Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2227

No one knows what Frank and Lao Yu, Lao Yu and Alexander talked about. People can only see one appearance, and this appearance is that in just one day, Alexander’s army has been stationed in the three cities and has taken over everything in the city in an all-round way.

Lines of defense, important infrastructure, factories and production lines, and the people in them. Maybe some people don’t want to see all of this, after all, this is a usurpation of power in their eyes. Not for Frank, but for them. But it is a pity that a group of moths is obviously impossible to be Alexander’s opponent.

This soul from 2000 years ago doesn’t know what human rights are, and doesn’t care about shit human rights. Anyone who dared to shout in front of him was basically cut off by him, plugged in a lance, and hung on the steel city wall of the new city.

Savage, this is inevitable. But it is enough to deter Xiao Xiao. Although the residents of the city will inevitably be a little bit slanderous, but on the basis that Frank, the original ruler and the vast omnipotents, have maintained a silent foundation, the human desire to be worldly-wise and play safe finally made them choose to accept. all of these.

This paved the final cornerstone for Alexander’s admission. And just after knowing that nothing could stop oneself from becoming the master of these three new cities, Alexander was so complacent and personally named these three cities.

The city on the Arabian Sea is called Alexander City, and the city in the hinterland is called Iskandall City. As in his past naming style, he always puts the own label on the things oneself loves as much as possible. It was when he arrived in a city near the Caspian Sea that he suddenly thought of his hometown and gave it a new Macedonian name. Otherwise, the entire Middle East will be surrounded by Alexander.

Of course, despite such complacency, Alexander has not forgotten what oneself is doing. There are two problems that he urgently need to solve.

One is the counterattack of the European and American governments. There is no impermeable wall in the world, and Alexander’s behavior is impossible and clean. Therefore, he hurt the killer and killed an important member of the European intelligence system and a senior leader of the United States. Sooner or later, it will be before those people. And this is not a joke. Even if it is for facial issues, they will definitely act.

All Alexander needs to guard against is their actions. Don’t be afraid that they will use the three indiscriminate methods. Under the protection of his occultist assembly, American’s usual decapitation and sneak attack tactics may not be effective. It may be said that he can’t even see him personally, and those special agents and special forces will be halfway.

In this regard, he is confident. However, if it is a dignified and correct means of warfare, then it is another two-point question.

Even if he has full confidence in oneself, Alexander is not sure that the other party must be clay chickens and pottery dogs and can be defeated in one battle. He can still clearly distinguish between strategy and tactics. And even in line with the duty of a commander-in-chief, he will take the most basic prudence in all war cases.

He is not afraid of fighting, but it is best to avoid fighting as much as possible.

This is one of the problems. And the other problem is that I am older than analyzing those things for him.

They were brought back to life by the Goddess of Alexia, there is no doubt about that. It is a blessing to Alexander to be able to gallop in the world more then 2000 years later and fulfill oneself’s unfinished dream. This is a blessing to Alexander, and he is also very grateful to Alexia.

If Alexia can be like many God-like, obediently and honestly accepting worship and worship like many of his time, instead of arbitrarily pointing fingers and feet, he really doesn’t mind if Athens treats them. Like Athena, treat her as the only faith of the entire empire.

The problem is, Alexia definitely doesn’t want this. And Alexander, who had already vaguely seen some clues, would not compromise in this regard.

Mutual benefit and mutual use. This is no problem. The so-called king is actually the kind of person who is best at trading. Alexander doesn’t mind making this kind of trade that is good for both parties, but he cannot accept the fact that oneself is just a pawn.

Especially when Alexia is labeled as Hydra, and all her actions can be interpreted as serving Hydra’s interests. He can’t just kneel down in front of Alexia because of gratitude, and willingly become a running dog of Hydra.

Even out of self-esteem, Alexander is impossible to let this happen. And the kingship can’t allow the owner to have God standing on his head. Just as Napoleon would crown oneself personally on his behalf, the secular king would sooner or later pick the power of War God. The difference is only sooner or later. And now, when all these circumstances are brought together, the choices he can make are actually very limited.

It’s okay to say it’s a poor picture, or it’s a repaying kindness with enmity. There must be a battle between him and Alexia. And instead of waiting until Alexia became conscious and began to take precautions, it would be better to take advantage of this, at this stage when she was completely unprepared, to beat her completely unprepared.

Unexpectedly, this is the best way of war, and the tactics raise upwards without any problems. The only problem is whether they are fully prepared for oneself.

This is a question that makes Alexander scratch his head. Because he was actually very clear in his heart that even though he had already begun to prepare in this regard, until now, they were still not sure about it.

Alexander’s greatest support is his occultists and ancient priests. As the magicians of Antiquity Era, they are undoubtedly the people who know the gods best and are the closest to them. But understanding and proximity does not mean that you can stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods. No matter what the god said, it is also the existence of Peak standing on the mysterious side. If you casually rely on a group of sorcerers, you can overthrow God’s position. So as early as more then 2000 years ago, they should have been knocked off the altar, not to mention that they have spread their reputation to modern times.

The gap must exist, and it is very huge. Even if it is said that Alexander has given enough support to these sorcerers so that they can challenge Alexia with the most favorable conditions, the answer is still somewhat unrealistic.

Especially, these sorcerer’s lives are still in Alexia’s hands. When she is allowed to ask for what she wants, this difficulty will only increase.

