Sun God Marvel

Chapter 279

Seeing that Dawn Knight asked oneself this time at this time, Justin Hammer immediately changed his face. He pretended to pick up a cup of water to drink water to cover up the change in oneself expression, and he kept talking after a long while.

“How do I know what he thinks, sir. You look at me too high, and I don’t have the magical ability to read mind.”

“I think you should be very It’s right to be clear, because you didn’t personally find Captain Edward and promote your ability to sign this agreement?”

This sentence immediately made Justin’s entire face gloomy , He responded sternly.

“Dawn Knight, this is an era that pays attention to evidence. Without evidence, you cannot accuse me like this, let alone put this kind of thing on my head. According to what you just said, I am completely You can sue you in the name of defamation.”

“Do you want evidence?” Zhou Yi sneered and clicked the screen, and a video appeared on the three-dimensional image. Although the content in the video is not very clear, it is enough to tell the two people inside. One is the protagonist from the story just now, Captain Edward. And the other one is Justin Hammer who is sitting in court now.

“This is the video I got from the prison where Captain Edward was imprisoned. You were signing a contract. Then I hacked into your company and also your personal computer and got this thing. “

Zhou Yi said, putting another contract on the screen. The contract clearly stated that Hammer Industries released Bayside Edward on bail in the name of the weapon development experiment, and paid 3,000,000 USD to his family after the incident. Hammer Industries does not guarantee Edward’s life or death, but in the same way, regardless of whether he is alive or dead, this reward must be handed over to Mrs. Edward after the test.

When the contract was released, Zhou Yi asked Justin. Hammer from a high position.

“What do you also say, Mr. Hammer.”

“You are committing a crime, Dawn Knight. You are stealing my company’s secrets and spying on my privacy I want to sue you!”

Justin. Hanmer did not respond directly to Zhou Yi, but instead stood up angrily and yelled at Zhou Yi. Obviously he was diverting the attention of others, trying to create a little conflict to distract all the audience from paying attention to this matter.

But Zhou Yi absolutely does not allow this to happen.

Like the parliamentarians on the trial bench, he directly pressed Justin on the chair and blocked his mouth with Telekinesis.

“Let’s talk about this issue later. Now, let me tell the end of this story!”

A glance at the surrounding audience, Zhou Yi showed them Curiosity and doubts were collected in the eyes, and then sighed, telling the true ending of the story.

“The ending of this story is tragic. I said it, just hope that everyone can understand a hidden truth. Maybe you are curious about where Captain Edward went, why you can’t find this. People’s information. Now I can tell you that he is dead. And most of you should have seen his Death!”

In the face of such news, many people covered their mouths , Showing unbelievable eyes. The atmosphere fell down instantly, and in this atmosphere, Zhou Yi continued.

“Remember the Iron Man Armor experiment hosted by Hammer Industries? The soldier in Iron Man Armor is Captain Edward. He has been reduced to ashes and has lost his own name. The Ministry of Defense has blocked it. All his information, if it weren’t for me to turn over him. I guess you would never know the existence of this person.”

“And this is not the end!” Watching the atmosphere change drastically in an instant, Zhou Yi immediately suppressed the current situation with one sentence.

He controlled the screen and put the last two documents on the screen.

“Here is my last evidence. One is the bank deposit and withdrawal information of Captain Edward’s wife, Granny Edwards from last year to the present. It is also the Captain Edward’s agreement that Hammer Industries must deposit funds. Account. Here we can see that there are a total of about 260,000 funds in circulation. The largest of which is 200,000 USD from Hammer Industries. The other scattered funds are entirely from other individuals or shops. I checked it, and most of it is donated by Captain Edward’s comrades. Also part is the salary earned by Mrs. Edward oneself as a temporary worker. Regarding these, Mr. Hammer, can you explain it?”

Hammer, who was given back the right to speak, opened his mouth, and said reluctantly after a moment.

“Maybe something was wrong in the middle, you should know that I just issued instructions. There may be many steps in the implementation, I think this may be a delay, or some other problem . But please rest assured, since the first funds have been put in, then I guarantee that the remaining 2.8 million will be credited one after another. I can ask someone to monitor the progress of all this!”

He said to the end He began to confess eloquently. But the audience behind this time didn’t buy his account at all.

“Liar, bastard. Rubbish, damn black-hearted businessman!” One address after another was thrown on him, making Justin’s face more difficult to look. A vicious and vicious expression flowed through the corner of his eyes. Although it was fleeting, Zhou Yi still saw it.

