Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2183

Andrew means the woman understands. Although he has never experienced it before, at least he has heard of it. What kind of price are some women willing to accept when they are addicted and are really not satisfied. To put it bluntly, at that time, you just need to give them a little washing powder, and you can really let them do anything.

Women have always tried their best to avoid oneself falling into such a situation. However, the problem is that if it comes to such a time, she actually can’t control own.

Just like now. Although she was determined to reject Andrew’s harassment, because she knew what it meant to her. At that time, when she thought that Andrew was the only source of goods she had encountered recently, and the only way for her to obtain washing powder, she did not dare to say this.

The kind of suffering and pain, anyone who has tasted it will not be willing to try second time.

People with perseverance and determination will use strong endurance to forcibly restrain this addiction, get rid of it, and let it never do it again. But the overwhelming majority are evasive to this particular suffering. They will only rely on smoking laundry powder to let oneself wander in this range of satisfaction and suffering.

This is the case with women. She doesn’t have that determination, so she can only choose to escape. The escape is that she is impossible to take out the courage to reject Andrew anyway. Even if he is still resisting verbally, I am afraid that a man can understand how weak this resistance is. That’s the question that’s all conveniently.

It’s just an empty talk. Without revealing a little bit of real material, it almost puts a woman in the palm of the owner’s palm. This is what happens in such a special period. Things. Andrew has already felt all the benefits in it, and this benefit also made him feel that this era is not so bad.

In normal times, this is something you can’t experience at all. It was not so easy to fool a woman into the owner’s arms with just one mouth, even when he was a star. And now, it’s so easy. He seemed to have seen the bright future of own, and this also made his performance more volatile.

“Don’t be too embarrassed to be oneself, Young Lady. You have to be clear, everything is possible in this era. Maybe we wake up and we have been killed by aliens. Anyway, fate is already so cruel, so why don’t we help each other and take what we need to have a timely pleasure? Or do you really have the heart to refuse, this free lunch?”

“Is it free?”

A penny stumps heroes. In the end, it disintegrated the woman’s heart and completely lost her intent to resist, it was the money.

Such a disguised reality made the corners of Andrew’s mouth twitch, but he could only pretend to be nodded and said.

“Of course, since you are willing to pay that price, then free things like this are naturally what you deserve.”

“Okay, then.” Sip. Pursing her own lips, the woman finally made up her mind and gave a reply. However, when she said this, an omnic had already pushed in and walked directly in front of the two.

“Mr. Andrew Hope. You have violated the emergency law and order that is currently in force. According to the law, I have the right to request you to cooperate with our investigation and accept our relevant tests. Please do not resist, or Make all unnecessary actions. This will only cause you trouble and get you into a more passive situation! Now, please leave this place with me and stay away from the crowd!”

The thing is to make Andrew aware of the beautiful words of this era, then what is happening now is undoubtedly putting the worst experience in front of him.

He knows the terrifying of these omnics too well. Because he has already seen with his own eyes, how the gangster bosses who make the police helpless and can only call for support are destroyed by clay chickens and pottery dogs in front of these omnibuses, and even a hard statement to support the scene Those who didn’t dare to say were picked up and slipped into the police car.

Compared to ordinary persons, they are almost equal to an irreversible military force symbol. In the face of such a monster, really, Andrew’s calves were trembling.

He didn’t dare to make any resistance measures, because he knew that it was definitely troublesome for oneself. But if he let him slip away from this omnic, obediently and honestly, he would definitely not want it in his heart.

Because he knew that oneself was taken away, there would never be a good end. Once he was searched for more than 800 pounds of goods hidden in his house, a few were imprisoned for several decades. And if possible, he is absolutely unwilling to pay this price called freedom.

The desire to live in the heart was spinning, and he had already made up his mind in an instant. And relying on oneself is not a person, but with a group of people around him paying attention to own, he immediately hugged the woman next to him, and at the same time put on an angry and shocked appearance, facing the wisdom in front of him. Xie yelled.

“Mom messed with Fak. Did you and he want to do? Is it illegal for me and my girlfriend to chat here?”

“Someone reported you suspected of trading illegal items, In this difficult time, we have deliberately spread the source of infectiousness. According to this, we have the right to ask you to cooperate with your work. If you choose to refuse, we will not hesitate to use military force means!”

“Use military force means , Are you trying to kill me, or are you dragging me away and letting me confess your crime with a beating into a trick. I am innocent, I tell you, I am innocent. You must have made a mistake, my body So healthy, I was still an athlete before, how could I get something like what you said? You must have made a mistake!”

He yelled loudly and tried his best to make the people around me more Pay attention to oneself. The idea is very simple. It is nothing more than to let the public opinion stand on the side of own and to support oneself by sympathizing with own. Once one or two straightforward boys stand up to provoke and attack the omnic, then his opportunity will come.

Take the opportunity to run away, this is for sure. Of course, he doesn’t daydream that oneself can sit back and relax as long as he runs away. That omnic can even call the owner’s name, which undoubtedly means that he has been registered.

