Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2193

scolding MMP in his heart, the guarding soldiers as it should be by rights expressed hesitation for such an order. This is human nature. After all, no matter how elite and iron-blooded soldiers are, they would never hope that monsters would appear in the own enemy column.

Those who have had similar encounters are basically accidents, or they were driven off shelves by ducks. If someone hears this kind of thing and eagerly joins in, they will only regard it as an outlier, and will never admit that they are in the same industry.

There is no such a desperate person in their business. If you really want to find this excitement, wouldn’t it be more straightforward to attack the bank armed or simply sign up for Red Bull Suicide Squad?

The soldiers hesitated to step forward. Of course, the secretary could understand their feelings at the moment. In fact, he could even guess that these people scolded his mother in his heart. After all, he knew how wicked oneself was. However, there is no alternative. It can not be said that oneself’s career relies on to take this risk. And in the government, is it not the rule of as it should be by rights?

Of course, he is not determined to let these guys go up and die. After all, he himself has also experienced the bitterness and helplessness of a nobody, so it was a little comforting, he said to these soldiers.

“Don’t worry too much. The reason why I don’t want the boss to do this kind of thing is because it involves too much with him. No one is sure that in that situation, he will You will not take any dangerous actions due to excessive emotions. Unlike you, you have no direct relationship and can always maintain a high degree of vigilance. As long as you have this vigilance, you should be safe. After all, now The situation has shown that that kind of thing…not at all directly offensive.”

In front of the leader and the leader’s daughter, it is hard for him to call Sam directly. However, his meaning was very clear, which also gave the soldiers a little psychological confidence.

They are also considered fate. In such a job, it is always inevitable to wipe the ass for the boss. I can’t say that at this time I’m quitting the burden. This is the violent government agency at the top level. It is not so easy if you just want to carry the burden.

So I can only say that I pinched my nose to recognize it. After pushing each other a few times, they put professional equipment on oneself, held a gun, cautiously touched towards the house.

“William, you also follow them. I need you to confirm the situation for me.”

On the surface, officials who seem to have regained their sanity have no doubts. He took over the command of the scene again. And his second order was to let Secretary Own follow the soldiers and explore the mine for oneself.

This can be regarded as a kind of Penalty in disguise. After all, even if all that was done before is well-intentioned, it will inevitably give him something to respond. This was regarded as revenge, and it seemed to be a bit hard for the secretary. And the secretary who thought that oneself could escape the catastrophe heard this, but she was grieved and nodded agreed.

After spending so many years with his boss, how could he not know the nature of the other’s little mind’s eye? I thought that this would be left until the fall of the fall, but I didn’t expect it, and it would directly become the present report. It can be regarded as reap what you have sown.

Although he doesn’t think there will be any danger in this trip, as an ordinary person, he somewhat resists the existence of monster. He didn’t dare to resist, otherwise the ghost knew what kind of shoes his boss would give him in the future. So he hesitated for a while, and he chased the soldier in front of him slowly.

The soldiers saw that the secretary was actually behind the owner, and immediately thought he was playing the role of the supervising army, urging oneself to advance. Although he couldn’t help but scolded his mother in his heart, he still accelerated his pace. Seeing these soldiers speed up, the secretary also complained in his heart, but also had to step up to follow along.

A beautiful misunderstanding greatly promoted the development of the situation. Seeing this group of people just got into the door of the house, Jenna, who had already felt something was wrong, immediately grabbed the arm of oneself father and asked him in a low voice.

“What the hell is going on, father, are you hiding something from me!”

The official backhand grabbed oneself’s daughter’s hand, and the officials didn’t give her directly Positive answer.

“Stop asking, Jenna. This is not something you should know, you just have to pray…pray for your big brother everything is okay. As for the rest, we can only resign ……”

“How can this be so sloppy, we obviously should do more…” Jenna subconsciously wanted to refute, but looking at the oneself father, it seemed suddenly She looked more than ten years old, but the words in her belly couldn’t be said.

She remembered the father in oneself through childhood. No matter what time it was, he was full of energy, firm and tenacious. Even when he was hurt the most by her and the big brother, he never showed a tired expression, instead he was ferocious like an angry lion. This time gave her the illusion that her father will never show exhaustion, will never yield and fear. It’s like a steel knife, like a shotgun.

But she was wrong. She realized that oneself had forgotten that the own father was just a human. And as long as it is human, it will always be impossible to do what humans can do. He is impossible and always tenacious, and even more impossible, like a machine, never knows tiredness. He was just trying to overcome these as much as possible, and now, he could not overcome it.

The heaviest truth is enough to knock down everything, even if everything is not As the water recedes, the rocks appear, but he already has the answer in his heart. He was just a fluke, and this fluke could not even deceive anyone, including he himself.

Jenna also realized this, which made her face extremely pale, and her hand that held the oneself father also jumped up, almost using up all her strength.

As a person who knew nothing, she didn’t understand why things turned out like this. But even if she didn’t know anything about all of this, she also understood what it meant for her family.

Such a tragedy would happen to own. This is something she never thought about. Compared with the previous disasters, she hopes that oneself is the previous unconscious state, at least now she doesn’t need to be so panic, worry about gains and losses.

She wanted to let her own father do something, but she watched the change of oneself father. She also didn’t dare to open this mouth easily. And like what her father said, apart from praying, she doesn’t know what else oneself can do. She can only pray to the destiny, to the omnipotent god… but even the god is impossible to be truly omnipotent. So it is almost doomed, her prayers are useless.

