Sun God Marvel

Chapter 268

If Lilith gave Zhou Yi a small surprise, what Zhou Yi gave Lilith back was a huge shock.

He gave Lilith something that Lilith didn’t expect at all. The shock beyond imagination made Lilith feel a little dazed in her head.

This is as incredible as now that the woman is mentally prepared to marry the man naked, only to find that the man has his own villa, sports car and yacht, and also seven or eight listed companies.

Although I can still feel the mark left by Zhou Yi in this half of heaven. But whether it is the management power of heaven, or the power it feeds back. All have been completely attributed to her name. Zhou Yi is only the nominal master, and Lilith has become the de facto controller.

This situation really surprised Lilith. There is even a feeling that the story does not follow her script at all. Could this be a conspiracy? The side as Demoness rolled in her heart, but no matter how she looked at it, she didn’t find any traps.

Zhou Yi opened up everything in heaven in front of her, without any reservations. Even a mark left by oneself is just and honorable. And this behavior made Lilith a little uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable.

“What do you mean?” With full of doubt, Lilith asked oneself’s confusion.

“It’s just to give things that can be useful to people who need it. For me, this thing can’t help me much. It’s better to leave it in your hands. By the way, I still want to ask you something!”

While answering Lilith’s question, Zhou Yi said his own purpose.

Hearing this, Lilith immediately became cautious. Although she didn’t know what Zhou Yi would want. But since he uses heaven to exchange such precious things, it is obvious that he wants no ordinary items. So she cautiously probed.

“Give all heaven just to change something, what do you want?”

“Michael’s soul, I want half!”

Michael, the six-winged Seraphim, is the highest level angel on the side of the sacred. Unlike those Intermediate angels, he not only has own consciousness and emotion, but also own God personality. Seraphim, in the God system of the Lord, is no different from the God of other God systems.

It’s just that because Jehovah’s divine system is monotheistic doctrine, he can only be an angel and not a God. This is just a question of identity, and it cannot affect Michael’s status.

For this reason, Michael’s soul is essentially different from other angel souls. The other angels are just tools of God, and Michael is a god without a name. This is why Lilith didn’t take out Michael’s soul and let him be reborn and transformed in the Crimson Sea.

She doesn’t have such a big divine force to shape Michael’s body, nor is she sure to control him so that he is completely loyal to oneself. Once reincarnated, Michael is still Michael. He who has oneself emotions and memories will never become those loyal night monsters and light messengers. He can only be he himself.

When Zhou Yi destroyed Michael and secretly collected his soul. There was no idea to transform him. She just wanted to swallow him and get new power and divine force from his soul. But now, this idea is obviously not working. Zhou Yi had already spoken, and she was impossible to hide Michael’s soul privately.

Although she didn’t want to, Lilith still handed over Michael’s soul. The benefit of heaven is far greater than that of a Michael. A smart woman like her naturally knows how to choose.

“Do you have a way to control him?” But even if Michael’s soul was handed over to Zhou Yi’s hands, Lilith still couldn’t let go of the thoughts that oneself had at first. She wants to know what Zhou Yi wants to do with this soul, and whether she has a chance to get some benefits from it.

Although he has made up his mind, he will become a partner with King Ming. But this agreement was not fulfilled one day, Lilith had to think about oneself for another day. She is not the kind of foolish woman in love. Before Ming Wang becomes her king and everything is fulfilled according to the agreement, she will try her best to get any benefit she can get from the current alliance.

“I have no way to control him, and there is no need to control him!” Facing Lilith’s question, Zhou Yi answered while holding Michael’s soul, and directly used the most rude means to Divine power is instilled in it. The devastating sacred fire was instilled into the soul, and it easily split Michael’s soul into two halves.

And this also means that he completely destroyed Michael’s existence. The soul is not an apple, it can be divided at will. When Zhou Yi poured into the fire, it actually meant that Michael had been completely destroyed. What was left was his divine power and his broken personality.

However, this is what Zhou Yi wants. He doesn’t need a Michael of harbor ulterior motives, all he wants is Michael’s power. With this power provided by Michael, he can train a waiter who is loyal to his own. Isn’t this much better than a Michael?

