Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2150

In line with the saying that even if there are no hidden dangers in the body after the catastrophe, it must be traumatic in the spirit. The front desk staff felt that oneself shouldn’t be so early Come to work. Even if the manager is urging him tightly, he will have to take two days off and wait for two days.

She was right to think so, but faced with the pressure of unemployment and the temptation of double salary in special periods, she still failed to adhere to the principle of own and finally chose to compromise.

For her, this is a helpless choice forced by life. After all, if she is a billionaire, then she won’t abandon the own principle for trifling twice the salary. To be poor is to have a shorter ambition, which is also impossible. However, this does not affect her smile on her face, and her heart is mmp to deal with own work.

Conscientiously speaking, her job is actually very good. Although it is just a front desk staff member, he works for a super unicorn company like New Era. Leaving aside the salary, the premise must be more extensive than the average person.

Moreover, because the NanoGuard product is so invincible, it even says that it doesn’t even leave the chance of spreading rumors to the opponent. After all, if health care products want to spread rumors, they can only make a fuss about their harmful effects on the human body. The situation faced by New Era’s opponents is that whether you are poisoning or artificially injecting unsolvable viruses and bacteria, they will be wiped out thoroughly under the self-cleaning of Nanoguard.

Even the pleasure and repercussions of absorbing washing powder can give you a complete sense of nothing by shielding the nerve response, you can believe it.

If this is to move to the media to make trouble, it will not be smearing and spreading rumors, but sending people free advertisements.

An enemy is absolutely incapable of being an enemy. As for being a bit more ruthless and simply killing someone, I’m really sorry. It’s fine for the actors to falsify their ignorance for the sake of money. If you let them save their lives, you might be the one who will be accused in court.

For the shabby reasons mentioned above, since the establishment of the company, the front desk staff has not encountered incidents of being blocked by reporters. This is the first time today, and it is precisely because of Ultron’s exclusive revelation that her first experience is the worst kind.

From the first reporter’s visit to the present, for several hours, she didn’t even have a chance to catch a breath. If not, there are a few big-waisted security guards standing around me, armed with guns, helping to maintain order, she guessed that oneself had been trampled by these reporters.

The anger in my heart is getting bigger and bigger, and the front desk staff can’t control who is standing in front of oneself. Even if two beautiful children suddenly appeared, it wouldn’t make her mood any better. These two are not Euros, everyone loves them. Coupled with their question as if they were coming to find fault, she was naturally impossible how polite in answering.

“Child, this is not a place for you to play games and have fun! So, can you oneself leave before I tell anyone to drive you away?”

“Madam, pay attention The manner in which you speak! We didn’t come to accompany you to have fun.”

Freowned, Frank is obviously not happy to be underestimated. So he also made a straight face and made a serious look.

“I said, I came to Ultron. Your job is to report my requirements, and whether he is willing to receive me is not a matter for you to decide.”

“This… sir, what I need to tell you is that there is no employee named Ultron in our company. I don’t care what information you get outside, but in the internal employee table, I’m looking for Not the one you are looking for.”

She repeated this not a hundred times or eighty times, not only to Frank, but to the reporters before. However, no one wants to believe her. What they are more willing to believe is that the front desk staff who have received benefits and have clear interests are playing cover for their boss.

Ultron has already posted its true identity on news channels in various countries. Now you talk about oneself. You don’t know the existence of this guy. If there is no such person in the New Era company, it’s not like Boss. I tell everyone, is it the same urinary sex if he isn’t there?

The front desk staff is too lazy to explain it in detail with Frank. In fact, she doesn’t think oneself can explain clearly. After all, she is just a front desk, and not a high-level company in the company. How can she know what kind of monsters are hidden behind the oneself company? It’s no good for her to figure out this, so it’s better to just pretend to be deaf and say oneself doesn’t know.

In this way, no one can find the trouble of owning. Even the people above can never say that because oneself did not find a person who does not exist on the company’s record list, oneself should be fired. As for what trouble this will bring to the company and what opportunities the company will miss. Sorry, this is not something she should be concerned about with a monthly salary of four thousand euros.

A penny, a penny, the salary the company paid her was enough to keep her out of trouble in this way.

If you can’t get the answer that oneself wants, Frank is naturally impossible to let go. Then he thought about it and said to the front desk.

“If your company does not have a guy named Ultron, then tell the president of your company that someone is visiting…”

“I’m pretty sure, this gentleman , Our president today does not have any appointments related to the two children. So if you must meet him, please leave your name and contact information, I will tell the president’s assistant and ask if Mr. President is willing Accept your appointment.”

This is not the first guy who couldn’t find the master, so he looked for the deputy. For these methods that oneself has seen more than once, the front desk also has a complete set of procedures to transfer and respond. Obviously, she had made up her mind not to buy in. Seeing that this conventional method simply didn’t work, Frank, who didn’t want to lose face in front of Zhou Shang, could only find another way and use other methods.

Looking around for a week, his eyes swept across several big waist circles around him, standing there just like black security guards leaning on an Iron Pagoda. Frank walked directly to the security guards, then stared into their eyes and repeated word by word.

“I want to see Ultron, now, right now!”

“Sir, please don’t interfere with the normal work of our security guards, okay? Their scope of work only includes maintaining the internal order of the company , Does not include satisfying your request to make trouble with such an unreasonable child. If you continue to do this, I will notify the police and ask them to trouble your guardian.”

I am really tired of these two children’s unreasonable trouble. The front desk staff cursed the damn Minor Protection Law in their hearts, while opening up for the security guards around oneself.

The security guards are not responsible for communicating with these guys who don’t know where they came from. If these cunning guys cheat them into something wrong, they a nobody can’t afford it. This relationship.

