Sun God Marvel

Chapter 222

(QQ group 233361711. Welcome everyone to join. Whether you have opinions, ideas, or want to make friends, you are welcome here. We welcome everyone who loves Marvel, and welcome Every friend who has an idea about this book.) The turbulence in the depths of the earth continues, which means that Zhou Yi’s rampage is still continuing. Even far away, people can still hear his roar and laughter.

“Yes, that’s it. Come again, come again. Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler!” But there is no one daring to approach there anymore, because it was forcibly raised by a fist The big pit created by the strong wind has completely turned into an anxious hell.

The airflow becomes extremely hot here, because of the friction of countless supersonic punches, they already have quite terrifying temperature. And this is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying are those rushing winds. Hovering around Zhou Yi’s trio like knives, scraping the ground and grinding the rocks, making everything fragile like paper.

Except for the three monsters, almost nothing can be kept there. Even the unfavorable photographers were persuaded at this time. They just dared to fight hard, not really want to kill. Faced with such a situation where there is no doubt that you will die if you rush up, even a fool knows what to do.

So at the most critical moment of the battle, all that countless people can see is the trembling ground and occasional sparks. Many viewers began to yell at them, which is almost the same shameless as they suddenly cut the camera when they saw the climax of the movie.

But because they can’t see it doesn’t mean that the parties cannot experience it. As one of the parties, Zhou Yi is already immersed in an inexplicable pleasure.

That is the pleasure of breaking away from everything, a kind of complete freedom and the magical feeling of being free from the bondage of something. This feeling made every muscle in his body cheer, every bone was happily fucking, and even every drop of blood began to boil.

Under this comprehensive sublimation of the body, he feels that the entire world seems to have undergone a strange change. It was as if something as invisible and intangible as the air bound him, but he broke free by little by little. And when he broke free of this restraint, a feeling that everything became extremely slow appeared in his senses.

It was not the feeling that other things had become relatively slow during his speeding movement, but a genuine feeling that even time was becoming slow. Zhou Yi knows that this is not his illusion, because this thing is rarely an illusion for his existence.

And if this is not an illusion, then he is in contact with time itself.

As soon as this idea came out, even Zhou Yi was a little shocked, what is the time. Countless philosophers and thinkers want to define it, but the conclusions they draw can never summarize it all. Zhou Yi does not have a deep understanding of time, but he agrees with an idea very much. That is, time is the most Eternity measurement unit in this World.

It is money, but it is more precious than money. Money will depreciate and be destroyed, but time will never fade. It gives most people the greatest fairness, and it can be said that it is the largest party in the world. But at the same time it is also the most stingy existence, because it always gives a small group of people the most special treatment. Charles is one of them, Vajra wolf is one of them, and Quicksilver is one of them. Now even Zhou Yi is favored by it, and he has begun to lift the veil of oneself mysterious to him, allowing him to begin to insight into the most mysterious existence of this World.

For Zhou Yi, what could be more meaningful than this moment!

He is engaged in oneself’s most hearty battle in his life, and at the same time he is still insight into the world’s greatest secret. What he got was beyond imagination and at the same time immeasurable. This kind of joy and pleasure made his fists even stronger. In contrast, Hulk and Evil, who have been completely suppressed, appear to be somewhat battered and exhausted, and they are no longer sustainable.

Zhou Yi’s punch speed is almost accelerating in Infinity, but their punch speed has already reached their limit. In this situation of one-sided beating, one-sided beating has become a foregone conclusion, if it weren’t for them to have four hands together, and one fist could hold dozens of fists. I’m afraid it has already been defeated.

And even so, it is only a matter of time before they are completely defeated. At this moment, their mood can be said to be complicated.

Hulk, a guy who only relies on anger outbursts, is better. He only knows that oneself is going to lose, and then his anger is high, and he can often produce a little bit of strength and hold on for a while.

And Esha does not have the ability to have no shame. Although his power is strong, but there is a clear upper limit. Although he is a monster copied from the birth of Hulk, it is a pity that he retains oneself consciousness while also losing Hulk’s anger. The ability of Infinity to increase power. This allowed him to completely consume all the confidence in his heart in this kind of battle. He now thinks about not how to win the battle, but when this doomed battle will end, and what he must do to keep his own life.

He wants to end it all in his dream now, but Zhou Yi doesn’t think so. He is still pulling his own fist fast. Mach 25, Mach 30, Mach 50, and Mach 80. This is the limit he can reach by relying solely on his body. However, at this moment, in the slowing down of the time flow, he felt that his own speed was completely endless and still soaring. Time and speed were perfectly combined, and he began to open a very magical door for him.

