Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2312

“Oh, do you mean it?”

It’s still that arrogant, completely remaining unmoved attitude. Hao catastrophe and Zhou Yi simply fell on deaf ears, and did not put the cruel words of the life court in their eyes.

For this, the court of life was of course so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, but he also knew that in this situation, letting go of ruthless words would not have any effect.

The existence of cunning, such as catastrophe, seems to have figured out his details. And unless he takes the initiative to let go of the restrictive framework of the arena, he really has no take action to deal with the catastrophe.

This is embarrassing. But this embarrassment is necessary. Because the life court is always an existence beyond all universes. It is not an exaggeration to say omnipotent. And such a transcendent identity, coupled with such a powerful force, naturally made all the universes become fragile like playthings in front of him.

Under such circumstances, if he does not have any ambitions and selfish desires, and just executes his functions impartially, then of course it is best. But just as anyone with self-awareness will inevitably have own thoughts and desires. No one can guarantee that there will be no deterioration in the life court.

Once he has deteriorated and possesses own selfishness and desire, then with the power and status he possesses, he can directly become the god who rules all the universe and the tyrant who rules all things. And that is definitely not a situation anyone would want to see. So instead of making him uncontrollable, it is better from the very beginning to delineate a limited scope for his Infinity power.

The court. It is the framework of the life court. He can only appear when someone with enough weight calls him, and his court can only be opened according to the requirements of the caller.

No matter what kind of power he possesses, he can only use it within this small frame. And this is the real reason why he can’t help but catastrophe them at this moment.

To deal with those stunned people, he only needs to show his own ability a little bit, and he can bluff them for a moment. Only obediently and honestly, he will take over according to the court procedures set by him. Trial. However, when encountering a witty guy like Havoc, his this method obviously won’t work.

The other party no longer suspects that you are shaking him, but boldly verifying and testing, and confirming that you are shaking him. If you didn’t hammer you to death on the spot, it was because oneself was trapped, and for the time being, it was in love with you that you couldn’t help it. Count on him to be at your mercy and follow the established procedures obediently and honestly. That is simply daydreaming.

The headache of life court is here. In the end, he couldn’t just withdraw the court and then tear it off himself. Let’s not say that doing so violated the rules, and the last thing he could not violate was the rules. After simply withdrawing the court and returning the power that had plagued them, whether oneself can completely overcome them is an uncertain question.

The court of life is not that big yet, try it boldly, the catastrophe in the heyday has several points of strength. He will not easily expose oneself to the court, which limits his ability to play outside the framework.

After all, the problem must be resolved within the scope of the court. Because only in this way can he control everything in his own palm. For this, he hesitated a little, and he had already made up his mind.

“This is my site, I said yes, that is. Do you think I really can’t do anything with you? Then you are too underestimating me.”

“Since You don’t want to fight each other as I arranged, so we’ll switch to another way of playing.”

The sound of hong long long suddenly came from around the Colosseum. Naked eye It can be seen that several gates like underground cages began to emerge from the walls of the Colosseum all around in a cloud of smoke.

Behind the closed iron fence is a deep darkness. No matter how sharp the eyes are, it is impossible to explore what is hidden in the darkness. But the continuous roar from it, and the fierce fence crashing sound suffices to explain that what is in it is not good.

“Since you don’t want to imitate the most original and barbaric customs, but also the fairest battle trial. Then I can only let other forces intervene and let them judge, who of you should be? The one that was eliminated.”

“The first thing I want to introduce to you is the destructive race from another universe-Alien!”

tone barely fell, one of the cages The door opened instantly. The billowing black smoke engulfed something, gushing out like a flowing river, and instantly flooded the entire Colosseum.

And the ground also began to tremble at this time. The ground originally paved with yellow sand began to rise and fall, and huge stones became prominent. Like a wall, the entire Colosseum was divided into countless fragments, making it instantly change like a maze.

Being in this, whether it is catastrophe or Zhou Yi, you can clearly hear the ka ka sound of sharp claw rubbing on the wall.

Something seems to be crawling quickly behind the wall just a few minutes away. And listening to that number, there is far more than one.

This made Havoc also Zhou Yi couldn’t help but hang his heart. No matter how powerful they used to be, what kind of a flip of the hand gather the clouds, another flip turns them to rain. At this moment, they are just a mortal. For a mortal, there are too many unmatched and unmatched existences in this world.

They don’t want to make each other cheap because of being eliminated. After all, to some extent, they are still opponents. It may be said that because of the strength of the life court, they temporarily cooperated, but this does not mean that their relationship can be harmonious.

The life court may have seen this clearly before formulating this strategy of dividing and striking. And in order to carry out this strategy more thoroughly, he began to try his best to exaggerate the horror of this first role.

“Alien is a special life created by a race of creators of the Low Level universe. It itself is one of the original races of this universe, and is the character with the most destructive power and evolutionary ability. In the hands of the creator race, they use the original alien genes obtained by oneself to develop and mutation to a deeper level. Finally, on the basis of other races created by oneself and themselves, they create aliens, which can rely on reproduction. Ability and evolutionary ability will end the entire cosmic civilization of the biological race.”

“At the beginning, other races in this universe thought that oneself could control the alien and used the talent of the alien as its own power. However, they all underestimated the potential of aliens. At the basic level of animality, aliens will certainly not be the opponents of the armed forces possessed by mature civilizations. But with the evolution and development of aliens, they have become more brutal at the same time , Will naturally become more intelligent, until it is better than all races. This is enough to cause the tragedy of the end of the civilization of the entire universe.”