Alexander impossible risked the collapse of the oneself empire and bet on such a tiny probability. So he can only tolerate, dormant, and try his best to find another way out.

This is not what he is good at. It may be said that he has a very talented war in terms of war, but God is in another field. The mortal war mode cannot be substituted into the fight with God so casually. He needs experts to give advice in this regard, but unfortunately, there are not at all experts around him.

Whether it is the occultist or the priests, in the West more then 2000 years ago, they were only servants of God. It may be said that some of them are ill-intentioned, but in terms of ability, they are obviously lacking, not at all.

It’s okay to help from the side, but expect them to act as the main force against Alexia, even if there is not such a shackle on the neck, Alexander will feel that it is not as good as oneself to carry the knife to the horse. Insurance.

Where is the way out? This is a question he often thinks about. Right now, this problem is becoming more and more urgent, and just when he and Lao Yu are feeling a little burnt, the omnipotent can be considered to some extent, and it has entered his line of sight.

Only relying on omnibus, it certainly gives people a feeling of unsafety. But Ultron, which is behind the omnic, is obviously heavier.

Different from the contempt of him in Europe, he still pays attention to intelligence within Europe. It can be said that there are espionage personnel arranged by him in various countries within Europe, and through these espionage personnel, Ultron’s ability can be regarded as shown to him to some extent.

Those cross-age technologies such as machinery, biology, and information technology are not mentioned tentatively. Since he is still self-studying the science level in middle school, he is definitely not qualified to figure out this aspect. But intuitively, such as Ultron’s combat abilities, he can analyze one or two of Ultron’s previous combat information against Victor.

Theoretically speaking, if you can fight the Demon King in hell, you naturally have the right to put Alexia right. And as long as he can be pulled to this ring, then with the assistance of these occultists around him, it seems that it is not difficult to take Alexia down.

The two came up with this idea, and after a little summing up, they felt that it was so feasible, and it was immediately finalized. This can be considered. Catching the ducks is on the shelf. It is better to have a way than nothing. But also a problem is how they can get in touch with Ultron.

Ultron’s current news is blocked, which is impossible to detect even if Alexander arranges a spy. No matter how much the European government waters, it is also impossible to water to the point where such top-secret information leaks. So until today, Alexander thought Ultron was lurking in a certain corner of Europe, waiting for a comeback.

Yes, there is a comeback. Even in Alexander’s eyes, Ultron is not a shining and stalwart image.

Isn’t he saying that he has any kind of opinion, the kind of thinking that the non-self race must be different. In his era, the Greeks did not treat Europeans other than the Greeks as human beings, only as if they were uncivilized Barbarian Race to kill at will. Against this background, Alexander was able to open his heart and included soldiers from all races under oneself. Even Persia, which had a feud with Greece, was accepted. Naturally, it is impossible to say what to do with omnics at this time. Special treatment.

In his eyes, these iron bumps are probably not much different from the ordinary person except that they cannot be used. At the very least, he has verified, faced, and never found that they lack what the who class does not.

The pressure mountain is great and self-consciously able to embrace everything, so it is not difficult to treat a group of iron bumps equally. And the reason why he would give such an evaluation to Ultron, as long as it was because he started from the perspective of a ruler.

The ruler does not believe in tears and sympathy. In their eyes, any powerhouse in this world will not sympathize and help the people for no reason. If they do this, it must be driven by profit. And what kind of interests are driving Ultron, Alexander’s analysis result is that he has a high probability of seeking a oneself position, so as to fundamentally reverse the situation of ignorance being discriminated by humans.

There are so many idiot rulers in Europe that he can’t stand it, even more how Ultron is such a machine. He can bear the humiliation to this day, mostly for the sake of the own ethnic group.

A newly-born nation wants to find a place in the world. Such a contribution should be made. Alexander is very aware of the difficulties, so he feels even more that oneself has the possibility of cooperating with Ultron.

It’s just a place to stay, there is nothing difficult. His dignified Alexander, can’t his subordinates still tolerate a group of aliens? This is impossible.

With this kind of confidence, Alexander has full confidence in the contact with Ultron. But the question is how to get in touch with him.

After thinking about it, things turned back to Frank. Because from their current intelligence, Frank may be the only person in this world who may be in contact with Ultron.

His father is the maker of Ultron, and he himself can be treated as Ultron’s brother. If Ultron was half grateful, he would be impossible to cut contact with Frank. Judging from the dazzling array of black technologies and omnibuses everywhere in Alexander, this connection is inevitable.

Alexander was sure in his heart, and he didn’t bother him at all and let Old Yu bring Frank directly. But it wasn’t the first time we met, and they got along at peace. When Frank was immediately pulled over, he asked Alexander.

“What did you want to do when you came to me? Don’t tell me that there was a problem with the handover?”

Frank’s handover was very straightforward, he just took all the key positions All were delivered to Alexander’s direct troops. It can be said that except for the decision to leave or leave the omnic, he almost left the house. And if Alexander is not satisfied with this, then he can only break with him properly.

Alexander is capable and capable, but he cannot be so greedy. If this goes on, he is afraid that he will really worry whether oneself can satisfy this guy’s appetite.

Fortunately, things are not as bad as he thought. Alexander and they quickly expressed their intentions. Although they didn’t elaborate on the issue of Alexia, Frank still used his own analysis to roughly see the truth.

This made him happy, and at the same time he said to them that face doesn’t change.

“Unfortunately, I am afraid I can only tell you a regretful message.”

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