Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2246

Deadly pale. Not only the colors, but even the descriptions, they all began to move towards that kind of haggard and even deadly direction. This absolutely abnormal situation made Frank feel shocked for an instant.

He doesn’t even know what happened. In this situation, he can only hold oneself mother’s hand firmly, and ask her anxiously.

“Mother, what’s wrong with you, why is your face so ugly? Is there anything uncomfortable with you?”

Although I asked such a thing, Frank said Know that this is an unlikely thing. After all, Maria is a person who has eaten Golden Core. Although Dragon-Tiger Golden Core does not have the ability to make her live and undying, it is enough to shape her body and give her the ability to invade all diseases. .

The diseases that ordinary people are troubled by are basically impossible to affect her, and such changes can only be said that her body has a major problem.

Frank’s heart is worried, it is difficult for Maria to know. She didn’t know the difference between oneself and ordinary people at all, let alone have any intuitive understanding of the sudden change in oneself.

“I feel a little uncomfortable, maybe it’s a flu reaction. Don’t worry about me, baby, I will be fine with some medicine.” Seeing Maria said this, the nostril The blood was already dripping unconsciously, and Frank was already sure in his heart that this was no longer a problem that was deliberately ignored.

He waved his hand to open the Teleportation Portal, pulled Maria and walked inside. In the face of this situation, Maria showed exceptional resistance.

“Frank, what are you going to do? Where do I take me?”

“Mother, you are sick. You must be treated! I will take you to the hospital. !”

Frank gave a brief explanation, and he couldn’t help but pulled her into the Teleportation Portal. And he didn’t care how much the direct appearance of oneself would affect those ordinary persons. He already yelled at the doctors and nurses who were dumbfounded.

“Doctor, I need help! My mother needs treatment!”

Almost regardless of the doctor’s astonishment, he directly dragged one of them to the oneself mother. And before the doctor could say some procedural words, Maria seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and she coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Blood spray splashed on the doctor’s body, which made the doctor who has been working in the emergency department all the time raise his eyebrows. He wasn’t saying there was any response to this. After all, he was an emergency doctor. He had encountered the situation where the blood hit the ceiling as soon as the operation was performed. Naturally, he would not be surprised by such a small scene.

He was surprised by this situation. It was so serious that it started to spit blood at the meeting, but it was only then that I was sent to the hospital. I really don’t know what the family thought.

Of course, he just muttered in his heart. After all, the way the opponent played was really exaggerated, almost showing the identity of oneself superpower user. With the special status of the superpower user in society today, he doesn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble to oneself because of his temporary mouth addiction.

And when he planned to make a diagnosis as soon as possible, and extract oneself from the trouble. The discomfort from within the body already made him cough violently.

“cough cough cough…”

It’s a totally unstoppable impulse, even the feeling of coughing up the lungs. The doctor knelt down on the ground uncontrollably, and convulsed his body involuntarily as if his colleagues were dead.

He is indeed dying. Because he didn’t twitch a few times, he was completely silent.

The gurgling blood flow was like a dirty liquid, flowing out of his facial orifices, and quickly gathered on the ground into a large pool. And such a scene, of course, will make people feel terrible. After witnessing all this with their own eyes, many people couldn’t help but screamed and rushed in panic.

They are totally subconsciously wanting to escape, even if they don’t even know what oneself is escaping at this moment. And before these people escaped in the true sense, they already had reactions similar to those of the previous doctors.

Cough, weakness, struggle and then Death.

The process was very fast, and Frank almost couldn’t make any response quickly. He could only watch the ordinary persons all around, like wheat being cut down, falling down in front of the owner one after the other, watching Death play on them one after another, but he didn’t know what to do.

This is beyond the scope of what he can deal with, and he doesn’t even know what it is because of it?

Why? I looked at the dead people in this place, and then looked at the weaker mother beside oneself. There was already an obvious answer in Frank’s fast-moving mind, and it slowly surfaced.

These people died because of oneself mother’s illness. The patients appearing on the oneself mother have the same transmission efficiency as a potent virus, and it is precisely because of this efficiency that these ordinary persons without oneself mother physique can only be one in such a short time. die after another.

The answer was reasonable, but it made Frank unwilling to believe it in his heart.

What he doesn’t want to believe is that own mother is the cause of all this. What he doesn’t want to believe is why he is an own mother.

Obviously what happened to her is tragic enough, why, fate is just unwilling to let her go, must treat her so unfairly, must torture her like this?

Who is it? There was futile resentment in his heart, and he was crazy and desperate to find a culprit. And almost without thinking, a name has already emerged.

Alexia, besides her, it is impossible to have any other candidates with such means. However, Alexia is really dead, and disappeared in front of the owner as fly ash. Nothing can be done about this!

Frank didn’t believe that she could fool owner’s eyes at that time. Even if oneself ability is superficial, Yang Jian who Strange also took action later is not someone who is easy to deal with. Their take action should have forced Alexia to a dead end. Under such circumstances, she shouldn’t have any chance of surviving.

She is dead! This alone is certain. And now that she is dead, what method did she use to infect her own mother?

My brain carefully recalled every detail of the time. After repeated inspections, Frank got an answer that made him unimaginable.

The answer is that Alexia infected his mother through he himself. And he himself is the most terrifying source of virus transmission.

