Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2237

She said Strange was stupid for no reason. Because from the rational side, he should have foreseen such a situation as early as when he made such a determination.

Whatever you want to sacrifice, there should be sacrifice and so on. Whether it is a man or a woman, an old man or a child, even if it is such a newly born life, it should be treated equally. It is essentially stupid and ridiculous that people who have made up their minds on the surface and even started to implement them suddenly regret and hesitate.

Of course, as an opponent, she didn’t mind Strange’s stupidity. He even said that he had already figured out how to give him a heavy blow. It is actually very simple to say, that is, since the contest between the two sides has extended from the confrontation of strength to the competition of will, it is better to knock him down completely on the will. Especially now, when he took the initiative to expose oneself’s weaknesses, she should have said something.

Alexia would not have such a weakness as Strange, so she began to gather her own strength in ruthlessness.

It is about an indispensable process to defeat Strange in one fell swoop. It’s just that there is no such opportunity before, because the legs are still on his body after all, and it is always possible to run without him. In addition, there may also be an Ultron next to glare like a tiger watching his prey, so she has no need to do this kind of waste of oneself power.

But it’s different now. Strange had a reason to stand here, he couldn’t retreat, because a retreat meant retreat and avoidance of his will, which was fatal for him who had already competed to this level. So this is the opportunity.

The power of the gods is gathered in her hand, and the divine force is dazzling almost like the sun. With such a blow, Alexia was almost confident to destroy everything in front of him. But also feeling the immense power of this kind, Strange also gritted his teeth and showed an increasingly angry expression.

Vicious woman. This is his most true evaluation of Alexia. Perhaps this woman’s face is indeed beautiful, but in his opinion, this woman’s heart is already terrible and ugly.

He really couldn’t imagine what kind of woman would aim a butcher knife at a group of newborn babies. The maternal love and compassion that a woman is born with does not seem to exist in her. She was already inhuman, and what she showed was a hideous and terrifying monster image. In the face of such a monster, he couldn’t say a word of begging for mercy, and all he could do was persevere and fight it hard.

This is a very hopeless thing, even if he has tried his best to stir up a monstrous flame, making oneself as fierce as Zhu Rong in the fire, but in the end the difference in strength between the two sides is It doesn’t help.

What he needs is time, the time to make oneself stronger, but unfortunately, he seems to have no such time.

Alexia is about to do it, life or death is also an answer that will be revealed soon. He was a little sorry, but also a little angry. And just as he was making the final preparations for the impact, a dazzling orange red light in the sky already flashed straight through.

Quick! Ten times the speed of sound makes even a character like them feel dizzy and too late to react. Alexia only noticed the sudden appearance of this radiance, and at the next moment, her body was already hit by this radiance, and then she couldn’t restrain herself and flew out in an instant.

This was something that Alexia hadn’t expected at all, but it made Strange breathe out. Because he knew that oneself finally didn’t have to fight alone anymore.

“Sorry, I seem to be a little late, doctor!”

Frank’s voice came from some of the surviving broadcast systems. He himself is still outside the ten thousand li, but with the scientific and technological resources he has at his disposal, he can already intervene in this battlefield. Just like the beam of light just now, it is his support on the battleship above the atmosphere.

Prometheus class battleship No.1, Prometheus planet frigate. A ship equipped with twenty six small cold nuclear fusion reactors, wandering in a planetary battleship above the stratosphere with a cross-age anti-gravity system.

The total length is 533 meters and the weight is 360,000 tons. The cruising speed in the planet is 500 kilometers each hour, and the extreme speed can break through two Mach. It can sail normally at the second cosmic speed in the space environment.

This is the first result of Ultron’s reverse deduction of the Kerry battleship technology, and it is also one of the few that can be used as a practical strategic weapon. The reason for using the outdated battleship system of the modern navy, instead of using the so-called Helicarrier like the original SHIELD, is also out of practical considerations.

The reason why the battleship was eliminated is not because its combat effectiveness is not up to standard, but because it can only wander on the ocean and withstand the attack of the sea and the air in a clumsy way. Its cost-effectiveness cannot satisfy the war. Demand. After all, the construction cost of a formed battleship can almost hollow out a fairly rich country, and destroying it may be a matter of a few planes and torpedoes. This kind of profitable business is naturally not cost-effective, so elimination is also Inevitable.

However, when the battleship moves from the deep sea to the sky, or even a higher level of stars, this situation will change again. Aircraft carriers, this kind of war tool that ended and ruled an era can hardly satisfy the needs of the Interstellar era. After all, an aircraft carrier with no self-protection capability cannot take on such an important task as a command platform in a complex cosmic environment. After all, you can’t count on fighter groups to withstand damage such as high-energy particle cannons. Therefore, strong boats and guns must be the best choice. The Prometheus class is an attempt made under this choice.

With plenty of energy, Prometheus is equipped with twelve high-energy particle main guns and 42 large electromagnetic railguns. Unlike in the past, battleships need to consider the impact of the main gun reaction on the battleship itself, battleships with high-energy particle guns and electromagnetic guns only need to consider how to fully armed oneself is enough.

The body, which is twice the size of the battleship of the old era, has enough space to place these technological weapons, and it can even vacate a deck for the fighter group to take off and land. Of course, the Prometheus at this time does not need to use such a method to deal with Alexia. What it can do now is to use its own large electromagnetic railgun to give her fiercely across dozens of ten thousand meters. The last post that’s all.

The main gun is not used because it is not a weapon that can be used easily. As a planetary orbital frigate, what Prometheus lacks is not combat power, but a more critical navigation capability. Because the engine technology has not completely reached the Interstellar sailing standard, it can only sail between the earth and the moon.

