Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2264

“hmph hmph…hmph hmph hmph hmph…”

Under the European Organization for Nuclear Research, patrolling soldiers humming a small song and began to do a routine Walk around within the own patrol area.

He is in a good mood, of course for a good reason. The first is that his family and friends are still alive. This alone is better than the countless colleagues of bad luck. Not to mention that he now has a leisurely and safe job, and he can still make a lot of oil and water for oneself every day, which naturally makes him even more happy.

As usual, he hastily patrolled the oneself thought as a foolproof passage, then raised his spirit, and walked towards the core organization of the entire underground. The center of the quantum collider is where Ultron is imprisoned.

As a dilemma with special constraints as a prison, it is difficult for the European government to say what substantive changes have been made to Ultron’s prison. Many people have thought about moving Ultron to a place they think is safer, while using more sophisticated means to coerce him into submission. But the experts do not agree with their delusion.

Psychologists believe that this is the result of a rare psychological offensive and defensive battle. And if this result is changed without authorization, it is likely to make Ultron aware of the problem. Whether the collider has been activated, or whether it can be activated, is something that the European government oneself knows well. They want to maintain the current situation while controlling the budget, so it is best not to act blindly. without thinking.

In addition, scientists also suggest that it is best not to make too many unrealistic delusions about Ultron. The opponent’s body is sturdy, which has exceeded the limit that modern technology can explore. In this case, you can’t even destroy the opponent’s body, let alone force him to submit? Moreover, forcing an intelligent life to submit is a false proposition in itself. Whether the damage suffered by the opponent’s mechanical body can affect the core of its essential system is a question that they have been unable to discuss until now. Based on such problems, they still suggest that people on the government side should not play tricks.

Everyone knows that this is a cage maintained by a scam. And if because of your to act blindly without thinking, Ultron, a tiger in a cage, breaks out, and then wants to catch him, it’s not a simple matter to think about it. Therefore, for the present plan, the best way is to stand still and continue to maintain such a scam. And if you want to make this scam look more real, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to put on a confident posture.

This is also the key to the patrol officer being able to sneak into this room at the moment, even though he is an insider. But how many ghosts there are in these years is a question that no one can guess. Without the acquiescence or indulgence of his superiors, he wanted to slip to Ultron’s position, it was a pipe dream. I’m afraid it wasn’t just as soon as the front foot stepped in, the back foot was beaten into a sieve by the guard.

And now, he can talk and laugh with the guard, and even separate two cigarettes from time to time. This is enough to show that it is not the first time that he wandered like this.

“Hey, Buddy, I’m here to see you again. This is the book you want…seriously, printing out these Chinese novels, it really took me a lot of work. .”

“But you also got enough rewards, don’t you?”

Ultron, who is sitting cross-legged like a cultivator, puts down his hand The book responded to the guard in a calm tone. And such a reply is obviously not what the patrol officer wants to see.

“I admit, Buddy. I earned a little insignificant honorarium here, and this is the main reason why I am willing to do this for you. But you also need to know that I am responsible The risks and the benefits that I have brought you by doing this. I did this on the principle of sympathizing with you, not for money, ok?”

“Really? That’s really thank you , I thought you were asking me to increase your reward?”

Ultron’s answer was calm, but the patrolman immediately changed his face. He said that many was not for this sentence of thanks, so it was also immediately, he cleared his throat and coughed.

“cough cough, in fact, I also want to tell you that the remuneration negotiated between us seems to need to be considered.”

“I think I You have been paid enough, sir. It’s just a matter of printing a few sheets of paper. Do you still want to rely on this simple job to achieve the dream of a oneself millionaire?”

This is not unexpected to Ultron, his understanding of human nature has already been very deep. The greed of the human heart cannot be satisfied, so if it is not necessary, he does not intend to get used to these greedy guys and let them suck the flesh and blood from the owner. Even if he said, he didn’t care about this kind of loss, even one hair from nine oxen.

This is a kind of rejection. Unfortunately, since they dare to make such a request, the patrolman will naturally not give up easily. So he said.

“Naturally, I don’t daydream like that. But you should also know that the current generation is not as stable as before. The euro has depreciated so badly, and the reward you provide is so short The time has shrunk by more than a little. So, from the point of view of what you get, I should ask you to increase your pay. Of course, you can also choose to refuse. But if that’s the case, I can also ass It should be by rights’ strike, isn’t it?”

This is a legitimate reason, Ultron has to admit. At the same time, he had already foreseen similar situations.

With the current level of turbulence in Europe, it is impossible to expect the economy to remain strong. Not to mention, they also personally destroyed the New Era and Ultron’s large enterprises that are the backbone of the country’s economy.

The people’s livelihood and economy can barely survive under this situation. In addition to the control of the governments of various countries, it also benefits from a series of strategies he formulated before being locked up here. If it is not that he has formulated a strategy in advance to maintain the stability of the entire European market by controlling a huge amount of capital, then now the entire Europe is afraid that the people are no longer alive, and the euro has fallen to the point that even people would think of it as a wiper. That’s it.

