Sun God Marvel

Chapter 271

Take Selena back to Zhou Lan’s villa. Zhou Yi immediately received the most ferocious gaze of the oneself mother.

Know that what Zhou Lan is thinking about now is to bring Susan into oneself’s door. Instead of letting Zhou Yi come back with a stranger who doesn’t look like a good woman. So at the moment of seeing two people, Zhou Lan’s eyes are no more relaxed than the gaze of a brutal rare beast.

“My dear child, maybe you should introduce me to the identity of this Young Lady.”

“Ha, you said this Young Lady.” Listen to Zhou Lan Zhou Yi shrugged his shoulders and made an innocent look. “I almost forgot to say that this is Selena Young Lady. I specially invited a personal bodyguard for you.”

“Bodyguard?” This answer was obviously unexpected by Zhou Lan, she saw With a glance at the black leather jacket, she looked more like a model than Selena who was a bodyguard, and her face was suddenly full of suspicion. “My dear child, you said she is a bodyguard, but I can’t tell at all. Besides, I don’t need a bodyguard here!”

“Mother, you can’t look at the surface when you look at things. You You know, for a big guy like Hogan, I can hit ten at a time. Even if Selena Young Lady can’t hit ten, it’s not a problem to solve seven or eight.” Holding oneself Mother’s shoulder with one hand, Zhou Yi started Smiled Hehe and explained to the own mother. “Besides, it’s different now. You don’t know what the chaos is on the continent on the other side of United Kingdom. There are those fanatical religious people everywhere, and sometimes you don’t even know what they are next. What kind of things will be done. For the sake of safety, I have invited Selena Young Lady, the best female bodyguard in the company to protect your safety. Only with her by your side can I return with confidence Go to United States!”

Zhou Yi’s flicker is justified, and Zhou Lan cannot refute it at all. She was taken to the ditch in a dazed manner by Zhou Yi, and her tone of voice had also eased from the arrogant domineering style of questioning the teacher.

“You are going back to United States, why don’t you stay for two more days, my child!”

“You also know that I at first want to go to Europe to transfer two God. But the current situation in Europe is not suitable for me to take a vacation, so the vacation can only end early. It just so happens that Tony’s Stark Technology Expo in Flushing is about to start too. As one of the participants, I should go there and watch Look!”

Zhou Yi, who has never lacked reason, quickly found an excuse to fool Zhou Lan, and Zhou Lan naturally believed in Zhou Yi’s excuse. She never asked Zhou Yi what he was going to do. In fact, she was more worried about other issues.

“Does Susan know about this?”

“I also made a temporary decision. I haven’t told Susan about this yet!”

“Then you don’t hurry to tell Susan about this!” Hearing this answer, Zhou Lan was immediately dissatisfied. She took the hand of oneself son and said. “I don’t know what you are thinking, dear. But you are not young anymore. Know that I already had Clarice when I was your age.”

“Not so fast, mother. I remember clearly. You had Clarice when you were twenty-eight years old. And now I’m only twenty six!”

“Twenty-seven, my child. You are twenty-eight years old. It’s seven.”

Women are born to be savage, even the role of mother is no exception. So when Zhou Lan said so, Zhou Yi really couldn’t do anything with him. He can only raise his hand to signal that oneself has surrendered on this topic.

“I see, mother. I’ll talk to Susan.”

“This is not a thing to say, my child.” Seeing that the own child admits defeat , Zhou Lan is still reluctant. “I want you to take further action, do you understand? Find a way to take Susan down, just like you did when you were in college. What I want is not to say hello to Susan, but you want Find a way to settle down with Susan and marry her as soon as possible!”

“mother!” Zhou Lan has said this. Zhou Yi would not be able to confess his mistake and pretend to be stupid. He smiled bitterly at his own mother, and said helplessly in his eyes. “Susan and I have not yet reached that point, and you have to know that even if I agree, Susan may not be willing.”

“Then work hard, use deceit, use coax. You It turns out that there are that many ways to please a female child, but now suddenly it is like a shepherd dog and will not even eat sheep. In short, I don’t care what you do or what you do. Must let Susan be nodded, I I’m already this age. If I don’t see my grandson anymore, it will really make me crazy.”

When I heard the own mother say that, Zhou Yi didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. stand up. Zhou Lan just passed four 15-year-old birthdays the year before, and even according to the algorithm of ordinary person, it is far from the time of aging. In addition, in the past few days, Zhou Yi has been improving her body with divine force unnoticeable influence. It may take a long time for her to really age.

So this argument is untenable. However, Zhou Lan uses this to make a statement, what can Zhou Yi do? He could only shook his own mother vigorously, and said to her like a child.