I run now, mainly to clean up the goods at home. Obviously, it is no longer safe to keep those goods at home. But when it comes to destroying it, he is reluctant. So his idea is to move things to a safe place immediately as long as they can escape temporarily. Without this batch of goods as evidence, omnics may not be able to take oneself. And as long as oneself can still come out, then relying on this batch of goods, he still has a chance to make a fortune.

The abacus is very good, you can only say that. However, whether things will develop like the abacus he had calculated is another matter.

Unfortunately, Andrew obviously overestimated the enthusiasm of people today. In this kind of situation where everyone is in danger and he is a nigger, no one really wants to cause this trouble to oneself.

Hei Minggui is a thing of the past. On the free land of France, there is no saying that blacks have more human rights than whites. Everyone’s life is the same, why should I go up and show you the limelight? If you are really innocent, it’s okay, if not, then I’ve got oneself into it? Individuals obviously have similar calculations in their hearts, and under such calculations, everyone present tacitly chose to look on and let Andrew shout there.

The scorching coolness of this world made Andrew’s heart gloomy. He really didn’t understand how this world became like this. Obviously people in the past are very good to fool around. It’s like he was in a football match. As long as the person yelled just kicked me back, or tripped me, no matter true or false, there will definitely be a large number of fans standing. Come out for him.

And even if you encounter a dispute in normally, as long as he assumes a weak and sympathetic posture, there will definitely be someone who is not afraid of big things jump out for him.

Human Rights Holy Mother, where did the people they used to call the mother next door go? He had the question mark and surprise of Infinity in his heart, and before he could ask the question in his heart, the hand of the omnic was already pressed on his shoulder.

“Come with me, Mr. Hope. If you choose to cooperate now, we can still treat you leniently. If you must resist this way, then I can only treat you Say I’m sorry!”

“Shit, shit. You hurt me!” Andrew, who was grasped by his shoulders, would not even have the chance to escape. He also understood this in his heart. And while his heart was so ashamed that only the choice of confession was left, he was not willing to be so obediently surrender. So he was still struggling in vain, yelling.

“This is not fair. You have to have evidence if you want to arrest me. You can’t just arrest me just because of this possibility. It’s against the law, it’s a violation of my human rights. It’s racial discrimination. I’m going to sue you, I’m going to sue you!”

“I have evidence, sir. I will prove that I just heard what this gentleman said to this lady, he It is clear that he has some ulterior things in his hand, and with these things, he is threatening this lady, wanting to achieve some unspeakable and disgusting conditions from her.”

No one can imagine that at this time someone will actually come forward to testify because of justice. What is even more unimaginable is that the testimony will actually be Alexia, a woman who seems a little out of place in the cafe.

Her temperament and face make people feel ashamed. But now that many people at the scene are pretending to be deaf and dumb. She is the first one to stand up under the premise of just acting as a background board. This naturally makes them more ashamed.

Regardless of true or false, with Alexia starting such a precedent, immediately there will be a second stand.

“I heard it too. These niggers know all these messy things all day long. Let me say that our current environment is so dangerous and they are all caused.”

“Yes, I’ve seen these niggas displeased a long time ago. They are so lazy to eat all day long, so I know they do these illegal things. They don’t have a good thing in them!”

“This is France, it is our high The country of Lu people. These niggers should not be allowed to run rampant in our country. The government should have taken action long ago to clear these lower races from our country!”

If at first Alexia’s testimony is still upholding an axiom and justice, then further down, those people’s subsequent speeches have clearly deviated from the so-called axiom.

It’s completely angry. Extending from the individual to the collective, from diffracted evidence to verbal abuse. Hidden in this is a targeted catharsis that will inevitably appear under the people of society as a whole were alarmed.

It’s like Germany after the First World War. The national livelihood was dying, and the people’s grievances were boiling. People put almost all their anger on the Jews. Now they are obviously doing similar things, but Change the target to black and other restless colored ethnicities.

This is definitely a stupid approach, just like it was not just Jews who had to pay for the situation of Germans, but also British and French. It’s just that the Jews became the first bird and stood at the forefront.

The same goes for blacks. They are certainly not the culprits leading to all this, but their past behaviors can easily make people associate them with current problems. Coupled with the prevalence of self-preservation, it is natural for them to fall into this situation.

Alexia was very happy to comment on this development, but on the surface she had to pretend to disagree.

Fucked her brows quietly, she was already coldly speaking.

“Gentlemen, please stay sensible. Shall we just talk about the facts that happened before us?”

“Of course, of course…” Look like a licking dog. And the omnic bowed his head politely at Alexia.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Proudmoore. I hope you have a wonderful afternoon, and I won’t interrupt your time.”

“Thank you for your help too, Sir. Thank you for your contribution!”

Alexia smiled, flattering the omnic as if he was sincere. As for whether she thought so in her heart, no one was sure.

After all, even if she is an enemy, she has already passed the stage where she needs to go off the court in person to help her. So, she really has this idea of ​​gratitude, maybe?

Anyone who knows nothing is impossible to guess what kind of thoughts are in the mind of a woman with a complicated background like her. For overwhelming majority people with simple thinking, it is enough for them to appreciate the beauty in front of them.

A woman with intellectual beauty and a sense of justice is enough for them to kneel and lick.

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