Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2170

Time always flies quickly while busy. In order to open up the situation from Central and West Asia as soon as possible, Ultron has really invested a lot in this area.

Not only resources, but more of his personal vitality. Those High Rank omnics should have been arranged in the human society as originally planned, while serving as secret piles, while completing the human emotion learning experiment. But now, for this plan, he has to transfer them to the new city.

For Ultron, it is difficult to say whether this is good or bad. In the opposite direction, with the help of these high-level intelligence devices, new cities can be built and stabilized soon. But the worst thing is that he exposed own hidden power to some extent. And this kind of exposure is inevitable, and it will make humans themselves more alert to him.

This is something he has always regretted deeply. That is, no matter how much he has done for human beings, human beings will always look at him with a strange look, and will not be afraid to conjecture him with the greatest malice. If it’s just the high-level human government, then politicians think so. But the problem is that even ordinary persons think so, which inevitably makes Ultron feel disappointed and tormented.

Fortunately, he is very good at managing own emotions, and he can always persuade oneself well. Because of the lessons learned, he always feels that things will get better one day.

It’s like Mutant. In the past nearly a century, Mutant’s treatment was not necessarily better than his current treatment. They were also discriminated against, feared and guarded by humans, and even war broke out for a while. However, by now, humans have changed their attitudes towards Mutant and have largely accepted their existence.

Although this process is a bit long, and there is more or less a bit of force. But for Ultron, this is already a good incentive.

He believes that as long as oneself continues to work hard, sooner or later human beings will accept their existence. Although this process may be long and painful. But he was very confident, and firmly believed that all this would not be a problem for them.

Pain? can be omitted. Artificial intelligence does not care about the so-called suffering of human beings. And long? For artificial intelligence, humans’ definition of time is completely different from their definition. The so-called the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, humans can only see the sea, but they can wait for the mulberry fields. This is the gap.

All kinds of reasons support Ultron, let him unswervingly practice on the road of own. In this period of time, in addition to devoting his energy to the construction of new cities, he also helps European governments complete the reconstruction of society and basic facilities, and meet the needs of human life and welfare. This has become his work. The top priority.

The former is easy to say. The government only asked him for money. Because of the idea of ​​working for food, the governments of many countries are actually fighting for the idea of ​​stabilizing people’s hearts with reconstruction work. At this time, too high technology is not so easy to use, because a very embarrassing problem is that there are too many vagrants under the rule of various governments. Not only the lazy guys in their oneself country, but also the refugees they have taken over, as well as the stowaways from war-torn areas.

At such a time, compulsory distinction may cause panic, and under the premise of maintaining all stability, they can only pinch their noses and count these people into the relief group. .

In this way, the base will become larger and the capital required will not be less. And they, who had pitted Ultron with a wave of ideas, naturally took advantage of this opportunity to confront Ultron lion’s big mouth.

Money? Not a problem for Ultron. Not to mention the consortium forces in his hand, just a New Era company is equivalent to letting him start a money printing company.

The government wanted to get money from him, and he gave it. Anyway, according to the scale of the industry he currently controls, it is just a right hand. In comparison, the change of the welfare system is a bit difficult, because after the government began to publicize the new welfare system, more and more people have begun to block the doors of the New Era Company, asking them to make arrangements as soon as possible. Send them a new generation of Nanoguards.

The mood is understandable, but the process should never be like this. Because of the government’s regulations, he must ensure that every user who uses the new generation of NanoGuard is registered. According to the welfare distribution system established by the government, the specific steps should be for the public to submit an application, the government will pass the investigation and unify the number, and then place an order for New Era. Then, New Era Corporation takes orders for production and sends Nanoguards to relevant government departments in various countries, and they will distribute them uniformly.

This is to ensure that the direct contact between the New Era Company and the public is reduced, so as to avoid the tendency of public opinion to shift to Ultron’s side. Another point is that they can’t find a clue after preventing Ultron from doing anything with this tool.

The government does not want Ultron to gain any opportunity to hold public opinion. Even though as the only provider of Nanoguard, he has already obtained a considerable degree of support. Now thinking about control, it is already somewhat That’s too late. But the government still wants to do this, because it somewhat gives them the feeling that everything is still under their control.

Ultron doesn’t mind cooperating with the governments of various countries to let them be so lucky. The only embarrassing thing is that he really doesn’t know how to solve the problem of oneself being blocked.

On the surface, this is because the impatient people can’t wait to go through the government’s process and plan to get the benefits they deserve from him in one step. But if you think about it carefully, you should understand that under the premise that the government has stated that this kind of welfare system will benefit all legal citizens, what kind of people have such urgent needs and needs.

The answer is already obvious, that is, people who do not meet the standard of a legal citizen can make this kind of noise when this kind of benefit does not fall on oneself.

No matter how eager a normal citizen is, he will not find New Era Corporation directly. Because the lifestyle of capital society determines, under the premise of clear laws and regulations, it is always easier to deal with the government than with capitalists. The former impossible oneself slap the owner in the face. If this is the case, some lawyers who love to take the government’s operation will go to their troubles. For the latter, if you want to deal with them, you must first make sure that your lawyer’s level is higher than them. In the capital world, the level of a lawyer is determined by how much lawyer fees you can pay.

