Sun God Marvel

Chapter 226

(Uh, this book is finally on the shelves. January 1st, it’s a good day. Congratulations, congratulations!)

“Mr. Banner!” Coulson didn’t expect Bruce’s reaction to be so sensitive, he persuaded quickly. “We are an organization whose purpose is to maintain peace, so I can assure you that weapon manufacturing is definitely not our priority.”

“You are an honest person. Mr. Coulson!” Bruce’s face was calm. , Calmly and resolutely. “But you don’t even believe that you will not develop Hulk’s power into a weapon. You should have seen his destructive power, think about it, if this power is really developed into a weapon, what will the world be like? “

“That’s just an idea, Mr. Banner. We have a very complete monitoring system.”

“I’m sorry, all the so-called perfect things in my eyes There are loopholes. Similarly, things from the government are absolutely unbelievable. From the day I was hunted and wanted, I have had a very deep experience.”

Bruce .Banner behaved Oil and salt do not enter, which makes Coulson very difficult to do.

If it wasn’t for the existence of Zhou Yi, plus Jennifer here, he really wanted to use a special method to get Bruce directly. But he also knew in his heart that this was just a ridiculous delusion, and Bruce seemed not threatening now. But once he transforms into Hulk again, it is estimated that adding a dozen oneself is not enough for others to punch.

He can only try his best to convince him by all means.

“Then Mr. Banner, how are you going to be responsible for the mistakes made by the owner? With your current status. It is possible that you will be impossible to repay so much debt in your life!”

This was brought up by him at first to let Bruce question the own question. And now he raises this question again, hoping that he can choose to compromise because of this guilt.

As long as he is willing to compromise, things can be resolved. This is the true thought in Coulson’s heart.

However, in the eyes of Coulson’s expectation, Bruce still shook the head firmly.

“I will be responsible for everything Hulk does. But I won’t join you. Sorry, I can’t risk the world being destroyed by Hulk, even if it’s just not possible! I think Ways to control the Hulk, and then try my entire life to help others.”

“I don’t know if I can redeem my mistakes by doing this, but it’s far more effective than joining you. Let me feel at ease. I’m sorry, Agent Coulson, I don’t think there is anything we can say between us.”

Bruce unilaterally ended the conversation and decided against him. Coulson has no way. Bruce Banner is not an ordinary person after all, he is equivalent to a monster called Hulk. even more how, there is a more terrifying guy standing behind this guy.

He didn’t do any more entanglement, because he knew that entanglement was meaningless at this time. So he can only say that.

“Well then, Mr. Banner. If this is your wish. In addition, if you change your mind, you can contact me at any time through this method!” As he said, he wrote a sheet Oneself handed over the small note from the phone. Bruce accepted the note and stuffed it into his own jacket pocket.

“I don’t think there will be such a day. In addition, thank you for your clothes. I will find a way to return the money for the clothes.”

” If I give it to you, I think it’s a gift!” Coulson laughed. The so-called business is not righteous. He hasn’t gotten to the point where he can’t agree to talk and just turn his face.

Although a black suit is not a valuable thing, it is exactly what Bruce, who has just returned from Hulk, needs. He accepted Coulson’s kindness and turned his head to Zhou Yi.

“I beg you for the rest. Dawn Knight!”

“Leave it to me!” Zhou Yi nodded after watching for a long time. “Mr. Banner, also this Betty Young Lady. Well, Jennifer Young Lady will also act with you?”

“If we can, we hope to stay together.” Betty, she knew that if oneself didn’t say a word at this time, Bruce would most likely be thrown here and run away by himself, so she expressed her own will before Bruce spoke.

Last time, she had been separated from Bruce for five years. If this happens again, she really cannot be sure whether oneself will go crazy.

“I see!” Although it was a little difficult, Zhou Yi accepted Betty’s opinion. Just like he appeared here, almost no one noticed any abnormal situation, he had disappeared in place, and also Bruce and his party disappeared with him.

This discovery made Coulson feel disappointed. It is certain that his mission was a complete failure. And when he returned to SHIELD, he was definitely greeted by various investigations and cross-examinations. This will be very troublesome.

“Sir, we found this!” An agent suddenly wanted Coulson to report that he brought Coulson in front of a huge refrigerated box. Through the glass on the box, Coulson could clearly see Stuff inside.

