Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2291

War, from the day it was born, was destined to be laid by blood and Death. This will not change because of the escalation of war, because no matter how the form of war changes, its core will always be a struggle between people. And when the war has escalated to a certain level, it is also inevitable that it will end with the complete defeat of one side.

There is no fluke in this, and neither party is allowed to have the so-called fluke. Especially for Hydra’s opponents at this moment. When faced with terrifying forces like Hydra and knowing all the evil methods they have used in the past, they will instinctively discard all the flukes and turn to almost cutting off one’s means of retreat to do their best. Can fight for victory in this war.

The reason is very simple, because this is no longer a problem that can be solved by cede land or pay compensation. The loser only has a dead end, or life is better than death. And if it is such a result, then life to death is probably the only choice they can make.

It can be said that when this point is understood, the entire battlefield has already developed unstoppably in the direction of the flesh-and-blood meat grinder. And witnessing this war that can be said to determine the future direction of mankind from the very beginning has evolved to such a point, Smith Zhou has finally put down a stone in his heart.

This is like cutting a dam, and then trying to stop the development of the situation is the same as stopping the flood, which is almost impossible. And just like what he said before, once the war enters such a state, then no matter who is the last laugh, it will be the result of his happy opinion.

The winner will become the true uncrowned king of this World. Because when the victors come out from the competition, in this world there will be no more power to check and balance them. Those small and weak countries, those countries that have been traumatized by turbulence and nuclear explosions, have no power to stop such a powerhouse. Therefore, as long as he wanted to, it would be a logical thing to include the entire world under his will.

The key is whether the winner has such an idea. As for this issue, Smith Zhou believes that there will be no controversy.

weak are prey to the strong, survival of the fittest, which itself is the law of natural competition, and in the game between nations, this is even more iron-like truth. He never believed that someone would be pedantic enough to give up such a good opportunity because of so-called morality and public opinion. If there were any, then such people would not be qualified to be the final winners of this entire big plan. They should have been eliminated by this natural selection rule.

Everything has been demarcated, just waiting for the final result to be announced. And just in the process of waiting, a spatial rift that suddenly tore had already appeared in front of Smith Zhou.

Zhou Yi’s complexion is cold, and there is a killing intent between the eyebrows that cannot be covered. Facing this moment, it seemed that the old god was there, as if he had not put everything in the heart, Smith Zhou, his eyes were fixed, and he was already asking in a low voice.

“Where is Tony others?”

“The time is just right. Unfortunately, you are a step late. Otherwise, maybe you can watch him for the last time!”

Smith. Zhou’s words are somewhat sorry. For Tony, he still has some respect. After all, not who can push him to such a point.

He who stands shoulder to shoulder above the gods as a mortal, even if he has already defeated such an opponent and completely wiped him out, he will not insult him plainly.

If possible, he even wanted to give Tony the treatment of a monument. Because of Tony’s existence, it can actually inspire the confidence of mankind, and make the human race, a race with infinite potential, burst out even greater miracles. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do this. Because a person who has been erased by time, all his merits do not exist. He will only exist in the memory of a few people, such as him, also Zhou Yi at this moment.

Zhou Yi’s heart at this moment is a bit annoyed, although he has rescued his family, but obviously, he is still a step slower.

How powerful Smith Zhou is, this is what only he knows best. And facing an opponent like Smith Zhou, no matter what kind of support Tony finds, it will only be a bode ill rather than well situation. Allowing him to take a face-to-face photo with Smith Zhou is in itself a kind of abandonment of him. In the slightest luck, Zhou Yi still made such a choice.

He hopes that Tony can hold on until oneself comes back. The facts have also proved that this is just an unrealistic delusion. It is not that simple to rescue people from an unopened new universe. And the time spent in the middle was enough for Smith Zhou to kill Tony thousands of times.

The news of Tony’s death did not surprise him, and it also made him feel more guilty. Failing to keep Frank and Maria before has given him a sense of shamelessness facing Tony. And now…

There are mixed feelings in my heart, even though the grievances between them are already a bit unclear, Tony definitely owes him more than he owes Tony, but As a former friend, one of the few people in this world who can make heart-to-heart with each other, he has never been able to care about that.

A friend is a friend, and a friend passes away because of the choice of own. This is also a blow to him.

It cannot be said to be regretful, because even if the same choice is made again, he might still make such a choice. After all, he is not Saint and cannot put others above his own family. But the self-blame and torture in the heart are unavoidable after all.

This is an evil fire, and this evil fire can only vent at the chief culprit, Smith Zhou. He couldn’t hold back his own feeling a little, and almost immediately moved his hand at Smith Zhou. In the face of Zhou Yi’s sudden attack, Smith Zhou just opened his hands and forcibly gave him a punch.

This is not so easy to resist. After all, it was Zhou Yi’s angry blow. Although considering that this is Earth, a world that is extremely fragile for them, he does not at all explode some real terrifying power, but only by physical power, he It can also tear the whole earth easily.

It was a man-made natural disaster, and he didn’t want to involve more innocent people. So it was from the bottom up. He punched Smith Zhou to fly in the air, directly opening the atmosphere and tearing apart the floating clouds of ten thousand li.

