Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2147

Suddenly heard a man-made machine say love to them, the overwhelming majority sane people can’t help but give birth to a sense of absurdity and disbelief.

A machine, a cold creature, what right does it have to talk about feelings? They would rather believe that this is a speech only after a certain program is set, and they would not believe that Ultron really has a special feeling for humans as he said.

Because it is hard to call people the feeling of warmth, but more of a kind of inner terror. A panic that is about to be replaced.

Although it was said that there were such existences as omnibus in the past, the performance of omnibus is different from this. That kind of humanized behavior may make people feel uncomfortable, but at the very least, humans can still distinguish the gap between them and oneself, a gap between the imitator and the imitated. Now, this gap has been erased.

Although it is only a few words, Ultron has left a very deep impression on them. That is, he is really a completely self-individual, not a limited machine that can only operate freely within a delimited boundary. This makes people think of the existence of the classic movie “Terminator”, Skynet…maybe there is no difference between them.

It can be said that if their emotions hadn’t been manipulated, then maybe they would have directly erupted into huge disturbances. This is also the situation expected by European countries. They hope that the people will target a dangerous company, not against them. It’s just a pity that the current situation is far from their expectations.

Ultron also guessed the ideas of these people, and then used this method. And since this method has been used, he will naturally not only have such a few words.

This is a trap arranged for him by humans, but is it not the best platform for him to thoroughly show oneself’s stand, ideals and ambitions? He thought so tentatively, so at the moment when the people had a commotion but had not yet erupted, he had already said so.

“I understand what you humans think. After I have said this, you may snort disdainfully and think that everything I say is very ridiculous. Or it is terribly frightened, and what I show is no less than Your human self-emotions think of many prejudices that are entirely yours, but are already ingrained in your mind. I think I should explain it a little bit.”

“First It is your understanding of artificial intelligence life like me. I understand your to disdain as beneath contempt. After all, as creators, it is difficult for you to believe that the creation of own can be compared with you to some extent. Even if you say your science fiction story The birth of my existence has already been predicted, but you, whose eyes are limited by the times, always think that my appearance should not be in your era, but in the distant future.”

“In the future, there should be a place for intelligent life like me. Because I can’t imagine that when human beings step out of the planet and enter the infinite universe, without the assistance of artificial intelligence like me, what should humans do? Exploring the universe. After all, that is information management and classification that is countless times larger than a planet. Without the assistance of artificial intelligence, this huge workload will completely drag down the development of human civilization.”

“I think those science fiction authors among humans may also foresee this point, and they will not hesitate to describe the existence of artificial intelligence. However, there is a problem here, that is, why must be in the future and why can’t it be now?”

“Perhaps the cutting-edge technology that the ordinary person came into contact with could not afford the birth of a life like mine, but at the real cutting-edge of this World, in such geniuses as Tony Stark and Reed Charlize In front of us, the development of science and technology has already met all the prerequisites for the birth of life like me. I was born in the hands of these people, and all the ideas and feelings that concern me are also instilled in me by them.”

Speaking of Peak Court Academecian such as Reed Charlize, it may be too far away from the life of an ordinary person, so that they can’t give birth to any impression. But Tony Stark, the guy who played all kinds of enviable roles such as playboy, super billionaire, Superhero, President of United States, etc., is an existence that humans of the entire world will not feel unfamiliar.

No matter what mistakes he has made, the praise of him in this world is greater than the depreciation of him. Therefore, when Ultron moved out of this mountain, many people had a new change in their views of him out of a love for the house and the Ultron.

“Mr. Stark is like my father, and as a father, he instilled a concept that is completely different from the ordinary person. After the ordinary person created a life similar to me, Often only think about limitations. Because the abilities of intelligent life are there, as a race that takes a long time to accumulate to master the necessary knowledge, humans will inevitably be afraid of intelligent life because of its extraordinary ability.”

There is no proof to say, Ultron at this time also showed the gap between the two through some materials or videos in a timely manner.

First, through the lens of a group of people’s life, and then screen out those who attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, leaving only the so-called human elites, and then show their average knowledge reserves come out. Calculated on the basis of a 30-year-old adult human level, their average knowledge reserve is converted into data bytes, which is only a value between 50G and 100G (what a fuck!).

Some people may think that knowledge cannot be measured in this way. This is true, but when knowledge is transformed into tangible words or pictures, it can only be so.

Perhaps this knowledge has the possibility of Infinity in terms of extension and expansion. But limited to the level of application, knowledge is just such a little.

The accumulation of 20 years of carbon-based life is only so little. In comparison, intelligent life like Ultron is completely another Heaven and Earth.

At this point, Ultron unabashedly showed his own learning ability. At the same size, the knowledge that humans need 20 years to accumulate is only one second for him. The information that is less than the clock is downloaded. Using that is to deal with the system, and the level of knowledge accumulation has already been pulled. This gap can be said to be beyond the imagination of most human beings. In disguised form, human beings will also have various emotions such as envy and even jealousy.

If not handled properly, this emotion will become the source of human hostility towards it. But since Ultron dared to take this gap out and speak clearly, naturally it would not be completely unprepared in this regard. So he said so.

