Sun God Marvel

Chapter 273

“The subpoena for him, are you sure?” Tony no longer cared about oneself’s quirk of not accepting what others handed oneself, and immediately took the subpoena from her hand . He carefully examined the subpoena with the United States judicial logo, and said after a long while. “You guys are not cracking a joke!”

“I also think the guys above are cracking a joke, but they have issued a subpoena, and through you and me, they will be transferred to In his hands.”

The beauty marshal said with a smile contemptuously. It was obvious that she had a slightly discriminatory bias towards oneself’s boss.

“Maybe they really have a hole in their mind!”

The court summoned oneself, and Tony could figure out why. It is estimated that the most likely to be those greedy guys of the Ministry of Defense who have taken a fancy to his Iron Man Armor and want to legally get them from the owner.

But they summoned Dawn Knight, and that was something he didn’t understand at all.

First of all, Dawn Knight is just a person without a specific identity. Before he exposes oneself, the court cannot define his existence. Second, Dawn Knight is a Superhero, which means that the current laws and law enforcement may not be able to deal with him. Third, what reason do they have to summon him? What crime do you want to add to him?

This is simply unfathomable mystery.

“When will it begin?” Tony, with question marks in his head, asked the marshal about the time of the court session. The marshal gave him the answer immediately, along with some own opinions.

“Two days later, at the same time, also in Washington. Of course, my personal opinion is that he does not need to attend. There is no need to waste time on the bureaucrats.”

” He will be there, I know he is who. And Young Lady, what you say does not match your identity at all.” Sighed, Tony, who had guessed how someone would make a decision, grinned and started Turn the attention of own back to the Irish lawman. Coupled with her current identity, she naturally feels more seductive for Tony. “Are you interested in leaving a phone number for more contact, of course. Just as a friend!”

“Sorry, my job is not suitable!” The marshal laughed implicitly, but immediately a bit sorry Asked. “Well, do you have Dawn Knight’s contact information? I just want to support him as a friend.”

Hearing this, Tony’s mouth twitched immediately.

“Sorry, he doesn’t use cellphone. He doesn’t use any means of communication. You have no way to contact him except by shouting. So, you know.”

“Hogan, here How far is it from Washington?” Changing the subject, Tony asked to the own bodyguard.

“Two hundred and fifty miles, probably!” Hogan guessed it and gave an answer. Regardless of whether the answer was precise or not, Tony had an excuse to leave.

“Well, it’s time for us to go to Washington. Young Lady, if you change your mind and want to leave me a call. Remember to come here to find me.”

“You You can wait, Mr. Stark. Maybe there will be such a day.” The marshal smiled and stepped away. Tony, on the other hand, was shrugged, stepped on the accelerator, and galloped away.

The Irish chick didn’t give him face so much, and Tony was naturally impossible to entangle him. Simply stepped on the accelerator and drove in the direction of Washington. At the nine o’clock hearing, he can still sleep in Washington at his current rate.

Half of the drive, it has already left the range of New York. Tony tapped his own earphone and said to the smart steward inside.

“Jarvis, contact me Dawn Knight!”

“Yes, sir. I am calling for you.” Jarvis replied, and then a moment later. Zhou Yi’s voice came from inside.

“Buddy, what can I do for you?”

“Where are you now, Buddy.”

“I’m in United Kingdom, about two days Go back later. What’s wrong, I watched your opening ceremony, there should be no problems.” Zhou Yi asked strangely when he heard Tony’s question. You know that Tony is very busy now, if there is nothing necessary. He really won’t call him during this time period. You must know that this time period has always been his reserved program time, and it is generally only spent on the girls.

“Not good news, Buddy. For both of us!” Tony sighed, but still found some superiority from the trouble. “However, I think your trouble is much greater than mine.”

“Trouble, who will trouble us at this time, also what kind of trouble is it?” I heard the word trouble, already Zhou Yi, who was quite impatient with the trouble he had been entangled recently, immediately stretched his tone.

“The United States court issued subpoenas to both of us, one for each. He hoped that Iron Man and Dawn Knight would accept the court’s justice sanctions under the public’s attention. As for the sanctions, and for what Sanctions. Then only those bureaucrats can make it clear.”

Hearing Zhou Yi’s unhappiness, Tony also began to make a long story short.

“My hearing will be held at nine o’clock tomorrow morning by the military committee. I don’t need to think about it. I also know that those generals who are full of glass slag must be for my invention. But you, Buddy. I think they may have other attempts to you. And it is a very important attempt.”

