Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2286

ordinary person cannot feel this kind of world change. Because they themselves are part of being changed. Just as the people sitting in the boat can’t feel the direction of the water, they can only passively move with the boat, but they won’t pay attention to whether the boat is flowing downstream or upstream.

The power of Infinity Gem acts on them, making their time and the past begin to reverse. Just like every other thing in this world. And where they were fundamentally imperceptible, their memories began to dissipate, their sacrifices began to be made up, and time began to stride backward, moving towards the direction ten years ago.

Ten years ago, this World was not such a wasteland as it is now. Ten years ago, the situation of this World was in their hands as a whole. Most of those disasters have not happened yet, and the aftermath of alien invasion has just subsided. Hydra can only hide in the dark, and it has no way to make waves like it is today and make the world tremble. At that time, they had enough power to deal with such a monster.

And ten years ago, Maria was flourishing and she had not even dealt with playboy Tony Stark. She was youthful and beautiful, and she was rich and beautiful, far from the fragile and sensitive appearance that she was later on, let alone the crazy and crazy appearance later on.

That was the best time in Maria’s life. And the one thing Tony regrets most is probably that he delayed and harmed Maria’s life.

If it were not for oneself, Maria would probably already have a happy family. She will have a husband who loves her, loves her, and spends a lot of time by her side, and there will be two or even three lovely children who will be by her side all the year round.

This kind of life is happy and full, stable and peaceful. It’s not like being next to own, and she needs to bear that many pains.

Those pains are not something she should bear, they are all brought to her by oneself, and this from the very beginning is a mistake.

Having witnessed the tragic death of oneself’s wife and children, Tony already had a knot in his heart. Even at this moment, he has lost almost all of his emotions, and the huge energy shock seems to have completely turned into a purpose-only tool. However, in his heart, he still remembered some of the most unforgettable things.

He remembers Maria and Frank. For him, what he regrets most, and what he must want to change is their fate.

For them, the worst thing that happened in this life should be getting involved with oneself. This in itself is something that cannot be changed, because the fact is the fact, and it is destined to be unchangeable once it has happened. But now that he has the power to change all of this, then he needs to change all of this.

He doesn’t want Maria to get involved with oneself anymore, so he needs to make changes to her before she knows oneself. Using the power of Reality Stone, he arranged for her an excellent fiance. He is as rich and humorous as him, and may occasionally be a bit poisonous, and even used to be a bastard with playboy problems. After I met her, he would only love her with one heart, and give all his thoughts to her.

He should be similar to oneself, but it is necessarily different. He doesn’t care about other things, any career, any ideals, which should be not worth mentioning to him. Only his wife and family are all in his life, and his life should revolve around these.

also Frank…this time is actually when he was just born. And being born in oneself’s family and becoming the own son was probably the biggest mistake he made.

This is a good child who is pure, respectful and intelligent. Like the children of his Stark family, he has always been so extraordinary. However, he had prematurely carried a lot of weight that he shouldn’t bear, and had taken too much pain that he shouldn’t have to bear.

If he were not born in such a family, he would probably have another life. He may grow up like an ordinary child, having a childhood full of fun and worthy of a lifetime. Then he emerged in his youth, showing extraordinary intelligence and wisdom.

Grow up in the future, with genius wisdom and powerful capital, enjoy the beauty of the world and the splendor of life. Rather than at this time, he frustrated his young life at this age because of the hatred and pain he should not bear.

Tony couldn’t bear to let Frank bear this kind of things that he shouldn’t have. However, he didn’t want to make him seem to have never been to this world, or even to have nothing to do with him and Maria.

He is oneself’s most beloved son, the crystallization of oneself and Maria’s life. He does not want to change such a fact. Therefore, he arranged such an identity for Frank.

That is that he is still Maria’s child, the result of her and a bastard named Tony Stark. It doesn’t matter who that bastard is, whether he is alive or dead. The important thing is that he will have a mother who loves him and a stepfather who is willing to tolerate his existence and treat him as his own.

This may cause some small flaws in his life, but no matter what, this is much better than the tragedies that have occurred. Tony believes that oneself is not a qualified father, but like every father in the world, he hopes that oneself child will always be good. In the past, he couldn’t give him this, but now that he has this ability, he would naturally spare no effort.

This is why he can push his time forward and push it to 20 years ago and 30 years ago. That America is the most prosperous and can make the entire world acknowledge allegiance, and he However, we have to choose ten years ago, when this America has begun to show signs of decline and is going downhill.

This is because his power is limited, even if it is the great power of Infinity Gem, it is impossible to reverse the time of an entire planet and the reality of hundreds of millions of creatures to that point. He has to make a choice, and this choice is that he needs to make a choice between the fate of Maria and Frank, and the fate of this country.

For him, this is no longer a difficult question. Because after actually tasting the taste of loss, after knowing the most precious thing in his heart most deeply, he has already measured the weight of the two in oneself’s heart.

He did that many for this country, and what kind of return did this country give him?

They covet the oneself family’s property, and even do not hesitate to murder their own son for profit! This makes his past sacrifices and sacrifices for his ideals become ridiculous. And the most ridiculous thing is that oneself can’t just watch the country die out, and still want to give him another chance.

Yes, give her another chance. This may be the last concession a man named Tony Stark can make.

