Sun God Marvel

Chapter 237

Zhou Yi rejected Susan’s kindness. He told her that oneself wanted to see London at night. So he wanted to walk back to Zhou Lan’s villa instead of driving the red sports car.

Susan can’t stop a man’s curiosity, let alone the actions of a man who actually has another attempt in this name. So she can only say things like caution and safety. Then watched Zhou Yi disappear into the darkness.

She can only do so much. If she wants to go further, she needs to work hard to get a closer position. The current situation is that neither of them has any ideas for the next step. Susan is watching, but Zhou Yi wants to refuse.

But when the error starts, it is not so easy to end it. Zhou Yi wants to end this mistake, but the development of reality is not under his control. No one knows what the future holds. He can’t control this, so he can only watch the situation as a wild horse running out uncontrollably.

He gave up on continuing to make efforts in this area, and instead put his spirit to where oneself should be concerned. The mysterious gang fight incident.

As for this news, Zhou Yi didn’t believe it at all. Perhaps in the eyes of an ordinary person, the underworld and so on may have a lot of energy. But in the eyes of people like them, the so-called gangsters are just a group of people who can’t get on the table.

They shouted and screamed to kill, in fact, at most they were nothing more than a deterrent to the civilians who had little knowledge. People who can truly recognize the power levels of this World never put them in their eyes. Zhou Yi is such a person, so he knows very well that it is definitely not the problem of the underworld that is bothering the London police.

Because the underworld impossible is still so blatant under the surveillance of the state machinery, it is even more impossible after the prime minister of a country has watched it, even a little clue cannot be revealed. Unless they are all transferred to rebels, and it is SHIELD which is Level 1. Otherwise, don’t expect to be able to achieve this level under national power.

So Zhou Yi is almost certain that this must be an endgame left by a secret force or an extraordinary organization. As for what the news media said, it is estimated that the most likely smoke bombs released by the United Kingdom government.

There are examples of bad luck from United States before, but British does not want to follow American’s footsteps. It is better not to let the public know about these mysterious things. It is very different from the great cause of the United States. Great Britain, which has Sun setting on the western mountains, cannot withstand several turbulences. Therefore, concealment is the best choice.

But this kind of concealment is actually limited, it can hide most people. But it was impossible to hide from the top group of people. Standing at the top of a building, Zhou Yi has seen many troops patrolling the street under his feet in police cars. Obviously, this is a government action. The Parliament of United Kingdom is not willing to own the capital to become the second Paris or New York. They want to pinch him in the bud before everything starts.

This is a good idea, but unfortunately, so far, they don’t know what oneself is facing.

Compared to these guys who scurry around like headless flies, Zhou Yi has found what they are looking for. But he hadn’t been so kind enough to run to remind them. This is actually for their own good. Compared with completing the mission, Zhou Yi thinks it is more important to keep his own life.

He doesn’t think that these soldiers will be opponents of a group of werewolves also Vampire, especially after these aliens have used advanced human weapons.

Under Zhou Yi’s deliberate search, a group of guys who were fighting were completely invisible. From their physique and appearance, Zhou Yi saw two very familiar races. Vampire and the werewolf.

These are two creatures that have always appeared in various modern fantasy literary works, and one of them has been dealing with Zhou Yi for a period of time. Inwardly, Zhou Yi is familiar with these things. They have power beyond ordinary people, and they also have a larger number base than ordinary transcendent creatures.

This also explains the last doubt in Zhou Yi’s mind. He was still wondering why the land could be cleaned up after the battle, and even the national power could not find any clues. Now it seems that if it is these two ethnic groups, everything makes sense.

Compared with the United States, which has a limited time since its founding, the United Kingdom has a longer history, and at the same time it is enough for these guys who can’t see the sun to penetrate deeper and control more power. If they want to do something under the eyes of the government, it may not be a big problem for them. To put it even further, maybe even the parliament is their eyeliner.

SHIELD’s main force is located in North America. In Europe, a place that has begun to decline, they don’t have the energy to find the hidden ancient aliens and force them to sign with oneself. What an agreement.

The implementation here is obviously another set of rules, and it seems that this set of rules is completely in the hands of these aliens.

He saw Vampire fighting the werewolves, and also saw some Vampire fighting other Vampires. Whenever there are casualties, some guys will start to directly destroy the corpse with a weapon that looks like ultraviolet rays or high-efficiency incendiary bombs. At this time, Zhou Yi noticed a little difference.

The incendiary bomb has an effect on the werewolf, which Zhou Yi can still guess. But why use ultraviolet light?

