Sun God Marvel

Chapter 263

Is there really a god in the world? Is the legend really true?

If it was before this, someone asked this question. Many people will tell you that these are fake. If you go a little deeper, you won’t be regarded as a lunatic or a fool.

But now, no one will have the courage to say frankly that God and everything in the legend are just made up lies, stories that cannot stand scrutiny. Because of this moment, the myth was really born, and it was truly displayed to everyone.

A giant with a height of ten thousand meters. A giant with flames flying all over, behind a golden wheel that emits Infinity light like the sun. A giant who can lift his feet off the ground and quietly float on the mountain range.

When they saw him, countless people remembered the legend of the oneself nation. Whether it is the Titan in the legend of Olympus, or Zhu Rong, the co-worker in Chinese Mythology. At this moment, the image of own was superimposed on the giant.

Similarly, myths and legends also reappear in his body.

“Mother, it turns out that those bedside stories are true.” A middle-aged man in a small town on the side of a mountain raised his head and looked at the huge body soaring into the clouds, muttering to himself Up. And beside him, a bunch of people who also raised their heads heard him and were nodded in a daze.

No matter how absurd it is, this moment deserves to be believed. Because the most absurd thing is now in front of them. A giant who completely exceeds the limit of imagination.

Only the word god can describe his brilliance, and only the word giant can describe his vastness. At the first sight of this extremely great creation, people have been completely convinced by the smallness of own.

Someone is already kneeling on the ground, not just one person. But thousands of people. All over one city, one country. Even an entire Europe. The stalwart of King Ming was seen in the eyes of the entire European continent, and similarly, everyone on the entire world realized his existence at this moment.

“Is this God?” someone asked. But no one can give him a clear answer. Not long ago, the treacherous mutation of churches and crosses is still in sight. At this moment, a living myth has appeared before human beings. It is said that there is no relationship between the two, who will not believe that.

Compared with the appalling things like the death of God, more people are more willing to believe that the guy in front of you is God. And compared to the stone and wood statues in the church, the empty chapters in the Bible. There is a great existence that transcends the mundane. He is the one who can truly be called God.

Humans can see the giant incarnation of King Ming, and King Ming can naturally see these ordinary persons. He saw those who were shocked and couldn’t help themselves, and also saw those who bowed down to him religiously. The awe and admiration from in the bones made him feel the honor of being a God.

Just as he thought when he became King Ming, as a god, he should have been worshipped by countless people and awed by countless people. And now, he got what he wanted, and deeply felt the beauty and intoxication of this feeling.

If you are just a human being, no matter how great you have, no matter how terrifying power, no matter how amazing wealth, it is impossible to make so many of the same kind kneel in front of you and devote your own faith to you. . Once you become a god, if you want to do this, you can only say with no difficulty.

Is this the root of human inferiority, or is it the unique, innate, and instinctive longing for God? It is difficult to find answers to this almost philosophical question. For humans, there is no need for answers. They have worshiped God tens of thousands of years, and they don’t care about worshipping more.

Seeing the intoxication that appeared on King Ming’s face, Lilith, who was wrapped in King Ming’s ear, quietly climbed to his ears.

“It seems that you are very suitable to be a god. See it, the mortals below are praying to you. This look of you seems to have completely conquered them. If I were you If you do, I will use a little bit of Gods Vestige to show them your greatness. Then make them more desperate.”

Although there are some suspicions of bewildering, King Ming has to admit that this It is indeed a good way. As long as some Gods Vestige are shown, then a large part of the mortals who have been captivated by him will become his diehards. It is even possible that even after death, the soul will come to him and serve under his seat. Although he does not need these souls, it does not mean that he does not want to enjoy such glory.

So, he chose to do what Lilith said. Unleash the greatest miracle to this world where the gods have disappeared. From him, the great gift of the sun god.

The giant high above the sky stretched out his hands, and endless clouds suddenly scattered on both sides under his movements. As if the entire sea of ​​clouds was split in half in front of him, it fully demonstrated his God’s greatness.

And next moment, radiance like the sun radiates from the huge golden wheel behind him. The radiance is not glaring, but as gentle as the sun in spring. This radiance filled the sky and spread to the earth. Let the entire field of vision be covered by a burst of radiance.