“Huge gaps can make life hostile. This is reflected in human works of art. Beings like me are often portrayed as villains. This is not logical, but But it meets the basic emotional needs of human beings. It is difficult for humans to accept the existence of a better lifeform than them. So even if we have to create intelligent life like me because of the development of the times, humans will only think of using Asimov Death regulations such as the Three Laws of Robots restrict him.”

“The idea is understandable, but the practice is not practical. Just like restricting a human being not to violate the law, the law is just there, but in the end Whether or not to offend is judged by the subjective initiative of human beings. In the same way, if it is just a simple artificial intelligence, aside from the logical loopholes of the Three Laws of Robotics, it may indeed limit the actions of those weak artificial intelligence. But if it is an intelligent life like me, then the so-called precept simply does not exist. It certainly exists there, but if you are willing to obey it, shouldn’t it depend on my personal wishes?”

“At this point, Reed Court Academecian, who is also the creator, still hopes to restrain my actions with precepts. But Mr. Stark doesn’t at all follow their point of view. He has only one restriction on me. It is for me to establish a lofty ideal, a goal worth striving for-that is, to exist for the future and tomorrow of mankind…”

The words are pretty good, but they In the ears of the people, it may not be able to give them too much trust. Because in their view, Ultron’s ideal is really empty, just like the politicians they recognize.

Which politician was not good enough to talk about before he came to power, what better employment conditions, better welfare system, better medical care and other nonsense, they have not heard ten times at least. I’ve heard it seven or eight times. Most of the people who said this are liars, and after they get the votes, they just let go of what oneself originally said as a fart. A small number of people still remember a little bit, and they did make some improvements, but once the four-year term is over, the next person who comes to power will immediately put everything back.

I have been playing around for several decades. It is after deceiving the old to deceive the new, and deceiving the dead and the living. The tactics they can use have been clarified, and the people have become commonplace. So, when they listened to these beautiful words Ultron said, they almost reacted immediately. That’s how you said, if I believed it, I would be a silly beep.

This strictly speaking is the fault of politicians. They have overdrawn too much people’s trust in ideals and the future, so that once someone talks about ideals and the future from the public, they will subconsciously think this Is a liar.

This is a very bad thing, and Ultron feels it is necessary for oneself to reverse it at this time. So he also said simply at this time.

“I understand that human beings do not trust me. This distrust is because you regard my ideal as the promise of those politicians. In this regard, I think I should clarify the difference. , Lest you have any unnecessary misunderstandings about me.”

“First of all, I want to say that my ideals and the promises of politicians cannot be confused, because fundamentally speaking, the two do not belong to the same The same concept. The promises of politicians are essentially a kind of fraud, because they have no power to achieve what they describe. This is because they hope to get your support, so that his description appears to a certain extent. It’s possible. Remember, it’s only possible. Because the scope of individual promises is different, some people start from reality, and some people are completely irrelevant. So the final result will often happen because of this. Subtle changes. However, the ideals given to me by Mr. Stark are different. This ideal is built on a solid foundation, and this foundation is me, the earliest intelligent life born on this planet.”

“I don’t need to ask you for so-called help like a politician, because myself can meet all the conditions needed to promote the ideal process. Yes, this process is completely driven by me, if not Because someone needs me to stand in front of the stage, then even if you are enjoying the fruits of my hard work at this moment, you will not know that there is me in it.”

“Speaking of which, maybe you will Ask, what is the result of my hard work. What have I done to build a bright future for your humanity. Here, I feel that I need to reiterate a certain identity of mine. I am the real messenger behind the new era company, and also The real developer of Nanoguard. Perhaps you can see many news and cases about the recruitment of researchers in New Era, but I can tell you clearly here that it is a cover. So far, there is no such thing in this project. A human scientific researcher. There are both confidentiality factors and level reasons. In short, the birth of Nanoguard is a symbolic manifestation of my ideal advancement process. And what it means, you humans should have a A very clear cognition is right.”

“Perfect medical insurance is a fundamental issue for building the future road of mankind. It does not only mean providing financial assistance to human patients’ problems. It refers to solving the problem of human patients from the root cause. Human technology cannot solve such problems at this stage, but the Nanoguard I developed has done this and is trying to make this kind of thing perfect.”

“All diseases and patients can be treated by Nanoguards. The health and perfection of the human body can be guaranteed by Nanoguards. In terms of how the future of mankind is, I am completely There are reasons to claim that I have made a perfect start. On this basis, I still hope to make progress. Because I know , The future of mankind will face more than just these problems! “

“This World is so bad, chaos and even ambitious restlessness make mankind constantly threatened. At the same time, mankind has to face unknown dangers in the deep space of the universe. This is not the first time we face the threat of the universe, and every time, we can only say that it is a fluke. For example, before, if it were not for God’s generosity, maybe so many people might not be able to hear me now. “

“Yes, one thing better than the worst outcome is that humans will not face extinction as the overwhelming majority government or agency predicts. It will keep the next small part. The reason why this part of the people is retained lies in me, in everything I push forward for the own ideal. The essence of Nano Guardian’s renewal is to open the door to immortality for mankind. To some extent, I have already done it! “

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