Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2211

Things with Alexia have come to an end, and Strange’s has completely fallen into his heart.

For he himself, he finally solved all the troubles in his hands, so he is also as it should be by rights. He will feel a sense of nothingness and lightness.

Of course, he also impossible to say that he really let go of all the burdens. Because after all, he shoulders the important task of Paragon sorcerer. Although this title is respected, it also represents an extremely heavy responsibility. Wearing such a crown, he could hardly break free from the complicated situation. Even now, he still has his own affairs to be busy.

For example, he needs to check whether the legacy of the curse in Europe is serious, and the devastation in the Middle East needs him to solve it. These all are things he should do as Paragon sorcerer, and among them, it does not rule out such affairs as secretly monitoring Ultron’s every move.

Although, Ultron has a very good impression on Strange.

From the current situation, Ultron is indeed a pure and noble life. His great kindness and tolerance towards humans, Strange was in his eyes. From his personal point of view, it is probably his own parents that will have such patience and perseverance. He was very impressive, and Strange was sure of that. However, as Paragon sorcerer, he must guard against that in case.

His position determines that he must stand on the human side, and because of this, even if he admires and admires Ultron very much, he must also maintain the special kind of Ultron. A sufficient vigilance. Because he is not a human being, and he is surprisingly powerful.

A little carelessness, human society will be completely subverted by it. As the Guardian of human civilization, Paragon sorcerer is absolutely necessary, becoming a guarantee and bottom line in the middle.

This is not something he is willing to do, but something he must do. Knowing this, Strange began to subconsciously distance himself from Ultron.

He didn’t want to become too familiar with each other and make it difficult for them to meet each other one day in the future. So it’s better to take advantage of this time and just draw a clear line.

“Since you are mentally prepared, then I won’t say much. Good luck, Buddy. I hope there won’t be a day when we two meet each other.”

When Strange said so, he was already walking away. For him, who has mastered many secret techniques, the calm atmosphere of walking is really an ordinary thing. Of course, this is also the reason Ultron not at all blocked him.

Ultron can guess Strange’s thoughts, so he didn’t at all at this time keep him. One is that he knows very well that this is not something you can keep if you want to stay. The second is that he already had some hunches in his heart. The direction of the situation has been out of his control, and the future development has become confusing. He couldn’t be sure that what oneself would do next must be correct. Therefore, he needs to keep Strange as an insurance measure.

This is his personal plot against, and it can be regarded as coincident with Strange. It is precisely because of this that the two companions who had joined hands with each other just parted ways and started to go their separate ways.

Strange all the way east, intending to enter the Middle East world along the Mediterranean coast. However, as he passed around Italy, he couldn’t help but stop.

Sicily, the origin of the Italian Mafia. Perhaps at the beginning, the Mafia existed for the poor peasants to have a firm reliance on a collective that worked together. However, with the development of the times and the degeneration of organizations, the Mafia has become a tool for some people to seek personal gain, and a criminal group commiting any imaginable misdeed.

Since it is a criminal gang, it is inevitable. The laundry detergent business is indispensable for them. Although the European side has carried out an unprecedented severe blow to the washing powder business, the Place of Origin in the Mafia in Sicily is also a country that has always been despised by northern Italy. This intensity may not be as strong as imagined. high.

Don’t overestimate the Italians’ law enforcement capabilities. Probably, if you really want to compare, I am afraid that the Italian Mafia is the most capable organization in Italy. Next is Serie A, again estimated to be some unknown business alliance. As for the civil servants of the Italian military and political system, sorry, I am afraid that the ranking will have to be higher.

Since the Second World War, the Italian army has been marked with a distinctly colored label. It’s not about discrimination, but this is really mud that can’t be helped.

The Germans are probably the one who has the deepest experience. It can be said that as long as the Italian army is able to compete a little bit during World War II, they will not be as stigmatized in the European battlefield. Although this is a great blessing for the people of the world, for the Germans, this is simply a dead end.

Why jump and surrender repeatedly to the point that even British is unwilling to shoot them; why treat the prisoner of war camp as a homecoming as comfortable as home; why just throw the battle aside in order to eat a bite of pasta . This is the basic operation of the Italian army. It can be said that since that time, Italy’s military and political system has been crooked. It is simply impossible to expect them to change after so many years of ease.

This is a historical issue. And because of this problem, to some extent, infections based on the spread of washing powder are not uncommon in Sicily. The reason why no turmoil has been caused is entirely because the Mafia immediately isolated the relevant personnel and destroyed the inventory in their hands as quickly as possible.

After figuring out the root cause of the matter, their processing speed was much faster than that of government officials. However, they also have a hard time to recite, that is, they are limited to the identities of these infected persons and the weapons in their hands that are not at all capable of causing lethal effects on these infected persons. They can only watch the situation deteriorating, but fundamentally There is no solution to the problem.

This is a kind of torture, to the point of turmoil and collapse in the Mafia, which almost has a long history.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Strange, and he doesn’t care about the survival of a criminal gang. The reason for mentioning this is entirely because he happened to meet an infected person under the name of the Mafia while passing through Sicily, and he became interested in it.

After all, it is a distorted individual based on God’s curse. Putting aside all ethical and emotional discussions, it is only from the perspective of magic research. This is also a case of great research value. .

As the current Paragon sorcerer, a former medical worker, he knows how valuable a ready-made case is to the latecomers, so it is inevitable that he moved some other thoughts , Intends to collect one or two living specimens for teaching purposes under the premise that these people are incompetent.