He still wants to try faster and faster. But there is no way to continue. Because under the supersonic fist of his Infinity growth, both Hulk and Evil have completely lost the ability to resist.

In their eyes, Zhou Yi’s fist has long changed from a visible fist to a completely elusive light. They are no longer fighting back, but are being beaten unilaterally. beat. And this point was completely ignored by Zhou Yi from the moment time was slowed down. Because in his eyes, their actions are no different from pauses. In that case, is it important to fight back?

This kind of ignorance caused Hulk and Esha to suffer, and now their suffering has finally reached the end. One hundred Mach 20, coupled with Zhou Yi’s power that is stronger than Hulk, at this moment is absolutely terrifying destructive power.

When he slammed such a punch with both hands, almost the entire Manhattan heard a deafening sound. It was the whistling and whistling of the supersonic punch that finally stopped. It was also a big earthquake. The rage**. This whistling sound like a mythical beast also means mythological destructive power.

This fist completely defeated Hulk and Evil, completely tore the highest limit their bodies could bear, and at the same time completely destroyed a street that was several hundred meters long. The two giants standing side by side suddenly became an unrecognizable illusory shadow under this fist, and they flew out directly by the powerful power entrapped by this fist. Although behind them is the earth that carries everything. But under this fist, the earth also lost its carrying capacity.

It cracked and was completely penetrated by the bodies of two giants. Tens of thousands of tons of soil were squeezed out by their bodies, and for a time it was like two long earth dragons rolling and stealth in the earth. When these two earth dragons disappeared from people’s sight, many people discovered The most prosperous street in the past has now been completely destroyed.

Almost the entire surface was turned over, and only a huge hollow tunnel appeared beneath the surface. At the end of the road was a huge hollow, and even light emerged from it. No one thought that this fist was so terrifying that it would directly tear the ground and open a road to the subway.

Zhou Yi didn’t think of this, he just simply improved the own speed. Before he reached his limit, Hulk and Esha could not hold it anymore. This made him feel helpless while he was disappointed. After all, this is already the limit of others, and you are impossible to force them to exceed the limit of own and be a sandbag for you.

Without sandbags, naturally there is no need to continue the supersonic boxing. And when Zhou Yi began to converge on his own speed, he found that oneself seemed to have escaped from a peculiar environment, and the feeling that the passage of time had become slow also faded gradually. However, Zhou Yi knows that this kind of magical feeling will definitely reappear, as long as oneself masters the trick. As for what the trick is, he already has a more sure guess.

But now is not the time to verify this conjecture, he also has things to do. The black shadow flashed, his whole person had disappeared in place, and Jennifer stepped into the subway that was opened. Both Hulk and Evil are his targets now, and he naturally won’t let these two prey easily escape his own line of sight.

Opening the super vision that has not been used for a long time, Zhou Yi immediately saw the silhouette of Hulk. At this moment, he was weakly leaning against a wall of the subway tunnel, dripping with green blood all over his body. That was the mark of his body cracking under the tremendous pressure that he couldn’t bear. Under Zhou Yi’s punch, even a monster-level body like Hulk could not withstand its formidable power. The infinite formidable power penetrates into his within the body, and only by tearing the muscles and breaking the skin can the energy be released.

This is something Hulk has never encountered before, and when he encountered it, he discovered how terrifying it is. Hearing the footsteps, he had already seen Zhou Yi coming by. At this time, his green eyes were not only angry, but also some other things. This thing is called fear, and it is the fear of this kind of emotion that makes him calm down and suppress the hostility towards Zhou Yi.

When anger is no longer helpful, the survival instinct will naturally tell Hulk what to do. So he lowered his head, showing the respect he should have for the winner. At the same time, his anger was quickly fading, because at this moment, he had no goal to be angry.

Looking at Hulk’s body getting smaller as the anger faded, Zhou Yi laughed and said to Jennifer who was walking from behind oneself.

“Be optimistic about him, we still need to have a good talk later.”

This sentence attracted Jennifer’s angry eyes that were not daring to speak. But Zhou Yi didn’t care what they thought of him. At this moment, he turned his head to the side and began to look at another target.

And what surprised him was that the evil spirit was running away. A guy who claims to be the strongest fighter is actually running away, which means it is self-evident. What he lost was not only victory, but also his pride as a fighter. This makes Zhou Yi extremely sorry.

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