Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2168

“Yu Qing, what do you think we should do next?”

To some extent, he has received Yu Qian’s allegiance, and he also knows the Orientals The name is the last name first. Alexander naturally started to interrogate the potential in a more intimate way. This can be considered some kind of examination school, after all, it is not the same thing to say that the principle and the advice are not the same.

Yu Qian could also see that there was a sense of temptation to oneself, but almost without thinking, he said directly to Alexander.

“The so-called work must first sharpen its tools. This old oriental saying means that if you want to do one thing well, you must have the tools at your fingertips. And in Your Majesty’s case, if If Your Majesty wants to continue to make great achievements, I think the first thing to do is to arm these soldiers under us with the best weapons.”

“What?” Listen At this point, the pressure suddenly increased and his eyes condensed, and then he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. “Is it for you that the short swords and lances of these soldiers under my command are not sharp enough? Are their armor not strong enough?”

Alexander tone barely fell, those who accompanied him came back to life Yes, the warriors belonging to the Macedonian Empire had already drew out their short swords, and while tapping on oneself’s portable shield, they let out a loud cry.

The sound shook the whole field. This is beyond doubt. After all, tens of thousands of people are fighting at the same time. In terms of the scene, it is absolutely shocking. There were very few troops of this level in the contemporary era, which is why a dignified Egypt would surrender Alexander without a shot. They are very aware of the own level, and even the Persian Empire is not an opponent, how could they have defeated such an elite division. It’s better to be happy and surrender.

Although Lao Yu was also shocked by the talent of Alexander’s soldiers, he was only shocked. If you say it is shocking, I think this is the only thing in my life. That’s cracking a joke.

Don’t say anything else, the military parade held every few years is no worse than the performance of these Macedonian soldiers. And you have to know that there are millions of elite soldiers behind it. From this point of view, these Macedonian performances can’t scare him Senior.

“Your Majesty, I’m a professor of history. I know that in the surrounding area of ​​Macedonia, the original Italian tribe was once regarded as a Barbarian by your Greek city-states. In addition to the inherent stereotypes, this Some of them are indeed because there are indeed some tribes in it, which still maintain the original nomadic and tribal system. Then my Your Majesty, you can regard such a tribal warrior that you regard as barbaric, and their equipment And the battle strength that can be shown, can you compare it with your soldiers?”

“Are the Barbarians in the Italian peninsula? This is not difficult.” Wise men have the habit of selling bonds, Alexander I’m already familiar with this. So although those who are old about this sudden change of course are a little unprepared, they are not that absolutely does not have. In order to respect the knowledge of the wise men, Alexander tends to follow the tide, and it is the same this time.

“I saw the war between my Royal Father and those Barbarians when I was young. They often wear animal skins and use wooden lances and stone weapons. Although some people can There are bronze weapons, but they are often looted or traded. They do not have the technology to smelt metals. Therefore, they are impossible to compare with the Macedonian soldiers under my command.”

” Soldiers are equipped with brass helmets, armor and shin guards as standard. The two-piece lance, buckler, and dagger are all made of metal. One-on-one, with the advantage of equipment, my warrior You can easily kill one Barbarian and fight against two or three Barbarians. If you want to fight in an array, I have three hundred soldiers, enough to defeat two thousand Barbarians!”

This is almost one enemy ten The damage ratio may sound a bit exaggerated elsewhere, but it is true for Alexander. The crushing advantage brought by metallurgical technology, coupled with the support of his famous Macedonian phalanx, unless it is opposed to the already flourishing Qin crossbow in the East or the large-scale war chariot impact, otherwise the contemporaries, He really is an invincible existence. It is really trivial to take one enemy ten. During the war with Persia, he had beaten out a one to twenty battle loss.

Of course, Lao Yu asked such a question because he knew how good the Macedonian soldiers were at the time, and he naturally had an intention to ask such words.

“Do you think that under this gap, is the soldier’s individual bravery more important, or is the difference in equipment more important?”

