Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2160

There is an element of insatisfaction in human nature.

Of course, what is commonly used here is probably a derogatory term, that is, the so-called desire is difficult to fill. Human beings always have a steadily increasing demand for oneself material, to the point that they have exceeded the normal category under rational judgment. But there are always exceptions to everything, even in this natural derogation.

For example, when a person can’t eat and wear warmth, he longs to be able to eat and wear warmth; when a person needs to rely on humbleness in exchange for survival, he will want to straighten his spine. dignified to be a dignified person; when a man abandons almost everything that oneself can give up, wealth and body are Paragon’s strict, and he can’t let his wife, children and parents have a stable life, he will even think At all costs, let them have these…

This is also an insatiable part of human nature, but it is something that cannot be blamed at all when it is shown in these things.

No one has the qualifications to question the struggle and efforts of a group of civilians living in the ruins, even the most basic food and clothing line is difficult to reach. If someone does this, then stripping his clothes and throwing him into this place outside the law is the best deal for him. Of course, out of humanitarianism, we can leave something for him, such as a rubber cover. The multi-functional effect that this thing can play can still provide him with a little life guarantee…

In short, under the rumors that Ultron deliberately spread, the entire impossible zone has fallen into a kind of chaos that is difficult to understand. Because even the most decent people living here will inevitably have a different kind of vision for such a city.

After all, not everyone is greedy for the power of this place. Under the premise that there is no guarantee of life and material enjoyment may not be comparable to those of a stable country, some people will have the idea of ​​taking away funds and running away. Only limited by reality, that is, they are basically stared at all the time, and they have to give up that’s all.

Ultron’s shelter provides them with another option, so naturally, these people will have the idea of ​​owning in this regard. And since even they can’t help being moved by this, let alone those ordinary persons who want to change the status quo of oneself struggling to survive and long for a better life.

From the news that at first walking, someone impatient has caught up with Ultron’s team. They don’t care where Ultron’s fleet will stop and build that legendary city. Because even with this extreme uncertainty, the hardships of living and sleeping on the road are better than their previous lives.

At the very least, they can get a guarantee of food and clothing here, but also the most important thing. They can see hope here.

For them who have been desperate before, but simply struggled and survived as numb as a walking corpse, this hope is the most precious thing. For this, they are willing to gamble on everything. Because even if they lose the bet and lose everything oneself has, their situation will not get worse. Even if it is death, it is just another degree of relief.

Ultron certainly impossible to make his first followers fall into such a tragic situation. Because this kind of following not only means hope for them, but for Ultron oneself, it also means that his plan will have the best start.

He hopes to use these people who are willing to follow him as a template to tell those who are still hesitating and suffer from gains and losses, and at the same time tell those trapped in traditional concepts to demonize their intelligent life Such a fact of people. That is, what they promised is indeed doing, and their Demon-like existence is far more trustworthy than the Elder prophet and so on in your traditional concept.

Religious authoritarian figures in traditional concepts have absolutely no value in today’s world. Because in today’s world, apart from deceiving, they will only use the power held by oneself, to those who are so confused that they don’t know what to do, and they can only pin their hopes on the gods who have been proven to not exist. Of civilians are materially exploited.

They can’t even provide protection for these people. Under the threat of the evil power of the devil, they can’t even protect oneself. In comparison, in the face of their demonized omnics, creatures like demons are not qualified to be called threats.

Some huge refugee teams are inevitably mixed with some demons lurking in the shadows. After all, for them, who regard human flesh and soul as delicacies, a group of oneself leaving the city and the lights are shining, and walking under the lights of Blink into the dark Gobi is tantamount to oneself taking out from above.

In the city, they are more or less worried about being too eye-catching, so they summon the Fiend, magician and the like who are employed by the governments of human nations. Although they may not be afraid of these even little ants, if they attract the attention of the unknown existences entrenched in Europe, it is not the result of their happy opinion.

So far, the demons still know nothing about oneself’s compatriots in Europe and how their new Demon King was eliminated. Europe’s blockade of the Middle East not only blocked the refugees’ footsteps, but also caused these demons to lose access to information.

They can take the risk and cross this blockade to find out the news, but facing a dangerous place where even their Demon King will die, the devil who has always been known for his selfishness No one has such a spirit of sacrifice.

Even the powerful demons can’t use force. Because one thing that is very embarrassing is that with Victor’s death, the position of the Lord of Hell has been vacant. Although it is said that the Evil Spirit hell cannot be returned now, this does not prevent those demon lords from developing the coveted heart that they should have for this title with only the name left.

In the absence of Victor’s strength that is strong enough to suppress all opposition, as much as possible to strengthen the scale of the devil’s power under oneself’s hands, these demon lords compete for superiority. The only way.

Strong demon The ghosts force the owner to go down and risk the mortal danger to snoop news to oneself. The demons who don’t want to take this risk can naturally switch to others. After all, someone who can sneak into human society silently and inquire about information in a reasonable manner should be an elite figure among the devil. Under the premise that this kind of character dies one less, some people are willing to accept this. The surrender of the elite.

In short, the demons don’t know what kind of powerful Ultron is. In their traditional concept, this mechanical army is probably the same as the one they encountered in hell. It is the kind of iron bump that’s all that only knows to fight hard on the front.

