Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2288

Allow time to set things right and return to the right track. This is a very detailed work.

Even if Smith Zhou has mastered a divine tool like Infinity Gem, he can only slowly adjust it. This is a bit like dredging a river, even if you know which direction the river should flow in, but when dredging it must be cautiously, step by step, to prevent accidental changes in the direction of the river.

And time is far more complicated than a river. If it has errors or omissions, it will only change the direction of the world. A reality that deviated from the world he painstakingly created was not the result he wanted to see. So he is almost exhausted, he is trying to ensure that every major event that has happened in the past has not changed.

Alien invasion, Thanos debut, Hydra chaos, Mutant, Apocalypse, Hell, Dormammu…everything that can affect Earth, he will come back one after another. Don’t ask one person to die more, nor ask one person to die less. This is also an attitude he holds at the moment.

Maybe some of them are biased towards him, and they were reused by him once. But at this time, he didn’t mean selfishness at all, but hard-hearted, and forcibly outlined them.

At this moment, nothing is more important than his lifelong ambition. So even if he only needs a single thought, he can change many past mistakes, and even make Alexia come back to him, but he still chose to follow the trend of time and let the world return to normal. .

This can be regarded as selfless in a sense. But such selflessness brings great pain to people.

Humans and animals are different. For animals in this world overwhelming majority, their life is muddleheaded, just wandering between survival and instinct. Time is just a measure of life and death on them, and there is no other meaning. But human beings are different. The complexity of human nature is destined, and their labeling of time scales is also much more complicated.

Every minute, every second, every moment. Human beings are marking the scale of time with own memories and emotions. For humans, time is not simply time, but a collection of long memories and emotions. On the normal time scale, this emotion and memory or manifestation is not so obvious. But once the time scale is shortened, this emotional and memory impact becomes dense and manic.

Human emotions can transcend time. Someone can love a person for a lifetime, and some can hate a person for several decades, hundreds of years. Violent emotions can span the dimensions of space and time and survive for a long time. Even if it is Death, if your emotions are intense enough to move Death, then even reincarnation, it cannot be eliminated.

This is probably the only human being able to surpass Strength of Time, and because of this transcendence, they experience extraordinary torture at this moment.

The pain of loss, the sorrow of passing. People always remember this kind of irreparable thing most. In these extremely turbulent ten years, countless people have experienced this sorrow personally, time and time again. There is nothing they can do about it, the only thing they can do is to allow a long time to heal their trauma. But the current situation is that this long time is just a false appearance. It is only a long time from the perspective of time, and from the perspective of transcending time, it is only the short moment when Smith Zhou plays with time.

This is equivalent to experiencing all the pain and sorrow accumulated over the past ten years in an instant. Even if they are intellectually aware that this is a ten-year gap, emotionally, they still have the illusion that this happened yesterday.

And this illusion is enough to make them feel more suffering. Especially some people who have endured too much pain and are not so strong-minded at this moment are even more mad.

It can be said that if human emotions can be expressed substantively, then the entire Earth now will be shrouded in a thick and indispensable cloud.

Smith. Zhou’s eyes could not hide this gloom. According to his insights, allowing this kind of emotion to spread, it is not surprising that even some terrifying evil spirits are born.

Of course, he doesn’t care about it. Because no matter what kind of monster bred out, there will only be clay chickens and pottery dogs in front of him. He will not stop owning because of this possibility, he will only implement the purpose of owning to the end. And even under his stubbornness, the world has returned to the way it was before.

Withered and dilapidated, people were alarmed. It is even said that almost everyone has a symptom similar to mania because of the indescribable timing chaos. They are restless, panic, and at a loss what to do. Facing this familiar and unfamiliar world, it is hard for them to grin and guard against attacks like a frightened wild beast.

For ordinary people, this probably makes them appear a little difficult to get along with. But for those huge forces, those national forces, this means a certain degree of undercurrents.

This World is messy at first. It is careful and cautious. To a certain degree of luck and hesitation, the entire world maintains a superficial peace. But now, Smith Zhou made such a move, which was tantamount to smashing a boulder on the calm water.

It started a huge uproar and made this World even more turbulent. After all, the top decision makers of the country are also people. If they can maintain basic sanity and restraint, it would be okay to say cautiously to maintain the current peace situation. But if even them lose their minds and are manipulated by a manic mentality, then it is impossible for the world to maintain the so-called peace.

This is very realistic, just like you cannot expect a country led by a madman to be good to others. When there is no reason and restraint can no longer be maintained, the friction and intrigue between national forces will inevitably show a growing trend.

Today, judging from the terrible conditions of various countries, playing this method at this time is tantamount to bringing about one’s own destruction. But they don’t care, as if a lunatic will never think that own behavior is crazy, they will always think that oneself is on the right path.

This is due to the arrogance in human nature, and arrogance always makes them drift away on the path of self-destruction.

Smith Zhou really understands this human nature too well. So when he saw the unexpected joy of own’s behavior, he immediately accepted it with pleasure, and also deliberately pushed it, making the situation more complicated.