“Of course.. “Alexander wanted to answer subconsciously with bravery. After all, in his time, this was a common understanding. The Greeks admired sports and often praised heroic allusions. Someone could achieve great achievements in this regard, and they would often think that subconsciously. It is the result of bravery or wisdom. Few people will think of whether this has anything to do with weapons and equipment that they regard as tools.

Alexander is also caught in this vicious circle. However, as a wise king, he has one more mind’s eye. He didn’t give an answer right away because he went through this question in his head again. But after careful consideration, he couldn’t be so sure that the answer oneself thought was correct.

On bravery, Macedonians are certainly not bad. Otherwise, it is impossible to conquer the North and South from the generation of his father, laying the foundation for him to conquer half of the world. But to say that the aboriginals of Italy are worse than their Macedonians, which is a bit of a conscience.

Different from Greece, which once regarded Macedonia as barbaric (Macedonia is the most fringe of the Greek world), Egypt, which has a long history, and Persia and India, which are not much different, are the indigenous people of the Italian peninsula in that era It’s really Barbarian. Living resources basically rely on nomadism and hunting, and they don’t even have the ability to build city-states. The city built is not so much a city as it is a soil enclosure, which is simply a mixture of wood and soil to make a look.

In terms of civilization, he is definitely the most discriminated against in the peripheral zone of the Greek world. But because of this, Alexander dare not say that they are not as brave as the Macedonians.

The most direct change brought about by civilization is the change of human living environment. In a sufficiently civilized country, there will be a large number of artists and scholars, and production activities will change from dangerous hunting and nomadic to stable farming. This change is good on the whole, but on the individual, people’s general physical fitness will decline.

Just pull a Greek farmer and an Italian indigenous herder, it is definitely the herdsman to be stronger. Because he wants to let go of his horses and deal with wolves and wild beasts. In the same way, although the Macedonian soldiers are brave, but they struggle in a difficult environment all the year round and have to physically fight against the wild beast’s indigenous warriors, their bravery will not be inferior.

I even said it would be stronger. Because there are weak people among Macedonian soldiers, as long as they are within the permissible range. But Barbarian warriors will not have too weak people, because the harsh environment will directly eliminate these so-called weak ones.

But even so, the Macedonians can still easily defeat Barbarian. You can imagine what the real reason is.

“Well, it seems that the role of weapons and equipment is indeed very important. So, you want to tell me that I should allocate sharp enough swords and sturdy swords for the soldiers under my hand. Is the armor, Yu Qing?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. It’s just that you may have some inappropriate words, um, it’s not very accurate.”

I made a gesture with my hand a distance where two fingers can be close together. It looks small, but only oneself knows how far this distance is.

He is a Chinese, master race of face learning. Since he said that he was loyal to Alexander, he should naturally save enough face when he speaks and acts. I say this now to save him face. And since the face has been preserved, then what should be said should be made clear.

“Your Majesty, the first thing you need to understand is how long it has been since your era. We calculate according to the year of the AD, you are probably a person of the top 300 years of AD, and now it is AD 2000 years later. In other words, almost two thousand and four hundred years have passed since your time.”

“In two thousand and four hundred years, enough human civilization has developed to a kind you may not be able to Imagination. I say that it might be difficult for you to understand, so let me put it another way. As the method of warfare you know well, that is, the cold weapon war that we modern people often say, it has already withdrawn from the stage of history. With the development of weapon technology, technological progress and changes, the method of warfare has undergone significant changes. It’s not that no one wants to stick to this old creed and write history in a cold weapon warfare way. The price is enough for them to throw all the old and old things into the horns.”

“Take an example to illustrate. British invented the Maxim machine gun and used it to deal with the natives of Africa The Metabile-Surusian war. Using this newly invented ultimate weapon on the battlefield, fifty United Kingdom soldiers defeated more than five thousand Metabile’s dozens of assaults and killed directly. More than three thousand people died. And the deaths on the United Kingdom side are…zero.”

