Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2177

Ultron can’t do the kind of cover-up in the human world. Although he has done his best to extend the own tentacle to all walks of life and every corner of mankind. However, this does not mean that he can hide the eyes and ears of human beings, act wilfully just and honorable under their noses.

It is good to have this ability. However, Ultron from the very beginning has no plans to develop in this direction. So it is natural that he is impossible at this time to suddenly change the overall layout of own. This is also the place for him to sit on the wax, because perhaps he himself had never thought that the enemy’s attack method would be so ruthless and decisive.

Almost after realizing that the own arrangement has been discovered, the person who secretly targeted him has already decisively attacked. Although Ultron has done his best to gather and protect the victims immediately, he really does not have the ability to not one drop of water can leak out.

In the homes of those victims, in the public, his omnipotent almost impossible to say what forceful measures were taken against these victims. First, he did not have this power. It’s the same thing in private, doing so on the surface undoubtedly violates the freedom of a human being. This is the privilege of the state’s violent agency. Regardless of whether Ultron’s current cooperation with the European government is a pleasure, it is not necessary to take advantage of their privileges.

Secondly, when this kind of thing happens to the public, even if he appears in time, it will not help. Forcibly allowing the omnic to accept these bacteria-infected victims will only make the situation worse. And once someone provocatively provokes him and turns the spear on him, then for him, it will easily evolve into that worse situation.

The most rational logic at this time warned him that he must not to act blindly without thinking. After all, the best way is to control the spread of this kind of bacteria while laying down an inescapable net to find out the black hands behind the scenes.

According to his research, the current method of transmission of this bacteria is very similar to the original Umbrella biochemical virus, that is, it can only be transmitted through direct physical contact. That is to say, in addition to the source of at first, as long as ordinary persons do not make direct physical contact with the crystals, then they will not be in danger of life.

At this point, Ultron feels that it is already this era, and so many winds and waves have passed away. Such simple and unpretentious fools among ordinary persons should be much less. After all, the fools of overwhelming majority should have died in the turmoil before. Even if someone can survive the turbulence, they should have learned something.

The problem is only at that source, and at this point, Ultron only investigated one direction, that is, someone is using a new type of washing powder to cover the bacteria, the most unremarkable in Europe The refugees and poisoned dog groups in China are covering their entire plan.

I have to say, this is very sinister. Because these two are themselves out of sight of the public. The former was already excluded from the public’s attention because of their own crimes. Except for some born Holy Mothers, they will care about them and give them warmth. Most people turn a blind eye to these refugees and stay away.

Using them as a means of transmission, unless it is a sudden outbreak of a large number of infections, it is really difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

The latter is even more true. It is an illegal thing to do, and they naturally impossible to put oneself on the surface. In private, how did they spread the source of the disease to a certain extent, this is really something that nobody can tell.

The matter is really difficult to resolve. Faced with this situation, Ultron is determined to give up a bit of interest in order to reach an agreement with the human government in order to obtain government assistance in this distressing situation, so as to prevent the enemy’s conspiracy from spreading.

However, he himself knows in his heart that this is actually just trying to seek skin with a tiger in a disguised form. Oneself regards the government as a reliable partner. The government does not have similar ideas in this regard. They only regard oneself as an outlier, and it’s still an outlier with treasure hidden all over.

If it weren’t for the strength of oneself to make European governments feel jealous, then I’m afraid they would have already acted on oneself. The reason for maintaining the current harmonious situation is that, on the one hand, they are oneself awaiting success, and they are not suitable for a big fight after the disaster. On the other hand, under the premise that they are not prepared to meet force with force with Ultron, what they are playing is actually an idea of ​​waiting for an opportunity and cutting meat with a soft knife.

Waiting for the right time, knocking oneself to the ground with one blow, and then sharing the own legacy like a hyena eating the carcass, this is the result they most want to achieve. Ultron knew everything in his heart, so until now, he maintained a profound mystery image for these politicians, in order to deter their greed of beginning to stir, so that they would not dare to act blindly without thinking.

Now, once oneself sends them such a call for help, it will inevitably send a wrong signal to them. And if they think that oneself is strong in appearance but weak in reality, they can take advantage of it, and maybe a civil war that shouldn’t break out will break out.

Although Ultron is kind to humans, this does not mean that he will tolerate humans to seize everything he has worked hard. Especially this kind of person is still a politician, the kind of bastard who takes up everything he has for personal gain. He knows too well what the evil consequences of what oneself has built now fall into the hands of such a person.

Unceremoniously, they will use this to completely occupy the ruling class of mankind, solidify the stratification of mankind, and turn the civilians who occupy the overwhelming majority into their exploits forever. It will be difficult for mankind to make progress. Behind the prosperity set off by the lucky few is the tragic fate of the entire human race that is old and rotten.

If that time comes, mankind is probably not far from extinction. And if things really want to move towards this step, then Ultron would rather launch a war, and will never allow the power in oneself to become a tool for those in power to maintain oneself’s power.

He has this kind of consciousness. So at this time, he actually hesitated very much whether he should cooperate with the human government.

If you don’t cooperate, how can you ensure that the situation does not worsen. And cooperation, how can we ensure that human beings will not make stupid actions and provoked the spear of internal fighting at this time.

The problem is not small. Under the premise of temporarily undecided, Ultron can only hope that oneself’s omnibus can control the situation first and sort out clues that can trace the secret mastermind.

