Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2259

Coulson’s tone is earnest, but it’s hard to impress Jarvis.

Different from his peers, if Ultron is the kind of bottom line and principle that takes the overall interests of mankind as oneself, then Jarvis, he has only one bottom line and principle, and that is the interest of the entire family of Stark. .

Jarvis was originally the name of the steward who watched Tony grow up from a young age, and named the intelligent system Jarvis after his name, which also reflects the idea that Tony created him.

until now, Jarvis has performed his own duties well. Even after he had his own life and consciousness, he did so. To some extent, he believes that oneself can continue to serve the Stark family, from Tony to Frank, and then to Frank’s son and descendants. Like a real elder, he hopes and even desires to see the Stark family continue under his guardianship from generation to generation.

However, his wish never seemed to come true. Whether it’s Tony or Frank now, there are always too many setbacks and hardships on them. Although it is not because of him, he will feel that this is because oneself has not fulfilled its obligations.

He blames himself very much, and because of this self-blame, he wants to maintain the Stark family even more. As Coulson is now mentioning, things that may threaten Frank are naturally impossible in his consideration.

“I refuse, Mr. Coulson. The innocent person in your mouth has nothing to do with me. The meaning of my existence has always been to serve the Stark family. The interests of the Stark family are above all for me, so , You want to impress me with those insignificant people and make me infringe on the interests of my master. This is fundamentally impossible.”

This is the truth, and this is what makes Coulson aware of oneself thinking. Misunderstandings that appeared on It was only then that he really realized that Jarvis was different from the roles he had faced in the past. The people he faced in the past, even though they were in different classes, had different identities. But in general, they are still members of the human race, and they have enough personal experience of the human subject.

But Jarvis is different, he is not a human, but a real alien. The joys and sorrows of mankind have nothing to do with him, and he doesn’t even care about where the destiny of mankind will go. For him, there is only one Stark family that is the only bond between him and humans, and if this is removed, then humans also have any value to him?

There is no such thing. Realizing this, Coulson would inevitably shout inwardly to make a mistake. But he would not give up so easily. If it doesn’t make sense in the main sense, then you can only start from other aspects. No matter what method he uses, he wants to get Frank’s position from Jarvis.

He opened his mind, and soon, he found the direction of breakthrough that oneself thought.

“So, what if it’s not for these ordinary persons, but just for Tony?”

“I don’t understand what you mean, Mr. Coulson.”

Maybe oneself felt wrong, but Coulson clearly felt a little bit of chill from Jarvis’ answer. He didn’t think this would be an illusion of own. If an agent didn’t even have such a sharpness, he would have been able to arrange for someone to collect his body long ago.

And if not, then you can only say that his words have clearly angered Jarvis, and made this intelligent steward, who has maintained a gentle state for a long time, truly sulked.

It is hard to imagine that this will be a real thing, because if it is true, then it can only be said that Jarvis’ intelligence is beyond his imagination. This is almost unbelievable, but considering the existence of Ultron, this seems nothing strange.

After all, intelligent life has already intervened in the category of life, and as life, it is natural to have own emotions. It can only be said that their thinking is too limited, and they have always regarded these intelligent beings as the existence of the past, and this itself is wrong, but now it seems extraordinarily stupid that’s all.

Coulson didn’t intend to provoke Jarvis at this point, it was not his appeal. It’s just that he must start from this point, so even if he knows that oneself may have found the wrong topic, he still continues to dialectically speak for oneself.

“Sorry, I know I may have brought up some sad things. But what you can’t deny is that if Tony were still alive, he would never want this to happen! Don’t forget, he’s for this country How much effort has been devoted! And if this country collapses in this way, do you think his spirit in the sky will feel better?”

“This is just a career!”

Jarvis is emphasizing that he remains unmoved. And Coulson still insists, and he also has an own reason.

“This is a career worthy of dedication, and he did that, isn’t it? All of us have worked for this common goal, and that’s why Yes, I understand better what kind of choice he will make at this time. Jarvis, you can’t deny this, you have to admit that if he is here, he will choose this way!”

“This choice, how to choose? For those who are not important, do you harm your own family?”

Jarvis sneered. This time, he clearly stated his own attitude.

“Forgive me to speak bluntly, Mr. Coulson. If you really think so, then you don’t know my master too much.”

“He is indeed For this country, for the cause of what you call a lot. But this does not mean that he will put these things above his family. He will never hurt his own family, even if The other end of the scale is the weight of the entire world, and he will not do it.”

“So, if you really intend to convince me under the banner of the master, then I can only tell you, You have the wrong idea!”

“I not at all intend to hurt Frank, I just want to talk to him. He is the center of this epidemic and the most critical person. I think To get the key information of this epidemic, you can only start with him. I swear that I will not do anything that may harm him. If you don’t believe me, I can cooperate with you and act according to your requirements. !”

Coulson tried his best to fight, but the way he fights is obviously hard to impress Jarvis’ hard-hearted. His attitude remained the same, and he refused very simply.