“Do you think this is the end, Mr. Hammer? The story is not over yet! If you want to pay now what you have not paid, I think it is completely unnecessary. Because No one will receive your money anymore.”

“God!” Hearing this, someone called out habitually. And his exclamation made many people guess the final outcome. Some people’s faces are already showing unbearable expression, but more people are a kind of longing.

They hope that oneself guessed wrong, or Zhou Yi told them that the answer was not what they thought.

However, that’s how it is. What Zhou Yi told them in a peaceful voice was a miserable tragedy.

“My last piece of information is the death certificate. Six months ago, Carlos was in danger again due to acute heart failure. This time, he did not survive. Mrs. Edward was here. After losing her husband, I lost my own child again. What’s ridiculous is that it was not until a week after Carlos passed away that the 200,000 of Hammer Industries was called to Mrs. Edward’s account. A week earlier, maybe Carlos would not Death. But this may have happened.”

“Because she couldn’t bear the huge blow, Mrs. Edward became insane. Three months ago, she had already passed away when she was discovered. The cause of death It was suicide. Suicide by swallowing a gun! My last evidence is not only from Carlos, but also from Mrs. Edward. The death of their mother and son completely put an end to this tragedy.”

” Mr. Hanmer! Justin. Hanmer, facing all this, everything you have caused. Can you tell me what you think?”

After finishing this story, Zhou Yi’s voice is once again Loud up. It’s like a sword fighting, like a thunderbolt. Every word made Justin Hammer’s heart beat wildly, almost out of his chest.

He quietly turned his head, afraid to look directly at Dawn Knight above. But behind him, an already suppressed wave of sound has exploded.

“used killer!”


“The devil who should go to hell!”

Everyone is accusing him, everyone is cursing him. This kind of horror that had never been experienced before made Justin Hanmer completely plunged into chaos and fear.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn’t escape at all. His actions are restricted, so that he can only sit here, facing countless demons-like terrifying audiences, whose eyes are fierce as if to tear him apart, shivering.

People are resilient, no matter how weak they are, they will resist like a spring when they are overwhelmed. even more how is Justin. Hammer. With that shout of anger, he couldn’t help it anymore. No need to bear it anymore. The situation has reached this point, Hammer Industries is destined to usher in a major earthquake. Then he simply broke the jar.

“Enough, enough. You damn scumbags, what right do you have to blame me. I am the ruler of Hammer Industries, the parent of the Hanmer family, and the richest in the world That group of people. It’s just two or three dead garbage that will not be known to anyone. What qualifications do I have to tarnish my reputation. Also you, a group of poor people who rely on our charity to eat and eat. What qualifications do you have for several? The dead come to accuse me.”

“Am I killing someone, did I break the law? But it was just a breach of contract, at worst, I paid some liquidated damages. What can you do to me, I still Being a billionaire, I can still enjoy the best life in this world.”

He was unscrupulous to the extreme, and arrogant to the extreme. However, for his arrogance, the people behind him could not do anything to him. A large number of law enforcement officers were planted on the scene. They are impossible to make these people attack the court.

Leaving here, they have nothing to do. Justin’s bodyguard is enough to keep him safe and sound. As for legal sanctions, it is even more a joke to him.

Because what he said was not wrong, he just breached the contract and did not do anything else at all. Even a harsh judge can only impose a fine on him at best. For him, a few hundred million is not a problem.

The so-called justice of the law cannot judge such people. People of special classes always have special treatment. Even the so-called absolutely fair law is the same. In the human world, there is no absolute fairness.

Many people’s faces are depressed, they already want to understand this. But more people just feel that the flame in oneself’s heart is burning wildly. The sin is right in front of them, but they cannot eliminate it. He can even watch him raging wildly and arrogantly. This can make any kind person go crazy.

And just when many people are desperate, many people have given up. When Justin started laughing wildly at the crowd. Zhou Yi spoke.

“Justin. Hammer, do you really think no one can judge you?”

“Why, you want to judge me. Dawn Knight?” The opposite question, Not only did Justin flinch, he became even more arrogant. “Come on, I welcome you to judge me. You know, once you move me, you are committing a crime and you are hurting an innocent person. Then no matter what you say before. After this, this country has a reason to be wanted You, hunt down you. Because, you will become…a criminal! ah ha ha ha!”

A crazy laugh came from Justin Hanmer’s mouth. His mind has been completely distorted.

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