Sun God Marvel

Chapter 255

Emerald wings, red hair, millions of faces, mouths, and tongues speak millions of dialects. The angel of mercy and justice, the Prince of God. The vice-prince of heaven, the king of light.

In the legend, the 10 85,000 Assyrian army who invaded Jerusalem was wiped out overnight; Abraham was prevented from offering sacrifices of his son Isaac. In the burning thorns, Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt; captured and imprisoned Satan, a thousand-year-old snake.

This is Michael, one of the four Archangel of heaven, Seraphim on the sacred side.

Biblical legend says that this Seraphim can compete with Demon King Satan, but in Zhou Yi’s eyes, it is just that. Even looking at the pair of wings in oneself’s hands, he had strange thoughts in his heart.

Be aware that in the book “Heavenly Grade Preface”, wings are a symbol of angelic grades. Ordinary lower-level angels have only one pair of wings, and only the highest Seraphim on the sacred side has six pairs of wings. Now, Michael, Seraphim’s pair of wings are in the hands of the owner. So, will he still be Seraphim?

Zhou Yi began to look forward to the next meeting. Of course, the premise is that Michael still dared to appear in front of oneself.

Give up this somewhat unrealistic fantasy. Zhou Yi put away the divine power infused by oneself, making Michael’s wings once again transformed into a ball of light and shadow. At this time, he began to focus on the blood pool.

At this time, the stone bricks above the blood pool have cracked one after another thick crack. The boiling pool water overflowed along the cracks. They squeezed the stone bricks and let them fall off piece by piece until the whole pool of blood began to fall apart.

The boiling pool water began to flow to the ground. Without the obstruction of the blood pool, the water jetted out more and more, and it became more and more muddy. Soon, the heart of the castle was completely submerged.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Yi squinted at the location of the well. At the same time, he shouted at there.

“Lilith, didn’t you look for me? I have come, why haven’t you come out? Could it be said that just an angel has made the former Queen of the Red Sea cringe?”

tone barely fell, in the sky Then a woman’s charming chuckle came.

“Is this the new god in the world, but it is so majestic!”

With the appearance of this female voice, the pool of water that shoots beneath the surface suddenly becomes The blood red liquid. Thick blood rushed out with a sweet smell. In just a few breaths, the blood had covered the pool water, turning the entire stone chamber into a wave of blood. And it is not only limited to this stone chamber, even the entire castle has begun to fall into this sea of ​​blood.

“I don’t have as much ability as you, and I can still have the upper hand in the face of the lieutenant of heaven. Prisoners like me can only obediently and honestly shrink in the dark corners, avoiding those The dazzling radiance and damage can only be obtained longer.”

Listening to Lilith saying this in a self-ridiculous tone, Zhou Yi couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

“As a Goddess in the past, do you have so much dignity now? Even a hound of Jehovah can make you lurking in fear. If you let you face Jehovah again, wouldn’t you? I don’t even have the courage to speak!”

“Hounds are sometimes more terrifying than their owners.” Lilith ignored Zhou Yi’s ridicule, and still used oneself, which is enough to make any man’s heartbeat. The tone said. “I have lost my former glory. Babylon Šumer has been destroyed. Assyria and Canaan have also disappeared. There are not even many my temples, my temples in the world. Now I am extremely weak. If this Back then, if I was so overestimate one’s capabilities, maybe the devil killed by the Lord recorded in the literature will have my name in the future.”

Speaking of this, her tone changed suddenly. Become sonorous and majestic, full of meaning with swords drawn and bows bent.

“I was sealed more then 2000 years. My believers and ministers were slaughtered and clean. My faith became his faith. Even myself became his meritorious deeds. Part of this. With such a past, how can I easily wipe it out like this? I am also always waiting for revenge.”

Once a woman’s hatred grows, it is a terrible thing in itself. thing. even more how Lilith is not an ordinary woman. She is the queen, Goddess, and the real Demoness. So she can be hated for 2000 years, even if she is in the name of God, it will not end well.

Zhou Yi really wants to see this end. As King Ming, he has an instinctive aversion to Jehovah who holds the name of God. Only the sun can be called the ruler of the sky, but it is in charge of the head of a group of bird people, and what right does it have to dare to be so proud.

So, the meaning of Lilith’s words was exactly what he wanted.

“Very well, you finally did not disappoint me.”

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi took out the pyramid. The sacred fire flew above the five fingers, and began to burn everything on the pyramid frantically. The seal from God cannot stop Zhou Yi’s sacred fire. Soon, the angel glyphs on the pyramid all turned into a burst of blue smoke, which was completely gasified. And the holy blood belonging to Lilith contained in it, at this moment, it seemed to be alive, it instantly turned into a red light, and autonomously dived into the waves of blood below.