Know that in his memory, Vampire will be directly turned into ashes if he receives a fatal injury. And now this memory is obviously not in line with reality. He saw a lot of Vampire’s corpses after his death, which was not in line with Vampire’s environmentally friendly method of death. Obviously, those ultraviolet rays are prepared for these types that are not in line with Vampire’s environmental death method.

While Zhou Yi continued to wait and see, he also found some strange places. For example, for the Vampires who were attacked by both Vampire and the werewolf, only after these guys died would there be the kind of environmentally unfriendly situation Zhou Yi discovered. And those Vampires that are hostile to them, as long as they are hit to the point, basically immediately turn into ashes.

Obviously, there is also a very clear difference between these fighting Vampires. Without thinking about it, you can guess that these must be two different species. But Zhou Yi doesn’t quite understand what it is. Although Nyssa, who is already not in the world, once told him part of the history of Vampire, that kind of rough thing seems to be completely unable to apply to everything that is happening right now.

So he decided to get closer to see if he could make any additional discoveries. After all, you only rely on seeing, but you can’t understand. This is the same as watching movies without subtitles.

Zhou Yi touched it quietly, none of the three warring parties noticed his presence. This is normal, because this is what Zhou Yi deliberately did. He didn’t want to disturb others’ Yaxing, because that would affect his understanding of all sources.

As soon as he squeezed into the battlefield, Zhou Yi found that the situation was much more intense than oneself thought. This is not a battle. It is strictly speaking. It is a massacre for those unenvironmentally friendly Vampires.

The participants are their mortal enemy werewolves, also their clansman. This is ridiculous and suspicious. What made Vampire and his mortal enemy unite, against own clansman, even used this method of massacre? He is really curious now.

For those Vampire who were slaughtered, the situation is gradually getting worse. Their manpower had already lost almost in the previous encounters. Now what is left can be said to be one of the only remaining forces of their ethnic group.

And this only remaining power, in the face of the common strangulation from Vampire and the werewolf, still appears very weak.

Selena, as the hunter of the former cream of the crop in the oneself group, is a member of the Death Walker. Now I truly feel the horror of Death.

Watching oneself’s former comrades fall one by one, and then one by one are turned into ashes. Then I saw the enemies of own pouring up from all directions as if they were endless. Rao is that she has a hundred years of combat experience, and at this moment she can only feel endless despair.

The huge advantage in numbers has completely forced them into a desperate situation, and now they don’t even have the power to resist. Can only wait for Death to come. I have to say that this is a very painful thing.

Why did it develop like this? Selena didn’t know at all, and why the werewolves were with other Vampire clans, she still didn’t know at all. The only thing she knew now was that the Victor family was about to disappear, completely wiped out of the Vampire race. And she didn’t even know the reason.

This makes her feel ridiculous because of own destiny. She never thought that oneself would die like this. It was not a glorious death, but was surrounded and wiped out like a pig. In the past, she would definitely regard this as a dream. The reality is that this nightmare has come true.

The cries for help and crying from behind are the only remaining women and children in the clan. They are not fighters, but the last hope of the clan. And Selena and the comrades around them are to protect their hope of survival. But hope is about to be extinguished.

Because when she found that the gun in oneself’s hand was completely exhausted, there was no sound of counterattack around her. This means that she is the last protector, a protector without even a weapon.

At this time, maybe a werewolf rushed up to kill me. Selena, who had lost her weapon, laughed at herself. She knew exactly how much combat power oneself had left without a weapon. And what does this remaining combat power mean when facing those enemies?

They have no hope, Death has already started beckoning. Feeling powerless to rise in the mind, she let go of her own hand and let the gun fall. She closed her eyes and waited until the last moment arrived.

Soon, countless footsteps passed by her. Some stopped in front of her, and then she heard the sound of the bullet being loaded.

“Just a moment, it won’t hurt very much.” She comforted oneself silently in her heart, but she didn’t wait until the gunshot. At this moment, a man’s voice rang from her ears.

“Wait a minute, don’t kill her yet!”

“But the council’s order?” Someone replied hesitantly, and the previous voice immediately answered strongly.

“I will reply to them from the parliament. This is only a secondary mission. Finding things is our primary goal!”

One person walked away unwillingly, But Selena, who was awaiting death with eyes closed, opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

He was a rough man, wild but also domineering. He looked at Selena with a special look in his eyes. Selena couldn’t understand his eyes at all. But she didn’t need to understand, because she already knew his identity from the smell of him.

“Disgusting werewolf, what do you want to do?”

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