“Let’s give up this idea, Mr. Coulson. It’s useless. You won’t get any help from Master Frank. The virus, its source is the head of Hydra-Alexia. Because After killing her, Master Frank was cursed when she was dying. No one realized this at the time, and Mrs. Maria suffered misfortune because of this. And when the virus spread through various opportunities After that, it almost cannot be blocked and eliminated.”

“The fate of this country is doomed, and you have lost the best time to deal with it. So, instead of wasting time to disturb Master Frank , It’s better to think about how you can save your fire. On this issue, the time left for you is running out!”

“Wait, wait, you just said What?”

Although he was not happy to hear such an answer, Coulson still keenly got some important information from Jarvis’ reply. This made him feel as if oneself had grasped the clue, and because of this, he immediately asked.

“You said Alexia, the head of Hydra? This virus comes from her? But if so, we should be able to…”

“No, You don’t have this ability.”

Jarvis knows what Coulson’s thinking is at the moment. It is nothing more than obtaining information about Alexia’s research to reverse the antidote to this virus. Normally, as long as it is a man-made virus, this method can be used to reverse crack it. But unfortunately, Alexia’s works are not in this category.

Jarvis has analyzed this, so he has a full say. And to dispel Coulson’s unrealistic idea, he also immediately explained it.

“You don’t understand what kind of existence Alexia is. She is no longer a human being, but a god in the true sense. From this perspective, her work is beyond It’s within the scope that you can recognize.”

“It’s not an ordinary pathology, but a lot of mysterious elements are mixed in it. This element makes the virus’s internal It is full of magic, and this kind of magic makes it absorb power from human negative emotions at all times to promote its own evolution.”

” The natural evolution of ordinary viruses that can be completed for hundreds or even thousands of years can be completed within a few days. With this alone, it can become a difficulty that all virologists in this world cannot overcome in their lifetimes. The entire history of human diseases Nightmare.”

“You are simply unable to solve such a problem. Even if you have worked hard to get the relevant information from Hydra, your ability is not enough to deal with it. So, give up Well, Mr. Coulson. This is your destiny, and the ending you chose for oneself!”

This answer is not without malice, after all, for Jarvis, what happened to this country and the people, simply Not worthy of sympathy.

What they did was enough to break anyone’s heart, especially for people like Stark.

Stark gave everything, and several times lost his life. And what did he get, insignificant compliment, admiration? Then there is more anger, slander, cursing and resentment. Stupid people only care about the insignificant price they have lost in front of them. They don’t care about Stark’s sacrifice and everything that this sacrifice has won for them.

It can be said that they trampled on Stark’s life-long hard work, and at the same time, they completely cut off their own future. Such people are not worth it. For this reason, when he saw that destiny was pushed by an invisible big hand, bringing these people to such an end, there was only joy and revenge in his heart.

Destiny will please people in this way, even if it is the special existence of Jarvis. It’s just that some people will be gratified because of this fate, but some others will only feel pain because of this fate.

Coulson didn’t expect oneself to get such an answer. And the suffering and pain that this answer brought to him was no more relaxed than a knife from his heart.

He thought about whether this was true, but considering Jarvis’ status, he didn’t think he would make such a bad joke at this time. And if this is true, it is really too desperate and frightening.

Judging from his hard work in virology these days, he is very clear that viruses, like all living things in this world, have an evolutionary process.

For example, flu, the earliest flu has already been suppressed by medicine, but after the flu virus itself comes into contact with this medicine, it also begins to adapt to the environment like a biological organism. The change of medicine. This has led to the emergence of influenza A and H1N1.

Of course, this evolution has a process and it takes time. So although it is difficult to foresee this situation, humans can always find an antidote through research and accumulate a certain technological reserve to smoothly tide over various difficulties based on this kind.

It’s different now. If the truth is as Jarvis said, then no matter what kind of technology you have, it is unfounded. Because it is very likely that you have just worked out the antidote for this generation, and the virus has already evolved to the next generation, and even the next generation. And this gap is enough to wipe out all your efforts.

So, is this really their end? Maybe he had expected it, but when he heard that everything seemed irretrievable, Coulson was still desperate as if he had fallen into an icy abyss.

He obviously wants to work hard. It’s like the firewood in the dark night, even if it shows that it is impossible to illuminate the whole night, I hope that with the strength of oneself, it will bring even a glimmer of light. For this, he is willing to give everything, even if he is really burned out like fuelwood. However, the reality is so cruel, fate almost mocks him brightly, telling him that you can’t even do it!

This kind of life is really a failure.

The despair in Coulson’s heart is already irrelevant. And facing him suddenly showed a deadly expression. Jarvis gave such an excuse after a brief silence.

“However, it’s not really that there is no way. One person may be able to help you. And he may be the only person willing to help you!”

“Who?” Like a drowning man grabbing the straw by the shore, Coulson behaved so desperately. And he didn’t mean to sell it, Jarvis quickly gave his answer.

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