In hell, in their territory, in order to prevent the expansion of those human invaders, they had to fight these brave and fearless robots in frontal wars. There is no way to do this, after all, you can’t just watch humans occupy their homeland.

However, in the human world, this account is not so calculated.

Hidden around humans, they have a thousand ways to use human existence to cover their own deeds. And unless it is the kind of Grandmaster Rank character with demonology, you are basically impossible to force them to stand up and deal with you head-on.

They have no reason to stand up against you. Under the premise that you can enjoy the delicacy of human beings by lurking in the shadows, even the dumbest devil knows what choice oneself should make.

They are very happy to see human beings fear and chaos because of their existence but helpless. Because unless they are cruel and attack humans in this area with destructive weapons beyond their imagination as in hell, they will be impossible to expose and cause destruction.

This is revenge, the demons think so oneself. And under the premise of the kind of retaliation they know, this kind of takeaway delivered to the door, it is naturally absolutely no reason to refuse.

The night was dark, and suddenly sand was blowing. The dust in the sky filled the air like this, even if there was a bright spotlight shining in the team, it was basically a fuzzy vision with no fingers.

The civilians living in this area hid in the center of the stalled convoy, huddled together in a tent that was quickly erected. They are very afraid, and the reason for this fear is obviously not just because of the sudden weather outside.

Sand dust is too common for people living in this area. They are obviously not afraid of this kind of weather, but only a certain threat that exists in this kind of weather.

I don’t know since when hunting humans in such sand and dust has become the habit of some demons. Maybe it makes them feel a sense of ceremony, or it’s just hobby weather. Anyway, they make humans feel terrified.

After such tragedies have been staged time and time again, these humans have developed an almost instinctive reaction just like the roar of a pack of wolves heard by a flock.

This time is no exception. After all, the asylum promised by Ultron is just a blank check that has not been cashed. Before this happens, no one can solemnly vowed the guarantee, and they will be able to protect their own safety. For this kind of thing that is likely to happen, these refugees would rather hope to reach the end point they are going to go to without problems along the way, and never hope to have such ups and downs as they are now. Use facts to test Ultron. Is it possible to fulfill the promise of

Because the bargaining chip for this kind of thing is their own life. And even if they even admit that oneself is humble and painful, but if they have that choice, they are still reluctant to die, or take the whole family to die together.

This is an instinct for survival. And if even this kind of thing cannot be satisfied, at the very least, they are willing to choose a more decent way of death instead of ruining it in the mouth of the devil.

Of course, to be the meat on somebody’s chopping block. They have no choice in this kind of thing, so they can only curl up in such a corner like a cowardly flock, whispering prayers that they don’t understand themselves.

I am ignorant, let them even have the idea of ​​resistance. Maybe someone tried to resist, but after that kind of resistance led to even more tragic results, the final situation was that they even lost the courage to resist.

The only thing they can rely on now is the omnic guards. Facing these steel machines, the demons just sneered, and then fumbled towards the crowd along the shadows.

Using magic, they can avoid the normal vision of mankind and most of the scientific detection methods. It was as if they were somewhere between existence and non-existence. They could touch those humans quietly, and then it would be like a weasel jumping into the chicken coop, killing them.

In their conventional knowledge, only magic can fight magic. So even if the iron bumps on the other side put on a posture of strict defense, but for them, it is not a sieve full of holes. Come and go if you want?

Gourmet At present, some demons who can’t restrain oneself appetite have taken the lead in groping towards the human camp. And as if it was a signal to start a meal, all the demons entrenched around seemed to be children who had finished class, and the wolves rushed towards the human camp.

Do you want to grab a meal? Of course it is first come first served. Just as the fastest cub in the canteen can grab the fattest meat, the fastest group of these demons is qualified to enjoy the fresh and tender children and women. As for the old, the weak, and the sick, only the group of garbage that ran the slowest went to clean up.

For a long time, this has become an unwritten habit among the demons. And this time is naturally no exception, and just when all the demons thought that they would be greeted by the open door of the cafeteria, and the food that was piled up and let them take and take. They slammed their heads on the steel plate…

Perhaps it is not appropriate to use steel plate to describe it. In other words, they rushed into the canteen door, but they were surprised to find the canteen. The interior painting style changed abruptly, directly from a warm meal time to a steel-operated, brightly lit machinery factory, and it was the kind that specializes in recycling and crushing garbage.

Before the demons could react to this change, they were already involved in the power of steel technology. And this is manifested in reality that the huge vehicle instantly deforms from the carriage into a device like a radar power station, and then the dazzling electromagnetic radiance diffuses in the sand and dust like a storm, just rushing in all in an instant The devil was beaten back to reality.

What greets these demons is not their believe oneself infallible feast, but the weapons and encirclement that the omnics have already prepared. When these firearms specially made for the devils who mastered the magical power spit out the dazzling radiance, the devils are like cut down wheat, planted in pieces on the gravel next door. Above.

Refugees can only hear the wailing of those demons who are dying, and what they can’t imagine is that such a night that frightens them is for this impossible zone that has already fallen into chaos. In terms of what kind of change is it.

The new prologue has been kicked off, regardless of whether those characters are willing or unwilling, their identities have changed. Hunters will eventually become prey, and everything starts from this night…

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