This is not cheating. Because when time is back on the right track, the situation of this World has become clear again.

Under the general trend, no matter how struggling and contrived by those countries that are in decline, it is impossible to change the oneself situation. Their madness now is just pushing their own demise more and more. For Smith Zhou, who wants to destroy these inherent barriers and recast the world itself, this is really something that suits him no more.

Perhaps for mankind, today’s turmoil will cause slight losses. But with all the dust settled, with the final conclusion of all his plans. Everything will be in the past, and a new chapter of the entire human race and the world will be presented before him.

Everything, only the last step remains. The war from the world will determine the final victor. At this point, Steve shoulders the most important responsibility, and he is clearly aware of this at this moment.

As Smith Zhou’s most important partner, he is also a like-minded person in his great ambition. Steve is different from everyone else.

For Smith Zhou, he does not need other people in this world to gain insight into the so-called truth, he only needs human beings to move on according to his plan. But Steve is different. As a companion, he needs to understand the ups and downs and turbulence that their plan has gone through, and in order to promote this great ideal to the final step, what kind of effort and price they have put in. .

So even if the time was revised and the reality was corrected, Smith Zhou also used the Supreme power of oneself to let Steve witness and understand this in-between as a bystander. Everything that happened.

It seems to be a kind of irony. Almost everyone in this world doesn’t remember the existence of Tony Stark, whether it’s the civilians he once saved, the country he dedicated his life to, or his friends and relatives in the past. In their memories, Tony Stark could no longer be found.

It seems that this is a fictional character, or more sad than the fiction. That is, he has completely become a blank. No matter how much he did in the past, even if he once completely reversed it. At present, human beings know nothing about him.

The long river of time has eliminated him, and there is simply no place for him in human memory. This is a great sadness. The only good news is that, as an opponent, Steve remembered him in his own mind.

Stark is an opponent worthy of his respect. This is the highest evaluation given by him as a friend and an enemy again. He affirmed all the efforts Stark had made, and he also knew exactly what he did all for. Even if it was an opponent, he couldn’t deny what Stark did. He may be just, but this justice is only based on his personal position. As an old friend and old rivals, Steve knows more clearly in his heart that it is also more meaningful than this justice. What he is doing…

The consciousness is a bit trance, which is a symptom remaining after suffering the power of Infinity Gem. As a man-made Demi-God based on the steel sword and Avalon, the root of all Steve’s power comes from these two divine tools. And Avalon’s destruction undoubtedly shattered his foundation, and also allowed his life to completely move toward a direction where the end can be seen.

This is something that cannot be avoided. Because Avalon itself has an attribute that transcends time. And when Tony crushed this detachment with the power of Infinity Gem, it almost beat him back to his original shape. This level of damage can no longer be reversed by the retrospect of time and the modification of reality.

His deadline is approaching. It was also because of the proximity of Death, it made his heart calmer. At this moment, he is willing to admit Stark’s justice, and he is also able to judge what kind of blood is in oneself’s hands. This has never been something he needs to avoid or deny. It just means that at this moment, he can face these things more than ever, and more firmly insist on all these things that oneself insists on.

He killed people, countless people. The corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood were already on the path he had walked, and Stark was also watching him with regretful eyes. This made his heart palpitations, but this is by no means a reason for him to deny what oneself has done in the past.

On the contrary, if you repent at this time, you will deny what oneself has done. Then he was the real mistake, and he made everything he committed truly turned into an irreversible evil.

He can’t, and can’t stop owning at this time. Even if he is already time is limited and his life is about to end, he must finish the last section of the road. Because this is the only way to completely change the structure of the world and transform it into what they want. The evils of the past can be turned into nourishment and breed the most wonderful results they expected. Only in this way, those regrettable sacrifices are truly meaningful and valuable.

He must make these sacrifices worthwhile, because he doesn’t want to face the people he killed with a remorseful apology after Death. Although Death must be a sinking in some sense after Death, those who died because of him may wish to gnaw every bone on his body. But if he can, he would rather be able to face them with the most calm attitude, and then say, I don’t at all waste your sacrifices, even if this is not the answer they want.

What he needs is to give oneself a peace of mind, and this is the best reason. When he realized this, he immediately cheered up and appeared in front of his subordinates in a straight posture.

Maybe it has been hit hard. But these soldiers from Hydra and Anthropomorphism are not mobs that are defeated in one blow. Many of them see Steve as a prophet and God, able to ignore everything for his orders. This is ignorant, but it is also terrifying.

It’s like now, Steve took out the steel sword and pointed it straight to the east. As always, he is like a flawless Saint who is guiding the direction of these people.

“Go, this is the last battle. The world I promise you is right after this battle! So, don’t hesitate. Win or lose everything depends on your own efforts. That’s it!”

“Oh!” There was a bang, and countless people fell into madness because of his orders. As Steve said. This is the last battle. And what this battle will determine is the fate of all of them and even the entire human race!

The outcome may be doomed, but it is inevitable. No one can capture everything with no difficulty. Even if it is a destined victor, you must have experienced everything.

And this in itself is the final test.

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