Including those mortals, at this moment are also shrouded by a burst of radiance.

For this sudden radiance, many people feel a little uneasy. Worshiping God is one thing, but not everyone wants to be God’s plaything. Therefore, most people hold an attitude of suspicion and fear for this kind of unclear things from God.

Although human beings worship gods, they fear the existence of gods even more. Just like the story in the Jehovah’s Bible, humans may not be able to tell the good deeds of God inside, but they will definitely remember the terrifying power that he summoned to flood the world and the angels to summon meteors to destroy the city. Awe is the greatest affection a man has towards God.

However, even if they are cautious, they cannot avoid these radiances before they hit them.

I gave it to you, you can’t resist. Can not refuse. This is the own spirit of the king.

Under his will, this radiance is like a radioactive pulse, instantly taking him as the origin. Radiated onto the entire world. In just an instant, this radiance flew across the surface of Earth. At the same time, it almost irradiated everyone.

Although it was just a flash, this radiance still scared countless people. Especially in the other half of Earth, people who are still in the dark. Being swept by a bright radial radiance shot out of the darkness, no matter how you look at it, it will not be a reassuring thing.

Especially under the premise that the whole world has seen King Ming’s actions through the media. This anxiety has become more intense. Many conspiracy theorists took advantage of this time to start propagating own rumors. And I have to say that they chose the right time. At this time, they easily caused panic in people’s hearts.

After all, they don’t even know what this giant has done, so no one can tell whether the light is good or bad. Human beings are a race that never fears to speculate on others with the greatest malice, so they at this time simply believe these conspiracy theories.

The theory of God’s destruction, the theory of Evil God, the end of the day, etc., have spread wildly on the Internet. And the spread of these remarks has become so much that no government can cover it up.

This is very dangerous for the ruling class, but even more dangerous is the giant God himself. What is the concept of ten thousand meters in height? That means that he is higher than any mountain in the world, and even the deepest trench cannot hide his existence.

And it is this existence that is so tall that any scientist in the world scratches his forehead, wants to explode all the brain cells, but does not understand it, there is no aura, no wind The situation appears in this world. This is a huge problem in itself.

How did he come out, why did he appear on Earth. What is his structure? Countless state organizations and special agencies have begun to think about this issue. Compared with God’s answer, these people are obviously more willing to believe that King Ming is an alien.

The rule in this world is ultimately based on science, not on theology. So compared with God’s answer, rulers are more willing to believe in the answer of aliens. And God-like, using the term alien can also explain everything in front of you.

But whether it’s God or aliens. There is no doubt that Ming Wang has caused a huge panic. But it didn’t take long for the panic to last, someone discovered something was wrong.

The first thing I found was the patients living in the hospital. It doesn’t matter whether they are sick or not, it doesn’t matter what kind of diagnosis they are given by the doctor. As long as there is pain in the body, at this time they feel the pain and start to disappear from the body quickly. Like the white snow under the scorching sun, the pain soon disappeared without a trace from them. At the same time, the long-lost health seems to have returned to their within the body.

Patients with obvious symptoms never showed a trace of symptoms, and those who are already dying and can only lie in bed or in a wheelchair are in the incredible eyes of doctors and nurses. Stood up.

They were impossible to have this kind of stamina, and the disease had already tortured them to such an extent. In other words, many of them are actually only one step away from death.

But now, a miracle has happened. They got rid of the control of the disease and regained their health. And it is the healthiest one.

It’s not just them, it’s all on the entire world. The disease was far away from them, and that radiance made the bodies of all those who were exposed to him healthier. That is true health, a kind of health where you can feel that everything in oneself is working vigorously as long as you take a deep breath.

Someone spread the news, and soon the entire world recognized it. Not many people are fools, even more how this is something that as long as a person can feel.

So almost the entire world fell into madness almost instantly.

Gods Vestige, a miracle created by God. This recognition was immediately accepted by the people of the entire world. At the same time, an almost fanatical emotion erupted from the human race.

True God is here, and also the biggest Gods Vestige ever. also What could be more crazy than this?

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