The skinny vagrant saw that the guy in front of him actually took care of oneself, he immediately became interested, and began to talk about Danger Land.

“You know what, they are willing to pay in cash.” As he said, he took out a bottle filled with dark red liquid from the cloth bag around his waist.

“No matter how many times you have sold, they will accept it, as long as you are willing to sell. And the price is not lower than the market. They are willing to buy even bottles.”

The corner of the tall guy’s eyes jumped, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but draw a sarcasm. He didn’t speak at all, just to this small vagrant nodded, motioned him to continue.

“I don’t know what these guys really want to do, but they seem to take this seriously. Some Manhattan gangs want to get some money from it, but then I heard that they had a lot of fire. Times, they were all broken up. Those Old Guys all said that the people behind this group of guys did it.”

“also, I heard that these guys did not buy blood for medical treatment, but For what evil devil is ceremony. The devil knows which one is true. Anyway, if you have money, you can take it.”

The skinny guy is complaining rather than talking. But he has a good audience. The tall guy has never interrupted him, just nodded from time to time to signal that oneself is listening to him. This gave Vagrant a new understanding of this tall companion in his heart, at least this is a good guy.

While vagrant was still talking about it, seriously judging which restaurant in the surrounding neighborhood had better food in the kitchen trash can, a woman in a suit walked over and looked at the information in her hand. , Said to the tall vagrant.

“Jared Nomak? It’s your turn, come with me.” The tall vagrant stood up, coughed and motioned to the woman in the suit, then waved goodbye to the thin guy and turned around. The woman in the suit who left walked deep into the tunnel. The thin guy also waved his hand, still muttering things that others didn’t understand or didn’t want to hear.

Two people are walking in a dark tunnel. This is already the depths of the subway. Now it has been changed to an unidentified structure. There are cameras and gates everywhere, showing that this is not a charity. . The tall Vagrant coughed, while responding to the question of the woman in the suit.

“Did you have any tattoos or other piercing actions in the past year?”


The pen tapped his own chin.

“What’s the matter with the scar on your chin?”

Vagrant Jared Nomak, who was looking around and looking all around, heard this and subconsciously blocked his own chin with his hand. A moment later Just responded.

“There was an accident when I was young.” He coughed twice after speaking, obviously not wanting to say more. The two people gradually moved away, and as they deepened, there was no trace of other people at all. Obviously, this is all being arranged, and women in suits continue to work as own.

“You said you don’t have any close relatives?”

Jared Nomak replied in blunt words: “At least not in contact with any close relatives.”

Women in suits Laughed impeccably.

“In other words, in case of an emergency, no one can contact?”

“No one.”

Jared Nomak fixed his eyes on A group of cleaners are working hard to clean the floor in a room, the floor is full of viscous liquid.

“Is there no family?” The woman in the suit didn’t seem to care what he saw, so she asked herself.

And Jared Nomak seems to be a little impatient with this topic.

“I told you, no! You told me so much, did you mean I can’t donate blood?”

The women in suits seem to have no intention of continuing on this topic Going down and taking him straight to a gate guarded by security, he flipped the form in his hand.

“I’m not sure, your blood test shows that your condition is abnormal.”

“What?” Jared Nomak looked a little surprised, covering his mouth and coughing. “How abnormal?”

The woman in a suit led Vagrant into the door, entered some unintelligible symbols in a place that looked like a password device, and explained to Vagrant at the same time.

“Let me explain to you. There are also rare phenotypes in your blood. We have never seen this type of blood sample.”

Speaking of which, The door behind him slammed shut. Let Jared Nomak look back suspiciously, then ask suspiciously.

“What? What are you talking about?”

Just as he said this, the security guards pressed him from behind him, and the unusual force suppressed him His actions forced him to walk to a place similar to an operating table.

“Who are you?” he asked tremblingly, seemingly full of fear.

“Please sit down.” The woman in the suit was not touched at all. He watched the security guard and a guy dressed like a butcher press Jared Nomak on the operating table, looking at the animal with a kind of Looked at him with the same look.

Jared Nomak scanned back and forth anxiously, and asked: “What’s going on?”

“This is a mixed situation! Chad.” Dressed like a butcher The guy smiled and opened the mouth and said, showing some sharp canine teeth and dark pupils.

He took a look at Jared Nomak, then looked back at the woman in the suit with a weird smile.

“It’s just that this is a good thing for us…”

“To you…” he said, took out something like a glove from the side and put it on his hand Above, the tip of the glove is a huge pinhole, which makes people look scared from the heart.

“It’s a bad thing.”

Jared Nomak trembled and made an unexplained voice. The voice initially sounded like choking and low pleading, but as the voice continued Gradually increase, but not so. It was an irrepressible smile, just like a successful prank.