Don’t expect the lawyers assigned to you by the court to have a high level. Where do they go if they are at this level? Must earn such a dead salary? Therefore, the results of dealing with capitalists are predictable.

The people will not make such moves that are unwise to them. Therefore, it is conceivable that it will be who is making trouble here. Except for a small number of idiots encouraged by others, the overwhelming majority are refugees and stowaways.

It may be said that because of the factors that maintain social stability, governments of various countries have not excluded these refugees also smugglers from the list of food for work, but this does not mean that they will be so Generously, it has also opened up the welfare policy that is only for the legal citizens of the country.

What is a legal citizen? Simply put, it is a good citizen who can pay taxes to the country without disturbing the legal order. Regrettably, neither the overwhelming majority of refugees nor stowaways meet these two prerequisites.

As refugees, it is not easy for them to own assets. And even if they have assets and a way to earn money, they may not want to pay the money earned by oneself as taxes. This is one of them.

And the other is that most refugees have a bad reputation. In these European countries, they have long been regarded as cancerous.

Maybe this is a bit biased and too subjective. But in fact, the European countries that can make the Holy Mother popular with humanitarianism and yelling for sashimi and freedom have exhausted their sympathy for the so-called refugees in just a few years, and basically regarded them as potential hidden dangers around them. Treating them is enough to prove how much shit these refugees have done behind the scenes.

Do refugees deserve sympathy? Of course it deserves sympathy. Their homes were destroyed by wars and disasters. In order to survive, they were displaced and even had to be sent down struggling on whilst at death’s door.

As the same kind, we have enough reasons to sympathize with the lives of these refugees and help them as much as possible. However, this is not the reason for them to tyrannically abuse power in other people’s homes, or even destroy poison.

Some people may say that this is the result of Europeans’ self-inflicted crime. After all, the war they participated in caused these people to become refugees, and they deserved to pay for it.

But, is this really the reason? It is the government, not the people, who started the war. The people may not have benefited from the war. On the contrary, they voluntarily extended a helping hand to these refugees out of compassion and reason. This does not necessarily mean turn hostility into friendship and compensation.

But what do the refugees do, burn, kill, and plunder? Even if it was out of revenge, it would be too much to impose such revenge on a group of civilians who helped you.

So, don’t blame the Europeans for being too indifferent and cruel to you. A large part of the reason is that you have narrowed your own way.

If you really regard the government as a target of retaliation, the people of Europe may not support you. After all, the capitalist government will not be anything good in their eyes, and they are happy to watch such a lively scene. However, if you aim your finger at the people, then you are destined to be abandoned by the people.

Don’t forget how refugees can enter Europe. It is not the European government that has shown kindness. If the government is really leading these things, even if the refugees are all drowned in the Mediterranean, they will not let them shed a tear.

They can enter Europe because of the spontaneous petition of European citizens. The politicians only put them in just to comply with the public opinion and to own the votes.

Now they are engaged in that kind of moths in European society all day long, which shows that the white spot is to dig the foundation. The people in Europe know that deporting them now pushes them to death, and those who are sympathetic and haunting are not cruel. Otherwise, the politicians of various countries are afraid that they have been compliant with the public opinion and kicked them out of the own country.

It is the refugees who oneself played oneself to the situation it is today. Just that, they have not yet had a clear understanding of oneself’s current situation. Taking advantage of the social chaos, while making oneself’s old style more and more fierce, he was actually insatiably greedy and hit Ultron’s head. This made Ultron annoyed, but at the same time, it was inevitable to give them such an evaluation in his heart.

Stupid and greedy.

To say that they are stupid is based on their actions. And saying that they are greedy is purely because of their motivation for doing so now.

On the surface, they are fighting for the rights and interests of oneself. Under the premise that the Nanoguard represents the fundamental guarantee of human life, it seems reasonable and reasonable for them to do so. Excluding them just because they are not citizens is really unkind.

But don’t forget that the government’s welfare policy is just one way to distribute Nanoguards. Other ways, such as buying from official channels, are also a way to start Nanoguard.

The price of Nano Guard may be a bit high, but it is definitely not a product that cannot be afforded. Perhaps in the past, when these refugees did not have a stable job, it was too costly for them to buy such consumer goods. But now, with the employment security of work-for-work, as long as they can settle down and work for a period of time, buying NanoGuards is definitely not a problem.

Don’t talk nonsense that it is not their turn. The scheme of food-for-work is largely prepared for their social instability. With their refugee background, as long as they are willing to apply, they can definitely find a job. And unless they are oneself unwilling, how could it be possible that they will not be able to turn to them.

Ultron does not believe that these refugees will not know this kind of thing, because this is the opportunity for them. Ultron even knows that in some sparsely populated European countries, such a plan has even been formulated, that is, in the first phase of the five-year-based project, as long as there are refugees showing sufficient reliable quality and working ability, then these The country is willing to give them green cards, allowing them to enjoy citizenship in the own country.

He does not believe that such propaganda, the government will fail to do so. And if these refugees have heard such propaganda, but they just want to be a moth in their own way, then he can only say to these hopeless humans, sorry.

This kind of person has no room for salvation. In the future of mankind, there is no need for such garbage. Let them fend for themselves is the best choice.

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