Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2308

Perhaps the Heavenly God team leader still has a trace of regret in his heart. After all, for their special existence, it is really not a situation they would like to see if they are facing each other to their own compatriots.

But for Zhou Yi, he does not have this similar feeling.

A compatriot? Without a little knowledge of this aspect, even if you kill him, he will not be willing to treat these grotesquely shaped universes, which are similar to canned food, as their own compatriots. And since he would not have such a point of view, then naturally, he would not have that kind of sad thoughts.

So, even if he straightened the divine spear in his hand, he pointed the blade in the direction of the Heavenly God team leader. At the same time, he shouted loudly.

“Absurd reason! The order of the universe has nothing to do with me! If you want to find a reason, it is best to find someone more convincing. Like this kind of bullshit, but Fuck me! Get out, don’t stop me, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Maybe it seems a bit overestimate for a person to say this to thousands of people at the same time. One’s capabilities are even a little too ridiculous. But Zhou Yi said this seriously. He did not say that because the opponent is the famous Heavenly God group, there will be any fear in the owner’s heart.

He does not think that oneself will be weaker than the so-called Heavenly God group. So, how about being famous? If it’s annoying, he still wants to give them some color.

The reason why I still barely maintain a restraint. It’s just because he doesn’t want to make things so serious.

After all, it is also the Heavenly God group, which is enough to be called a powerful enemy. And casually setting up a powerful enemy for oneself is not the work of a wise man. He is fearless and good, but not stupid. So before the other party really reveals irreparable hostility, he is still willing to reach a settlement with the other party.

It depends on the attitude of the Heavenly God team. In the face of his temptation, many members of the Heavenly God group also took up weapons one after another, releasing the energy accumulated in oneself’s body, and this reaction showed their attitude.

“You don’t understand the meaning of oneself, Zhou Yi.”

Although it was the first hostile action. However, the Heavenly God team leader didn’t say at all that he would take the lead and challenge Zhou Yi first.

He also said very clearly before. Zhou Yi as their compatriot, a member of the universe Heavenly God. His birth undoubtedly broke the record of the entire Heavenly God group, and has become the most potential and strongest among them.

There is basically no moisture in these words. As the leader of the Heavenly God team, he is also the one with the most outstanding vision, experience, and strength. What he said basically defines Zhou Yi’s strength.

He must be the most powerful Heavenly God in the universe. Not only is he ashamed of being inferior, even among all the members of the Heavenly God group, it is impossible to find a role comparable to him.

And it is natural. Unless there is a problem with his brain, he is also impossible at this time to put a good number of advantages and not use it, to initiate a heads-up against Zhou Yi.

So, at this time when he was speaking, the Heavenly God group was already inside and out, and Zhou Yi was completely surrounded by up and down.

“If there is only one you in this universe, we would very much welcome young compatriots like you to join our organization. Because you have the potential and power to lead this universe to a more orderly , And a brighter direction. This is what we all expect to see. It is also the high hope we placed on you when we first learned about you.”

“However, the reality is But it is. There is another you in this universe, and his existence also allows us to discover another possibility in you.”

“A bad possibility. Once you move towards that direction, Transformation is likely to become the messenger of heat death, to completely collapse the order of the universe, and let the end of all things come directly. And that is definitely not what we allow. It is not what the order of this universe allows. So. , We must stop you! Stop you before you become that appearance!”

“That appearance?” When he heard another word like you from the Heavenly God group leader, Zhou Yi I have roughly guessed the reason for everything.

Everything was due to catastrophe, it was the bastard who caused him such trouble.

It was just that the power displayed by the catastrophe made them feel terrified, and then they thought of oneself, thinking that oneself would become like him, so they came to the door with such a high-sounding reason. In this regard, Zhou Yi’s heart is full of disdain.

“Shit! How ridiculous. Just because you think I am a threat to the universe? It’s really interesting. If this is true, then can I say that you have For the reason that hindered the development of the universe, are you now executed?”

“This is not a conclusion made by us.”

