Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2191

“What the hell is happening? That child is ignorant. Have you been with me for so long and don’t understand the rules?”

I heard the secretary’s theft Whispering privately, the official immediately showed a beard and stare expression on his face. Obviously, he was not very interested in what the secretary said. However, the secretary also obviously has own insistence, so he just spoke to the official very sincerely.

“Sir. Your daughter is very emotional, she is almost crying for help. Under this situation, I think you need to take a moment to go home and take a look. Anyway , That’s your family, isn’t it?”

“Family…It’s not family members who will only be a hindrance. Sorry, Sam, I’m pretty straightforward. You really shouldn’t continue with Those two guys who make me feel uncomfortable are dealing with each other.”

Patting oneself’s secretary on the shoulder, the official expressed regret. As a qualified politician, he actually made some special efforts. For example, the secretary next to him, who sees it as his right-hand man, has thought about marriage to him.

This can be considered to a certain degree. After all, he himself can be regarded as a newly emerging politician. With the opportunity and oneself’s ability to do things second to none in the political world, he can produce a large-scale team. Naturally, he has the value of being attracted by those traditional forces. And the secretary of own is just a member of the traditional forces.

Although it is not the kind of old-school force of Peak, it can be regarded as the backbone level. If you really want to think about it, you may not be able to get a foot in the election. And this kind of background staying with oneself as a secretary is enough to prove that the other party is optimistic about oneself and betting on oneself.

This kind of obvious attitude gave the officials the feeling that they looked at mung beans and met their eyes. And after he got along with the secretary for a long time, he also became more and more interested in this youngster.

Although he was born in the Great Family, his temper and temperament are of the best kind. If such a person can get closer to oneself in another way, he is naturally willing to accept it. And it just so happened that he had a daughter who was exactly the age.

The child who just went to college may get married a bit early, but it’s not the one who can get engaged first. After graduating from university for two or three years, I will do the wedding as soon as possible. Everything should be where water flows, a canal is formed. He thought so at the time, and the few problems that might exist in the middle were not in his consideration at all.

It’s like something like a secretary who is at least ten years older than his daughter. A man in his 30s is in his golden age. What’s wrong with marrying a young girl ten years younger than oneself? As for oneself’s daughter’s wishes, he provides oneself daughter with nearly hundreds of thousands of euros a year, but it is not for her to pursue any free love.

Being in a political family, you should have the consciousness of being in a political family. If you really want that degree of freedom, then you shouldn’t ask for money from your family and rely solely on oneself to pay that expensive luxury bill.

At the time, he thought it was impossible for her daughter who was almost wearing a famous brand as a daily necessities. So naturally, he doesn’t think that his own daughter is qualified to bargain with oneself on this issue.

He has reached preliminary intentions on both sides. However, what he didn’t expect was that his daughter still has several points of roots. He actually took a step that he couldn’t even imagine in his lifelong event. What made him even more dare not imagine was that whether it was his son or his wife, almost all stood on the side of his daughter.

When he knew the news, he was almost scolding his mother. Because he asked himself, what is all the painstaking management of oneself? After all, it’s not for you two little bastards to have a more decent life and to be able to truly reach the top of this society. But one or two of you little bastard are not willing to accept his painstaking effort, which really makes him feel like he is far away.

Fortunately, someone can understand him. This is the secretary, which is why he now tells the owner this remark. Because in his opinion, the two little bastards at home are really not as intimate as the secretary who has been with oneself for several years.

The secretary is indeed a real person. Although to a certain extent, he was put together, but after all, he came from the second generation, and he also knew how much the youngster was repelling the destiny imposed on the owner. The difference is that he succumbed, while some people did not. In this regard, he did not have too much jealousy, on the contrary, there was more envy. And it is precisely because of this that he will keep in touch with the official’s daughter.

This may seem unbelievable to older people, but for youngsters like them, it is normal. After all, there is always contact, can’t say that oneself has been placed in an awkward situation because of a little gap. And it is precisely because of this special relationship that at this time he has to say some good things for the leader’s problematic children.

“BOSS, I think if you have time, you should go back as soon as possible. After all, the current situation is different from the past. Even if we are fully prepared for protection, we need to beware of accidents. Maybe, isn’t it?”

He said this as a point, and the officials couldn’t help but be suspicious. They realized that he had a bad relationship with his daughter, and only if not the problem. To a certain extent, she may not call this phone for help. Anyway, the action is now considered formal, and they don’t need him to keep staring at the side if they have a target. So when he picked up his coat, he simply called the secretary, and under the escort of a group of soldiers, the fast as lightning rushed towards his house.

Speaking of home, I haven’t returned to this big house on the Rhine River for almost 10-15 days. He felt a little strange.

Of course, this strangeness is not without reason. Because whoever sees his original beautiful big house suddenly changed its appearance, he will feel the same strangeness as him.

He hasn’t come to be angry for oneself, which has spent 1,000,000 euros in the house, and his daughter, who doesn’t let him worry, has already trot over all the way. And before he asked about the own house, and asked about oneself, how the exquisite and beautiful woman who had to walk on catwalks in the past is now embarrassed like a deserter, his daughter is already rushing. In his arms, and sobbing silently, he cried to him.