Suddenly, the entire sea of ​​blood seemed to be plunged into joy. Countless thick blood began to float up in a strange way. They completely violated the theory of mechanics, and emerged from the sea of ​​blood as if they had entered a state of weightlessness, stretching out one unique individual after another.

These individuals have only one blood line connected to the sea of ​​blood, and then each independent individual begins to produce unique changes belonging to own. They began to evolve endlessly above the sea of ​​blood.

Birds, wild beasts, trees, flowers, men, women, angels, demons, creatures of one form after another are evolved by these blood. They stretched and moved arbitrarily. Bustling, just standing there almost covered the entire surface of the sea of ​​blood.

Every independent individual seems to have a fresh life, and every life is actually just an Avatar in a sea of ​​blood. They are a drop of water in the vast ocean and a part of Lilith’s power.

They are the life of Lilith, the incarnation of Lilith. If this sea of ​​blood never dried up, then Lilith would never die.

This is Lilith’s power, the power that was once divided by her. And now, it has returned to the own parent body.

Lilith’s high-pitched voice came again from the sea of ​​blood. This voice was extremely excited, and full of the pleasure and pleasure of a successful strategy.

“Very good, very good. Finally, my strength is back. Lord, for 2000 years. After all, I am better at it.”

“You want to use time to evaporate My sea of ​​blood, let countless lives in my sea of ​​blood perish in your seal little by little. But you didn’t expect that I would hide all the lives in the sea of ​​blood in this trace of effort. My strength has never been diminished. And now is the time for me to break your damn seal and return to this World. Now, it’s time for me to take revenge.”

With her voice, Blink began to appear in the sea of ​​red blood. The scarlet radiance. The waves in the sea of ​​blood surged, and all the beings evolved from the sea of ​​blood knelt down, bowed their heads deeply in one direction, and raised their own hands.

At the same time, a huge vortex appeared in the sea of ​​blood. The monstrous blood stream rolled along the vortex, but the sound of the endless fluid was strangely slight, just like the flow of a clear spring in the mountains, with only murmurs.

In this slight noise, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger. Until a blood-red mountain like a crystal rose from the bottom of the big vortex.

The scarlet peaks are not huge, but they look delicate and beautiful. The surface that is as smooth as a mirror can almost illuminate the silhouette of a person, and the deep dark red luster inside makes it look magnificent. It is like a sharp sword straight into the sky, but it is more like a throne made of crystal gems.

Because its top layer is the throne. The bright red crystal paved the straight steps and built the majestic tall seats. A silhouette on the seat was entrenched there, watching the countless creatures in the sea of ​​blood below with a look of contemptuous eyes.

That is Lilith, Queen of the Red Sea.

She has an exquisite face that is beautiful enough to eclipse the stars and moonlight, and her long black hair hangs behind her like a waterfall, covering her back, which is more delicate and white than any pearl. There are horns on her head. They are curved horns coiled together like a sheep. They don’t look ferocious, on the contrary, they have a delicate and small feeling. Wearing it on her head, it is as conspicuous as a black crown.

Her neck is long and slender, as beautiful as a swan. The figure is lithe and graceful to the extreme, no place is not full of women’s style, and no place is not full of fatal temptation. No inch, but the luster of the skin is better than the bright moonlight. Only long hair with the same charming color can block her glow.

Her lower body is not a human body, but the lower body of a fat snake. Black crystal-like scales covered every corner of her lower body. It looks almost as perfect as an artwork.

Despite being so alien, it can’t offset her beauty at all. Her beauty trumps everything, enough to eclipse everything.

And what is as charming as this beauty is the expression on her face.

That is an expression of contempt for everything, an expression of contempt for everything. In her dark eyes, she was only scanning the others, and her high chin made her seem not to put everything in her eyes. There was a charming smile on her face, but the smile was a smile of disdain. It’s arrogant’s smile.

Even though her lips are as fierce as a flame, a flame is glowing in every man’s heart. But her smile was enough to make it freeze again. Because it was a smile like ice sword frost sword, indifferent and chilling.

She just smiled and sat cross-legged on the throne, as proud as the Queen of Supreme. Whether it is to the creatures in the sea of ​​blood below, or to Zhou Yi. Her smile has not changed.

The moonlight quietly rose up in this place, shining on her. Make her look majestic like a Divine Idol. This is Lilith, Queen Lilith. A Goddess who walked back from the myth, an arrogant queen.

The beauty is breathtaking, and the beauty is trembling. No one can make an exception to this point.

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