Holding a cold weapon and being unable to penetrate the defense line of a machine gun is naturally impossible to cause any casualties. This is common sense in today’s era, but in front of the ancients of Alexander more then 2000 years ago, this is a real miracle.

Any cold weapon war, no matter how brave and eloquent soldiers, no matter how wise the commander of the martial arts, is impossible to say that one person undying and the other person will win the next war. As long as the fight is on, even if there is a group of rabbits on the opposite side, lucky enough to occasionally kill so many people.

This is the norm, and it is also the reality in Alexander’s perception. And now Lao Yu’s introduction obviously broke the common sense in his cognition, and at the same time refreshed his understanding of war. This made him inevitably a little confused. After all, oneself’s most familiar area suddenly became a situation he didn’t understand, and everyone would have such a reaction. But soon, the ambition of his king’s nature and his desire to conquer had already risen again. And he, at this time, also showed a very excited smile.

“New methods and rules of warfare? This sounds very interesting.”

While rubbing oneself’s lush beard, Alexander’s eyes are as hot as flames. The radiance.

“Compared to me who has been invincible in your so-called cold weapon war, a brand-new method of warfare is tantamount to a new and fun challenge. There is no doubt that this challenge I took it. Then the question is, my dear Yu Qing, can you tell me, how can I start this brand new game? Or, how can I enter this new war? What about the qualifications?”

As Alexander oneself said, the progress of the times, not at all, made him feel afraid and retreat. Instead, it inspired his fighting spirit as a king and made him want to pass. Adapt to this era to gain new conquests and victories. This may be a manifestation of arrogance, but isn’t it the kind of arrogance that created the miracle named Alexander the Great.

Old Yu was mentally prepared for this, so when Alexander spoke like this, he immediately said.

“Weapon, Your Majesty. We need enough weapons, not to mention arming everyone, but at the very least, we must arm the elite forces among us to the teeth. “

“Weapons, like what you just said, called Maxim machine guns?”

Alexander is a little curious about things that only exist in this new type of warfare. , He instinctively had great curiosity. That is, the conditions are not allowed, otherwise he really wants to get some modern warfare weapons in front of oneself and study it carefully.

“More than that. The Maxim machine gun is a product almost 200 years ago. Today, the development of weapons has already had a more complete system and variety. In terms of individual soldiers, there are and short swords. Same as emergency pistols, there are also rifles that are generally used for warfare like lances. Of course, the so-called guns used may be more similar to the bows and arrows of your time. They need an accessory called bullet to be used normally. . Otherwise it’s a stick that burns fire.”

“In addition, modern warfare also has some new equipment that is difficult to describe with the equipment of your time. For example, tanks are like a group of bulls in armor. Can eject a thunderbolt lightning-like destructive power shell. Also missiles, the formidable power is the largest, you can even imagine it as if an earthquake or a volcanic eruption suddenly appeared in the opponent’s camp.”

” True God is strange, has the war developed to this point? Doesn’t it mean that there are not enough people to kill?”

Alexander just admired, and Lao Yu was sighed at this time.

“Yeah, how many people are not enough to kill. In fact, all those who teach history know that it is too many to kill thousands of people in one battle in ancient wars. But in modern wars, how many people die? Millions of people are considered normal. As this continues, humans will die oneself one day sooner or later, but the problem is that they can’t stop.”

“Then try to conquer everyone, There is no reason for humans to continue to fight. It’s just like the empire I built.”

Alexander doesn’t think there is anything wrong with the death of war. He loves to conquer, so naturally he doesn’t care about dead people. And compared to this kind of sentimental sadness, what he cares more about now is.

“How can we make the kind of weapon you call it?”

“Make it? Can’t make it. Without a complete industrial system and technological reserves, it is basically made There is no such advanced thing. We can only think of other ways, such as…borrow!”

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