A huge green arm that has been cut off. There is no doubt that it comes from a giant who has disappeared from this World. And seeing the arm that had been kept by SHIELD, Coulson finally had a smile on his face.

“Well, maybe the situation is not so bad!”

The chaos on Broadway in New York has finally come to an end. All the guys who participated in the battle All have left the scene. Only SHIELD, who is still doing the finishing work. For this battle between Superhero and monster, many people don’t understand what it is for, and even those who know the truth are somewhat unfathomable mystery.

Because this battle can be said that no one has profited. Whether it was the military or hiding behind, SHIELD, who had given the military a fatal blow, did not get what they wanted.

The core Hulk of this incident seemed to disappear from the face of the earth, completely disappearing from everyone’s sight. And the only person who knows where Hulk is, is impossible to be persecuted by them and tell any secrets about Hulk. Therefore, whether it is the military or SHIELD, there is a feeling of knocking out the teeth and swallowing in the stomach.

They not only have to pay for all the losses caused by this battle, but they also have to face very harsh public opinion. SHIELD is a little better, no one knows their existence. But the military was completely sweeping the ground with dignity.

Almost all public opinion is condemning their incompetence. Even part of the information about the Super Soldier project was posted online by some interested people. In connection with the Resident Evil that broke out in the former Raccoon City, the New Yorkers who have been hurt this time have almost reached the point where they will not give up.

The military is making monsters! This kind of remarks formed a posture of hiding the sky and covering the earth almost instantly, and became the second blockbuster news after the heroic war in New York. This kind of information spread on the Internet in a very short time. Not only American people, even Europe and Asia have begun to denounce this crazy behavior.

A wave of public opinion hiding the sky and covering the earth surged over, and the military immediately became the target of public criticism, and there was no way to parry it. Members of Congress have proposed to thoroughly investigate this crazy plan and clean it up within the military.

In the past, those who dared to do this were either mad or foolish, but now, almost most of the congressmen have remained silent. The situation is serious enough that no one dares to stand up and speak for the military. This has also led to this proposal becoming an upcoming bill as quickly as possible.

The huge military forces will usher in a wave of heavy losses, which many people do not want to see. But it is also what many people like to see. He caused a lot of people to suffer huge losses, and at the same time, he also allowed many people to see opportunities. The Congress and government departments are not monolithic, and there are almost everywhere intrigues.

These have nothing to do with Zhou Yi.

His relationship with the military has long been above that of former customers and sellers. Now, apart from the tax bureau, only the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) is the only department that has the closest relationship between United States and him. Compared with the group of jerk-eaters from the Department of Defense, the FDA’s people are gentle like rabbits.

Sent away the magical giant family, Zhou Yi returned to his own home very quietly.

He is standing in the study, his black armor is constantly changing and shrinking. But there are always problems of one kind or another in flashes of ionization. Dawn Armor cannot complete own compression, which is definitely bad news. “Medusa, is there any problem detected?” After repeated experiments a few times, it still looks like this is not good. Zhou Yi can only start to turn to own intelligent steward.

“The inspection has been completed, and the damage is more than 70%, and the core deformation device is damaged. It is recommended that you wait for the repair to be completed before recycling, sir!”

“You Are you cracking a joke with me? I don’t want children to see me like this.” Zhou Yi said, reaching out and holding the armor on oneself’s other arm. Then only a faint sound was heard, and he had forcibly removed the nano armor on it.

“Sometimes I really want to use Adamantium metal to create a layer of armor. It is estimated that only that can serve as a real armor for me.”

“You know sir , This is something impossible to accomplish. Adamantium’s non-reorganization can’t meet your requirements for the dawn model at all!”

“I’m just nothing serious, Medusa. You should cultivate your own sense of humor!”

“Like Jarvis?” Medusa asked suddenly.

And upon hearing this, Zhou Yi’s face appeared astonished. “Well, this sentence is really humorous.” As he said, he forcibly removed the helmet from oneself’s head. Although Nanominium still wanted to regroup forcibly, when facing Zhou Yi’s extraordinary power, their reorganization became completely impossible.

He took off the helmet, and this time. He also saw a man standing outside the study.

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