“If they have an attempt to me, then they have the ability to eat me. My hearing is again When did it start?”

Zhou Yi sneered. He has never had a very good attitude towards those parasites that breed rights in the system. Now that they are ready to act on oneself, naturally, he will not show mercy either.

“At the same time two days later, I even think we are still in the same court. But Buddy, I really don’t think you need to show up. If you know that your subpoena is on me, I can say that I Did not find you. Anyway, without casting aside all considerations for face, they will not find you directly.”

Hearing the meaning of Zhou Yi’s words, Tony felt no wonderful. He doesn’t want Zhou Yi to have a stalemate with the government, because it’s not good for anyone. Especially for senior people like them who are in this system. The greater the contradiction, the more it impacts the stability of their existing system. Tony, who maintains this system, absolutely does not want to see this.

He hopes Zhou Yi can take a step back, but judging from his understanding of Zhou Yi, in any case, Zhou Yi will not shrink from the government’s idiots. In fact, he was not wrong at all.

“Then make them think that I gave in to them and make them more unsatisfied? I will be there on time, Buddy! I will be there tomorrow. I will be in two days too!”

I heard Zhou Yi’s answer so simply. Tony could only smile wryly.

“Well, Buddy. I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow, besides. I hope you can learn something from my methods, especially the way you deal with these bureaucratic masters. Trust me, You will learn a lot of useful things. Maybe you will startled.”

“I am looking forward to it!” Putting down such a sentence, Zhou Yi stopped the communication. And Tony rubbed his own temples with a nerve. He could tell Zhou Yi was really angry. So I became more worried about what happened two days later.

The government’s method of not trying to make a face is really too difficult for him to do. After all, he still has to rely on the government’s current face to gain benefits. If the government is dignified and sweeping, it is not a good thing for big capitalists like them.

But one side is a good friend of own, and the other is own interests. For someone like Tony, it’s really hard to choose. Ordinary businessmen would definitely follow their interests, but Tony…

He is now ready to watch a good show.

And at this time, Hogan next to him suddenly asked.

“Do you really know Dawn Knight?”

His expression was very surprised, as strange as seeing a bull walking upside down.

“What kind of look are you, is it weird I know Dawn Knight? Don’t forget, I am also Iron Man anyway!” Seeing Hogan’s expression, Tony’s eyes twitched. What is this, question the character of the owner.

“I thought what you said to a woman was fake, so I don’t usually take these things seriously!” Hogan’s face was so innocent and innocent as he shook his shoulders. But Tony’s face was even more ugly.

“Hogan, I am the Boss. You just don’t trust your Boss?”

“Of course I believe you, but in most cases I trust you with reservations. Because of me I know, everyone who believes in you must be a fool. I am not a fool. So I choose to trust you with reservations.”


“What’s wrong, Boss!”

“Your salary this month is deducted by half!”

“Boss…, I was wrong!”

On the other side, late night in London in. After putting down the phone, Zhou Yi quietly flew out of the window and into the sky above ten thousand meters.

No one here interferes with him, and no one can hear him. Naturally, no one would know who he was talking to.

“It’s ridiculous, those stupid mortals have offended us. You still want to obediently and honestly follow what they said, to accept their so-called investigation and trial!”


When Zhou Yi said this, his face was full of unparalleled arrogance and will. And soon, his face calmed down. Become like the Divine Idol carved in the temple, warm and peaceful, compassionate.

“Humans have human ideas, as long as they do not violate principles. We have no right to instruct them to do, let alone interfere with what they do.”

“That is you, Not me. I am God. It is within my tolerance for you not to interfere with these human beings. But this does not mean that they can openly trample on my majesty.”

Zhou Yi’s face immediately changed It’s a jealousy, he growled. But after the roar, he returned to that kind of peace.

“Your majesty? What is your majesty, God? When did God be expert?”

“Don’t forget, we are the same. You mock me and Is there any difference between taunting you yourself?”

“Yes, I will feel more comfortable.”

The same person started quarreling with two different expressions, and the more the quarrel became fierce. It wasn’t until Zhou Yi’s face began to show an expression that was neither overstated nor overly calm. A human expression. This kind of dispute just started to cease.

“Enough, this topic ends here. We, there is no need to argue!”

As soon as this voice came out, all differences were gone. But this is only on the surface, the real differences have actually begun to plant the seeds. For this, Zhou Yi at this time has nothing to do. Because no matter what, it was he himself. Destroying own thinking and consciousness is simply cracking a joke.

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