The soldiers went in and drew in, but they came back neatly. After a burst of fierce gunfire, a few soldiers returned with the secretary.

The secretary’s face is not good, because he knows what oneself has to face. Facing his boss’s longing look with a trace of begging, he deliberately wanted to cover it up, but in the end he couldn’t say anything to deceive him. The other party is not a child, nor a fool. The truth is there, no matter how much he whitewashes it, it will only be broken by a prick. Therefore, it would be better to simply use quick sword cuts through tangled hemp to directly put the reality in front of them.

Of course, he wouldn’t be so stupid to tell them directly that your son is finished and has become a pile of rotten meat, not only that, but your wife is also finished, just in that pile of rotten meat.

If he says that, even if officials don’t trouble him now, he won’t even think about having a birthday. In the end, it also depends on the ability to observe words and colors. He is naturally impossible to make this kind of Low Level mistake. Therefore, he immediately put on a sad expression. He didn’t say a word, and slowly nodded to the officials…

This was a default answer. In response to such an answer, the officials immediately had their legs weakened, and felt as if their bones had been removed.

Jenna, who is very weak in her own right, simply couldn’t hold on to this old father who suddenly seemed to have lost her strength, that is, the secretary’s eyesight quickly grabbed him quickly, and it didn’t make him paralyze. Fell to the ground.

And it seems that it was also because someone supported oneself, so that oneself didn’t fall over like that. After all, the officials took a sigh of relief. It was after this breath was relieved that he trembled, grabbed the secretary’s words, and said to him.

“Where is he, where is Sam? Let me see him, I want to see with my own eyes what he looks like now…”

Speak with conscience, This is not a wise choice. According to his current appearance, the secretary almost always worried that he would just belch accidentally. He knew exactly how heavy the blow was, and in order to prevent his boss from being completely sunk by such a blow. He could only discourage him quietly in his ear.

“Sir. You should be sorry, seeing that he will not be what you expected. So, listen to my advice, or let go. Whether it is for you or For Sam, this may be the best result.”

The official did not let go, but instead grasped the secretary’s hand painfully. Even at this time, he was already discouraged, as if he had lost all Essence, Qi, and Spirit. But on this topic, in the end of oneself’s son, he is still not so willing.

“William! That is my only son, and my most precious treasure in this world! Do you let me just let go? Do you think I can just let go? I can’t! Me It’s his father, even if he is really dead, I, the father, must have seen him the last time!”

So saying that almost brought the problem to the origin again. And the secretary, who was worried that he would do something radical because of this, saw his unrepentant request, and naturally insisted on oneself’s original approach.

“I’m responsible for your life, sir… And in your current situation, I really don’t recommend you…”

“I His body is clear, and I can hold on. Moreover, I also understand your concerns!”

Interrupting him, the officials’ eyes still showed his consistent tenacity. He straightened his waist as hard as he could, and at the same time assured the secretary.

“You have seen my current situation. Even if I really want to do something, I am afraid I can do nothing. I just want to see them for the last time, using the identity of a father and a husband. Identity, say sorry to them, I…I can’t save them…Do you want to stop me even this?”

He has already said that, and the secretary naturally There is no reason to continue to block him. So after thinking and thinking, he replied like this.

“I will be with you. If you can’t hold on, I will take you to avoid it…”

“I see.. …” The two sides stepped back to reach a compromise, and the secretary assisted the officials to hobble towards the mansion. As soon as Jenna tried to keep up on the other side, his father had already pressed her hard and stopped her in place.

“Stay here and wait for me, Jenna, don’t come with me…”

“Why, even if something happens, I can ……”

“Listen to me, stay here, I beg you!”

Father suddenly came and asked Jenna to be subconsciously. For a moment, he realized what his father has become now. The feeling of weakness that she had never had before made her feel flustered, and because of this, she hesitated for a long time before gritting her teeth and reluctantly agreed.

“Well, I will stay. But you father, you must come back…”

She has a hunch, if she doesn’t say that, something worse may happen Things come. For her who has lost two family members, she definitely does not want to lose the last one.

It is also this remark, letting the officials’ footsteps stop first, and then heavy nodded at her.

He may have thoughts like that, but after hearing this remark, he suddenly realized that oneself also has a daughter to take care of. This kind of made him feel a little sigh, not to say that he completely lost all his will. However, that’s it. When he saw the monster that almost filled the room and dangling like a cavity tissue, his feet were still soft, and he couldn’t stop kneeling on the ground, howling loudly. Cried.

It is hard to imagine that a person who has been strong for a lifetime, even if he was born to death, has not been weak for a while, will become like this at this time. But thinking of his father’s identity, thinking of being a father, the pain of having oneself son become this kind of appearance, the secretary still feels very sad.

He didn’t know how to comfort him. All he could do was to hold him while holding him, so as not to let him do anything irrational.

The flesh and blood flowed in front of him, twisted and changed so much that you could hardly imagine. It seems that he also has emotions, but this emotion cannot be expressed at all.

Time and time again, the tentacles made of flesh and blood stretched out in front of them, and took the initiative to retract. This made the secretary suddenly realize that while his face turned pale, the rumors he had heard about these things did not seem to be lie. If this is the case, what does it mean?

He thought about it for a while, but at this moment, he felt a pain in his hand but a terrifying face with scarlet eyes appeared in front of him.

His boss, with a distorted and savage face, stuck in front of him, like a madman or a wild beast, and gave orders to him.

“Call the army, call me the army! Come on!”

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