The leader of Heavenly God does not Pay attention to Zhou Yi’s argument for oneself in this eccentric tone. They just moved closer, and also explained to Zhou Yi.

“This is determined by the two supreme rulers of Eternity and Infinity. Eternity is the embodiment of time in this universe. In his eyes, the future will be clearer than anyone can see. If you even He thinks that if you will become a threat to the universe, then you will definitely become a threat to the universe. And this is our reason for targeting you.”

“surrender. Zhou Yi . For the existence and maintenance of this universe, you should learn to make such sacrifices. Don’t forget, it was the universe that gave birth to you, and the universe itself gave you everything. You were born because of it, and you naturally want to be born for it. Death. So, give up. Don’t do unnecessary struggles anymore.”

The reason why it is so consuming. Naturally, it is not that he would be so kind, must let Zhou Yi die clearly. Rather, he wanted to use this so-called righteousness to be a soldier without a fight.

He has known Zhou Yi and his past. A person who has been a hero, impossible does not know the meaning and value of sacrifice. And once he chooses to give up resistance and achieve the maintenance of the order of the universe by means of sacrifice, then it will be a happy result for all of them.

Of course, this premise is Zhou Yi’s willingness. And Zhou Yi would be willing to make sacrifices in this kind of thing? The answer is, of course, impossible.

What he will become is determined by he himself, not by others. In this regard, no matter who it is, even the Supreme God of a universe like Eternity is no exception.

Now, just because Eternity said, or suspected that oneself might become the second catastrophe. They just pressed oneself bitterly. This will not make him any conscious at all, but will only make him feel deep anger in his heart.

Why? Why do you choose to target oneself instead of targeting the catastrophe that has become a threat? Is it because oneself appears to be weaker than the catastrophe, so oneself is regarded as a squeezable role? Who do you look down on?

The fire in his eyes is blazing, Zhou Yi has no plans to do any tolerance. He already understood that unless he and the Heavenly God team in front of him fight to the death, otherwise, they will never give up the idea of ​​containing own.

The reason is simple, because the Heavenly God group is the eagle dog under Eternity. It was a dog he used to maintain the order of the entire universe.

This may have only been a rumor that he heard occasionally in the past, and it is impossible to determine whether it is true or not. But now, after they disclosed that they had some connection with Eternity, this kind of rumor has been settled down.

Because Eternity has requirements, they dare to challenge oneself. In other words, they should be fearless on this path to implement Eternity’s will.

Whether it is or not, Zhou Yi agrees that way anyway. And because of this, he laughed heartily, and he has no room for rejection.

“A senseless struggle? Don’t try, how do I know if this is senseless. Want me to be obediently surrender, okay, let me see the ability of your Heavenly God group first!”

The words are clear, it is difficult for the leader of Heavenly God to have the peace of mind before. His purpose of forcing Zhou Yi to bow his head has gone bankrupt, and this also made him realize that there must be a battle to completely eliminate Zhou Yi’s hidden danger.

After all, things are heading in the direction he least wants to see. And this also made him shouted “Stupid!”, he had already attacked Zhou Yi.

This is a signal. His offense is equivalent to giving orders to other universe Heavenly Gods. In almost an instant, countless lights and shadows, various energy attacks, and several skillful universe Heavenly Gods were already wielding oneself’s huge weapon and besieged Zhou Yi.

As for this, Zhou Yi haha ​​laughed, already roaring.

“Come, defeat me!”

The body of King Ming burst out with infinite radiance, as if a huge star suddenly turned into a supernova. The radiance, heat, and endless radiation impact, like a wave oscillating in the entire universe, are endless and endless, sweeping across them endlessly.

Many Heavenly Gods at this time have to avoid the edge. But Zhou Yi did not give them such a chance.

He stepped into his body and judged the divine spear like a sharp blade tearing the sky. Although several Heavenly Gods wielding weapons were trying their best to parry, their parry was simply futile in the face of the edge of the trial of divine spear and the infinite power possessed by Zhou Yi.