“Okay, okay. I get it. My dear mother, I promise I will work hard. I will have a result with Susan as soon as possible, OK!”

“This year, after the end of this year, if you haven’t gotten Susan. You just wait for me!” Zhou Lan panting with rage snorted, shaking his face to Zhou Yi, and walking away swaggeringly.

The rest of Selena could only stand there with a very ugly face, staring at the toes of own, as if I hadn’t seen anything. Not to mention taking a look at Zhou Yi.

Seeing this Your Majesty embarrassing is definitely not a good thing for Selena. Especially on the premise of knowing his true identity, this kind of knowing too much is often no different from holding a bomb. What she desperately expects now is that Zhou Yi will forget her existence, but how could Zhou Yi forget her.

“Selena?” Lightly called, and immediately made Selena’s whole body shivered.

“I’m here, Your Majesty!”

“What did you just see?” Looking at Selena, Zhou Yi smiled and put it in her ear and asked Tao.

“I didn’t see anything, Your Majesty. From the beginning, there are only two of us here. I think Madam must be okay, and it’s too late to welcome you back.”

I know Selena, who said what the truth would end up, immediately gave up the truth and justice, and answered loudly without owning conscience. As for what she said, Zhou Yi is quite satisfied.

He was nodded and continued.

“From now on, you are a senior employee of the core security department of the Corona Group. And your current mission is to protect my mother, Ms. Zhou Lan. This mission has no time limit for the time being, and you All you have to do is stay by her side and make sure not to let anything dangerous touch her, understand?”

After hearing what Zhou Yi meant, Selena was nodded clearly. Protecting Your Majesty’s mother is undoubtedly a very important task, and it seems that it can only be entrusted to the hands of the confidant. Now that this job has been entrusted to oneself, Selena naturally felt a sense of honor and also a great sense of responsibility. So she solemnly vowed to promise.

“I understand, Your Majesty. I will at all costs to ensure the safety of Madam. Before I die, no one will be able to harm her!”

” Don’t let me down, Selena!” Zhou Yi left quietly after leaving such a sentence. He also has to go and have a good chat with Susan as ordered by the master oneself mother. On the other side, Mrs. Hamilton, who had come over at Zhou Lan’s order, politely walked to Selena’s side, and led her to get acquainted with the new environment in which she would live in the future.

Everything seems to have settled, but in United States, some things have just begun.

Tony.Stark has been busy for the Stark Tech Expo for a long time, but now all he has to do is to give this tech expo a grand trailer. He wants to attract enough attention for this event, which may not have been difficult in the past. Because in any case, he is a public figure, and he is the type that will be the focus no matter where he goes.

But it doesn’t work anymore. The appearance of the giant God completely robbed him of the limelight, even if it was only a moment of glory, but it also attracted countless reporters like they saw a delicious fly, and desperately squeezed to Europe.

Not just journalists, even ordinary people, or so-called elites. Most of them focused their attention on this God incident. His miracle, his Oracle have become the topic of discussion by countless people. Under this circumstance, it is really impossible to bring public opinion back to oneself.

If you are an ordinary entrepreneur, you will never think of being a big fan at this time. But Tony is different. He is headstrong, paranoid, and very small mind’s eye. Others have robbed the owner of the limelight so much, and they have to submit to humiliation. Then it’s almost a matter of cracking a joke. He wouldn’t just admit defeat, because he is not the same as an ordinary person. In him, but also has the identity of a Superhero.

So for the sake of the science and technology expo, he can be regarded as going out. It was announced in public that oneself will attend the opening ceremony as Iron Man.

In United States, there is no big gap between Superhero and God. After all, the United States has insufficient background, and the history of more than three hundred years still does not give birth to the myth this thing. So naturally, when Tony took out this killing move, he really turned American’s attention back.

Stark Expo is not a trivial matter. The technology displayed on it is generally at the level of technology decades later. Just like the old Stark’s expo several decades ago, it even exhibited magnetic levitation technology. This is an industry that is just emerging now. Therefore, many interested people have begun to pay attention to the situation here.

Coupled with the appeal of Superhero, the popularity of Stark Technology Expo exploded almost instantly.

Compared with the distant God, most people still care more about own life. After all, faith is one thing, life is another. This era is destined to be less important than life. Human beings don’t live by faith alone. So pay attention to Stark Technology Expo and pay attention to oneself’s future life. For most people, it does not conflict with their beliefs. So putting it aside for the time being, naturally it is not unacceptable.

Tony attracted enough spectators as he wished, on the night of the opening ceremony. And now, it is time for Tony to kick off the expo.

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