Now it is just a depreciation, it can only be said to be lucky. Of course, some people may not think so, such as this patrolman. He clearly felt that the currency devaluation had obviously harmed his personal interests, and he also began to vigorously want to remedy his own losses.

Making money from this special prisoner, Ultron, is a business that they have long been accustomed to. Not just him, many people are doing similar things. As long as it does not affect the safety of the entire base, most of the people above will turn one eye and close one eye. After all, everyone knows in their hearts that nowadays the world is in recession, and basically everyone has a family to support. To prevent others from making money to make a living, they will have to be poked and shot in the back.

Ultron can also be regarded as a loophole in this person’s normality. So when the other party’s request was still within the range he could tolerate, he couldn’t help asking.

“How much do you plan to add?”

“Have half of it, or simply replace it with the equivalent RMB. I would prefer the latter. After all, if it is the latter, Next time something similar happens, I won’t ask for a similar request again. I still want to talk about honesty, but before honesty, I need life that’s all.”

shrugged, patrol The staff showed a look of helplessness. As for the information revealed in his words, Ultron was unavoidably puzzled.

“50%? This rate is a bit abnormal. Has the European government disregarded people’s livelihood? If the EU currency is allowed to fall like this, it will eventually affect everyone in the entire EU. People’s interests! They shouldn’t be doing nothing.”

“Perhaps they did something.”

For the efforts of their own government, this patrol belonging to the military The member is curl one’s lip, showing a disapproving look. Obviously, he does not agree with the actions of his government, or even disagrees with it.

“They cut government expenditures, lowered bank interest rates, and even promised to increase employment, but this is of no use. As long as the group of lunatics continues to riot, no one dares to be normal in this situation Work. Not to mention also those monsters and giants who jump out from time to time to fight and make the entire world Heaven and Earth turning upside down!”

“What happened again?”


The so-called lunatic riots, Ultron can of course guess that it is the riots against his people, which is within his expectation. But to talk about the battle between monsters and giants, this is really beyond his expectation. He realized that this would not be a simple question, so he asked immediately.

“What exactly do you mean by the battle between giants and monsters?”

“I just saw it from the news. A tall giant seems to be called Strange’s doctor changed. He had a fight with a woman, and then directly destroyed a small part of Paris. The ghost knew how many people died because of these guys and how much damage it caused. But it is certain that that It must be a very terrifying number.”

Smacking his lips, the patrolman’s expression is somewhat strange. It is neither sympathy for similar encounters, nor human pity. He was more like a joke, as if he had suffered a lot of habituation afterwards, even a kind of indifference and numbness. And this is reflected in words, he even was in the mood to make a joke with Ultron.

“It’s so miserable. I heard that the most dead people are a group of guys who gather there to march in riots. They did not die in the plague that is related to you, but died here. Such a disaster from the sky. If I were them, I would probably regret it. I knew that this kind of thing would happen, why bother to oneself. But unfortunately, they are afraid that they would not regret it. Chance!”

He was probably laughing at the stupidity of those people. But this sneer made Ultron feel extraordinarily surprised. He felt that oneself knew enough about humans, but in many cases, the human species still surprised him.

“Why do you feel ridiculous? Sir. You know, these people are your kind, even your compatriots. Even if they are based on the most essential human empathy and compassion , You should also be sympathetic and mourning for their experience. Why do you take this as a joke? Is this really worthy of your laugh?”

“Why do I Can’t it be ridiculous?” The patrolman felt unfathomable mystery for a while. He didn’t get angry, but put the bound book in his hand in front of Ultron. Later, he made such a justification for own behavior.

“I am a French Algerian, a green believer. The people in your mouth are neither of the same kind, nor can they be called compatriots. Even if we all have a human being as the premise , But the premise is too broad.”

“It’s as if it’s hard for us to have compassion for people in the Middle East. If it’s not because we don’t treat them as the same kind, how could we Will war against them day after day? And the distance of a trifling in the Mediterranean can divide us into such two parts, not to mention the distance between smart people like me and those stupid idiots in terms of self-knowledge. “

“No matter how surprised and strange you are, it is difficult for me to regard those stupid guys as my kind. I neither know them nor understand their thoughts. In that case, Why should I sympathize with their experience, because their stupidity gave them this terrifying result? Stop it, Buddy, shouldn’t this be an attractive spectacle thing for all normal people?”

Speaking in an indifferent manner, the patrolman waved his hand and walked away humming a little song to make Ultron silent.

He never felt that the idea of ​​owning would be a problem, and this is precisely what Ultron thinks is the biggest problem.

If human beings can’t even accept each other, then how can we talk about accepting an alien like them? If not, how can he create the future that oneself wants?

He couldn’t help but fell into thought again.

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