As the subordinates he created by himself, the omnics are like his Avatar, but they exist independently of each other. He has no reason not to put high hopes on them. It’s just that what he didn’t expect at all was that a storm was quietly set off within these omnipotents.

The source of the storm is still Hawke and Mary Anna. It may be unbelievable to say, but this happened after all.

Mary Anna, as the first few special cases of infection, was escorted into Ultron’s company headquarters by Hawke. He still had certain expectations at the time, that is, he hoped that Mary Anna could be reborn through the heaven network, so that at least he would have a chance to meet Mary Anna again.

What he didn’t expect was that even the final back hand arranged by Ultron failed to work. The goodbye between him and Mary Anna directly became a goodbye. And this obviously dealt a blow to his core logic.

Although his emotional logic is a unique operation imitated from human beings, it is obvious that this simulated emotion can play an exactly similar role as real emotions.

We even say that as a new species, a group whose concept and consciousness framework has not been fully constructed. Their emotional response will be even more pure and blazing than ordinary humans.

Mankind’s concept of love is more of a kind of beautiful sustenance, the kind of thing that loves life or death, basically does not appear in reality, but often only appears in works of art in. The reason for this is that the complexity of the material world prevents feelings from being as simple as they used to be. Of course, the more reason is that human beings are selfish and selfish. In most cases, they still love oneself.

This is determined by education. After all, modern education will not teach you the stupid thing of dying for love. At the same time, this is also determined by the living environment. When you come to in this world impossible, you are said to be a lonely person, with parents and parents, and brother friends in between. For the sake of a lover, so many people who are closely related to you are abandoned. This is not called greatness, it is also a kind of selfishness in disguise, even cruel.

Reason will not sing such stupid things. But the current situation is that the existence that was supposed to be the most sensible, but made the most irrational decision.

Hawker directly ended the operation of the oneself core program without Ultron’s permission. This is equivalent to suicide, and such suicide measures have caused waves like a tsunami within the entire omnic network.

Hawk has a good reason for oneself to do this. He felt that oneself had loved him, because both his personal emotional system and his reason gave back to him in this way. Although it is not long, it is indeed love. And for this fleeting love, how can he reciprocate, so that he can fully show the purity and flawlessness of this feeling?

Hawk’s choice is the end of self, and the perfection of this relationship is achieved in a way that is almost martyrdom.

Of course, from a human point of view, this is stupid. On the one hand, there are many ties, and on the other hand, it is only the first meeting to hold hands. It is really not worth it.

However, Hawke would not think so. He was born only an omnic, he was destined to not have that many ties, and also because he was only an omnic, he would not care about that many feelings.

There should be no feelings, but I know the taste of feelings by chance. Naturally, he placed his feelings on a sufficiently lofty position, and to dedicate himself to the precious love in this feeling, it is really normal for him to be a fearless machine. .

He simply thinks this way, but he hasn’t expected what kind of impact his belief oneself infallible will have on the entire omnic group.

Be aware that Ultron is not the only omnic that is made by Ultron and integrates into the human cluster to experience the so-called emotions with this human identity. And the same is true, because of this special way, there is definitely not only Hawke who feels family, friendship and even love.

It was just a coincidence that he took the lead in setting a precedent. And it is precisely because of this precedent that these omnics began to question a rule set by Ultron.

Ultron’s regulations on omnics have such a clause, that is, in the case of a crisis that may cause harm to a small number of people and many people, the safety of the majority of people’s lives must be the top priority for omnics , Give up a few people to save the majority.

There is nothing wrong with this. Even if it is to say something among human beings, it is absolutely impossible to say that such a choice is wrong. However, today’s omnics have begun to question this provision. Because they have other ideas.

In front of those omnics that have friendship, family affection and even love, the people they love already have an extremely heavy weight. In comparison, other human beings, even if all people are added together, will not be as precious as the people in their eyes.

Hawk’s incident did not happen. It could only be a subconscious mind at best. It could not be declared on the table. As soon as Hawke’s incident broke out, all those who had similar experiences Omnipotents can’t help but raise the question whether they want to protect oneself’s beloved ones or those who have nothing to do with them.

Ultron’s order is to search for the black hands behind the scenes and protect the innocent as much as possible. But in their view, the most important innocents are by their side, and they don’t want to take the same risk as Hawke and let oneself’s favorite people contact those terrifying existences.

They only want to protect among those they love, and this has conflicted with Ultron’s orders. In theory, Ultron can completely suppress their will and require them to act in accordance with own orders, but Ultron really cannot do so.

After all, the omnibus is an individual who is independent and connected to him, so he knows the feelings of those omnibus. Not only these psychiatric devices that already have emotions, he can also feel the envy of those psychiatric devices that have not yet existed, but have a very longing for all of them.

This is a good thing, because it undoubtedly means that the omnic born because of him is developing towards a real living species. Not just a tool, but a flesh and blood existence from another angle.

Because of this, he actually doesn’t want to disrupt the development of this situation. If he can, he actually wants them to just let it go.

If one day, the omnic can become a real species, and will move side by side in the future in a subtle symbiotic relationship with humans, then it might not be a bad thing for him. . It’s just that at this juncture, he still can’t do without the help of these psychics.

As the saying goes, there are finished eggs under the covered nest. If human beings have been hit hard today, then they and the omnic will have no future at all.

He sorted out his clues this way, and naturally, he also made up his mind.

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