Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2277

Such a firm vow is naturally not nothing serious. As for how oneself could save his own wife and children, Tony already had a plan in mind.

The power of Infinity Gem itself means the possibility of Infinity, and with this power, he can naturally find a solution to the problem. This is what he thinks from the very beginning. It’s just now that he is firmer in this idea that’s all.

Holding Frank’s body, Tony stepped out with the power of Space Stone and appeared directly on the spaceship of Star Lord and the others. Afterwards, he stretched out his hand a little bit, and created a coffin in the cabin of the spaceship with the power of distorting reality.

Seriously put the corpse of oneself’s son in it, Tony turned his head to Star Lord and the others who were a little fidgeting nodded. Suddenly, if I had signaled, I would leave my own son to you to take care of, and he would once again disappear in front of these people.

Facing the obvious hot potato in front of him, Star Lord expression stiffly looked at oneself companion, and then asked Gamora and Nebula, who seemed the most reliable among them.

“What do you mean by him? Let me find a good place to bury his son?”

“You can try. See if he can You buried him by his son’s side as a companion!”

Xingyun teased him without any kind of politeness. And this seemed to involve the Rockets’ nerves, and the guy with a little nerves complained in a low voice.

“It’s not that he wants us to change this ship into a funeral parlour. If that’s the case, I think we can find a way to change the ship, it’s impossible to live!”

“Don’t shake your little clever, Rocket. That guy’s meaning is obvious, is to let us take care of his son’s corpse. It’s best if there is no less hair, otherwise, I’m afraid we Everyone can’t eat it!”

“We better not offend that guy. He pinched us to death like a little chicken. Drax didn’t want to be pinched to death like this. .”

Whether it is the smartest or the most foolish. The entire Guardians of the Galaxy’s attitude towards Tony is consistent, that is, they dare not do anything to provoke this guy, and even say that they will only keep quiet out of fear in front of him.

This is actually a very strange thing. Because perhaps they are not worth mentioning at all in power. But regardless of their origins or their temperaments, they are a group of guys fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. This can be seen from the fact that they dared to be the enemy of the universe emperor Thanos. It’s not a person with extraordinary courage, but he can’t do this.

They would have this kind of fear of Tony, it can only be said that Tony is already terrifying existence in their hearts than Thanos. This seems unrealistic, but if someone has similar energy to them and has witnessed what Tony did to get the Infinity Gem, it would not be difficult to understand.

In the vast universe, Tony’s wicked name is beginning to spread at this moment. The Cree call it Eternity’s natural enemy, and the Skuru call him the Destroyer. Countless people regard him as Bushwacker, nightmare, and even Death’s incarnation in the world. The reason why he has such a statement is entirely because of the terrifying killing he made.

The ruler of the Cree, billions of lives, was Oblivion by his hand. The Skuru’s core galaxy, dozens of directly subordinate planets, under the power of his Infinity Gem, didn’t even make a sound, it was already turned into nothingness.

blood flowing into a river, bones become mountains. This is the best interpretation of his behavior. And if it’s just like this, then the Star Lord group might not necessarily be afraid of it. After all, they can be regarded as one of the accomplices, which is different from Tony’s crazy and willful actions that the outsiders did. They also knew that most of the killings that Tony made were forced. Until as a last resort, he would not be willing to create such a shocking incident.

In it, they will see better than others. And the reason why they are so afraid of Tony in this situation is more because of Tony’s changes they have seen with their own eyes.

Infinity Gem acts on Tony’s body, and the changes that have taken place in him are all these people little by little see. They clearly saw Tony’s body disintegrate and saw him create a pure energy shell for oneself. They watched Tony go from daily tossing and turning, sleepless at night, to like a statue, only knowing to look into the direction of the distant hometown of endless deep space.

They can perceive that the human part of Tony is continuously losing, and realize that he is changing from a human to an inhuman existence. This is the source of their panic, because no one is sure that after he completely wiped out the feelings that belonged to people, those who followed him and were barely regarded as companions had no value to him. .

The identity of the companion is still different. At the very least, he will not ignore their existence because of his strength. But if Tony loses his humanity and becomes those who are completely devoid of humanity and feelings, they can’t be sure that the identity of oneself as a companion is so different from the dust that can be seen everywhere.

It can be said that since Tony became like that, they have been in fear all day. And in this kind of environment that was panicking all day long, they had already developed a habit of Tony.

Be cautious, careful, and afraid of being careless. All in all, this is the situation, and now facing Tony’s entrustment, they have also taken 120,000 points of caution and directly lifted the spaceship into the sky.

The people who have dealt with the United States Government can see those people very clearly. The left and right are just the disgusting nasty looks, and they can’t come up with any new ideas. Such people abound in the universe, and they have come into contact with many. According to their experience, it is better not to deal with such people. Although it is not clear what is going on between Stark and the United States Government, it can be seen from the curses he murmured at the government from time to time in the midnight dream.

No one knows whether Tony will target the current government, and they do not know whether the current United States Government will target Tony. In short, there is nothing wrong with being careful. They dare not bet their own life on the morals of the United States Government.

“Maybe we should find a safe place to squat…I mean the kind of remote, non-who, and basically unobtrusive place.”

I also realized that keeping the spaceship in the air is not a smart choice. This is not space after all. The gravity of Earth will aggravate a little energy loss. In addition, United States is not without the ability to detect high altitudes, so after thinking about it, Star Lord came up with a plan.

“I know a place, it’s a small town. If we sneak into it, I don’t think who can find the problem!”