“So be careful not to be sought by these excellent predators To your weak spot. Although it is not the most perfect form, the aliens that appear here at this moment have gathered the genes of countless outstanding predators. They are cruel and deadly. Once they are targeted, your life is already No guarantee!”

Like the vulgar narration tone in an over-the-air opera performance, the Life Tribunal obviously wanted to use this method to add extra pressure to Zhou Yi and Havoc. And at this moment, those creatures called aliens lurking in dark corners like Viper and cheetahs, and from the performance of the two being close, they are indeed the title of deadly hunters.

As bystanders, especially Natasha and Clarice who are closely related to Zhou Yi’s catastrophe, they couldn’t help covering their mouths at this time, and became involuntarily worried for them.

Although in their memory, these two people have always appeared as powerful, omnipotent images. But after all, it’s not that they don’t know anything about the current situation. After all, they will inevitably have some worries for them out of care and chaos.

However, this worry is still unnecessary. Because even if they are a mortal, they will only be the most powerful existence among mortals.

In the darkness, the so-called aliens could not bear the hunger and thirst in their nature, and began to be eager to have a try on the prey in their eyes.

At this moment, Zhou Yi’s turn around because of alertness, even if there is already an alien flying out of the dark corner, like a cheetah, using oneself silvery The tooth rushed to his throat and bit it.

But it seems to have been noticed in advance. Zhou Yi quickly turned sideways, avoiding the sudden attack. Then he kicked the inverted divine spear, making the edge of the divine spear lightning-like, passing the long, hook-like tail of the alien.

Even if the divine force contained in it is already sealed at this moment, it has become as dim as iron. But in the end, the basis for the trial of divine spear lies there.

With the branches of World Tree and the core of Ulu metal and neutron star, such a divine spear, whether it is placed in any world, its texture alone is enough to be called a divine tool. Using such a divine tool to deal with a trifling alien is really suspected of beating mosquitoes with a cannon.

There is no obstacle at all, the long tail of the alien has been cut into two directly. The thick green blood also spewed out uncontrollably at this time, with a pungent smell, instantly corroding the sprayed ground into patches of mottled appearance.

Seeing this corrosive effect, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but frowned.

In normal times, he certainly would not take this little problem seriously. But now that he has lost his power and transformed into a mortal body, he is not sure that he can survive this kind of strong acid that can even corrode rocks. Especially Alien seems to understand that own blood can also be used as a means of confronting the enemy. He immediately shakes his tail and treats the acid blood as a shower in the sky. He wants to say that there is no slightest fear, of course. impossible things.

However, although fearful, it is not impossible. Holding the divine spear in his hand, Zhou Yi, while leaping longitudinally, also danced the divine spear in oneself’s hands as if it was not splashed.

The trial of divine spear, of course, is unbridled by this trifling acid. In Zhou Yi’s rapid advancing ignoring the acid blood, Alien seemed to be aware of the huge threat he posed. Immediately stopped this unnecessary action, and, like a stake all on one throw, launched a fierce attack on Zhou Yi who was advancing.

Is this the Stranded Beast’s Struggle when wild beast was trapped? Zhou Yi didn’t think so, because his sensitive facial features had already obtained such a judgment from the rustling sounds around him, that he was already surrounded.

Front and back, left and right, up and down, almost every corner that he did not notice is already lurking in the aliens who heard the news, and they seem to have a very tacit understanding. A gesture of intrigue was made.

As if waiting for Zhou Yi to reveal a weak spot, they all swarmed and attacked. And thinking of the almost desperate fighting posture of the alien who is right now with oneself, it is not difficult to imagine that this is a pre-designed, or hunting instinct hidden in the alien nature.

Satisfying the hunting needs of the group by sacrificing an individual, such brutality and determination, as well as the wisdom of this timing, is indeed a title worthy of the hunter race. However, it is far from enough to use this to deal with Zhou Yi.

The divine spear is pulled out, after piercing the long, sheath-like skull of the alien. When Zhou Yi pulled his backhand, he used the barb on the blade of the gun to hook the whole alien shape.

Using skills and the principle of leverage, this alien’s weight of about two to three hundred kilograms is not enough to cause him any burden. And at the moment when those lurking aliens used the gap of his attack to besiege, he was already shaking the long spear with the aliens above, throwing the dead alien corpses at them in the acid blood. Dumped it.

The acid blood and the corpse can only prevent the alien offensive in one direction, but this is enough for Zhou Yi. Taking advantage of such a small obstacle, he shot out like a dragon, already launching a storm-like assault on the alien in other directions.

Even if he is a mortal body, his skills can be regarded as a matchless in the world. And coupled with such an unparalleled weapon as the trial of Divine Spear, even if the Alien is crowded and overwhelmed by the crowd, it can’t resist his unparalleled sharpness.

For a time, the sound of mournful scream almost spread all over the Colosseum, and the acid blood flying all over the sky completely corroded the entire surface.

Such a situation, it took a long time to calm down. And just after the big earthquake trembled, after removing the huge stones that were surrounding the maze for the aliens to attack, he was in a place of corpses. Only the inch-sized land under his feet was considered clean Zhou Yi, and he saw the catastrophe. The sight.

He seems to have already dealt with these horrible hunters, and even used the sharp tail knife of the alien to sharpen the mottled body of the sword of destruction.

Although this is useless, because even if you think about it with your ass, you know how strong and sharp is the mottled body of the sword of the world. But he still did that. Even after taking a boring look at Zhou Yi, he made such a mockery at the court of life.

“That’s it? This is the hunter you are talking about. Can’t even solve this weak chicken? I can’t help but have such a little doubt about your vision.”

“You will see. This is just the beginning!”

Obviously he took a sigh of relief, and the Life Tribunal immediately started again.

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