After all, he can’t oppose the motherland that gave birth to him. Although he hates what they do, he can’t bear to let this country after such a man-made disaster. , Completely toward extinction.

This is the last time. It is the last time that a person named Tony Stark has made sacrifices and dedications for his motherland. When time is pushed back to this country and also to save room, the power to decide oneself’s destiny is returned to their hands again. Since then, no matter what kind of situation this country is heading towards, it has nothing to do with him anymore. Because from this moment on, the person named Tony Stark will no longer exist. This is the inevitable result of playing with time. Even with the great support of Time Stone, it is inevitable that he will pay the price for what the owner does.

The price is that he will inevitably disappear in the long river of time. Whether it is the past, the future, or the present, he will completely die of Oblivion because of Penalty who reverses time. All traces of his existence, all memories of him, will no longer exist. It’s as if he has never appeared before, except for a few people, everyone will completely forget who Tony Stark is and what he has done.

This is definitely a great irony, after you have paid a heavy price of unimaginable, endured great pain and torture, and desperately tried to save something. You suddenly discovered that no one knew all of this, and all the efforts you put in did not leave a trace of it. When everything is just like your dream, a ridiculous conjecture, you will know what kind of embarrassment and torment it is.

The most important thing is that you don’t even have any chance to speak and argue with others. Because under the Penalty of time, you no longer exist, just like a drop of water that has evaporated. Every drop of water flowing in this long river hua hua has no intersection with you. You can’t communicate, everything can only be remembered by you yourself. And if even you yourself are forgotten or perished, then all this really can only be like it has never happened.

This is sad. Ordinary people, no matter how enlightened, can hardly face such punishments calmly. But Tony was different. He was prepared for this, and even said that he saw it as some degree of relief.

Looking back on his life, apart from the abandon all restraint when he was young, all the sums up so far are just a failure.

He is determined to be a hero, a good president, to save his country. For this reason, he ignored his own wife and children, made his wife crazy, and caused his son to fall into endless hatred and pain because of him. The death of his wife and children has the most direct relationship with his original choice, and from this point of view, he is neither a qualified husband nor a qualified father.

The most ironic thing is that he has given everything for this country, and even once proudly thought that he had saved the country from peril. However, the final result told him that no one would be willing to remember and be grateful for his efforts, and the results of his believe oneself infallible were nothing but towers in the sky and reflections in the water. It was simply with no difficulty. It was overthrown and usurped by others.

Such a life simply fails. Especially when he witnessed the death of oneself’s wife and children, but he was powerless at all, the feeling of frustration made him fall into incomparable regret and guilt. For oneself, for Tony Stark this person, he is already extremely disgusted. So if he can make everything happen again and make certain things to choose again, he would rather oneself simply never existed.

If there is no own, maybe everything will be better. If oneself never showed up, maybe everyone can get happiness.

This is Tony’s most essential suspicion of oneself. And this kind of suspicion made him feel very calm about this fate, this kind of Penalty.

He can smile right. In fact, if you can really see Maria gaining happiness and seeing Frank grow up like an ordinary child, he will really be grateful and regard this as the greatest pity and gift of fate for his failed life. blessing.

Unfortunately, this probability is invisible.

Finally, I took a look at the world that has begun to return to the normal trajectory, running like a river flowing downstream. Gazed at his wife and children who had begun to regenerate under his arrangement. Tony let out a final sigh, and when he raised his head again, his heart had completely turned into a rock, and there was no more human emotion.

The Penalty of fate has arrived as expected, and Tony Stark no longer exists.

Now he is just a shell gathered by Infinity Gem energy, an empty life with only reason but no emotion. He is aloof and remote, just like God. And when he stared at his own right hand with doubts, and slowly clenched his fists. Infinity Gem’s huge power shrouded the world has already quietly converged.

Smith Zhou had no obstacles in front of him anymore, he immediately rushed to Tony’s front, while scanning this world that seemed to have never experienced any changes back and forth, simply couldn’t control oneself’s emotions. He already yelled at Tony in a low voice.

“What did you do? You ruined everything!”

Of course he has reason to be angry. When everything that he had painstakingly planned for thousands of years was destroyed in this way, he couldn’t be exaggerated even if he showed anger.

At this moment, he even has the heart to eat Tony. But he was also very sensitive, and he could tell the difference. At this moment Tony was completely different from just now.

Mind, soul, emotion. It seems that all the labels marked with Tony Stark have been removed from this body. He seemed to be a brand new life, a newly born god. There is only indifference in the eyes, for oneself, and for everything.

Of course, this is not the focus of Smith Zhou. What he cares about is how to restore all this back. He couldn’t accept Stark’s tampering with his great plan, he had to bring the world back to the course he had carefully arranged. In this regard, he needs some help. And seeing Stark’s body that seemed to be unconscious at the moment, his eyes were condensed, and he stretched out his hand straight to him.

“Hand over the Infinity Gem!”

It seems to have been stimulated in some way, more like it has touched an already arranged organization. Mind Stone flashed a gleam of Blink, and the shell that belonged to Stark also suddenly became operational.

He stared at Smith Zhou, who was flying at the speed of light, and he suddenly called for Abomination when he was in an ultra-dimensional view of time.

“For the last time, kill this bastard!”

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