This is also considered for the overall benefit of mankind. After all, as a Paragon sorcerer, he is impossible to go to the secret side of Guardian God’s order by one person. Kamar-Taj needs to be revived, and this requires him to train as many Kamar-Taj sorcerers as possible. As for how to train, a complete teaching system and equipment are absolutely indispensable.

Unfortunately, Kamar-Taj once dominated the entire mysterious side of the system equipment has been destroyed almost, and if Strange wants to start again, he can only start from scratch. Start. Collecting this special sample case will only be a typical example of this long process. It is conceivable that he will have to deal with those messy things for a long time in the future.

This is something that bothers him very much. He doesn’t want to do it, but he must do it. Because this is also his responsibility.

And with such a special sense of responsibility, he quietly collected several infection cases. Of course, he was also worried about the particularity of this curse case, and he used strict supervision measures to accommodate it.

Magic prison, a special prison prepared by Paragon sorcerer to deal with those dangerous and extremely diffusive mysterious creatures. Many times in the past, the strange Evil God, the ferocious Demon was imprisoned here. Of course, under the brutal methods of Ancient One, no one persisted until Strange took the throne. Therefore, this is considered to be the first batch of residents included in this prison after being vacant for a long time. And also after moving in, Strand Genius found a serious problem.

Be aware that the Magic Prison is the place where Ancient One sorcerer is dedicated to imprisoning and sealing demons, and its function is also extremely powerful. There are not only dedicated mana servants, but golden puppets maintain the normal operation of this prison, which also has various settings and magic systems, which are in charge of functions such as magic extraction, root research and even divinity stripping.

It can be said that you just treat the magic cage as a mysterious side research room with full functions. And it is precisely because of the completeness of such functions that these deformed monsters that have been cursed changed have complete information presented to Strange in the immediately they entered.

The general content was the same as he had judged, but there was only one that shocked his whole person. That is, the results of the magic test show that the within the body of these cursed creatures still has active divine power, which is the recommended ingredient for removal. According to his previous judgment, after killing Alexia, the divine power in this curse should have died out.

There are only two cases where this kind of result occurs, one is that the magic prison has malfunctioned. But being in the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, and entrusted to oneself by Ancient One sorcerer, it has hardly endured any turbulence, so Strange doesn’t believe that there is a possibility of malfunction.

And if it is not the cause of the failure, then there is only second possibility, that is, Alexia is still alive.

In essence, Strange did not want to believe such an answer. Because he saw with his own eyes that Alexia was turned to ashes in Ultron’s attack.

Her bones were still holding in oneself’s hand, and her divine giant beast also disappeared into invisible in the immediately where her whole person was turned into fly ash. All signs indicate that she has died at that time. Therefore, Strange really does not want to believe this possibility.

It’s just that the facts are in front of him, and he can’t help but believe it. Especially the mysterious abilities on the mysterious side were not even completely mastered by the previous Paragon sorcerer Ancient One, and he was even more unable to be sure in the face of such clear facts. The own guess must be correct.

And if Alexia really fended off to escape, then she performed such a drama of a strong man breaking his wrist, there must be another plan. Associating her usual insidiousness and very ruthless, Strange is almost certain to say that countless innocent people will inevitably appear in the middle, and they will lose their lives in her vicious methods.

The situation can be said to be extremely urgent. Strange didn’t care about the fact that oneself was beaten in the face, so he hurriedly wanted to find Ultron again and hide Alexia with him. Pull it out again. And just as he started to act in a panic, as early as at the other end of the Mediterranean, near the port of Alexander in Egypt. Now the actual ruler of Egypt, Alexander, who calls himself Pharaoh and Caliph, has completed an extremely complicated ceremony under the control of a group of occultists.

In the ancient pharaoh cities that have sunk in the Mediterranean Sea, those ancient occultists who were revived with Alexander used the power of magic to lead the rivers of the Nile flowing into the sea to Ayesha and Osiris. In the temple. Under the power of Lord Osiris Ming Sect, the limits of Life and Death World were broken. The water of the Nile once again penetrated the two realms of life and death, and carried back its owner from the silent Death world.

The pure gold sun boat symbolizes the dawn of dawn and the recovery of the dead, breaking through the waves from the dark Ming Sect. And on this ship that represents reincarnation, Alexia sat in it, wearing the pure gold costume that only the ancient pharaohs would wear. Looking down at the mortals under her feet with absolute majesty.

Among the occultists serving Alexander, there is no shortage of priests from ancient Egypt, facing the God who was born, the giver of their new life. These sorcerers knelt down on the ground wisely and respectfully, showing oneself’s respect for God in the most pious manner. Of course, there are many exceptions. The arrogant king was unwilling to bend his knees even when facing God, and beside him, the competent minister he relied on as his right-hand man just bowed his head, and was not as respectful as others did.

Thousands of years ago, this was a crime of disrespect. But Alexia isn’t one of those pedantic guys, so she just picked the corner of her mouth and said to Alexander.

“You did good, my pharaoh. You completed my Oracle very well. For this, I should give you a compliment.”

“This is my point About this matter, Lord Goddess, it is my honor to serve you.”

Hearing this, the proud king bowed slightly, and then some impatient said.

“As for praise, I dare not ask for extravagance. I just hope that Lord Goddess, you can honor your previous promise and give us real life. Only in this way can we better serve you, right?”

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