Almost like splitting the Phantom, they split their weapons and bodies. Zhou Yi stepped forward again and speared the divine spear as if throwing a stream of light. Projected toward those Heavenly Gods who were far away.

“Let me give in!”

How many Heavenly God’s bodies penetrated through the trial divine spear, he has no time to pay attention. Because at this time, he has already come to the front of the Heavenly God group leader.

Faced with the huge body of the leader of Heavenly God almost similar to oneself and his fists. Zhou Yi didn’t evade, let him smash his fist heavily on his face.

Even though this blow is indeed momentum is big, power is deep, almost all of his Ming Wang’s body is a little bleak. But such an attack did not make him stand back even half a step.

He just held up the fist of the Heavenly God team leader, and squeezed his neck straight up a little bit. Then, in the surprise and puzzled eyes of the Heavenly God group leader, he also slammed a punch back, and slammed it heavily on his cheek.

Heavenly God team leader does not have the power and will he has at the moment. Under Zhou Yi’s anger, this fist smashed his head almost instantly, causing most of his body to be like a broken sand sculpture.

Of course, this does not kill him. The Heavenly God team leader is not that vulnerable yet. However, within a short time, he must have lost the ability to resist.

And seeing that the Heavenly God team leader, who was just letting oneself surrender and letting oneself sever, became such a look under his own fist in a blink of an eye. While Zhou Yi was happy in his heart, he also roared more and more maniacly.

“Come on. Don’t you want me to surrender to you? Come and try!”

No one responded to him. The Heavenly Gods of the universe are still going forward, and they seem to simply don’t care whether they own life or death.

Of course, if they don’t even care about this kind of thing oneself, then Zhou Yi naturally has no reason to show mercy to them.

Fighting against many Heavenly God’s energy attacks, Zhou Yi recalled the trial divine spear as soon as he raised his hand. Then one stepped over the distance in space, and directly came to the most fierce offensive group of Heavenly God.

Waving the divine spear, he cut down a few Heavenly Gods with a bow left and right. Zhou Yi was a stinger, so he directly penetrated a tall Heavenly God with his gun, and held him tightly on the handle of the gun, and lifted him high.

The extremely hot flame spread from the divine spear, and it only lit this Heavenly God into a torch in an instant. The pain of only Da’s soul made him groan, and Zhou Yi was indifferent to this, but just watched, letting him burn to ashes.

The brutal killing is shocking. In a short period of time, he has killed and wounded hundreds of Heavenly God. And such casualties have reached half the size of the entire Heavenly God group, enough to shock all the remaining Heavenly God.

They imagined the power of Zhou Yi. After all, the scene where he and Thanos confronted in the starry sky was witnessed by many people. However, it is obvious that he is now stronger than he was then, so strong that they don’t have any confidence to compete with him at this moment.

Fear, this kind of emotion that has almost never appeared in them, is also inevitably spreading out at this moment. Some Heavenly Gods have started cowering, trying to stay away from Zhou Yi.

And when Zhou Yi glanced over and found that no Heavenly God dared to look at oneself or even initiate a battle. The depression in his heart rioted more and more.

“Come on, continue. If you can’t even defeat me, how can you make me surrender and let me sacrifice for you! Come on!”

This It will only make those terrified Heavenly Gods more fearful. However, it does not mean that all Heavenly Gods will be like this.

At this moment, the Heavenly God team leader who has recovered has once again stood in front of Zhou Yi. His eyes were serious, and his body began to tighten. Obviously, he has realized that Zhou Yi at this moment is simply a crazy beast, an existence that can tear them to pieces at any time.

But he is not afraid. Because he is dependent.

It’s like at this time, invisible power comes on the spot. In almost an instant, the Heavenly Gods who had just been killed by Zhou Yi were already restored one by one, as if dreams and visions in a bubble.

It’s like going back in time. Everything is back to where it started. But Zhou Yi knows very well that this is not a simple rewinding of time, but some kind of higher power at work.

For this, the Heavenly God team leader just gave an indifferent explanation.

“You can’t win, Zhou Yi. Accept your fate, time is on our side.”

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