Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2232

Hearing this, Alexia couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, none of these kings who can make a name in history is a good-looking item.

Let’s not say much else, just this kind of ability to find ways to retreat, weigh the pros and cons, and direct things in the most favorable direction for oneself, is not something ordinary people can do. It can be said that all the people who appeared in front of him became the objects of his use. Sometimes even Alexia Oneself wonders whether oneself is one of them.

The answer should be yes. But after thinking about it carefully, Alexia put aside this distraction again. use? It doesn’t matter. The relationship between people in this world is mostly use. Being able to be used only shows that you have the value to use, but does not mean that you will definitely become a loser in the end. At the very least, Alexia believed that oneself would not, because what she was holding in her hand was Alexander’s fundamental life.

Power is the root. With absolute overwhelming power, Alexia will only show extraordinary interest in Alexander’s plot against.

“So, what is the best situation in your imagination?”

“Of course it is, take it all!”

Haha laughed In between, Alexander opened his hands, showing an arrogant and arrogant appearance.

“I’ve heard the story of the Stark family, and I also know that Little Brat’s father, who claims to be the wealth left by the wisest among the human beings. It can be seen from these three cities, How rich is this wealth, so if it can fall into my hands, then I really have no reason to refuse.”

“And the same, for the country across the ocean 10,000,000 li land, hundreds of millions of people, I am also very coveted. Whether it is voluntary or forced. There is only one chance for them to for me to use, so what reason do I not accept this gift? “

“I’m afraid things won’t be what you want!” Alexia sneered. She didn’t like to see how stupid this painting was made of dreams. So she was not polite, and she sneered.

“Don’t think those people are too stupid, Alexander. If you can think of this beautiful thing about plotting against them, why can’t they also be plotting against you? You want Take it all and become the final winner. I am afraid that they will have the same idea.”

“Then all rely on means, and to be honest, I don’t think they will be more confident than me.”


shook the head, Alexander still looks conceited, and he also argues with the courage of one’s convictions.

“Frank’s Little Brat does not have such a great ability. After all, he is just a child. Maybe he is a little smart, but whether it’s his forces or practical experience, he is Lack. This is destined to be impossible to be a winner.”

“And United States. I admit that this country has a lot of heritage. But like all countries that have fallen from glory, he has already It has lost its vitality and so-called enterprising spirit. Even maintaining the stability of a country needs to be achieved by kidnapping a child. I don’t think there is any chance for such a country to stand up. Just the decadent forces within it will be the same. A little bit to drag him down. Just like the old councils in the Spartan city-state.”

“Of course, there will be people like Leonidas here who want to cheer up. Get up. But when the person most suitable for this role dies, and when those who have the same aspirations also lose their lives, I don’t think a few people also can do this!”

Leonidas was the king of Sparta, the one where the three hundred warriors fought against the Persian army at Wenquanguan. Although he is a hero, he has to be said to be full of tragedy.

Because, dignified Sparta, the most powerful military city in the entire Greek world. Only three hundred warriors went to the national disaster with him. This in itself is a great joke.

Spartan and Athens can pull out thousands of people to deal with Persia. Those who want to take soil and water from their homes can only be taken by the king. Hundreds of warriors drove out. If there is nothing tricky in it, that’s impossible. The corrupting forces were struggling with it, which killed Leonidas. However, Leonida’s death also played a role. He awakened the Greek world, made the Greek world aware of the power of Persia, and united and launched a confrontation with it.

It can be said that he preserved the integrity of the Greek world and cut off the opportunity for Persia to defeat them separately. In the same way, in the United States, where Western Mountain is dying, there is a person who plays the same role.

Tony Stark, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is Leonidas from United States.

Especially after his death, when the politicians of the United States conspired against his property and murdered his heirs, this similarity became more and more real.

It’s just that Leoni was dead in his death, but Tony Stark didn’t play a role. Everything he dominated after his death fell apart and disappeared. The speed was so fast that Alexander couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

Seriously, he still admires Tony Stark in his heart. People who pull strongly against a crazy tide in times of crisis are enough to call themselves heroes at any time. Such a hero is qualified for him to make friends. He even felt that if oneself could meet this guy while he was alive, he might become friends. It’s just a pity…

Alexia couldn’t guess the feeling of sympathy in Alexander’s heart, but it was not difficult to guess who Leonida was in his words. It’s just that she is somewhat weird. If Tony represents Leonidas, then who is he who has the same aspirations? I can’t say it’s Frank. I’m afraid this brat can’t wait to ruin this country now.

She asked this question out loud, and Alexander spoke to her without shy.

“A black man named Nick Fury, his head was cut off by myself!”

“Nick. Fury?” This name, even for Alexia It is not unfamiliar to say, and what surprised her is that this cunning old fox will die here.

It turns out that Hydra’s United States branch has planned an assassination against him more than once, but basically all of its efforts are just the result of a missed deputy. I can’t say that they are not good enough. I can only say that Nick Fury is too cunning. He almost always sets aside a way for oneself, so that every time he staged a scene of seeking survival.

So this time, is he really dead, or is he doing another special performance? Alexia thought about it a little bit, but after all he smiled and couldn’t help but laugh at herself.