“Father. Sam, Sam is still there, please, please go and save him…”

Sam is the official’s son, and the best He was an unconscious bastard. Yes, bastard, even if he was at home, he would use such a vocabulary to describe this shameless child face to face. According to the original words he often said, he should take a closer look at the beginning to see if oneself has used the wrong cover that others have used, and also poke a hole, otherwise how could he give birth to such a thing as you.

As an old-school person, there is naturally a reason for being able to swear such a sentence to the own family. And the reason is that his son is gay. Yes, a gay.

In the years when he was sent to study in Cambridge, his son not only said that he did not meet his expectations, but completed his own studies in an almost glorious way. On the contrary, he has contracted the vices of the great corrupt country and became a member of the majority of gays.

What’s more, he not only doesn’t feel that this kind of thing is disgraceful, but he also realizes that it is a decent thing. He even declared openly in front of relatives and friends that he had come out. This directly made him lose face in front of all his relatives and friends. And it is precisely because of this that he would be so bad to oneself’s proud son in the past that he once broke off the relationship between father and son.

It’s just that blood is thicker than water. How could a person who talked about severing end up so easily, saying that he would be severed?

Hearing his daughter’s cry for help, he couldn’t take care of the disappointing resentment he had with oneself’s son in the past. He quickly grabbed his daughter’s shoulder, and he asked her.

“What the hell is going on Sam, calm down and make it clear! Don’t panic, I’m watching you here!”

After all, he has gone through the storm, even if I felt a little flustered, but at this time I still had a sense of measure. He understands that figuring out where the problem lies is the most important thing. Instead of letting his daughter talk nonsense at this time, his precious time is wasted. It would be better to directly stabilize her emotions and let her confess the truth as quickly as possible. If something really happened, it would have bought him crucial time. And sometimes, a little time difference is the distance between life and death.

He didn’t want to think about this, but looking at the situation before him, he didn’t feel that he had this premonition, but he had to think about it.

And it seems to be shocked by his imposing manner. After all, the man who just yelled for using lethal weapons is not comparable to ordinary people. His daughter was stunned and swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva before she reluctantly said to the officials in shock.

“Sam…he has a monster in his room. Carolina wanted to find him, but was caught by the monster! I wanted to help them, but I didn’t know what to do What to do, father…please, hurry up and save them.”

As soon as this was said, the officials’ hearts sank. He had already realized what had happened, but out of luck or other psychology, he still didn’t want to believe the possibility in his mind before oneself saw it with his own eyes.

This silenced him for a while, and then walked towards his door without saying a word. And seeing him make such a move, the secretary immediately hugged him and stopped him.

“BOSS, you can’t take this risk. This is not something you should do, just let the security guards go!”

He has good reasons to stop his boss, Because as a bystander, he was very sure of what kind of tragedy would happen in this Upper Si Family.

Of course he knew the official’s son. He also knew that as a man who came out of the closet, it was impossible for that guy to avoid some bad problems. And it is precisely because of this that what is happening right now is actually self-evident.

As far as his personal feeling is concerned, that guy is basically hopeless. If his boss is also sensible, he can basically arrange funeral affairs at this time. However, this is the only son of his boss after all, and it is not realistic to expect him to stay sensible. It’s just that he couldn’t just watch it like this, the owner’s boss just put him in.

The secretary who accompanied the officials almost all the way knew very well what it would mean for an ordinary person if that kind of thing happened. It’s okay if you don’t know, at least it can force people to deceive yourself, even if you tell oneself that those people are missing, it’s better than just becoming a monster like this.

The problem is that others may not know the inside story, but they have to know, because they are the most direct participants in this series of events. And such an identity makes it absolutely impossible to deceive own if you want to deceive yourself.

No one can guarantee what kind of irrational behavior a father will do after witnessing such a situation with his own eyes. And once he really made such a mistake, then he would also be buried in it.

The current situation is not optimistic. The government’s approach to this monster is only to destroy it, not to make any rescue efforts.

This is forced by reality, and it can be regarded as a private consensus among governments of various countries. On such a basis, even with an official status, there will be no exceptions. Because this in itself is without exception.

Once you are infected or mutated, even if you are the European Imperial Family or the family of the Prime Minister, you can only have the same result. Not wanting to save, but unable to save. In this situation that has threatened the foundation of the entire society, everyone, especially their leaders, must show the courage to break their arms.

Of course, there must be a suspicion of standing and talking. After all, judging from the resources and information they control, they are the most impossible group in the entire human race. It cannot be said that there is absolutely no, but it is definitely the one with the least base. It can be said that every politician who dares to promise on this kind of thing is confident in his heart and believes that this kind of thing will not happen to the owner.

The problem is that the accident still happened. Faced with this situation, the secretary can only sigh in his heart for his misfortune.

This is a bit lower than the chance of winning the lottery. Who can guess that this kind of thing would happen to him?

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