Of course, this is just Zhou Yi’s idea. Lilith doesn’t think so. Seeing Zhou Yi’s destructive behavior, she screamed almost instantly.

“What are you doing? Don’t you know that this will ruin him?”

She still wants to stop Zhou Yi, but it’s obviously too late. Zhou Yi’s movements were so fast. When Lilith called out, he had already thrown half of his divine power over.

“Of course I know, and this is my purpose. It’s just a trifling angel, compared with his value. I want to use him as a nutrient to cultivate truly loyal subordinates!”

“Do you want to do this?” Lilith asked incomprehensibly, taking over the half of the divinity. She felt that oneself could not keep up with Zhou Yi’s thinking. Just to train the subordinates, to destroy an existence equivalent to a high-level god. Is this really what a normal God would do?

If you swallow this soul, you may have one or two new powers, and you may even improve your own personality. If you reincarnate him, you will get a subordinate equivalent to a god. And such a subordinate, in terms of value, is much more valuable than these tens of thousands of night demon also light messengers.

But Zhou Yi didn’t choose the two, but used a method that Lilith completely despised. He destroyed the most important thing in this soul, only taking away the divine power and the broken person within. In Lilith’s eyes, it was completely the same as killing a goose that could lay a golden egg for a golden egg that had not yet been laid. It was crazy and stupid.

How long will it take him to grow up this subordinate, and how long will it take for this subordinate to repair this personality and transform into another Michael again. You don’t have to think about Lilith to know that this is definitely a desperate number.

But no matter how angry and angry she is, it won’t help. Zhou Yi has already done this and squandered this divine power before he changed hands.

He grabbed Selena behind oneself, and directly stuffed the half of Michael’s divinity into her body.

As a heterogeneous Vampire who is only slightly stronger at worst than an ordinary person, Selena naturally has no ability to digest this power. The moment that the gigantic divinity that belonged to Michael was roughly instilled into her within the body by Zhou Yi, she felt a pain that the cells of her whole body were about to burst.

Even not just the cells, even the illusory soul to her has a feeling of being blown up. Every cell is boiling, every nerve is trembling, even the soul can’t tell the unknown feeling. In the face of this pain, Selena didn’t have the demeanor of a Death Walker at all, she yelled with her mouth open and her teeth exposed.

If nothing happens, she will be completely destroyed by these gods because she can’t bear this power, but since Zhou Yi is here, naturally, this kind of thing will not happen.

“Hold on, Selena. With me, you will be fine!”

With a low voice, Zhou Yi immediately used his own life power. Intervened in Selena’s within the body with his stronger divine power. This will naturally aggravate Selena’s pain, but it will also repair her body destroyed by the divine nature, allowing her to adapt to the divine nature within the body without any crisis.

Soon, the indoctrination of divinity was completely completed. Selena’s runaway within the body was also suppressed by Zhou Yi. This should be said to be a good thing, but Selena doesn’t think so. Although it only took a very short time, it seemed as long as several centuries passed in her senses.

The extreme pain torment made her almost crazy. The double torture of the body and mind made her sweat like rain, and her whole body became as if she had been watered over. The most ridiculous thing is that she still doesn’t know why oneself suffered this sin.

She just wanted to question Zhou Yi. But when she raised her head suddenly, she saw the anger in Lilith’s eyes, and also the unabashed envy in the eyes of the former dark speaker beside her.

Reminiscent of the exchange between the two Gods just now, she immediately thought of what happened. Oneself seems to be instilled into the power of a god, and then becomes a being that may become a god in the future?

This thought hit Selena’s head violently, making her look dizzy. How is it possible, how is this possible?

It’s not just that she has this incredible idea, but also Lilith. She stared at Zhou Yi angrily, lowered her voice and asked.

“Ming King Your Majesty, I need an explanation. According to our agreement, I am your god queen. Then can you tell me what you just did? This mortal is like that It is worthy of your nostalgia, even giving her such a huge gift!”

Lilith is jealous. Not for feelings, there is no such beautiful thing between them. She is for own benefit. In her opinion, oneself is the other half of Zhou Yi’s future, and she is the one who can own everything. But what Zhou Yi is doing now is almost the same as being fair to other women in front of her. This completely violated her interests.

And this is something Lilith can’t bear.

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