Jared Nomak laughed. Under his wide grin were sharper teeth and a split scar on his jaw.

The guy who looked like a predator looked at Jared Nomak, who was mad, his smile became blank but weird. They didn’t seem to notice the changes in Jared Nomak, they just wondered about this poor guy. Have you been scared crazy?

Jared Nomak is not good, so naturally he won’t give them any explanation. He stood up abruptly, and as soon as he grasped the neck of the woman in suit beside him, his sharp teeth immediately bit her neck. The power of his bite was so great that female blood rushed out of the broken arteries like a fountain, and instantly stained the wall behind him.

This crazy move made the remaining two people frightened. The security personnel hurriedly took out the pistol from the waist and squeezed the trigger frantically at Jared Nomak who was still enjoying the food. The bullet got into Jared Nomak’s back, but in addition to interrupting his eating, it did not at all play another role. Instead, Jared Nomak gave up the food in his hand and walked towards him instead.

“What do you want to do, you monster. Stay away from me!” The collapse of the security staff made him charge Jared Nomak when he was unable to retreat, but the inhuman power was not at all what guarantee of safety to him. Because his opponent is less human than him. Jared Nomak pressed his head with one hand, and under the sudden opening and closing of his five fingers, he could even hear the weird sound of friction when the skeleton was broken.

The security personnel immediately became like a snake without its bones. The power of the whole body lost its support, and the whole person collapsed. But his powerful life force kept him from dying, just twitching, sending out unconscious sex.

Such a scene doesn’t make any impression on Jared Nomak, he glanced at the guy running towards the gate. Raised his arms, he pinched the guy in his hand against the wall fiercely. In the sparse noise, it was as if a huge tomato fell on the ground. The dark red slurry appeared on the dilapidated wall like an abstract picture.

At this time, the only survivor who escaped has rushed to the gate, which was closed tightly. If you want to leave here, you must open the gate that was closed to cover up their evil deeds. As long as he rushed out of the door, he could call the guards here to catch this damned monster.

But he couldn’t open this door. The hands that can usually manipulate the surgical equipment accurately are trembling at this moment, and they can’t enter the damn password of this door. Fingers poke the keyboard, but they always press the wrong place in a panic. When he tried to enter the password again, he never had a chance again.

Jared Nomak grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground. Jared Nomak was not at all enjoying the food in front of him. Instead, he glanced at the corner all around, and then faced the camera in the corner and showed fangs still flowing with scarlet blood.

“A group of Vampire!” Using Vampire’s language, he confessed his own heart to the camera. “I hate Vampire the most!”

After speaking, he looked at the food in front of him and slowly gaped. And as his upper and lower jaws separated, the scar on his lower jaw began to split like his other mouth.

“What the hell is his mother’s damned thing?” A middle-aged bald man with a full-faced face was staring at the screen in front of him, and he asked his own question about the last change of Jared Nomak on the screen.

At this time, a whole night has passed since the Jared Nomak attack. When the local security guard found that the situation was not right, Jared Nomak had escaped from the underground tunnel and did not know where he was going. Only a surveillance record with a clear image of the murderer was left. When the local Chief-In-Charge reported the monitoring records to oneself’s behind-the-scenes owner, who was just and honorable to the unscientific Vampire under the guise of a blood bank to buy blood, the reaction of this group of Vampires was to let people. I was very surprised.

Surveillance records are reported layer by layer, all the way to the Head of the Ruling Party of New York Vampire and the hands of Vampire Grand Duke Eli Damaskinos. Vampire Grand Duke saw this surveillance record, and then summoned the most elite Vampire fighters in oneself’s hands, and formulated a big plan.

“Grand Duke Your Excellency, don’t you tell me that you urged me to come here to deal with such a guy?” The bald big man spat, apparently to Jared Nomak whose changes are obviously different from normal creatures. I don’t catch a cold very much.

“pay attention to you manner, Reinhardt!” A well-mannered middle-aged black man standing by the side frowned immediately and scolded dissatisfiedly at the bald big man named Reinhardt. “The Supreme Grand Duke in front of you, you need to maintain your respect.”

Vampire Grand Duke, who sits on a high seat and keeps one hand supporting his head, slightly raised his hand. , Interrupted the black scolding. “Forget it, Asaph. Don’t worry about this. Now our top priority is to get rid of these guys that threaten the survival of our race.”

Speaking of which, this Vampire Grand Duke stood with the support of the women around him. Get up, and next to him is Nyssa, who has a close relationship with Zhou Yi. Here, she has a prominent identity, the future Vampire Grand Duchess, the only daughter of the current Grand Duke, the successor of the ruling party of Vampire and so on. With the beauty of this Vampire against it, the true face of Vampire Grand Duke makes people feel very unbearable.

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