help me!” Little Spider took Betty to another building again, shouting loudly in his heart. And this means that he is followed by a terrifying destroyer Hulk. The building he targeted will generally not end well, because after the little spider swam past, there must be a big guy to give it a good repair.

Little Spider doesn’t know when this will come to an end. He only knows that if this continues, oneself will definitely not be able to hold it.

At this time, in the sky, one person can no longer hold it. That is Hulk’s younger sister, the Hulk Jennifer. And her opponent is Dawn Knight Zhou Yi.

In order for Jennifer to understand Own’s painstaking effort, incidentally, she sat down obediently and honestly, and listened to Own’s explanation calmly. Zhou Yi used a trick like a rascal to deal with her.

He threw Jennifer into the sky, where, because of the loss of the ground under her feet, her strength was less than 5-Layer. Coupled with the disorder of balance, and the mentality problem in the sky. She can play less than half of the remaining 5-Layer.

The sky has never been the home of the giants, but for Zhou Yi, the sky is the own home. He is far more comfortable in the sky than on the ground. Because he can fly, and he can fly very well.

In addition, his power is much greater than Jennifer’s, and his speed is much faster. So in this environment, Jennifer is almost at his mercy.

He first took the giantess to an ultra-high speed vertical take-off and landing with a straight-line distance of more than ten thousand meters, and then took her to play the Thomas maneuver in the stratosphere. Invincible Wind-Fire Wheel and other complicated actions that challenge centrifugal force. Although for the sake of Jennifer’s psychology, he did not increase the speed above the speed of sound. However, even so, this torture is too cruel for Jennifer.

Although Jennifer now has the capital of a Superhero, she does not have a matching heart. She Kong has the power of a giant, but she is still the Jennifer Susan Walters in her mentality. A mortal with the emotional thinking of an ordinary person.

She will be afraid, scared, and compromised, and not like his big brother Bruce, once transformed, she will only become a warrior dominated by anger. So, when Zhou Yi repeatedly used the same method to toss her for almost twenty minutes, she finally chose to yield.

“Stop, stop. I surrender!” When she once again dropped from three or four 1,000 meters to less than five hundred meters, she began to shout. With this call, her body was quickly forbidden in midair. At the same time Zhou Yi also appeared in front of her.

“Why, you are finally willing to talk to me peacefully.”

“You damn villain, to have no shame bastard!” On Jennifer Green’s face She began to show an expression of hatred. It was a shame for her to be played with the body in this way.

“Um, are you sure you talked to me like this, or do you think everything you just did is not in place?”

For this kind of unassuming curse Zhou Yi still likes to refute in the most direct way, and after hearing what he said, Jennifer wisely chose to shut up.

“Very well, listen to me. Madam!” Controlling Jennifer’s body, let her speak to oneself instead of talking to oneself up and down. Zhou Yi began to explain the meaning of own.

“Know that I intend to help you from the very beginning, but I think your emotions are a bit too extreme. Don’t rush to speak, let me finish.”

“Although I was entrusted to find Bruce Banner. But when I saw his specific information, I negotiated a condition with those people. If they want Bruce Banner to join them, they must get Mr. Banner agrees. If Banner disagrees, I will come forward and take him to a safe place. The premise of all this lies in Mr. Banner’s opinion. In other words, the initiative is in Banner’s hands.”

“And your performance really surprised me. I don’t know what you are thinking in your heart, but you oneself don’t think it would be too arbitrary to position me as an enemy like this. If I really were you My enemy, believe me. In that office, you were already subdued by me.” Zhou Yi said, pointing at her and pointed at oneself. “Forgive me to speak bluntly, you can’t stop me at all. Now, what do you want to say?”

Jennifer stared at Zhou Yi for a long time before using an unsure tone Said.

“Can you swear for what you say?”

“I don’t believe in God, and I don’t believe in any God. But I can swear by my own reputation that all I say is true “On this issue, Zhou Yi was very sincere, and as he said, he is here to solve the problem, not to create it.

“Well, I can tentatively trust you once. I can also help you convince Bruce them. But I hope you can do what you say.” Jennifer finally let go and admitted his own mistake in disguise . As a woman, this is not unacceptable. Zhou Yi tentatively accepted her apologies.

Of course, this is only because she is a female and has the right to be proud. If a man dared to be so awkward with him, he would definitely let him know how many colors there are in the world and how many stars humans can see.

“Very well, this lady. I don’t know how you call it?” Zhou Yi began to look directly at this giantess who is a bit higher than oneself. Now he needs to know her name as a cooperation Start.

“Jennifer Susan Walters, you can call me Jennifer directly.” Jennifer reported her name, and Zhou Yi said immediately.

“Then, Jennifer. I will take you back to the ground now, and you need to help me persuade Bruce. Mr. Banner. I will arrange for him to meet the group of people. As for the result, What you said counts.”

“Deal!” Jennifer decisively nodded. As a lawyer, she did not find any problems. The shorter the thing, the less wrong it is. This is the rule of lawyers.

“Let’s take a look, it’s very simple. If you can listen to me at first, so many things won’t happen.” Zhou Yi complained and just wanted to continue doing something. Medusa reported to him that there was a communication request. He agreed to the communication, and soon Coulson’s voice appeared in his ears.

“Where are you?”

“I just made peace with that female Hulk, and I have just made progress!” Hearing the anxiety in Coulson’s tone, Zhou Yi replied . “What happened, your tone is a little wrong!”

“The situation has changed, and Hulk has begun to cause damage in the city. Spider-Man is restraining him, but it is useless. In addition, also one The monster is also heading towards Broadway. His destructive power and Hulk are at the same level, which is amazing. Buddy, no matter what you are doing now. Hurry back, we need you.”

Coulson said After that, he hung up the communication, apparently he was already in a batter. And Zhou Yi’s expression became serious.

“Banner has lost the ability to transform?” He asked Jennifer, and Jennifer behaved like him, ignorant of this.

“What happened?” Realizing that it was wrong, she began to ask.

“Hulk appeared and began to destroy the city. Now I am going to stop him.”

“This is impossible!” Jennifer said to herself, and then immediately stopped. Zhou Yi. “Take me, I’ll go with you.”

Zhou Yi nodded, he grabbed Jennifer and rushed toward Broadway at the fastest speed.

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