This is the only thing it lacks, and in terms of combat effectiveness, to be honest, it has reached the standard of Intergalactic Battleship.

It is undoubtedly an illegal operation to attack a human city with an Intergalactic Battleship level main gun. Because under this formidable power, the situation of several dozen li in one shot will not be just an exaggerated falsehood. Frank’s purpose is only to deal with Alexia, not to bombard half of Paris. So using a sharp weapon like an electromagnetic railgun is his best choice.

In space warfare, electromagnetic weapons will be no less than energy weapons. Different from the situation that electromagnetic weapons inside the planet will be affected by the atmosphere, in the vacuum environment of the universe, the formidable power of electromagnetic weapons will be raised to the limit by the maximum acceleration.

Of course, to attack the planet from space, the formidable power of the electromagnetic railgun must be discounted. But with the best initial velocity and the bonus of the planet’s gravity itself, this formidable power will not be much worse. Simply put, this attack can be seen as a simplified version of Dawn’s Hammer. And being hit by an attack of this level, even a god like Alexia, would be overwhelming.

Without precautions, Alexia was directly shot at several hundred meters by the tungsten alloy warhead. With the position just hit as the core, an extremely impactful air wave bloomed like a blooming dahlia.

This is also a threat, but fortunately, Strange’s law body resisted all this. After ensuring the safety of those innocent little lives, Strange said sighed in relief.

“It’s really too late! If you are one step later, I’m afraid you can only collect the body!”

“For the better, I am here now. Isn’t it time?”

Overriding the fact that oneself arrives slowly, Frank didn’t make any stops either, using the electromagnetic railgun to launch a continuous attack on Alexia.

He understands a truth too well, that is, there is really no show mercy to deal with such people. a centipede dies, but never falls, they are talking about. A little bit slow, then the opportunity gained by betraying Strange will be lost.

This is definitely not what he wants to see, so from the moment of his debut, he has already turned on Prometheus’s full fire mode.

40 electromagnetic railguns were fired in turn, and the sky full of orange radiance penetrated the sky and the earth at an angle of about thirty degrees. There is only one target, and that is Alexia, who was shot into the soul before.

The state of Alexia who took a frontal shot of the electromagnetic gun unsuspectingly at the moment is not good. Because even if the Guardian God with Horus is protecting her, it is hard to guarantee her completeness. After all, this pure physical force can already be said to have reached a certain limit, and if you want to rely solely on divine force to resist, that would be too despised of physics, the most basic force in the universe.

So, Alexia’s state at the moment cannot be said to be good. The precise attack from the Prometheus caused the tungsten alloy warhead to directly hit her in the chest. The armor, which had left many cracks in the previous battle, could not withstand such a violent blow.

The armor protected by the Eagle God’s Force was violently disintegrated into fragments, and the cone-shaped projectiles rubbed by the atmosphere directly penetrated her chest. For mortals, this may be a fatal blow. But for a god like Alexia, this is nothing but a certain amount of harm to her that’s all.

The internal organs of her confidant are not her key point. Relying on her own power to control Ming Sect, she is the existence of undying before the divine nature is completely destroyed.

So at the moment this kind of injury, it may be a bit of an exaggeration to say that it is harmless. But if you really talk about it, it’s probably a trivial meaning that’s all.

Of course, a small meaning may not be a problem, but if it piles up and becomes hundreds or thousands of small meanings, it may be a terrible thing.

With the rate of one round of electromagnetic railguns every three seconds, plus the fierce firepower of 40 cannons in turns, it is only an instant matter from a simple trivial to a fatal one. She also felt the most direct and deadly threat. With her small half of her body and the ground under her body being blasted to pieces, she also made a decisive decision and called back the own giant scorpion Divine Beast, making it heavy. The carapace was used as a barrier and stood in front of the owner.

The divine giant scorpion has all kinds of magical powers, but obviously, it does not have the ability to block this purely physical destructive power. The only thing better than Alexia is that its huge body can withstand a few more such heavy blows. And just relying on the little opportunity that was won in this way, Alexia responded in a hurry.

The first thing she did was to use divine force to enhance the resistance of the divine giant scorpion. As a divine creature created artificially, the divine giant scorpion, like Strange’s dragon, appeared through the divine force provided by Alexia. Therefore, it does not have the usual Death, and there is only one way to destroy it, and that is to make Alexia no longer provide it with the divine force that it depends on for existence.

That is to say, the frantic bombing from the electromagnetic railgun at this moment cannot destroy it for a while. It even said that because of Alexia’s strong support, it can burst out more tenacious life force.

Of course, this is only a stopgap method after all. Alexia would not be naive to think that resisting in such a negative way would give oneself a chance to fight back. After all, this opportunity still depends on she herself. So, just thinking about in a flash, she has already fixed her gaze on the source of the attack.

From the attack on space orbit, this is also a hard-to-reach area for her. God has all kinds of incredible powers, but it doesn’t mean that she can reach out of the planet casually. If you really say it seriously, although the God trapped in the planet and the gods that cross the universe are both gods, they still have to say whether they are the same species.

Although Alexia’s power is strong at this moment, it is not at all qualified to break this level of boundaries. So by the same token, it is impossible to counterattack the battleship far beyond the planet with the divine force she has at the moment.

However, the failure of this path does not mean that she has no other way to deal with the Prometheus, which is far away from ten thousand li.

Don’t forget, she is still a mature scientist, a person who has almost reached Peak in biotechnology. If she can’t use own mysterious means to achieve the result that oneself wants, then who has stipulated that she can’t use own science to achieve the goal oneself wants to achieve?

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