Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2185

“I won’t be grateful to him because a tool has played its own function, he is just a tool.”

Facing Alexia’s question, Boss once again stated his own point of view. Of course, he also knows that it is not appropriate to say so, especially from the standpoint of human beings, there is some suspicion of to forget favors and violate justice. So he also immediately brought up another set of own theory, so he argued with Alexia.

“It’s not that I don’t know how to be grateful, madam. It’s that you have to know what kind of existence is behind that terrifying machine. A computer? Or a computer with oneself thinking. , I really don’t understand why the government has such a big heart, dare to let such a guy out in front of everyone now. Don’t they know what a threat is?”

“That is intelligence Life, sir. It is a miracle brewed by modern technology!”

“I don’t know what a miracle is. I only know that when an atom pops up, people call it a miracle. But now, he The harm to our own person is even greater than that to our enemy!”

I increased his voice, as if doing so would make him more verbal overwhelming. Boss continued his opinion.

“The problem of owning hasn’t been completely solved, so we arbitrarily set foot in the realm of God. The result of this is that we will inevitably create an existence beyond our control. And look at that Is the power displayed by the guy something human can do? He is learning and surpassing human beings, surpassing his creator, and wanting to stand shoulder to shoulder with God. And under the premise that he has led us by a big step, we Who can guarantee that he will serve us as always, just like we serve God. Instead of kicking us off and replacing us with one kick.”

This kind of panic is not beyond As expected by Alexia, she is very clear that in the minds of overwhelming majority conservatives, there is probably a similar idea.

This is nothing strange. Because science has always been just a concept for such people. They never take the initiative to understand the limits of science, and they will reject everything beyond their cognitive scope. Like Ultron, I am afraid their only impression is the classic science fiction movie more than 20 years ago. And it is unrealistic to get out of this point and let them make some fair evaluations of Ultron.

According to Alexia’s expectation, Boss soon started talking about the old terrier.

“I don’t know if you have ever watched an old movie. From your grade level, you probably don’t have much impression. If you have watched that, you will understand my approach. Because That has revealed what kind of things a computer beyond our control will do. He will control everything in this world, and then systematically annihilate all human beings in an attempt to replace us with things he creates , Become the Ruler of this World. Don’t believe it, youngster, all developments are similar.”

“First let the robots who are proud of the influential figures. They think this is their achievement, but Who knows if this is a computer conspiracy. Then let these robots replace our police and army, so as to deprive us of all resistance. In the end, maybe he stood directly on the TV and declared that he was against us all. And the fact that human beings become their slaves. If all this happens tomorrow, I’m not surprised at all.”

“That’s just a movie, sir. Reality won’t be like in a movie That kind of development, especially the kind of development that is not at all logical at all.”

Alexia made an appropriate refutation, and this refutation seemed to stimulate the nerves of the Boss, making him immediately Blowing his beard stared.

“What does it mean to be illogical. Is the movie necessarily illogical? Those of you who are highly educated just like to believe oneself infallible. I tell you, I have experienced many things in my life, and these things From your point of view, it’s the same as what happened in the movie.”

“Have you seen a few people you can chase after dozens of people with four guns? Have you seen someone holding Can a single wine bottle burn a tank into scrap iron? No, you have not seen it before. You only think in accordance with your ridiculous scientific logic. You will not believe all this at all and think of all this as it is. Delusion. However, these are all things that happened before my eyes. I have personally experienced them. What can you say?”

It seems that I received some unfair treatment when I was young. For scientific and logical issues, this Boss has some excuses. Of course, his excuse not at all interfered with Alexia’s judgment, and she could clearly recognize that there was more or less suspicion of stealing concepts in his nonsense.

This is display one’s slight skill before an expert. Many people think that those who engage in scientific research must be dull and clumsy in words. In fact, this is pure prejudice. It is the self-comfort of those soul-style gods who close the door and open the window. You know, science is the most logical subject, and the foundation of language is also logic. You expect that a group of people who can use formulas and calculations to solve problems that are so complicated that you can’t even understand a symbol will lose you in language logic. This is not easier than the disabled who want to compete with the world champion in the high jump and long jump. .

Most of the time, they behave dull and bad words, but simply don’t like to communicate with ordinary persons. It is like saying that the ordinary person does not like to communicate with the mentally disabled. In their eyes, it is estimated that the ordinary person is similar to the mentally disabled. And if you get rid of this prejudice, and give them a feeling of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, basically, any professional scientist can be transformed into Tony Stark, and you don’t even know your mother at any time.

As one of them, Alexia, of course, can detect the loopholes and ridiculousness of his logic. And she wanted to find out the intentions of these people. Of course, she was impossible to laugh at it like ordinary people did, to save this Boss enough face. She is here to provoke. It is precisely because of this that she also unceremoniously put on a domineering but not bullying attitude, just like you are a student sitting on the stage and she is the Teacher standing on the stage, facing the boss like this. Speaking.

“Sir, I don’t understand what exactly happened to you that made you have such a prejudice against science. But what I want to tell you is that you can’t do anything to science just because of a little bit of your own experience. Total denial. The reason why this subject has become the foundation of the entire human society is because it has an unsubvertible truth. On Ultron and the robots he created, it is the things you worry about. There is no logic to support it.”

“If Ultron and those omnibuses are regarded as a species, their required ecological environment simply does not overlap with humans. The movie is based on the law of species competition. Considering the relationship between the two, this is actually incorrect. Because fundamentally, there is no competitive relationship between the two.”