At this moment, when I think about it, Alexia’s cruel words when he is dying are not aimless. She must have done and so on. And it is very possible that she mustered the last wave of surplus energy to release the terrifying virus she cultivated within the body in a dying way. As the only bystander at the scene was also a contact, he was naturally inevitable and became the carrier of this virus.

This is the situation most likely to be her counterattack. As long as he thinks of this possibility, and thinks that oneself brought this terrifying disease to oneself mother, Frank’s heart suddenly feels like immersed in the ice, and there is an unstoppable tremor.

He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose his mother after losing his father. What he couldn’t even imagine was that if all this was caused by his mistakes, what would it be like.

He will feel guilty and crazy for this, and even hate own like he hates Smith Zhou. If all of this has really changed into reality, then he would retaliate against Smith Zhou even if he gambled on everything, wishing to eat his flesh, he would probably destroy himself without the slightest hesitation. .

This is not impossible. In fact, as a very special life, Frank’s understanding of himself is actually very weak. More of his feelings and needs are maintained by oneself parents.

It can be said that as a life born in this world due to the desire of his parents, Tony and Maria waited for all of his life. This is also why he would take revenge for Tony at all costs, because from that moment on, the world he knew had collapsed in half. And he didn’t want to see the other half of the world also collapse.

Saving Maria so that she would not die of such a disease became his only idea at the moment. As for how to prevent such terrifying things from happening, the only way he can think of at the moment is the hospital.

Yes, the highest hospitals in the United States, those research centers built on the basis of the Peak Medical School, may be his biggest hope right now.

Because of the antagonistic relationship between United States and Europe in the past, the medical system not at all in the United States has been impacted by Nanoguards like Europe. And this also makes Frank able to count on now.

He didn’t dare to use the Nano Guard to treat Maria. Because he is very aware of the drawbacks. The curse virus that Alexia developed against Nanoguards is still unsolvable. Although he is eager to save his own mother, it does not mean that he will be willing to take the risk of turning her into a twisted monster. .

He hopes that his own mother can be safe and return to the original state. Therefore, such conservative treatment is his first choice.

He has made a decision, so immediately he squeezed Maria’s palm firmly. Although his hands trembled unconsciously, his heart couldn’t calm down for a while. But he still suppressed his own voice forcibly and said to his own mother.

“Don’t worry, mother. Everything will be fine, I will find a way to cure you!”

“Frank? What happened to these people?”


Beyond the comfortable and safe environment, I have to bear the pain again. Maria’s consciousness has begun to be confused, and she has a desire to relapse.

Everything in front of her made her feel scared, but the confusion that came from consciousness made her feel confused. She couldn’t accept it, and it was difficult to understand. So immediately she opened her mouth to Frank.

“Is this asleep? But this is the hospital, why do they sleep in the hospital?”

“Leave them alone, mother, let’s go. We have more now Important things to do!”

Frank pulled his own mother forcibly, and he didn’t want to answer such a question. As he showed in his words, he doesn’t care about the life and death of these ordinary persons, he only cares about the own mother now!

The life and death of others has nothing to do with him. As long as he can save his own mother, even if ten thousand and ten thousand people fall in front of the owner like this, he will not be half-eyed. Bearable.

Of course, he will not deliberately harm those ordinary persons. These things can only be regarded as unintentional mistakes. He also caused such a tragedy without knowing the situation. Now that he knew the source of all this, he was impossible to take precautions. So at the same time when the Teleportation Portal was opened, he had already given an order to Jarvis to make preparations in advance.

Unknown terrifying infectious disease. Any place in this world is a fearful existence, and stays far away. Fortunately, Frank gave the money in place, and United States is indeed a country where money is omnipotent. So when he took Maria into the Mayo Clinic in a special way, the Ranked 1st hospital in the world, immediately, fully armed medical staff took over.

Compared with Frank, who is healthy right now, Maria is undoubtedly a manifestation of severe illness. So the medical staff first took over Maria, and then said to him while simply disinfecting Frank.

“Mr. Stark, maybe you should cooperate with us now. You should understand that the harm of this disease is not something you can face. Please trust us, we are the most professional , We can help you deal with all your immediate problems.”

Frank’s identity is not a secret to these savvy doctors. Not talking about the previous channels, just talking about Frank’s face is impressive.

Even though Frank may not be welcomed by the United States Government and quite a lot of Americans at the moment, this can’t change the fact that he is a rich man.

And it’s not just money…Stark’s wealth, Stark’s technology. This is enough for the Mayo doctor to ignore the existence of those politicians and serve Frank with all his heart.

Faced with the hospitality of these doctors, Frank just grabbed the doctor’s hand through the isolation gown and said to him word by word.

“Don’t worry about me, save my mother first. As long as you can save her, I can give you whatever you want. I swear in the name of Stark!”

That What if it can’t be saved? The doctor swallowed in his heart, and it was inevitable that he was a little bit slanderous. You know, doctors, but never dare to make any package ticket. Although they were once the best medical group in this world, they can fight almost all diseases. However, this does not mean that their success rate is 100%.

No one can do it. This is the limit of modern medicine. It is also the reason why medicine has been defeated by trans-age technology like Nanoguard. Even if the doctor didn’t want to admit this in his heart, he still had to say that it was impossible.

But he dare not say. Because Frank’s eyes made him feel terrified. He never thought that oneself would one day be afraid of the gaze of a few years old child. But today, he met. Faced with this particular situation, he hesitated for a while before nodding vigorously.

“We will do everything we can, Mr. Stark.”

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