Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2280

Tony and Smith Zhou chased and fled, and soon entered the orbit of Venus. Seeing Smith Zhou standing still abruptly, Tony didn’t hesitate at all. He raised his fist and turned into a long rainbow thread and shot at him.

He has realized that it is a bit difficult for oneself to deal with Smith Zhou in that energy shock by simply relying on the power of manipulating gems. In terms of the efficiency of energy use and the ingenuity of the methods, he is inferior to Smith Zhouduo, and this also makes oneself play very powerful, the other party may only use one or two points of strength to easily collapse.

This is based on the shortcomings of one’s own shortcomings and the strengths of the enemy, which is undesirable in any way. So after a little consideration, he chose the most original method of attack. Use your fist to recover everything from the owner.

Although he has lost his body at this moment, only a pure energy body remains. But this does not mean that he cannot launch an offensive through physical means. The Reality Stone is enough to make up for these shortcomings, and the Power Stone’s Infinity increase can bring the power of this physical attack to the extreme.

In terms of pure physical power, he is also the apex of this universe. Even the giants of the universe as huge as the stars are impossible more powerful than him. So this fist is hateful, and formidable power is definitely not to be underestimated. In the face of such a punch, Smith Zhou also showed divine light in his eyes, and he also greeted him with a punch.

The two fists touched together silently, and in the next moment, it seemed that something was blown by their fists. The infinite light and heat almost detonated a ten million tons equivalent. The nuclear bomb was normal, and it shot out directly from their fists.

Suddenly there was a burst of daylight in the vast space of the universe. Then it was Tony and Smith Zhou who were knocked out, even if they couldn’t stop them.

Smith Zhou was better, but he barely stopped the castration after taking off for hundreds of kilometers. But Tony couldn’t do it. His body is not at all, and it is simply difficult to restrain him. He can only hit the surface of Venus with the same momentum as the stream of light. Then immediately there was a turbulence on the surface of Venus, and the huge amount of impact instantly blasted the entire Venus into a pit that was almost sinking into one third. And Tony was in it, like a bullet coming out of his chest, shot through the back of Venus.

Such a blow directly caused a huge and irreparable trauma to Venus. Almost visible by naked eye, the entire planet is undergoing drastic changes and collapse, and it is only a step away from destruction. This is a small scene for Tony and the others. Not to mention thousands of years, Smith Zhou, who has witnessed not many cosmic anecdotes, has already led many similar things just by Tony oneself.

It’s just a death star, not worth much attention. So after being blocked by such a resistance and easing his castration, Tony was directly a sudden thrust, and once again came to kill Smith Zhou.

Since it has been proved that physical attacks are effective, Tony will naturally not give up on a good path, but instead wants to make another way out. After all, there is not much time left for him, so as long as he can achieve his own goal, he doesn’t care what method oneself uses.

He is a bit stalker, but Smith Zhou is not afraid to put him right in this way. Seeing him hitting oneself again, Smith Zhou first blocked his fist with his left hand, allowing his power to vent into the endless deep space behind him, and then raised his hand to a palm, following along. His chin directly knocked him out again.

Thousands of years, if you don’t live on a dog, then your skill level will never be worse. Not to mention the invincibility of the world, at the very least, a rookie like Tony who only knows some boxing skills at best is impossible as his opponent.

He was knocked into the air time and time again, but this did not deplete his toughness. The power given to him by the Infinity Gem is infinite. It can be said that as long as he reaches a certain limit, he is impossible to fall due to exhaustion. With the support of Infinity Gem, he was naturally impossible to be defeated.

So time and time again, although it was in vain, it was enough to be like a tarsus maggot, making Smith Zhou annoying.

He impossible to keep Tony procrastinating endlessly. So after flying him once again to the Venus that has been all split up and in pieces, he directly displayed the Divine Ability of Reversing Yin and Yang, moving the stars for battle. The Venus, which had been all split up and in pieces, was put together again, as if it were a huge seal, and Tony was banned from it.

Tony is naturally unwilling to be sealed in this way, but after all, it is a planet only a little smaller than Earth, and the weight of the entire Venus is not a joke. If there is no restriction from Smith Zhou, then perhaps with his power at the moment, he can shoot directly from the inside of Venus like mulch. But with the traction of Smith Zhou Magical Powers, the weight of this planet has already been integrated. Unless it is said that he can carry the weight of this entire planet and break free from the constraints of Smith Zhou Divine Ability, otherwise, he really can easily break this barrier.

It finally stopped for a while. Staring on top of the Star Core, Tony is bound by layers of chains made of heavy rocks. Smith Zhou used his force to reintegrate the broken crust of Venus, and he said to Tony regretfully.

“At this point, I have to admit, Tony Stark, you are indeed an outstanding person. As a human being, you can do this beyond my imagination. You are proud of this alone. Because even the gods and Buddhas all over the sky will not give me such a high look like you! To a certain extent, your and mine views coincide, that is, human beings. Only then are you qualified to be the master of everything in this world. You should have been with me. It’s just a pity…”

He was indeed a little bit emotional about the talent that Tony showed. . As a man of an era, Tony is undoubtedly the most devastating star. And if such a person can be used for him, then there is no doubt that he will become his right-hand man like Steve, thus contributing indelible achievements to the great cause of this new era of mankind.

However, it was a pity in the end. He chose to stand on the opposite side of own and brought too many twists and turns to the own plan.