At first glance, it seems that this is indeed Is a good idea. But everyone really knows Star Lord too well, they don’t think this guy will have a moment when his head is flashed. There will be such a thought, it can only be said that he is beating own Xiao Jiujiu in his stomach. And at this time, they are not willing to take unnecessary risks.

When the punch hit the Star Lord’s stomach, Gamora used this violent method to force him to stop. And it seems that oneself needs to be famous as a teacher, so she immediately taught Star Lord this way.

“Quil, you idiot. Don’t mess with us at this time! We don’t want to take your life into your stupidity!”

Quil is a big deal It is an exclusive sandbag, the kind that is used to being beaten. So even if he was hit hard, he still rubbed his belly face doesn’t change, and said sincerely.

“Hey, Buddy, I’m not cracking a joke. I’m serious. Instead of putting oneself here so blatantly, it’s better to get into the crowd. I admit, I do It’s a little selfish, because the place I want to go is my hometown. But, is this not at all contradictory? A remote town, an unobtrusive place, isn’t it just right? “

“Quail, I remember that you were taken into the universe by Yondu when you were very young. Do you also remember the owner? Or simply, do you know where the owner is?”

Although I have to admit, Quill does have some truth in what he said. But in line with his consistent skepticism about his life, the Rockets couldn’t help but spur.

“This question is really interesting. Do you remember that before you were locked in the cage, which direction was the own hole moved towards?”

It’s just a quarrel, who you are talking about? It will not be the same. Quill shook his eyes, and he was already turning his lips up and down in response.

Of course, he also knows that the past of being caged and sent to a prison similar to a research institute is an unbearable pain for Rockets. So just to mention it briefly, he immediately changed the subject.

“Don’t worry, although I don’t know where my original home is, it’s still being passed away. But believe me, my hometown is the hospitable Colorado, even if someone doesn’t want to welcome us. With this handsome face of mine, with the gun in my hand, they will give me this fellow villager a little bit of face.”

Rely on the Old Zhang face of the Star Lord, afraid that they will be Sell ​​it to the circus. But in terms of the face of the gun, this does not make them doubt at all. Military force is always an effective passport. Even if it is placed in the universe, it is a truth known to all ages.

But this should not be the real reason for Star Lord. His unprofitable character, impossible, said that because he had no memory of his hometown, he would trouble oneself at this time. We are all partners who live together, and we can naturally understand the character of each other. So watching these people staring at oneself without blinking, the Star Lord could only raise his hand and surrendered.

“Okay, okay. I admit, I did have some other ideas. As you know, my mother passed away before I left Earth. I have almost never returned for so many years. I saw her once. Now it seems like an opportunity. Taking advantage of this juncture when we hide this Little Brat, I can go see my mother and introduce him to Gamora…”

“Introduce me? Why?”

“This is our custom on Earth. When the child comes home, he will introduce his girlfriend to his parents…well, my father is indeed a bastard .But my mother is very nice, I hope she can see you…”

It seems that for fear that Gamora will not agree, Star Lord immediately explained a little awkwardly. And listening to his explanation, Gamora did not respond, but the Rockets pouted and muttered.

“What the hell? Isn’t your mother dead? How can you take Gamora to see her? Oh, I see. You want to take her to suicide! It’s very simple, I Can help, although I don’t think Gamora will agree, I’m still happy to give you a shot.”

“Shut up, Rockets, we are talking about business!”

In Star Lord’s heart, this almost meant a marriage proposal in disguise, and he certainly couldn’t let anyone mess with him casually. And it seemed that he could also see his mind, Gamora pulled green’s face with a change of color, and the whole person began to become stiff and dull.

“Do you mean…you want to dance with me? In front of your mother’s grave?”

This statement really makes the Star Lord somewhat responsive, but He also knew that this was just an unintentional loss by Gamora. After all, she doesn’t understand human customs that much, and sometimes the two of them do mean to intersect by dancing, so she regards this as the customs of Earth, which seems to be fine.

“Yes, I mean it, that’s what you think…”

Star Lord’s face is full of affection, and he is about to Devote one’s life to means. And Gamora pulls a bit of not knowing what to do, apparently it was knocked into the atrium by the little deer that looked like a wild boar, the Star Lord.

There is a bit of ambiguity between the two of them, and now they suddenly came out like this, and immediately felt a bit of piercing the screen paper. Unfortunately, there will always be someone who will jump out at this time and have a big wave .

“Oh…sorry, I smell a sour smell, maybe the thing I ate yesterday has expired…”

Rocket wiped his mouth The stains, waved for the two Star Lord to continue. And being so mixed up by him, the two of them must not be able to continue cheeky.

“If you don’t have any comments, then go to my hometown. Colorado is not a particularly advanced place, but it has a unique style. Especially the town where I live, the forest, The ranch still has a lot of flavor.”

“Look, the front is my hometown, I hope it doesn’t change much… shit, where is my house? How did my house become such a ghost? Is it?”

Star Lord could only turn his head, manipulated the spaceship and lowered the clouds. He thought that when the spaceship descended, he would see the beautiful rural scenery. But what stood before him were broken walls, corpses and ruins everywhere.

The plants stimulated by Ultron almost covered everything in his memory in a wild posture, and when he tried to find any scenery in the past, all he got was a worry Reply.

This obviously stimulated him, so that it made him scream immediately.

“My God, what the hell happened to this? How did everything…become like this?”

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question, they only I can become more and more uncertain about the scene in front of me.

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