This blow also moved the battlefield to space. It’s just that although such an attack made Smith Zhou couldn’t bear to spit out a mouthful of old blood, it didn’t make him show a decent posture.

He spread his hands loose like that, and put on a completely defenseless appearance. He even said that watching Zhou Yi chasing oneself into the universe, he even pulled out a smile with blood on his teeth.

“Are you angry? I don’t think it is necessary. Tony Stark is just a passerby in your life after all. Your life is still very long, when you experience more and more things After getting to know more and more people, you will naturally understand that he or these people who will only leave a brief note or two in your life, no one can’t replace them.”

“So, what do you want to say? Tell me about your life experience and make me forget all the dirty things you have done, and then play a play of filial piety with me? Smith Zhou, you are not worthy. From After you have done something like that to my family, you no longer have the qualifications!”

Standing in the universe, it can be regarded as letting go. Zhou Yi has slowly begun to release the huge energy of oneself within the body. Endless brilliance and scorching flames rose from his body, like a brand new sun releasing light and heat, so dazzling that it is almost impossible for people to look directly at him.

Of course, that is only for ordinary characters. For a powerhouse like Smith Zhou, this is just a superficial effort. Whether in terms of strength or identity, he will not have too much fear of Zhou Yi. The reason for showing such a posture now is more because of his desirelessness in his heart.

His big plan has reached this step, unless Zhou Yi is forced to rewrite this situation in a way that he will destroy the entire human world situation, then even a Supreme god like him It is impossible to reverse the pattern he has painstakingly created at this moment.

I can’t say that he is helping Hydra hit the other side now, or just slap one by one. That will only make others snicker and appear helpless. And even if it is only because of the consideration of the lives of innocent people, he will not make such a move similar to anger.

Smith Zhou knows the son of own too well. The nice thing is that he has enough kindness. To put it in a bad way, he is ridiculous. It seems that he will never learn how to make a big thing without sticking to the trivial. It seems that this is not the first time that he is bound by those insignificant people.

Of course, if he can really let go of his hands and feet, then oneself may be the headache now. So in general, oneself should probably be fortunate that he has such a problem.

“I admit that perhaps for you or Alan, I am indeed not qualified to be called father or husband, and I am indeed not a qualified family member. However, compared to myself, I I would never think that what oneself did was wrong. You know what I did for, and now, everything I worked so hard on is about to come to an end, and the result is about to be born. And this is enough for me to let go of everything .”

“I don’t ask for forgiveness, my son. I just want to tell you what I have accumulated as a person. And what I promised you. When everything After the dust has settled, I leave you at your disposal this promise. I am not going to lie to you. At this moment, no matter what you plan to do or how to retaliate against me, I can accept it. This is what you should do. Got…”

Frankly. This is Smith Zhou’s attitude at the moment. He has got what oneself wants. No matter how much the remaining things develop, they are impossible beyond his expectations. Everything is already ordained. At this time, for him, his family, the word that he had never taken seriously was once again important.

He is not the kind of formidable person who is completely bloodless and tearless. It is not so much that he has no feelings and does not know what love is. Rather, he has a great love in his heart that almost no one can understand and burden.

He has never hated this World and this race of humans. Everything he did was for them in the final analysis. However, he chose the own way. One judged by his experience and wisdom, he believes that it is absolutely correct and it is absolutely unacceptable to most people.

He doesn’t need to understand this. Because a true wise man always understands a truth, that is, whether it is correct or not is never judged by others. If so, then as early as thousands of years ago, he was put on a high altar like many people, instead of holding on and waiting, until today he has completely subverted everything.

Almost ten thousand years. It is too long after all.

For thousands of years, he has learned to be indifferent. Life and death are already bearish. He doesn’t care about Death, whether it’s someone else’s or own. And for him who finally got his wish, there is no longer anything he needs to stick to and pursue now. It may also be a good ending to use an Eternity rest in exchange for a little bit of regret in oneself’s heart.

Tell Zhou Yi in a laissez-faire attitude that oneself is not as selfish as he thinks, it is not as selfish as he sees it, it is really blind to them, Don’t care. This is one of his choices at the moment.

In the face of his abrupt calmness, Zhou Yi suddenly developed a kind of weakness after squeezing his own fist.

Does he hate Smith Zhou? maybe. Although this man is oneself and father, he has never fulfilled his responsibilities. He even said that he has repeatedly used oneself and his own family to create the this World he wants by all means. This is an unforgivable move, because it is simply the greatest blasphemy against the term family.

But, if you want to say so, you must kill him. This is also a result that is really difficult to choose in his heart.

Anyway, he is the own father. In any case, he has that kind of relationship with oneself and own family. Father killing, the word is too heavy for him. And with the kind of pedantic temperament that Smith Zhou judged, at this time he naturally hesitated.

This was seen by Smith Zhou. He was somewhat relieved, but he also sighed unavoidably. Fortunately, oneself is not really hated by him. But what sighed was that he couldn’t become the kind of person oneself had expected.

This may be him. With such emotion, he even had a kind of relief Zhou Yi, so that he did not have to have so many scruples. And just when he was about to speak, a voice suddenly penetrated in.

“You are still so disappointing, Zhou Yi!”

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