She realized that oneself seemed to fall into the shackles of the past.

Nick.Fury is certainly cunning, but it is not a superpower user in the end, and can perform the drama of create something from nothing. In the final analysis, his escape tactics were based on the huge resources of the original SHIELD and the power he held personally.

And now, SHIELD has disappeared, and United States is Sun setting on the western mountains again, not as good as before. This kind of change, comparable to returning to the pre-liberation overnight, could not support him doing so many little tricks. Even if he has this mind, he doesn’t have this ability. So, if you do it again, he must be really going to die.

Determining the possibility of his death from the probability, Alexia still has some doubts. What she didn’t understand was why Alexander wanted to kill this guy. Because in terms of the current world structure, this kind of goods is already a bit difficult to be elegant.

He can’t change anything. Even in the direction of the United States, he may not be able to play a significant role. To put it bluntly, a spy chief might be able to make trouble in the heyday of the country. But after the decline of the country, what he said may not be as loud as his fart.

That is, Tony Stark valued him and gave him the title of Secretary of Defense so that he could continue to abuse power tyrannically. But with the collapse of the Stark government and their self-surrendering peace talks, whether he can retain has several points of power in his hands is already a questionable question.

Capital forces are not shantangs. After he did that many things against them, he could still provide him with that many support regardless of previous suspicions. What is certain is that when the United States Government returns to the previous order of cooking, that is, under the model of capital using politicians to promote the country, Nick Fury can still occupy a high position. I’m afraid I can’t escape the end of being overhead.

The symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning, and Alexia really can’t think of the reason Alexander must kill him.

“The reason is very simple! It is that he offended me, and the majesty of the king cannot tolerate the slightest offense.”

Faced with questions, Alexander answered with frankness. It’s just that for such a rhetoric, Alexia’s face clearly showed an expression of whether you were silly for me.

Without the battle between the two countries, she would not believe that Alexander would cut down Nick Fury, a high-ranking man in United States, just because of offense. Although he is domineering, he is not a stunner. How can this kind of wayward stupid thing happen to him?

In this case, Alexander naturally couldn’t say that it was because oneself was almost stabbed, which made him angry and killed him. He can only nod his head and say to her in a gesture that you think is not at all wrong.

“Of course, I did this with my purpose, that is, to completely cut off the possibility of the Little Brat and United States peace talks.”

“Although from the current point of view, this Little Brat It has already formed a hostile situation with United States, but in the end, this is still an uncertain thing.”

“The politicians of United States did not completely tear their faces and put Tony Stark Defining their nature as sinners, their ambiguity in this regard also makes there is some room for relaxation between them and that Little Brat. Maybe they will not choose to relax their relationship now, but there is no guarantee that they will not do so in the future. They did this. Whether Frank can withstand the test is a very critical question.”

“I can’t pin my hopes on the persistence of a little child. Even if he is acting now No matter how resolute, I can’t guarantee that under certain incentives, he will make any changes in the position of own. I must increase his determination or force him to that kind of inexorable room. And Based on this, I don’t think there is anything more suitable than the head of the nigger!”

“Just describe the seriousness of the matter a little bit, and then put the head of the nigger and His intention was sent to him as a gift, so he would easily feel indignant about it. And when the United States Government heard the news of the nigger’s death and knew it had something to do with that Little Brat, they would also I was forced to tear my face away from him. Unless a country can accept such humiliation cheekily, I really don’t think they also have the possibility of mitigation.”

This is a reasonable argument. At least for Alexia, this rhetoric is much more reliable than his previous offensive and so on.

If we consider from his perspective, then Alexia will undoubtedly have to give more consideration to his next arrangement.

Let him go to Asia to act as a shit-chucking stick. Obviously, it is not worthwhile for him to make trouble on the United States side, because if the operation is good, he will not affect a United States, and It’s the entire Western world.

She doesn’t believe that Europe will sit back and watch the United States be ruined, and she does not believe that Alexander will allow the European countries to stand on the sidelines in this long-range competition. Therefore, as long as she allows the conquer king to continue the own plan, even if he wants to add to the flames when he needs it, it will have a catastrophic impact on the current structure of the entire world.

This is what she would like to see, so she also promised to Alexander happily.

“Very well, it’s you, Alexander. Your plan has exceeded my expectations. It is entirely conceivable that when your plan is completely achieved, the entire world will be due to you. Tremor! And this… is exactly what I want.”

“Let go and do it, I can provide you with all the assistance when you need it. When you achieve what you said With this anticipated assumption, I can assure you, my king, everything you expect will be met. I can assure you of this!”

Others may be ecstatic when they hear such a guarantee. But Alexander harbor ulterior motives, he won’t get much surprise from this guarantee.

Of course, on the surface he can’t show this yet. Therefore, relying on oneself’s thick beard, which is indistinguishable, he pulled open the corners of his mouth and greeted loudly.

“Your generosity is awe-inspiring, and I can assure you that you will live up to your expectations!”

As it is said, Alexia does not suspect him. Because the reason was simple, she couldn’t imagine how courageous she would be to make a guy whose life was held in his hands make that kind of risky action, especially if he was still a king.

The king is afraid of death. Isn’t this normal?

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