“All natural materials needed by humans, air, Water, food, and even all social materials, money, and entertainment are not consumables necessary for machine life. They have no need for them, and they even say that they are the producers of these materials rather than consumers. In addition to energy, and Energy. Under the premise that mankind has developed nuclear fusion energy that is close to Infinity, it is simply impossible to use energy as the possibility of conflict.”

“Human beings even kill each other and cause races. The probability of extinction is greater than that of being destroyed by intelligent life like Ultron. Because of how many human beings also survive and the existence of racial contradictions, it is not strange to what extent these contradictions are brewing. But machines, machines and us. Even contradictions are impossible, how can they become the culprit of our destruction?”

“This is just your own opinion, madam.”

Standing with such a rhetoric, In front of the argument that could not be refuted at all, Boss felt that the words that oneself used to brag about tsukkomi in the past were really not confrontational. But to let him admit that what the other party said is reasonable, the idea of ​​owning is just a groundless worry, but it is also impossible.

This not only subverted his speech, but also subverted his life. You know, he has survived this half of his life with this attitude of questioning science. If this makes him a fan of science, it will not be easier than killing him.

Of course he refused to submit, and in order to be able to hold on to the position of own, he did his best to take out all the imaginable examples of oneself to refute this view.

“You said that there is no contradiction between humans and machines, so why are there that many workers lose their jobs because the factory adopts machines and become unemployed who can only wander the streets?”

“You got the wrong object, sir. This is not a contradiction between humans and machines. It is a contradiction between workers and capitalists. In the eyes of capitalists, the demand of workers is higher than that of machines, and the output of workers is lower than that of machines. Of course, they will choose the machine. Even if you sit in that position, you will choose this way. Because this is the most optimized and the most profitable. The machine only acts as an instrumental role in the middle, and it does not take the initiative. It’s the conflict between you and the capitalists that makes them make a choice.”

“Society has always developed like this. It’s like wool workers would be replaced by textile machines. The same. More advanced production methods are destined to make some people unemployed, but at the same time, this will also provide an additional part of employment opportunities. It depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.”

“But in the end , Isn’t our work still being preempted by those machines?”

Boss has heard this long story more than once, and as always, he chose to ignore those straightforward truths and died Grasp the core of the contradiction firmly.

“I don’t care what social development is not. I only know that there are a group of men who should have jobs lost their jobs because of those machines, their children are hungry, and their wives are wiping their tears. They Sora has the strength and skills, but there is no place to use it. This is why I don’t like machines.”

“If you say that, I probably understand what you mean. You think the machine will be popular. This leads to an increase in human unemployment, which in turn leads to a series of social problems, right?”

Is that what I think? Boss was a little dazed for a while, he dared to swear in the name of oneself dead father, he really didn’t think that many, but in front of a woman like Alexia, he was really sorry that oneself thought shallowly. So he can only brace oneself, nodded and said.

“Yes, I just can’t accept such things. Why should we ordinary persons pay for the so-called social development, but social development must be built on the sacrifice of our ordinary persons Come on?”

“Well, if you say that, then make a choice, sir.”

This question is Alexia indifferent expression. She just changed the conversation and said so.

“Two choices. First, you are willing to be a working class and work in the factory for the rest of your life. The material you get can only satisfy the food and clothing of the young and old, and you can barely support the child. Community college, and then let him take your class and continue to be a worker? Or do you want to change it, that is, do whatever you want, no matter what you do, you can get a good salary, and social benefits Can you also achieve the kind of life that allows you to live a comfortable and comfortable life without working?”

“Is this impossible?”

When I heard this, Boss shook his head straight. The welfare benefits in Europe are already the best on Earth. But even the best of them is impossible to support such benefits. This is not reality anymore, it is simply a dream.

“I mean, if!”

“Of course I will choose the second one. I am not a fool.”

No matter what it is Race and appeal are the same. Even if you can stand, who wants to make money on your knees, who can lie down, who wants to work? All are forced by reality and helplessness. And for almost all normal people, they all want to live the kind of life that can meet their life needs by doing nothing. It’s just that this is impossible.

Of course, this kind of impossible is not necessarily impossible, at least not in Alexia’s view.

“If you really want to choose second, then you shouldn’t even reject machines like Ultron. Because you have to know that their appearance means a leap in productivity, and only a leap in productivity. Only then can the second possibility that I described appear.”

“Machines have no demand. Everything they create is for humans. And one day, the material they create After exceeding the overall needs of human society, then the day I described will become a reality. And is this day far away? From the perspective of the development of modern technology, it is not far away, as long as no one hinders it.”

As she said so, she began to look at the expression of Boss. And as she expected, Boss also showed a fascinating expression for a while. But soon, he shook the head, and became stubborn again.

“Sorry, I still don’t believe it. I don’t think anyone in this world can be so kind. Humans don’t do that, even more how is a machine. Instead of making me believe in everything he does For such a purpose, I would rather believe that in the movie, everything he did was a conspiracy.”

“Yes, this should have been a conspiracy. Those governments, maybe they They are all controlled. Otherwise, how could they be so indulgent. Damn, a bunch of shit stuff…”

Take out the wine bottle from under the counter and fill oneself with it With a full glass of spirits, the Boss drank it all at once, and started to end the words with some whispers that no one could understand.

And this means the end of the topic, but Alexia has got the answer oneself wants.

She has seen clearly, the ridiculous nature of human beings…

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