Although it doesn’t have much to do with her front desk staff, who made her look at the guy who was being questioned by Frank, that is, the handsome half-blood guy in the security guard. What about drooling. Men’s lust is such a virtue, but women are not much different. Anyway, it’s just a one-sentence solution. If anything beyond work can happen because of this, then it’s really a profit.

Such selfish calculations are in the front desk, and there is no shortage of in the heart dreaming about how to have a detailed exchange with that handsome mixed-race guy. It’s just that the development of things started to exceed her expectations, because at this time, the handsome mixed-race security guard didn’t know that Frank was nodded and so on, and then directly gave them a passage.

“Mr. is waiting for two in the president’s office, they can go directly from the president’s elevator!”

Finally did not hit a wall here, Frank led Zhou Shang and walked away. The son touched it from the elevator. And seeing these two brats get things out of these security guards in such an easy way, and they haven’t been blocked by any. The few reporters who were on the sidelines immediately moved their thoughts, and leaned forward with a scowling face.

“Well, we want to see Ultron too, now, right now!”

“Sir, the door is there. Are you going to go out alone, or are you going to let us give you Throw it out?”

The face of the security guard who is a black man pulled back, naturally, he looked more gloomy and ugly. And looking at these black security guards’ obvious non-buying behavior, these reporters who came to test them also immediately raised their hands, showing an innocent appearance.

“OK, OK, I see, I will leave now…”

After the trial, they probably figured it out. Those two kids should not be What an ordinary person. Otherwise, these security guards will not let them go so easily, to the point of

some people are already guessing about their identities. It is estimated that it is not the descendant of a company’s senior management or the successor of a major shareholder. Otherwise, I want to see Ultron, who is now like the sun at high noon. This is really not something that everyone has that qualification.

Being able to face Ultron head-on, it is estimated that these two Little Brat will not be as simple as they think they are unreasonable. After all, these years, children mature quickly, and many children are not much different from adults’ thinking when they are young. If it is placed in a wealthy family with a wealth of people, such a child has the opportunity to stand up and take the lead.

Just like Frank Stark reported from the United States before. The youngest billionaire in history, if not surprisingly, should have been the candidate for the world’s richest man. Isn’t it just that?

Frank used optical technology to change the appearance of own, but he did not let these reporters guess his true identity. They only thought that this was the successor of a hidden rich family, and according to their estimation, this Little Brat appeared at this time, most likely to be accountable to the so-called Ultron.

It’s like many humans are inherently hostile to Ultron, a non-human race. Capitalists like them, especially under the premise that their vital interests are closely related, may be more worried. Ultron, this alien, has created some moths in their industry.

After all, information about consortium is often secret to the public, and they are also impossible to guess that now the entire consortium has fallen into the control of Ultron. According to common sense in the past, for a company as large as the New Era, Ultron at best has a dominant power. Behind this, more or less some investors have certain shares. If they were these investors, it would be difficult to sit still in the face of such a special situation.

Unsurprisingly, the next drama should be a big drama, which is likely to be staged to the point where the internal power of the New Era company is transferred. The reporters have this kind of dog nose. Although they haven’t communicated much, they have prepared cameras and microphones in a tacit understanding with each other, and pointed them in all possible exit directions.

And this kind of change made the front desk who was still chattering about these reporters suddenly become a little nervous. She didn’t think too slowly, and she quickly thought of a place with these reporters. She contacted the handsome security guard, who was considered the leader of the security guard. She became more sure of the identity of the brat that oneself did not know. Which shareholder.

It is not easy for this kind of shareholders to change the dominant direction of the company, but it is very simple to target the small front desk of oneself. She still didn’t want to lose this salary because of such bad luck. It was considered a lucrative job, so she didn’t care about the reporters. She had already joined the mixed-race security guard.

“Hawke, what is the identity of the brat just now?”

This security identity called Hawke is not ordinary. on the surface He is a security guard, in fact, he is one of Ultron’s omnipotents that has produced mature intelligence. The purpose of disguising as a human security guard is to protect the safety of the headquarters of the New Era Company and prevent some people from jumping the wall in a hurry to use any means that can’t get on the table. Secondly, it is to achieve the purpose of expanding human intelligence and emotional information by deeply imitating the human lifestyle.

It is not just him, the entire security team of New Era is the same. This is also why Frank can let him go as soon as he communicates in private. He still doesn’t have the authority to stop a special person like Frank.

Although that is the case, he can still speak directly in the face of the inquiry from the Young Lady at the front desk, because it was Frank Stark, the creator of Ultron, who left behind in the world. The only offspring? Certainly not, so he can only say this to the front desk with a cold face and a consistently meticulous face.

“The younger brother of the major shareholder behind the company, the kind that is very secret, as long as you know it.”

“It’s over, then I will be fired soon “

Recalling oneself’s attitude just now, the front desk suddenly felt that oneself’s future was dim. Now the job market is sluggish, and she is really reluctant to give up such a good job.

“Don’t worry.”

Although he normally has an unhumanly stinky face, it is also because he is really uncomfortable with human expressions. In his own thoughts, he was still willing to be kind to others and to get closer to this human female in heat. So even though he is stern, his mouth is really comforting people.

“Don’t worry too much about this problem, he may not have this idea. And if it doesn’t work, I will intercede for you when the time comes.”

“Hock… …” The goodwill in the Young Lady at the front desk was absolutely overwhelming at this moment. She even said that she couldn’t help but began to think about some romantic things.

And just when they plan to spread dog food regardless of occasion. At the highest level of this building, Frank had already faced the president of this company and issued an own question.

“I have something to ask you, Ultron. Why didn’t you stop him in the first place!”

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