With his talent, since he can provide such help to oneself, it can naturally cause the same huge loss to oneself. This was the case in the past. With his own ability forcibly, he forcibly created an opponent for Smith Zhou Duo, so that he had to be distracted and used more methods. But now that he already has such power, the negative impact he can cause will only be greater.

Smith Zhou is absolutely impossible to let him continue to exist. So at this moment, he was already killing Tony.

However, he can also see that Tony is not something he can kill if he wants to kill. Having this level of power is almost equivalent to undying. All the methods that may be used may fail in front of the Infinity Gem with Infinity power. In that case, another way, to completely ban him in a planet, may become his only choice.

It’s definitely unrealistic if you don’t want to ban him forever. But as long as this period of time can be delayed until his big plan is completed, then what happens in the future is not a problem he needs to worry about.

Tony is also aware of this problem, so he is struggling. Of course, this is still useless, if Smith Zhou can still be able to struggle out in this way under his nose, it may not be too slapped in the face. He stuck Tony’s limit with a superb vision, which made him unable to break free, and could only watch oneself sink into it. This is the ability displayed by Smith Zhou at this moment. In the face of such abilities, Tony is of course powerless. If he wants to break free, he must rely on external forces. But wanting to find an external force that can intervene on this level of battlefield is not a simple matter.

Fortunately, he is not completely unprepared. At this juncture when he was about to be banned, no matter how hard he struggled, it would not help. A bright golden light suddenly rushed from the depths of the universe, and then it didn’t stop at all, and it hit the Venus that had just closed.

Smith Zhou put all his heart on the confrontation with Tony, naturally there is no way to take into account the sudden appearance of golden light. And after this radiance penetrated Venus and dragged Tony out of Venus, all his plots against Tony would only end in failure.

Unexpectedly, Smith Zhou’s face immediately appeared astonished. And after this kind of astonishment, the anger sprang out immediately.

Where did the guy who didn’t have long eyes come from, dare to jump out and stroke his tiger’s whiskers at this time? With such a mood, he directly focused on the person who came. After seeing this woman with a rather resolute face and some kind of formidable strength fluctuations, he sneered after a little thought.

“Look at who this is? Isn’t this Ms. Carol Danvers? It’s funny, you don’t give them your life in the Skuru’s galaxy and run back to your poor and poor What does your hometown want to do? Could it be that your master finally feels disgusted with your dog who can only grin?”

I came to know Smith Zhou, who was almost the same age as him. Member of the Air Force. At the same time, he was also a lucky man who was lucky enough to gain strength during the espionage between the Cree and the Skuru.

This is how things are. The Skuru people don’t know where they got the news of Earth’s Infinity Gem. Specialized Sect dispatched capable and experts to sneak into Earth with their unique abilities, and successfully stolen it from the connection between Earth and Watt Alheim. Part of the power of the Power Stone.

They wanted to use this as an expansion to crack the mystery of the Infinity Gem, but they did not expect to alarm the Kerry people, let them send an elite force named Surprise Captain, and came to Earth from a thousand miles away. , Launched a hunt for the Skuru.

During this period, Carol was unfortunately involved. For unknown reasons, she sympathized with the Skuru who carried out this dangerous experiment on Earth without authorization. What’s more interesting was that she unexpectedly had a romantic relationship with the Cree’s surprise Captain.

This kind of special relationship makes her fall into it and cannot extricate herself. And because of an experimental accident, she also gained a huge power in this experiment related to Infinity Gem.

This kind of power was enough to make Smith Zhou look sideways at the time. He even had the idea to test this woman to see if she was interested in contributing to his great cause. From the perspective of her IQ, this should be a sure thing.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Captain, the leader of the elite team of the Cree people, was surprised that Captain was persuaded by Carol and chose to betray the own home star. And after the Kree killed the traitor, Carol turned into a Kree fighter, inherited the name of the so-called Captain of Surprise, became a spiritual Skuru, turned around and left. After returning to Earth, he devoted himself to the cause of helping the Skurus against the Crees.

This wave of operations almost blinded his eyes at the time. He hasn’t been able to understand until now, what is this woman named Carol thinking in her mind? For revenge for his love, he can understand. But because of this, she turned her back on her hometown and went all the way to the depths of the universe for the Skuru who she thought deserved sympathy, but actually did not deserve any sympathy. This is beyond the scope of logic.

He thought about it for a long time, but he could only give her an admiration of vanity. After seeing the prosperity of the universe, he would disdain Earth to disdain as beneath contempt. At the same time, after having a certain amount of power, he would not be oneself at all Think of it as a traitor label for the Earth people. And for such a traitor, you naturally can’t expect him to have a good tone.

This idea of ​​his may be somewhat wronged, but one thing that is not wrong is that this woman with the name of Captain Surprised by the Cree is indeed a bit uncomfortable in her mind.

She was willing to go back with the Skuru people at first because she felt that these Skuru people were too weak under the strength of the Cree, and they deserve her sympathy. And when I think of the huge universe, also so many Skuru people are oppressed by the Cree, this woman who has just died of her boyfriend is already burning the raging soul of human rights.

Can this universe be healed, and if it can’t, then I will heal it? With this in mind, she set foot on the universe and embarked on a long battle journey under the arrangement of the Skuru. Just like this day after day… And under this long battle and the passing of years, she was shocked after all, as if things weren’t the same thing?

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